Holding in Company

Oxford Instruments PLC 3 August 2000 The Company has been notified today pursuant to Section 198 of the Companies Act 1985, Section 198, as amended, by Clerical Medical Investment Management Limited on behalf of Halifax Group plc that Halifax Group plc and its subsidiaries have a material interest in the Ordinary Shares of Oxford Instruments plc as follows: No of Shares Fund - Registered Holder 50,000 RF32 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 872859 12,000 RF42 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 872860 50,000 RF56 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823873 116,245 RF59 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823861 464,982 RF62 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823770 300,000 RF63 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823794 50,000 RF67 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823757 516,000 RF80 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823617 284,000 RF89 - MSS Nominees Ltd A/c 823629 Halifax plc's total material interest is now 1,843,227 which is 3.85% of the shares in issue.
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