
Pantheon Intl Participations PLC 10 August 2000 PANTHEON INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS PLC TO ACQUIRE PORTFOLIO OF SECONDARY INVESTMENTS The Board of Pantheon International Participations PLC (PIP) announces today that it has completed the first portion of a contract to purchase a portfolio of secondary interests in private equity funds in Europe and the USA, in line with the announcement of 31st July 2000. The initial completion comprised 15 funds for a total consideration of £21.3 million. This has been satisfied by the issue of 3,595,628 Participating Loan Notes (PLNs) at the Adjusted Redemption Value of 591.80p. Application will be made to the UK Listing Authority for the Participating Loan Notes to be admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange for the Participating Loan Notes to be admitted to trading on its market for listed securities. The completion of the purchase of the remainder of the portfolio is expected to take place within the next two months for cash consideration. Particulars relating to the issue may be obtained during usual business hours for fourteen days from this date of this notice from: Collins Stewart Limited 21 New Street Bishopsgate London EC2M 4HR For further information, please contact: Richard Bowley, CEO Pantheon Ventures Limited 020 7484 6200 Alastair Bruce Pantheon Ventures Limited 020 7484 6200 Robin Hepburn Ludgate Communications 020 7253 2252 NOTES TO EDITORS PIP * Pantheon International Participations ('PIP') is a £182 million investment trust, incorporated in England, managed by Pantheon Ventures Ltd., which uses an international fund of funds approach to private equity investment. * PIP has investments in over 140 private equity funds whose portfolios contain investments in over 1,200 companies. * The Company is the only independent, private equity capital fund of funds investor quoted on the London Stock Exchange. PIP enables individuals as well as institutions to gain access to a substantial portfolio of unquoted companies in the USA, UK, Continental Europe and Asia, within funds managed by experienced private equity managers. * Within its stated primary investment objective, the Company invests in private equity funds both as secondary interests and by subscribing to new funds. As an adjunct to this activity, the Company may occasionally acquire direct holdings in unquoted companies usually where a vendor is seeking to sell a combined portfolio of funds and direct holdings. PIP's investment policy also extends to investing directly in companies where there is a private equity manager, well known to the Company, investing on the same terms. Pantheon Ventures Limited * Pantheon Ventures Ltd. has been active in the private equity sector since 1982 and currently manages over £3 billion, invested in over 450 private equity funds in over 30 countries.
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