Half yearly financial report for the 26 weeks e...

PayPoint plc Half yearly financial report for the 26 weeks ended 28 September 2008 HIGHLIGHTS 26 weeks 27 weeks ended ended 28 30 September September Like-for-like[3] 2008 2007 Increase % increase % £million £million Revenue 109.3 103.9 5 9 Net revenue[1],[2] 35.6 34.2 4 8 Operating profit 14.2 13.9 2 11 Profit before tax 15.3 14.5 6 15 Diluted earnings per 16.0p 14.7p 9 18 share Interim dividend 6.0p 5.3p 13 * PayPoint's UK terminal and ATM business had like-for-like3 net revenues up 6% and operating costs down 3% * UK terminal network expanded by nearly 900 sites to 20,772 - on track to meet target of 1,500 additional terminals for the year * ATM network has increased by 7% and internet merchants have grown by 6% since March 2008 * New website and restructured marketing is generating increased leads for our internet business. * Romanian bill payment service launched in August with 1,200 branded PayPoint sites Operating profit growth in the UK terminal and ATM business was up 22% on a like-for-like3 basis, including a slight decline in mobile transactions and in ATM transactions per terminal, suffered in common with other providers. The terminal network in the UK has been expanded to service transaction growth and mitigate the decline in mobile volumes and the ATM estate compared to last year. Our internet companies have been integrated to operate successfully as a single business, PayPoint.net, and its new website and marketing programmes have driven more leads, which will increase the number of merchants using our service. This, combined with the introduction of PayCash, which permits the payment in cash at PayPoint convenience stores for consumer purchases on line, positions our internet business for growth. In Romania, we have launched bill payment alongside the existing mobile top-up business and transaction volumes are growing as expected with the four launch clients and with a further four to follow before the year end. We also have strong interest from other substantial bill issuers with whom we expect to sign contracts. We continue to invest in the roll-out of terminals in Romania at a rate faster than we anticipated last year and this, together with the delayed transfer of the transaction processing to the UK and the launch of bill payment, has held back the results. We expect the business to be profitable next year. David Newlands, Chairman, said "PayPoint has delivered first half results ahead of market expectations. There are new products and prospects in the UK and elsewhere, which provide ample opportunity for management to continue to deliver growth." The condensed financial statements cover the 26 week period from 31 March 2008 to 28 September 2008, the last Sunday in the month, compared to a 27 week period ended 30 September 2007. [1] Net revenue is revenue less commissions paid to retail agents, acquiring bank charges and the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal. [2] Net revenue and operating margin are measures which the directors believe assist with a better understanding of the underlying performance of the group. The reconciliation of net revenue to statutory amounts can be found in note 2 [3] The like-for-like basis adjusts the comparative period to 26 weeks Management report The management report has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders as a body to assess PayPoint's strategies and their potential to succeed, and it should not be relied upon for any other purpose. It contains forward looking statements that have been made by the directors in good faith based on the information available at the time of approval of the half yearly financial report and such statements should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying any such forecast. We aim to continue increasing economic value for shareholders by expanding: * UK cash payments for bills, general payments, mobile top-ups, ticketing, money transfer and ATM cash withdrawals building on the strength of our brand; * e-commerce payments and services through PayPoint.net and new PayPoint products across the retail and internet businesses; and * international growth in selected developing countries for cash payment networks and as an e-commerce payment service provider. Our terminal estate has grown by over 1,600 terminals (UK and International) since the end of the last financial year. Transaction volumes were up 5% and profit before tax up 6% although the period contains one week less of trading compared to last year. Profit before tax increased 15% excluding the extra week from the prior period's results. Bill and general payments have grown strongly, particularly in the UK, where prepaid gas and electric domestic price rises have helped to increase transaction volumes. The mobile sector overall in the UK and Ireland has seen a decrease in transaction volumes, as consumers economise and networks offer customers more airtime for their money. This decline has been mitigated in the UK by the expansion of the network. In Romania, Pay Store's mobile top-ups continued to grow and our bill payment service was launched in September with four clients. PayPoint.net has traded as planned with transaction volumes up 46% on last year. Operational review In the first 26 weeks of the financial year, PayPoint processed 249 million transactions, with a value of £4.0 billion (2007: 236 million transactions with a value of £3.5 billion in 27 weeks), an increase of 5% in transactions and 15% in value. On a like-for-like1 basis transaction volumes were up 10%. Commissions paid to retail agents were reduced to £41.2 million (2007: £41.5 million), a result of lower mobile top-ups. Analysis of transactions 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended Increase/ Like for ended 28 30 (decrease) like [1] 30 March September September increase 2008 2008 2007 % % millions millions millions Bill and general 152 141 8 13 311 payments[2] Mobile top-ups 74 77 (4) (1) 151 ATMs 7 7 - 1 15 Internet payments 16 11 46 51 26 Total[3] 249 236 5 10 503 [1] The like-for-like basis adjusts the comparative period to 26 weeks [2] Includes debit/credit transactions [3] Included within the total is 9 million of international bill and general payments and mobile top-ups (2007: 9 million). . Bill & general payments PayPoint has continued to perform well in this sector with an 8% increase in transaction volumes. On a like-for-like[1] basis volumes were up 13%, driven by an increase of 16% in prepaid energy volumes and growth with local authority and water bill payments. This increase resulted from network growth, new customer payment options and increases in domestic energy prices during the year, partially offset by an increase in average transaction values. Mobile top-ups The mobile sector overall in the UK and Ireland has seen a decrease in transaction volumes as consumers reduce their spending and networks offer customers more airtime for their money. Our UK transaction volumes were down 1% on a like-for-like basis[1]. This decrease is lower than the market as we have installed nearly 900 new UK sites since the last half year. Our share of retail cash top-up transactions has increased to c.32% whilst our share of the overall top-up sector has remained constant as the use of ATMs for mobile top-ups has increased. Pay Store mobile volumes were up 8%. In Ireland, volumes have fallen slightly as mobile operators are offering better rates to consumers and have been promoting internet top-ups. ATMs We have increased our net installations to 25 per month (2007: 17 per month) by reducing churn. The focus on sales continues with the strengthening of the sales team from October to increase the number of new ATM sign-ups. The number of transactions processed by self-fill Independent ATM Deployers (IAD's) was down by 2% on the same period last year. We have not seen a decrease in the number of transactions processed due to our continual expansion in site numbers, however the average transactions per site in the first half of the year have decreased to 568 per month (2007: 600), a reduction broadly in line with the IAD self-fill market, which may reflect more difficult economic times for consumers suppressing the demand for cash. PayPoint.net - internet payments PayPoint.net traded profitably and has added a net 303 merchants in the first half of the year. Transaction volumes were up 46% and net revenues have increased by 12% on last year. Our PayCash product, which allows internet merchants' customers to pay for goods with cash at a PayPoint retailer, has been launched. Initially this is being offered to PayPoint.net merchants, but will be offered more widely next year. PayPoint Romania We have continued to make good progress in Romania. We have now completed the transfer of transaction processing to our operations centre in the UK, at the same time allowing us to process mobile top-ups for Cosmote, the third largest mobile operator in Romania. We have appointed a new Managing Director and restructured the sales team, increasing the sales force by 30% compared to the same time last year. We have launched bill payment with four clients, including the national telecoms provider Romtelecom and Distrigaz, one of the two leading gas suppliers on our newly developed international platform. Bill payment transaction volumes are growing. We have rolled out 1,200 bill payment enabled terminals and plan to install at least a further 800 terminals this financial year. A delay in transferring processing to the UK adversely impacted results as bill payment and Cosmote top-ups were delayed. Both these issues have been resolved. We expect the business to be profitable next year. [1.] The like-for-like basis adjusts the comparative period to 26 weeks Network growth Terminal sites have increased to 25,515 (30 March 2008: 23,895) an increase of 1,620. The retail network in the UK and Ireland has grown to 20,772 (30 March 2008: 19,878) an increase of 4% on last year end. A total of 3,136 sites (30 March 2008: 2,833) already equipped with our terminals also have electronic point of sale (EPoS) connections, to allow mobile top-ups transactions over the retailers' own till systems. Analysis of sites At At At 28 September 30 September Increase 30 March 2008 2007 % 2008 PP terminal only 17,636 16,492 7 17,045 PP terminal and EPoS 3,136 2,525 24 2,833 PP terminal sites 20,772 19,017 9 19,878 Pay Store terminal sites 4,743 3,607 31 4,017 Total terminal sites 25,515 22,624 13 23,895 ATM sites 2,165 1,957 11 2,016 Internet merchants 5,111 4,545 12 4,808 EPoS only sites in the UK and sites in Romania that sell only scratch cards are not included in the table above. New services PayPoint continues to introduce new services to stimulate further transaction growth in both retail and e-commerce payments and services. For example, we are benefiting from the increases in transaction volumes in electronic money from services such as prepay debit cards, saving schemes, internet currencies, stored value cards and money transfers. We have continued to attract new clients directly and through partners including the new PayPal prepay debit card. We are established as the premier convenience loading channel for cash on to both prepay and stored value cards. Financial review Revenue for the first 26 weeks was £109.3 million (2007:27 weeks £103.9 million), up 5% driven by the increase in transaction volumes in particular from mobile top-ups where PayPoint acts as principal[1]. On a like-for-like basis revenue was up 9%. Cost of sales was £80.9 million (2007: £76.6 million), an increase of 6%, which is slightly greater than the rate of increase in revenue because of the increase in mobile top-ups where PayPoint is principal. Agents' commission of £41.2 million (2007: £41.5 million) is lower than last year due to the extra week in the comparative period and a reduction in commission of 1% by Vodafone. Depreciation and amortisation have increased to £3.2 million (2007: £2.6 million) up 20% as a result of our continued terminal roll out in the UK and Romania. Net revenue[2] of £35.6 million (2007: £34.2 million) was up 4%, driven primarily by volume growth. Gross profit improved to £28.4 million (2007: £27.3 million), 4% ahead of the same period last year, with a gross margin of 26% (2007: 26%). Gross margin, excluding the cost of Irish and Romanian mobile-top-ups1 improved to 36% (2007: 35%). [1] In Ireland and Romania, PayPoint is principal in the sale of mobile top-ups and accordingly the face value of the top-up is included in sales and the corresponding cost in cost of sales [2] Net revenue is revenue less commissions paid to retail agents, acquiring bank charges and less the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal Operating costs (administrative expenses) have risen to £14.2 million (2007: £13.4 million), an increase of 7%. Operating costs in the UK terminal and ATM business were down 3% on last year, whilst costs in PayPoint.net and Pay Store have increased. Operating profit was £14.2 million (2007: £13.9 million), up 2%, although the operating margin[1] decreased slightly to 40% (2007: 41%), mainly as a result of the loss in Romania and the extra week in the comparative period last year. On a like-for-like basis[2] operating profit was up 11%. Profit before tax was £15.3 million (2007: £14.5 million), up 6% on last year. On a like-for-like basis[2], profit before tax was up 15%. The tax charge was £4.5 million (2007: £4.4 million) and the effective tax rate was 29% (2007: 30%) reflecting the reduction in the UK corporation tax rate and unrelieved losses in Romania. Operating cash flow was £13.3 million with no change in client cash[3] (2007: £10.9 million including an inflow of £0.5 million in respect of client cash), reflecting strong conversion of profit to cash. Capital expenditure of £2.1 million (2007: £1.9 million) reflected spend on new terminals in the UK and Romania, ATMs, and the international processing platform. Net interest received was £1.1 million (2007: £0.6 million) and equity dividends paid were £7.0 million (2007: £6.2 million). Related party transactions Related party transactions are disclosed in note 6. Risks Risks to PayPoint's business, financial condition or operations are disclosed on page 16. Dividend The board have declared an interim dividend payable on 22 December of 6.0p per share (2007: 5.3p) to shareholders on the register at 5 December 2008. Economic climate The company's bill and general payments sector is robust in a recession, where the consumers' discretion in expenditure is limited for essential services. The internet payment market continues to grow substantially, although now forecast at lower rates. Modest adverse impact on mobile top-ups in developed economies and in ATM cash withdrawal rates is evident. PayPoint's exposure to agent debt is limited as credit granted to retailers is restricted by daily direct debiting for all UK and Irish transactions other than EPoS mobile top-ups (which are collected weekly) although there is some concentration of risk in multiple retailers. Most of the group's clients in the UK other than mobile operators bear the cost of agent bad debt. In Pay Store, the risk of bad debt lies with the company. In PayPoint.net, exposure is limited to receivables from merchants for fees, except in the case of bureau internet merchants, where PayPoint.net retains credit risk on merchant default for charge backs but this is mitigated by cash retention. The company has strong operating cash flow, net cash and a revolving credit agreement for £35 million with a three year term`. [1] Operating margin is operating profit as a percentage of net revenue [2] The like-for-like basis adjusts the comparative period to 26 weeks [3] Client cash is held on behalf of clients where PayPoint has title to the funds. An equivalent balance is included within trade payables. Outlook We expect further growth in transaction volumes and revenue in the UK from increases in our market share, and the growth in our network. In Romania, we have already installed 1,200 bill enabled terminals and we anticipate exceeding our plan of 1,500 by at least 500 additional terminals. We expect Pay Store to trade profitably next financial year. In PayPoint.net, which increased its revenue and profits, revenue growth should accelerate in the second half of the year, following the introduction of the new website, unified new branding and the launch of PayCash. Trading since 28 September has been in line with the company's expectations and the directors are confident that the company will continue to deliver growth. David Newlands Dominic Taylor Chairman Chief Executive 20 November 2008 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Unaudited Unaudited Audited 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 30 March 28 September 30 September 2008 2008 2007 £000 Continuing operations Note £000 £000 Revenue 2 109,341 103,950 212,145 Cost of sales 2 (80,931) (76,645) (155,591) Gross profit 28,410 27,305 56,554 Administrative expenses (14,244) (13,359) (27,354) Operating profit 14,166 13,946 29,200 Investment income 1,142 586 1,262 Finance costs (4) (43) (58) Profit before tax 15,304 14,489 30,404 Tax 3 (4,475) (4,353) (9,424) Profit for the period 10,829 10,136 20,980 Earnings per share Basic 5 16.1p 15.0p 31.1p Diluted 5 16.0p 14.7p 30.8p CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME & EXPENSE Unaudited Unaudited Audited 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 Note £000 £000 £000 Exchange differences on translation of foreign 9 (19) 34 318 operations Net (loss) / income (19) 34 318 recognised directly in equity Profit for the period 10,829 10,136 20,980 Total recognised income and expenses for the period 10,810 10,170 21,298 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Unaudited Unaudited Audited 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 Note £000 £000 £000 Non-current assets Goodwill 27,428 26,256 27,428 Other intangible assets 2,264 3,222 2,742 Property, plant and equipment 12,235 13,428 13,114 Deferred tax asset 1,530 1,552 1,571 Investment 375 - 375 43,832 44,458 45,230 Current assets Inventories 1,865 1,088 1,250 Trade and other receivables 24,257 25,431 28,285 Cash and cash equivalents 7 28,224 15,981 27,727 54,346 42,500 57,262 Total assets 98,178 86,958 102,492 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 39,999 40,125 45,275 Current tax liabilities 6,536 4,858 7,226 Obligations under finance 28 156 70 leases 46,563 45,139 52,571 Non-current liabilities Other liabilities 317 274 334 317 274 334 Total liabilities 46,880 45,413 52,905 Net assets 51,298 41,545 49,587 Equity Share capital 8 226 226 226 Investment in own shares 8 (926) (935) (935) Share based payment reserve 8 1,996 1,789 2,281 Translation reserve 8 299 34 318 Retained earnings 8 49,703 40,431 47,697 Total equity 9 51,298 41,545 49,587 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unaudited Unaudited Audited 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended Note 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Net cash from operating 11 13,322 10,920 29,618 activities Investing activities Interest received 1,016 549 1,252 Purchase of property, plant (2,128) (1,854) (5,519) and equipment Proceeds from disposal of 31 53 110 property, plant and equipment Acquisition of subsidiary 10 (2,108) (8,219) (8,227) Investment - - (375) Purchase of own shares 6 (2,489) (3,489) (3,467) Net cash used in investing (5,678) (12,960) (16,226) activities Financing activities Repayments of obligations (41) (144) (246) under finance leases Dividends paid (7,023) (6,159) (9,738) Net cash used in financing (7,064) (6,303) (9,984) activities Net increase/(decrease) in 580 (8,343) 3,408 cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at 27,727 24,324 24,324 beginning of period Effect of foreign exchange (83) - (5) rate changes Cash and cash equivalents at 28,224 15,981 27,727 end of period NOTES TO CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Accounting policies These condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 on a historical cost basis and the same accounting policies, presentation methods and methods of computation are followed in this condensed set of financial statements as applied in the group's latest annual audited financial statements. Basis of preparation The condensed financial statements contained in this report are unaudited, but have been formally reviewed by the auditors and their report to the company is set out on page 17. The information shown for the 53 weeks ended 30 March 2008, which is prepared under IFRS, does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The report of the auditors on the statutory accounts for the 53 weeks ended 30 March 2008, prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985 and has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. At the date of authorisation of these condensed financial statements, the following standards and interpretations which have not been applied in these condensed financial statements were in issue but not yet effective: IAS1 (Revised) Presentation of financial statements IAS23 (Revised) Borrowing costs IAS27 (Revised) Consolidated and separate financial statements IFRS3 (Revised) Business combinations IFRS8 Operating segments IFRIC13 Customer loyalty programme The directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these standards and interpretations will have a material impact on the condensed financial statements of the group. The condensed financial statements are presented in pounds sterling because it is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the group operates. The directors consider that there are no critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty in applying the group's accounting policies. 2. Segmental reporting, net revenue analysis, cost of sales and gross throughput (i) Segmental information (a) Geographical segments. The group operates in the UK, Republic of Ireland and Romania but the group has only one reportable geographical segment as defined in International Accounting Standard 14 Segment Reporting due to the fact that principally all operations occur in the UK. (b) Classes of business. The group has one class of business, being payment collection and distribution services. (ii) Analysis of net revenues by sector, cost of sales and gross throughput Revenue comprises the value of sales (excluding VAT) of services in the normal course of business and includes amounts billed to customers to be passed on to retail agents as commission payable, the face value of mobile top-ups where PayPoint acts as principal and for Metacharge it includes external processing charges which are amounts billed to merchants that are passed onto the sponsoring bank. Cost of sales includes the cost to the group of the sale, including commission to retail agents, the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal in the supply chain and sponsoring bank charges. Revenue performance of the business is measured by net revenue which is calculated as the total revenue from clients less commission payable to retail agents, acquiring bank charges and the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal in the supply chain. Although there is only one class of business, since the risks and returns are similar across markets in which the group operates, the group monitors net revenue (see below) with reference to each sector. Gross throughput represents payments made by consumers using the PayPoint service, for bill and general payments, mobile top-ups (including scratch cards), cash withdrawals from ATMs and the value of transactions via the internet. 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Revenue - transaction processing 108,494 103,030 210,528 - lease rental of 847 920 1,617 ATMs Revenue 109,341 103,950 212,145 less: Commission payable to retail (41,234) (41,463) (83,439) agents Cost of mobile top-ups as (30,749) (26,688) (55,468) principal Acquiring bank charges (1,797) (1,618) (3,378) Net revenue 35,561 34,181 69,860 Net revenue by sector Bill payments 13,828 13,644 30,652 Mobile top-ups 13,025 12,834 25,153 ATMs 3,331 3,275 6,561 Internet payments 3,498 3,124 4,927 Other 1,879 1,304 2,567 Net revenue 35,561 34,181 69,860 UK 33,870 32,709 66,507 International[1] 1,691 1,472 3,353 Net revenue 35,561 34,181 69,860 Commission payable is included within cost of sales as shown below Cost of sales Commission payable to retail (41,234) (41,463) (83,439) agents Cost of mobile top-ups as (30,749) (26,688) (55,468) principal Acquiring bank charges (1,797) (1,618) (3,378) Depreciation and amortisation (3,177) (2,643) (5,719) Other (3,974) (4,233) (7,587) Total cost of sales (80,931) (76,645) (155,591) Gross throughput Transactions via PayPoint terminals, retailer 3,028,095 2,774,365 5,931,224 EPoS systems and sale of scratch cards Withdrawals via ATMs 171,005 167,961 328,237 Internet transactions 822,810 545,619 1,286,887 Gross throughput 4,021,910 3,487,945 7,546,348 [1] International comprises of Ireland and Romania 3. Tax on profit of ordinary activities 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Current tax 4,433 4,373 9,423 Deferred tax 42 (20) 1 Total 4,475 4,353 9,424 4. Dividend The interim dividend of 6.0p (2007: 5.3p) was declared on 20 November 2008 and accordingly has not been recorded as a liability as at 28 September 2008. The total dividend in respect of the 53 weeks ended 30 March 2008 was 15.7p per share. 5. Earnings per share Basic and diluted earnings per share The basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on the following profit and number of shares. 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Profit for the purposes of basic 10,829 10,136 20,980 earnings per share being net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent and for diluted earnings per share Number of Number of Number of shares shares shares Weighted average number of 67,236,551 67,688,522 67,369,600 shares (for basic earnings per share) Potential dilutive ordinary shares: 99,693 100,878 119,903 Deferred share bonus Long term incentive plan 409,654 1,036,849 669,449 Diluted basis 67,745,898 68,826,249 68,158,952 6. Related party transactions On 13 June 2008 the company released the second tranche of its long term incentive plan awards to the three executive directors and six senior managers. In order to partly satisfy the company's obligations, Paypoint Network Limited Employee Investment Trust (the Trust) acquired 200,299 ordinary shares at the mid market closing price of 600.2 pence per share, in aggregate £1,206,000, from RIT Capital Partners and the Weinstock Estate (both of which are connected to David Morrison, a non-executive director of the company). 163,432 shares were sold at 600.2 pence per share, in aggregate £984,000, by participating directors and managers to the Trust. The Trust also purchased 41,395 shares at an average of 612.5 pence per share, in aggregate £253,000, in the open market. On 19 September 2008 the company released another tranche of its long term incentive plan awards to one senior manager, using 17,346 shares owned by the Trust. As a result of this tranche a further 7,112 shares were sold at 650 pence per share, in aggregate £46,000 by the senior manager to the Trust. Accordingly, the company has funded £2,489,000 (excluding £18,000 deal costs) for the purchase of its own shares. The excess of the cost of the shares acquired over their fair value determined at the date of grant in accordance with IFRS2 of £1,800,000 has been charged to reserves. 7. Cash and cash equivalents Included within cash and cash equivalents is £8.0 million (September 2007: £7.8 million, March 2008: £8.0 million) relating to monies collected on behalf of PayPoint clients where PayPoint has title to the funds (client cash). An equivalent balance is included within trade payables. 8. Share capital and reserves 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Authorised share capital 4,365,352,200 ordinary shares of 14,551 14,551 14,551 1/3 p each Called up, allotted and fully paid share capital 67,705,116 ordinary shares of 1/3 226 226 226 p each Investment in own shares At start of period (935) (1) (1) Acquired in period (see note 6) (2,489) (2,533) (2,533) Used on share scheme vesting 2,498 1,599 1,599 At end of period (926) (935) (935) Share based payment reserve At start of period 2,281 1,712 1,712 Additions in period 413 628 1,121 Released in period (698) (551) (552) At end of period 1,996 1,789 2,281 Translation reserve At start of period 318 - - Movement in the period (19) 34 318 At end of period 299 34 318 Retained earnings At start of period 47,697 38,436 38,436 Profit for the period 10,829 10,136 20,980 Dividends paid (7,023) (6,159) (9,738) Adjustment on share scheme vesting (1,800) (1,982) (1,981) (see note 6) At end of period 49,703 40,431 47,697 9. Statement of changes in equity 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Opening equity 49,587 40,373 40,373 Profit for the period 10,829 10,136 20,980 Dividends paid (7,023) (6,159) (9,738) Investment in own shares 9 (934) (934) Adjustment on share scheme vesting (2,498) (2,533) (2,533) (see note 6) (Decrease) / increase in (19) 34 318 translation reserve Increase in share based payment reserve 413 628 1,121 Closing equity 51,298 41,545 49,587 10. Acquisition of subsidiary In May 2008 the company paid £2,108,000, the deferred balance due for the acquisition of Pay Store SRL, which it acquired on 15 May 2007. The total consideration paid was £10,242,000 of which £8,134,000 was paid in the last financial year. 11. Notes to the cash flow statement 26 weeks 27 weeks 53 weeks ended ended ended 28 September 30 September 30 March 2008 2007 2008 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit 14,166 13,946 29,200 Adjustments for: Depreciation on property, plant 2,700 2,244 4,812 and equipment Amortisation of intangible assets 477 399 907 Increase in share based payment 413 77 1,121 reserve Operating cash flows before 17,756 16,666 36,040 movements in working capital (Increase)/decrease in inventories (609) 872 580 Decrease / (increase) in 4,454 (2,300) (10,528) receivables (Decrease) / increase in payables - client cash (18) 451 711 - other payables (3,187) (1,037) 9,196 Cash generated by operations 18,396 14,652 35,999 Corporation tax paid (5,074) (3,732) (6,362) Interest and bank charges paid - - (19) Net cash from operating activities 13,322 10,920 29,618 RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: a) the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting'; b) the management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and c) the management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein). By order of the board David Newlands Dominic Taylor Chairman Chief Executive 20 November 2008 RISKS PayPoint's business, financial condition or operations could be materially and adversely affected over the remaining six months of the year by the risks summarised below. Although management takes steps to mitigate risks where possible or where the cost of doing so is reasonable in relation to the probability and seriousness of the risk, it may not be possible to avoid crystallisation of some or all of such risks: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Risk | Future prospects depend on our | | | ability to: | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Managing growth of the | manage growth through the employment | | business | of adequate skilled resources, | | | whilst maintaining financial controls | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Major contract loss or | renew contracts at expiry (over the | | renewal | next five years) on attractive terms | | at unattractive margins | | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Dependence on key | retain and recruit key staff through | | executives | a mixture of basic salary, short and | | | long-term incentive schemes | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Failure of systems | maintain financial controls, defend | | | against natural disasters, terrorist | | | attacks, sabotage and hacking | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Competition | hold and gain market share | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Insolvency of a major | avoid the consequences of insolvency | | multiple | both in terms of bad debt risk | | retail agent | (where we bear it) and the impact of | | | such insolvency on our network | | | coverage | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Technological changes | keep pace with technological changes | | | and introduce new developments | | | to maintain competitive advantage | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Reliance on intellectual | stop third parties from using our | | property | products and defend the use of our | | | products from any challenge | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | The need to raise capital | access future capital needs on | | in | sufficiently attractive terms | | future | particularly in | | | view of prevailing economic | | | conditions and availability of credit | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Economic, political, | deal with the impact of such changes | | legislative, | without adversely affecting the | | taxation or regulatory | growth or profitability of the | | changes | business | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Taxation | ensure the impact of any adverse | | | changes is mitigated by enhanced | | | performance | |---------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Fraudulent or criminal | avoid loss of client monies by the | | activity | rigorous application of controls | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO PAYPOINT PLC We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the period ended 28 September 2008 which comprises the condensed income statement, the condensed balance sheet, the condensed statement of recognised income and expense, the condensed cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 11. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements. This report is made solely to the company in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed. Directors' responsibilities The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdoms' Financial Services Authority. As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union. Our responsibility Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. Scope of Review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the period ended 28 September 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. Deloitte & Touche LLP Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditor 20 November 2008 London, UK Notes: A review does not provide assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular on whether any changes may have occurred to the financial information since first published. These matters are the responsibility of the directors but no control procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial information differs from legislation in other jurisdictions. PayPoint plc DIRECTORS & KEY CONTACTS Directors George Earle (Finance Director) Dominic Taylor (Chief Executive) Tim Watkin-Rees (Business Development Director) Eric Anstee* - appointed 16 September 2008 David Morrison* David Newlands* (Chairman) Andrew Robb* Steven Rowley* - appointed 16 September 2008 Roger Wood* * non-executive directors Registered office 1 The Boulevard Shire Park Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1EL United Kingdom Registered in England and Wales number 3581541 Registrars Capita Registrars Registration Services Northern House Woodsome Park Fenay Bridge Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD8 0LA Telephone 0870 162 3100 Press and investor Finsbury relations enquiries Tenter House 45 Moorfields London EC2Y 9AE Telephone No. 020 7251 3801 ABOUT PAYPOINT PayPoint is the leading cash and internet payments company in the UK and Ireland, handling in excess of £8 billion in over 515 million transactions annually for 6 ,000 clients and merchants. The company operates with several payment networks: * The PayPoint retail network numbers over 20,750 terminal outlets located in local shops (including Co-op, Spar, Costcutter, Sainsburys Local, Somerfield, One Stop, Londis and thousands of independents) in all parts of the UK and Ireland. Terminals handle gas and electricity meter prepayments, cash bill payments, mobile phone top-ups, transport tickets, BBC TV licences and a wide variety of other payment types for all of the leading utilities, telecommunications suppliers and many consumer service companies. This network is used by consumers, free of charge, 9 million times a week. The network has 98.9% population cover on a 1 mile urban or 5 miles rural measure; * Additional multiple retailer connections via retailers electronic till systems in the UK including BP and Superdrug for mobile top-ups and selected payments from the PayPoint range; * The PayPoint ATM network has over 2,150 'LINK' branded machines across the UK, also typically in convenience stores; * PayPoint.net provides secure credit and debit card payments for over 5,100 web merchants linking into all the major UK acquiring banks; and * PayPoint International which operates bill payment and top-up services in Ireland and Romania. PayStore in Romania now has 4,700 terminal outlets including 1,200 PayPoint branded sites for the new bill payment service. PayPoint floated on the London Stock Exchange in September 2004 and the company's market capitalisation at 30 September 2008 was £406 million. PayPoint is widely recognised for its leadership in prepayment systems, smart technology and consumer service. 20 November 2008 Enquiries: PayPoint plc 01707 600 300 Dominic Taylor, Chief Executive George Earle, Finance Director Finsbury 020 7251 3801 Rollo Head Don Hunter This announcement is available on the PayPoint plc website: www.paypoint.co.uk. ---END OF MESSAGE--- This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


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