Board Appointment
The Board of Standard Life European Private Equity Trust PLC is pleased to announce the appointment of David Warnock as an independent non-executive Director of the Company, with effect from 26 January 2009.
Mr Warnock (51) is a former partner of Aberforth Partners LLP. He has 30 years experience of the investment management industry in both public and private equities and was a partner of Aberforth since it was founded in 1990 until his retirement from the firm at the end of 2008. He is also a non-executive director of Phoenix IT Group plc and a former adviser to the Centre for Financial Markets Research at Edinburgh University.
Mr Warnock currently has no beneficial interests in the shares of the Company.
There are no disclosures required under Section 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Financial Services Authority Listing Rules.
For Standard Life European Private Equity Trust PLC
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, SECRETARY
26 January 2009