Final Results
Oxford Instruments PLC
13 June 2000
Oxford Instruments plc
Announcement of preliminary results for 1999/2000
Oxford Instruments plc, the advanced instrumentation group, today announced
preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2000.
* Group turnover for continuing operations, excluding the Group's share of the
OMT joint venture, was £160.1 million (1999 £159.7 million).
* Loss on continuing operations, before exceptional items and taxation was
£0.8 million reflecting in particular reduced margins on a number of old
technically complex long term projects. This compares with a profit last
year of £12.7 million.
* A final dividend of 6.0 pence per share is proposed, leaving the total
dividend unchanged for the year at 8.4 pence per share.
* A major group restructuring programme is well underway and on course to
deliver £4 million of cost savings in 2000/2001. Two of the three new
business streams created by the reorganisation returned to profitability in
the second half.
* An exceptional charge of £7.3 million has been taken in 1999/2000 and a
further £1.6 million will be charged in 2000/2001 to cover reorganisation
* Closing net cash was £2.6 million.
Chief Executive, Andrew Mackintosh, said: 'Whilst I am disappointed with this
year's outcome, we are making real progress with the 'TopFlight'
reorganisation programme which is on track to deliver the forecast
improvements in performance. Our streamlined organisation coupled with our
strong technological and market position gives us the opportunity to benefit
from the encouraging level of new orders in most of our markets.'
Enquiries: Oxford Instruments plc Tel: 01865 881437 Fax: 01865 881944
Nigel Keen, Chairman
Andrew Mackintosh, Chief Executive
Martin Lamaison, Financial Director
Citigate Dewe Rogerson Tel: 020 7638 9571 Fax: 020 7282 8190
John Rudofsky
For further copies of this Preliminary Results announcement please contact Liz
Whitehall at the Company's registered office at Old Station Way, Eynsham,
Witney Oxon OX8 1TL (email:
Chairman's statement
Nigel Keen, Chairman of Oxford Instruments plc, said today:-
'Orders for our wholly-owned continuing operations were £168.6m, virtually
unchanged from the previous year. Shipments of £160.1m were also close to
last year (£159.7m). However the pre-tax pre-exceptional loss for continuing
businesses was £0.8m as a result of significantly reduced margins, primarily
from the costs of progressing a limited number of old and technically complex
projects in our Superconductivity business. Following disappointing results in
the first half of the year and a wide-ranging review of operational
effectiveness, we initiated a major co-ordinated programme under the name
'TopFlight' in September 1999 to address our organisational structure and cost
This reorganisation will result in an exceptional charge totalling £8.9m, of
which £7.3m has been charged against the results for the year to 31 March 2000
and £1.6m will be charged in 2000/01, consistent with the FRS12 accounting
The closing cash balance was £2.6m, down £3.4m during the year.
The Directors have recommended a final dividend of 6.0p, making a total of
8.4p, unchanged from last year.
Progress with reorganisation
We have made good progress with our reorganisation. The new UK management
teams put in place after September 1999, supported by a recently strengthened
Board, are building on the initial changes announced at that time. Several of
our wholly owned UK operations have been merged into three new businesses,
providing us with the opportunity to exploit a number of synergies. As
forecast we are on target to deliver £4m of cost savings from the
reorganisation and improvement programmes in 2000/01. In the current year we
will carry out the major site relocations already announced, improving our
space utilisation and hence releasing 35% of our UK site space for disposal or
other use.
The extensive programme to upgrade our IT systems is proceeding to plan and we
are now concentrating on delivering improved operational efficiency from the
installed systems. Together with several other Group-wide process improvement
programmes already underway, including centrally driven procurement, these
changes are creating a strong base from which to grow a consistently
profitable business. Two of the new businesses formed from the restructuring
returned to profitability in the second half of last year. All senior
management are now incentivised on targets related to the improved use of
capital as well as profit achievement.
Changes in our markets
The level of new orders has been encouraging during a year when our priorities
have been to improve our operational performance. Our major market in America
has stayed strong, while our Asian markets have grown significantly from a
low base as investment increases in that region. Japan remains the exception
and very subdued demand from both research and industrial customers continued
to hold back our business there. Orders in Europe were flat and the weakness
of the Euro significantly increased the competition for available business
there, impacting margins. However our medical products subsidiaries in Spain
and Italy performed well. During the year we bought out our Eastern European
analytical products distributor to strengthen our direct sales in this
expanding region.
Operational review
The loss of £5.3m, on turnover of £71.3m (down 3% on the previous year) does
not reflect the operational progress we are making in this business. First
time pass rates and product installations have improved significantly and a
number of late and loss-making projects were completed in the year, including
a number of 'firsts' that reinforce our strong reputation for product
However we have not made adequate progress in reducing our large order backlog
and so have recently decided to invest in increased resources to accelerate
this recovery whilst maintaining service levels in our current business.
Margins will therefore continue to remain depressed during the current year as
we bring customer delivery times down. Disposal of non-core product lines and
consolidation of sites will further help to focus the business.
Margins on new orders have improved, new technical risk management procedures
are in place and we remain the world leader in a market that continues to
generate exciting growth opportunities.
Analytical (previously 'Instrumentation')
Increased shipments in the second half of the year helped to improve the
performance of our Analytical business and resulted in turnover for the year
of £49.5m, up 5% on the previous year, and in a return to profitability in the
second half. Our Plasma Technology business experienced strong volume growth
on the back of increased demand from telecommunications applications, but
competition, the strength of the pound and product mix dampened margins in
other markets.
As forecast in my interim statement we will be reducing our Analytical sites
in the UK from three to two. Once the site relocation is complete towards the
end of the year, this will lower costs and allow the business to operate more
Medical (previously 'Medical Systems')
Our Medical business was also profitable in the second half of the year,
following actions taken by new management installed after the restructuring in
September 1999. Turnover for the year was £39.3m, close to last year. Sales
of our new 'Synergy Notebook' product were strong, as was demand for our
single-use needle electrodes. Orders grew for third party products,
reflecting the strength of our sales network.
A review of the product portfolio and our target markets has led to a redesign
of certain sales channels in overseas markets to match more closely local
customer buying patterns. We have also developed new strategic alliances to
attack the growing market for instrumentation for the analysis of sleep
Following the start of the 'TopFlight' programme, we have made significant
improvements in product quality and needle manufacturing capacity, while
consolidation of the business onto a single site will be complete at the end
of June 2000 as forecast.
Oxford Magnet Technology
Our joint venture with Siemens producing magnets for MRI has continued to
perform well, with shipments in the year of £101m. After a record year last
year end-user demand has remained steady, helped by system price reductions.
New clinical applications for this technology continue to be developed. Our
cost-reduction programmes are making good progress, with manufacturing
lead-times reduced by a further 20% during the year.
In November 1999 we demonstrated the prototype of a revolutionary new
'high-field open' magnet designed to increase patient comfort during
examination. During the year we also successfully renewed a long-term contract
with one of our major customers.
Board changes
Following my election to the role of Chairman in July 1999, the Board has been
strengthened by the arrival of two new non-executive directors, Peter Morgan
and Peter Hill.
Sir Martin Wood, founder of the Company and Deputy Chairman, has announced his
decision to retire from the Board at the Annual General Meeting but will
continue to make his wide experience and scientific contacts available to the
Company. His enthusiasm, vision and leadership have been an inspiration to
all those with whom he has worked during the 41 years' life of the Company. I
am delighted that Mike Brady has agreed to take over the role of Deputy
Chairman in Sir Martin's place.
Our businesses continue to occupy very strong technology and market positions
in world-wide markets. Our 'TopFlight' re-engineering programme is creating
an organisation that can better meet customer needs in our markets from a
lower cost base. Our top priority is to succeed with this programme, which
will return the Group to profitability and will improve our use of capital.
We are committed to ensuring that our businesses earn an improving and
sustainable return, thereby delivering value to our shareholders and rewarding
their support for the business during this transition.'
Group Profit and Loss Account
Year ended 31 March 2000
Continuing Exceptional Discontinued 2000
operations items operations
Notes £000 £000 £000 £000
Group and share of joint 1 200,479 - 589 201,068
venture turnover
Less: share of joint 5 (40,378) - - (40,378)
venture's turnover -----------------------------------------------
Group turnover 1 160,101 - 589 160,690
(including acquisition
of £1,596,000)
Cost of sales (114,446) (765) (737)(115,948)
Gross profit 45,655 (765) (148) 44,742
Net operating expenses 4 (52,514) (6,582) (335) (59,431)
Group operating loss
(including acquisition loss (6,859) (7,347) (483) (14,689)
of £741,000)
Share of operating profit 5 5,800 - - 5,800
of joint venture -----------------------------------------------
Total operating loss: 1
Group and share of joint venture (1,059) (7,347) (483) (8,889)
Profit on sale of discontinued
business before goodwill - - 2,855 2,855
Goodwill previously written off to
reserves - - (11,986) (11,986)
Group net interest receivable
(payable) 226 - (32) 194
Share of joint venture's net
interest receivable 3 - - 3
Loss on ordinary activities
before tax (830) (7,347) (9,646) (17,823)
Tax on loss on ordinary activities (767) 26 (906) (1,647)
Loss for the financial year
attributable to shareholders (1,597) (7,321) (10,552) (19,470)
Dividends 6 (3,941)
Retained loss for the financial year (23,411)
Losses per share 7 pence pence pence pence
Basic losses per share (3.4) (15.5) (22.4) (41.3)
Diluted losses per share (3.4) (15.5) (22.3) (41.2)
Group Profit and Loss Account
Year ended 31 March 1999
Continuing Discontinued 1999
operations operations
Notes £000 £000 £000
Group and share of joint venture 1
turnover 208,907 8,124 217,031
Less: share of joint venture's 5
turnover (49,220) - (49,220)
Group turnover 1 159,687 8,124 167,811
Cost of sales (104,192) (6,030) (110,222)
Gross profit 55,495 2,094 57,589
Net operating expenses 4 (50,500) (3,110) (53,610)
Group operating profit (loss) 4,995 (1,016) 3,979
Share of operating profit of 5
joint venture 7,165 - 7,165
Total operating profit (loss):
Group and share of joint venture 1 12,160 (1,016) 11,144
Profit on sale of discontinued business
before goodwill - - -
Goodwill previously written off to reserves - - -
Group net interest receivable 694 (136) 558
Share of joint venture's net
interest payable (183) - (183)
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities
before tax 12,671 (1,152) 11,519
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (4,027) 357 (3,670)
Profit (loss) for the financial year
attributable to shareholders 8,644 (795) 7,849
Dividends 6 (3,971)
Retained profit for the financial year 3,878
Earnings per share 7 pence pence pence
Basic earnings (losses) per share 17.8 (1.6) 16.2
Diluted earnings (losses) per share 17.8 (1.6) 16.2
Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Year ended 31 March 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
(Loss) profit for the financial year (19,470) 7,849
Exchange differences on foreign currency net investments
of the Group 28 1,014
Total recognised gains and losses for the financial year (19,442) 8,863
Group Balance Sheet
2000 1999
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill 2,798 -
Intangible assets - negative goodwill (1,191) (1,624)
Tangible assets 40,815 42,749
Share of gross assets of joint venture 11,772 13,266
Share of gross liabilities of joint venture (8,069) (9,263)
Net investment in joint venture 3,703 4,003
Other investments 1,321 1,059
Total investments 5,024 5,062
Total fixed assets 47,446 46,187
Current assets
Stocks 36,114 34,481
Debtors 63,208 63,867
Cash at bank and in hand 5,709 9,130
105,031 107,478
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts (3,105) (3,099)
Other creditors (53,284) (47,214)
(56,389) (50,313)
Net current assets 48,642 57,165
Total assets less current liabilities 96,088 103,352
Provisions for liabilities and charges (8,552) (4,441)
Net assets employed 87,536 98,911
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,392 2,389
Share premium account 18,656 18,556
Other reserves 15,930 15,930
Profit and loss account 50,558 62,036
Equity shareholders' funds 87,536 98,911
Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds
2000 1999
£000 £000
(Loss) profit for the financial year (19,470) 7,849
Dividends paid and proposed (3,941) (3,971)
Retained (loss) profit for the financial year (23,411) 3,878
Exchange differences on foreign currency net investments 28 1,014
New share capital subscribed 103 84
Shares repurchased and cancelled during the year - (5,323)
Goodwill written back to profit and loss account 11,986 -
Goodwill written off to reserves (81) (149)
Net reduction to equity shareholders' funds (11,375) (496)
Opening equity shareholders' funds 98,911 99,407
Closing equity shareholders' funds 87,536 98,911
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
2000 1999
Notes £000 £000
Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating 8
activities (1,563) 12,908
Dividend from joint venture 4,358 3,087
Returns on investments and servicing of finance 8 491 643
Taxation (119) (7,485)
Capital expenditure and financial investment 8 (4,062) (6,247)
Acquisitions 3 (3,454) (149)
Disposals 3 5,896 -
Equity dividends paid (5,095) (2,896)
Cash outflow before management of liquid
resources and financing (3,548) (139)
Management of liquid resources 8 5,041 (182)
Financing 8 103 (5,239)
Increase (decrease) in cash in the year 1,596 (5,560)
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds
2000 1999
£000 £000
Increase (decrease) in cash in the year 1,596 (5,560)
Change in liquid resources (5,041) 182
Translation difference 18 93
Movement in net funds in the year (3,427) (5,285)
Opening net funds 6,031 11,316
Closing Net funds 2,604 6,031
Movement in Net Funds
At Exchange Cash At
31 March rate movement 31 March
2000 effect in year 1999
£000 £000 £000 £000
Cash at bank and in hand 4,209 131 1,489 2,589
Bank overdrafts (2,187) 20 107 (2,314)
Net cash 2,022 151 1,596 275
Cash on deposit 1,500 - (5,041) 6,541
Debt due within one year (918) (133) - (785)
Net funds 2,604 18 (3,445) 6,031
Notes on the Preliminary Financial Statements
1. Accounting policies and results by business groups
The Group profit and loss account and balance sheet for the years ended 31
March 2000 and 31 March 1999 have been prepared on a basis consistent with the
accounting policies disclosed in the Group's Report and Accounts 1999. In
addition, the Company has adopted the new Financial Reporting Standards: FRS
15 'Tangible Fixed Assets' and FRS 16 'Current Tax'. This had no significant
effect on reported results. The results for continuing operations analysed by
business groups were as follows:-
Turnover Operating (Loss) Profit
2000 1999 2000 1999
£000 £000 £000 £000
Superconductivity 71,328 73,556 (5,332) 1,233
Analytical 49,470 47,001 (982) 3,466
Medical 39,303 39,130 (545) 296
160,101 159,687 (6,859) 4,995
Share of OMT jv (49%) 40,378 49,220 5,800 7,165
200,479 208,907 (1,059) 12,160
2. Exchange rates
The principal exchange rates used to translate the Group's overseas results
were as follows: -
Year to 31 March 2000 Year to 31 March 1999
Average Average
Average Year End Contract Average Year End Contract
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
US Dollar 1.61 1.60 1.62 1.65 1.61 1.60
Yen 178 164 203 213 191 198
Euro 1.56 1.67 1.54 1.47 1.50 1.45
3. Disposals and Acquisitions
During the year the Group sold its Nuclear Measurements business, based in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, USA, for US$9.5 million and its Scanning Probe Microscopy
business, based in Cambridge, UK for £80,000. The results of these businesses
are shown under Discontinued Operations in the Group Profit and Loss Account.
The Group acquired the instrumentation business of Auburn International Inc.
in April 1999 for US$4.5 million and part of the East European distribution
network of Rofa in December 1999 for £580,000.
4. Net operating expenses and exceptional items
Net operating expenses comprise:
2000 1999
£000 £000
Distribution costs 33,334 32,872
Research and development costs 11,429 12,524
Administrative expenses 8,086 8,214
Net operating expenses, excluding exceptional items 52,849 53,610
Exceptional costs 6,582 -
Net operating expenses 59,431 53,610
Exceptional items, both in cost of sales and net operating expenses, relate to
continuing activities and include the costs incurred in connection with the
reorganisation of the Group's UK based businesses into a simplified
operational structure and the business improvement programme announced on 16
September 1999, as well as the costs of reorganising the Group's Board and
senior management. A further £1,593,000 of expected costs relating to the
reorganisation is required by FRS 12 to be recorded in the year ending 31
March 2001.
5. Joint venture
The Group owns 49% of the issued share capital of Oxford Magnet Technology
Limited ('OMT') of 3,000,000 £1 ordinary shares. It is engaged in advanced
instrumentation and is registered and operates in England. The Group has
accounted for its interest in OMT as a joint venture in accordance with FRS 9.
6. Dividends per share
Dividends per share are as follows:-
2000 1999
pence pence
Interim Dividend 2.4 2.4
Final Dividend 6.0 6.0
8.4 8.4
The record date for the final dividend of 6.0p per share in respect of the
year ended 31 March 2000 will be 8 September 2000, and subject to approval of
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 1 August 2000, payment will be
made on 4 October 2000.
7. Losses/earnings per share
Basic and diluted (losses) earnings per share have been calculated on the
weighted average of 47,174,731 shares (1999 48,449,234 shares) and 47,284,179
shares (1999 48,562,938 shares) in issue during the year respectively.
8. Cash flows netted in the cash flow statement
2000 1999
£000 £000
Operating (loss) profit (14,689) 3,979
Depreciation charges and amortisation 5,494 4,998
Change in stocks (3,684) (69)
Change in debtors 1,553 3,410
Change in creditors 9,763 590
Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities (1,563) 12,908
Interest received 593 952
Interest paid (102) (309)
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and
servicing of finance 491 643
Purchase of fixed assets (4,806) (5,683)
Sale of fixed assets 1,321 345
Investments acquired (577) (909)
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and
financial investment (4,062) (6,247)
Decrease in term deposits 5,041 1,459
Decrease in term loans - (1,641)
Net cash inflow (outflow) from management of
liquid resources 5,041 (182)
Repurchase and cancellation of ordinary shares - (5,323)
Issue of ordinary shares including share premium 103 84
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing 103 (5,239)
9. Report and Accounts
The financial information set out in this preliminary results announcement
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31
March 2000 or 31 March 1999 but is derived from those accounts. This
announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 June 2000.
Statutory accounts for 1998/99 have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies, whereas those for 1999/00 will be delivered following the Company's
Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their
reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2)
or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The Company is registered in England Number 775598.
10. The Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 1 August 2000 at 2.30pm at
the offices of Oxford Instruments Superconductivity Limited, Tubney Woods,
Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5QX.