Holding in Company

Viking Internet PLC 23 April 2001 For immediate release VIKING INTERNET PLC - ORDINARY SHARES OF 1p The Company was informed on 23 April 2001 of the following transaction, which needs to be disclosed in accordance with Rule 15 of the AIM Rules. Silverslaggan AB originally acquired 5,000,000 shares representing 3.85% of the issued share capital on 26 January 2001, subsequently selling 1,000,000 shares leaving a holding of 4,000,000 shares representing 3.08% of the issued share capital. On 20 April 2001 Silverslaggan AB sold 1,000,000 shares leaving a holding of 3,000,000 shares representing 2.31% of the issued share capital. As Silverslaggan AB no longer has a disclosable interest in Viking Internet plc, no further notifications will be made. Date: 23 April 2001
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