Annual Financial Report
Preliminary Announcement for
 Oxford Technology 2 Venture Capital Trust PLC
for the year ended 28 February 2011
Chairman's Statement
Investment Portfolio
The company has a portfolio of 16 investee companies. However, while some of
these are making progress none of them has yet achieved a breakthrough which
will enable them to become highly successful. Â And it is the nature of investing
in early stage and start-up technology companies that returns are likely to come
from a few companies which make large returns than from many companies
delivering modest returns.
The net assets per share at 28 February 2011 were 37p per share compared to 41p
as at 28 February 2010. Â The earnings per share in the year to 28 February 2011
were (3.6p) compared to (13.2p) in the year to 28 February 2010. These figures
result from the changes to the valuations of the investments during the year as
shown in the table on page 5, with some investments being valued upwards and
some being down valued based on their performance.
OT2 owns 19.6% of OC Robotics. Â Now based in a factory in Bristol, OC Robotics
is arguably the world's leading designer and manufacturer of snake-arm robots in
which the head of the snake may be driven along a 3D path in space with the rest
of the snake following the same path taken by the head. Â OC Robotics has
supplied individual robots at prices of up to £1m for particular applications.
 The most recent has been to undertake a particular maintenance task in a
nuclear reactor in North America, which can no longer be undertaken efficiently
by people, since the regulations concerning the permitted radiation dose have
been tightened. Â The breakthrough is likely to happen when OCRobotics receives
multiple orders for the same model of snake arm robot for a particular
application, as opposed to one-off orders for new applications. Â But this has
not happened yet.
OT2 owns 9.7% of Plasma Antennas. Â This company designs and supplies specialist
antennae, which can be priced at up to £50,000 each. In 2007, the company
achieved a milestone when it made its first sale. Â In 2009 the company achieved
another milestone when it received its first contract for the design and supply
of more significant numbers of antennas for a military application. In 2010 the
company received its first order from a civil wireless equipment OEM for
development of a selectable multibeam antenna to be deployed on a mass-market
pico base station product line.
OT2 owns 6.8% of Select Technology. Â Though still small, Select's sales of M3i,
its software which sits in a Ricoh MFD (photocopier) and which enable third
party vendors to run their software applications on the MFD, are beginning to
rise. Â These sales are at a high gross margin, and if the trend continues Select
could become a very profitable and valuable company.
OT2 also owns small stakes in Arecor and Telegesis both of which are making
excellent progress.
Investment Policy & Fundraising
The Company has built a balanced portfolio of investments with the following
·  unlisted, UK based, science, technology and engineering businesses
·  investments typically in the range of £100,000 to £500,000
·  generally located within approximately 60 miles of Oxford
Results for the year
Interest on bank deposits and investee loans produced gross income of £11,000
(2010: £18,000) in the year.  The loss for the year was £244,000 (2010: loss of
£871,000) and earnings per share for the year showed a loss of 3.6p (2010: loss
of 13.2p).
Shareholders should note that the AGM for Oxford Technology 2 VCT (OT2) will be
held on Wednesday 6th July 2011, at the Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park,
starting at 12.00 noon and will include presentations by some of the companies
in which the Oxford Technology VCTs have invested. A formal Notice of AGM has
been included at the back of these Accounts together with a Form of Proxy for
those not attending.
Michael O'Regan - Chairman
6 June 2011
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 28 February 2011
          Year ended     Year ended
28/02/11 28/02/10
 £000 £000
(Loss)/gain on disposal of (9)
investments held at fair value  68
Unrealised (loss)/gain on fair (154) (852)
value of investments
Other income 11 18
Investment management fees (54) (69)
Other expenses (38) (36)
 ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ________ _______
(Loss)/profit on ordinary (244) (871)
activities before tax
Taxation on profit/(loss) on - -
ordinary activities
 ====== ======
(Loss)/profit on ordinary (244) (871)
activities after tax
 ====== ======
Earnings per share (basic and (3.6)p (13.2)p
 ====== ======
Historic cost profits and losses note
  Year ended     Year ended
28/02/11 28/02/10
 £000 £000
(Loss)/profit for the year: (244) (871)
Unrealised loss/(gain) on fair value of 154 852
Loss/(profit) on disposal of investments held at 9 (68)
fair value
Profit/(loss) on disposal of investments held at (176) (227)
historical value
Historical cost (loss)/profit before tax (257) (314)
Historical cost (loss)/profit after tax (257) (314)
sheet at 28 February 2011
28 February 2011 28 February 2010
Audited Audited
£000 £000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments at fair value 2,157 2,478
Current assets
Debtors & prepayments 2 2
Cash at bank 401 256
_____ _____
403 258
Creditors: amounts falling due (19) (13)
within one year
_____ _____
Net current assets 384 245
_____ _____
Net assets 2,541 2,723
===== =====
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 679 663
Share premium 376 3
Profit and loss account 1,873 2,131
Unrealised capital reserve (387) (401)
Shareholders' funds 2,541 2,723
===== =====
Net asset value per share 37p 41p
===== =====
Cash flow statement for the year ended 28 February 2011
2011 Audited 2010 Audited
£000 £000
Net cash (outflow) from operating activities (75) (133)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of investments (39) (166)
Disposal of investments 197 83
______ ______
Net cash (outflow) from capital expenditure and 158 (83)
financial investment
Net cash outflow before financing 83 (216)
Issue of Shares 65 148
Expenses paid in connection with share issue (3) (9)
Net cash inflow from financing 62 139
Dividends paid - -
______ ______
(Decrease) in cash 145 (77)
====== ======
1. Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments. The financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards
and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial statements of
investment trust companies' issued in 2009.
2. Earnings per Ordinary Share
The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the profit
attributable to shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in
issue during the period.
3. Â Valuation of Investments
Quoted investments are stated at the bid price. Unquoted investments are stated
at fair value, where fair value is estimated after following the guidelines laid
down by the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Guidelines. The
Directors' policy is to initially state investments at cost and then to review
the valuation every three months. The Directors' may then apply an appropriate
methodology which, as far as possible, draws on external, objective market data
such as where fair value is indicated by:
· a material arms length transaction by a third party in the shares of the
company, with discounting for more junior asset classes, and reviewed for
impairment; or
·     a suitable revenue or earnings multiple where the company is well
established and generating maintainable profits. The multiple will be based on
comparable listed companies but may be discounted to reflect a lack of
marketability; or
· the net assets of the business.
Where such objective data is not available the Directors' may choose to maintain
the value of the company as previously stated or to discount this where
indicated by underperformance against plan.
During the year ended 28 February 2006 the directors revoked the Investment
Company status to enable distributions of capital profits to shareholders.
 Consequently the accounts have been prepared to include a statutory profit and
loss account and a note of historical profits and losses in accordance with
schedule 4 of the Companies Act 2006 and Financial Reporting Standard 3 (FRS 3).
The directors consider that this basis of valuation of unquoted investments is
consistent with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Guidelines.
4. General
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434(3) of the Companies Act
2006. The balance sheet at 28 February 2011 and the profit and loss account,
cash flow statement and associated notes for the year then ended have been
extracted from the company's 2011 statutory financial statements.
Those financial statements have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies,
contain an auditors' opinion that is unqualified and do not include any
statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
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Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that:
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Source: Oxford Technology 2 VCT plc via Thomson Reuters ONE