PayPoint plc Half Year Financial Report

PayPoint plc Half Year Financial Report

PayPoint plc

Half year financial report
for the six months ended 25 September 2011


6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
Transaction value£5,588m £4,831m 16 %
Revenue£95.9m £92.9m 3%
Net revenue1£41.9m £38.7m 8%
Gross margin37.5% 35.3% 2 ppts
Operating profit£16.7m £15.3m 9%
Profit before tax£15.8m £14.6m 9%
Diluted earnings per share16.7p 14.8p 13%
Interim dividend per share8.7p 7.8p 12%
  • 292 million transactions processed in the period, up 9% 

  • UK & Ireland transactions increased 5% with net revenue up 9% 

  • Internet payment transactions have grown by 34% and net revenue by 4% 

  • Romanian retail network moved into profit  bill payment transactions increased to over 8 million in the period (2010: 5 million)  

  • PayByPhone increased transactions to over 8 million, up 23% with net revenue up by 18%  

  • Collect+ has processed over 1 million transactions, an increase of nearly five times and has won two national awards for its innovative parcel delivery and returns service 

  • Earnings per share increase helped by lower UK tax charge 

  • 8.7p dividend per share, up 12% 

David Newlands, Chairman of PayPoint plc said:
"Our retail network continues to perform well, processing 5% more transactions overall in the period, despite there being 5 million fewer mobile top-ups.  Internet payments contributed to overall growth in transactions of 8% in the established business (the UK and Ireland retail networks and internet payments).  Net revenue in the established business increased by 7%.

Our developing business, consisting of our Romanian retail network, Collect+ parcel service and PayByPhone, also made good progress.  In Romania, we made a small profit following 69% growth in bill payments and since the period end, we have introduced Western Union money transfer.  Collect+, our award-winning parcels joint venture, has won 44 new merchants and processed nearly five times as many parcels as in the same period last year.   PayByPhone has been selected by 33 new clients in the period, with a substantial number of tender decisions still awaited.  

For the current financial year, trading is in line with the company's expectations.  Our established business is strong.  We will pursue further opportunities to enhance our retail yield by introducing new technology and services, while enhanced transaction management and information services should help our internet sales in the next financial year. Continuing progress is expected in our developing business. Our Romanian retail network will focus on improving market share and further modest network growth to improve yield.  PayByPhone will continue to pursue new clients and enhance its technology to grow revenue and improve customer satisfaction.  Collect+ will continue its intensive marketing to new clients, to extend deliveries to its existing returns clients and to promote its consumer-to-consumer proposition.  We expect PayByPhone and the Collect+ parcel service to turn to profit in the next financial year.

I am pleased to announce an interim dividend of 8.7pence per share."

The condensed financial statements cover the six months from 28 March 2011 to 25 September 2011, the last Sunday in the month (2010: 6 months covering the period 29 March 2010 to 26 September 2010).

  1. Net revenue is revenue less the cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards where PayPoint is principal and costs incurred by PayPoint, which are recharged to clients and merchants.  These costs include retail agent commission, merchant service charges levied by card scheme sponsors and costs for the provision of call centres for PayByPhone clients.  Net revenue is a measure, which the directors believe assists with a better understanding of the underlying performance of the group.   

Management report

The management report has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders as a body to assess PayPoint's half year performance and it should not be relied upon for any other purpose.  It contains forward looking statements made by the directors in good faith, based on the information available at the time of approval of the half yearly financial report.  Such statements should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties underlying any such forecast, including both economic and business risk factors.

PayPoint is a payment service provider to retailers and consumer service companies and as such, has only one operating segment.  However, reflection on various facets helps to explain the execution of our strategy as set out on page 3 of our annual report and accordingly, in addition to the analysis of the number and value of consumer transactions, revenue and net revenue, we have shown an analysis which separates our developing business (our retail network in Romania, Collect+ and PayByPhone), from our established business (the UK and Irish retail networks and internet payments).

The channel analysis is as follows:

Retail networks:
Bill and general (prepaid energy, bills, tickets and cash out payments)
Top-ups (mobile, prepaid cards and phone cards)
Retail services (ATM, debit/credit, parcels, money transfer, SIMs and receipt advertising)

Internet (transactions between consumers and merchants, pre-authorisations and FraudGuard, where separately charged)

PayByPhone (parking and bicycle rental transactions)

Other for revenue and net revenue only (software development and configuration)

Operational review

During the period, transactions have increased to 292 million (2010: 267 million) up 8% in the established business1 and 37% in the developing business2. Transaction value increased to £5.6 billion (2010: £4.8 billion), and is up 14% in the established business and up 78% in the developing business.

Revenue has increased 3% overall, comprising 1% in the established business and 16% in the developing business.  Net revenue3 increased by 8% overall.  In the established business, net revenue increased by 7% and in the developing business (including Collect+), by 52%.

Operating profit in the established business was £17.8 million, up 9% on last year.  The operating loss in the developing business, including our share of the losses of Collect+, was £2.0 million (2010: £1.5 million). The Romanian retail network made a small profit in the period (2010: loss of £0.3m).

Established business1Developing business2TotalAdjust Collect+4As reported
Transactions          (million)
6 months 201127319292-292
6 months 2010 253 14 267 - 267
Year ended 2011 559 31 590 - 590
Transaction value  £million
6 months 20115,3951935,588-5,588
6 months 2010 4,723 108 4,831 - 4,831
Year ended 2011 10,316 285 10,601 - 10,601
Revenue                  £000
6 months 201181,36515,93997,304(1,381)95,923
6 months 2010 80,337 12,835 93,172 (274) 92,898
Year ended 2011  167,700 26,535 194,235 (1,002) 193,233
Net revenue3           £000
6 months 201138,5444,52143,065(1,135)41,930
6 months 2010 35,977 2,973 38,950 (222) 38,728
Year ended 2011 76,811 6,539 83,350 (627) 82,723

In the established business, following our tender success announced in March 2011, the UK retail network duly signed a contract with Citibank to be the retail network for the DWP's replacement for giro-cheques.  The service is expected to go live next financial year and is unlikely to affect the current financial year's profit to any material extent.  The internet channel growth was constrained by the impact of one large merchant changing its business model.  We have re-started processing for this merchant since the period end.

In the developing business, our Romanian retail network has turned from loss to a small profit in the first half of the year and will introduce money transfer with Western Union in the second half.  PayByPhone has made substantial progress, winning 33 new clients, including London Borough of Lambeth, Ottawa in Canada and Coral Gables in Florida, USA.  PayByPhone parking is due to go live in San Francisco across 22,000 spaces this year. Cash payments for parking have been introduced in Barnet and Islington.  Collect+ has extended its consumer proposition by introducing two resellers, Parcel2Go and myParcelDelivery and has also won 44 new merchants for returns, including JD Sports, Monsoon and Accessorize, Asda Direct, Argos Outlet, Aurora (Karen Millen and Oasis) and Wiggle.  Collect+ has been recognised with prestigious industry awards for logistics and innovation. Since the period end, Collect+ has started processing deliveries for on-line clothing retailer, M and M Direct.

  1. The established business includes the UK and Irish retail networks and internet payments. 

  2. The developing business includes the Romanian retail network, Collect+ and PayByPhone. 

  3. Net revenue is revenue less the cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards where PayPoint is principal and costs incurred by PayPoint, which are recharged to clients and merchants.  These costs include retail agent commission, merchant service charges levied by card scheme sponsors and costs for the provision of call centres for PayByPhone clients.  Net revenue is a measure, which the directors believe assists with a better understanding of the underlying performance of the group.  

  4. Collect+  revenue and net revenue is included in the developing business revenue and net revenue, but as Collect+ is reported in the Consolidated Income Statement on a profit after tax only basis, revenue and net revenue needs to be eliminated to reconcile to reported revenue and net revenue. 

Analysis of transactions

There has been growth in transaction volumes across all payments types except UK and Ireland mobile top-ups, which have decreased as a result of market decline.

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
Increase /
27 March
Retail networks
   Bill and general payments165,419 152,286 9 350,970
   Top-ups 55,496 60,597 (8) 117,670
   Retail services29,108 22,658 28 48,425
Internet payments33,914 25,326 34 58,544
PayByPhone8,068 6,557 23 14,059
Total292,005 267,424 9 589,668

Bill and general payment transactions were ahead of the same period last year as a result of an 11% increase in prepaid energy volumes.  There was strong growth in Romania, where we processed over 8 million transactions (2010: 5 million).

In the UK and Ireland, mobile top-up volumes were down 9%. In Romania, mobile top-up volumes increased 8% although the net revenue per transaction fell. E-currency volumes in the UK continue to grow and were up 9% on the same period last year, with over 3 million transactions processed.

Retail services volumes have increased across most products. ATM transactions increased by 14%, credit and debit transactions by 29%, SIM card sales by 56% and parcels by five times over the same period last year.

Internet transactions were up 34% to 34 million as we continue to add large merchants and through organic growth in our existing merchants.  

PayByPhone transactions have increased 23% as we have started to implement PayByPhone in new parking authorities and some existing authorities have removed other payment options.

Transaction value

There has been growth in the transaction value paid by consumers, primarily in bill and general, and internet payments.

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
Increase /
27 March
Retail networks
   Bill and general 3,005,334 2,759,418 9 6,198,171
   Top-ups 549,448 573,689 (4) 1,114,809
   Retail services211,005 194,174 9 394,727
Internet payments1,790,612 1,277,867 40 2,838,147
PayByPhone31,916 26,252 22 55,020
Transaction value5,588,315 4,831,400 16 10,600,874

The increase in bill and general transaction value results from higher transaction volumes with broadly similar average values.

The reduction in top-up transaction value is primarily as a result of a decline in the prepay mobile market, partially offset by increases in the average transaction values in the UK and Ireland and an increase in e-currency transactions.

The increase in retail services is accounted for by ATM cash withdrawals. The transaction value in other retail services is relatively small as SIM sales are low value transactions and for credit and debit card transactions (where merchants are settled by the card sponsor, not PayPoint), receipt advertising and parcels, there is no transaction value.

Internet consumer spending has increased by 40% over the same period last year and the average transaction value has increased 5% to £52.80 (2010: £50.46).

PayByPhone transaction values have increased by 22%.  The average value of a transaction has remained broadly the same.


6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
Increase /
27 March
Retail networks
   Bill and general 28,03225,4291057,889
   Top-ups 47,06650,177(6)98,843
   Retail services11,6939,4372419,602
Internet payments4,3724,19048,939

Bill and general payment revenue is higher than the same period last year mainly as a result of growth in prepaid energy and local authority housing transactions in the UK and 70% growth in Romanian bill payment transactions.

The reduction in mobile top-up revenue is driven by the migration of prepaid consumers to contract in the UK and greater value for money offered by mobile operators.

Retail services revenue has increased as a result of an increase in both the number of retailers taking the services and increased volumes of SIM, parcel, debit and credit card, and ATM transactions.

Internet payment revenue growth has been explained on page 3.

PayByPhone revenues are up 17% against the same period last year. Although PayByPhone has won a good share of tenders as a consequence of the increased resources we have put in, client delays in implementations have delayed revenue growth into the second half of the year.

Other revenue includes one-off set-up fees and the recharge of development costs, but is not expected to continue at the same rate for the second half of the current year.

Net revenue

Net revenue is revenue less the cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards where PayPoint is principal and costs incurred by PayPoint which are recharged to clients and merchants.  These costs include retail agent commission, merchant service charges levied by card scheme sponsors and for PayByPhone clients, costs for the provision of call centres.  Net revenue is a measure which the directors believe assists with a better understanding of the underlying performance of the group and is shown in the table below:

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
Increase /
27 March
Retail networks
   Bill and general 16,17914,892933,806
   Top-ups 10,74711,539(7)22,683
   Retail services6,6715,1373010,827
Internet payments4,3724,19048,939
Net revenue41,93038,728882,723

Net revenue on bill and general payments has increased from volume growth in energy prepayment and local authority housing in the UK and bill payment in Romania, offset by some UK clients migrating bill payments to direct debit. Net revenue is in line with transaction growth.

Top-up net revenue has decreased slightly more than revenue because margins in Romania and Ireland have reduced, offset by the positive impact of mix in the UK where the reduction in top-ups in independents is less severe than in multiple retailers. Retail services net revenue has a larger percentage increase than revenue, as credit and debit card transactions and receipt advertising do not attract retail agent commission.

Growth in net revenue from internet transactions has been explained on page 3.

PayByPhone net revenue was up 18%, lower than the growth in transactions as margin in the UK has reduced.

Network growth

Outlets have increased to 30,545 (March 2011: 29,508), an increase of 1,037. In the UK and Ireland, outlets increased by 649, more than expected, as a consequence of unfulfilled orders at last year end and lower churn.  Our new virtual terminal, a software variant which can be loaded onto retailers' till systems, has been rolled out to 1,400 outlets. Our focus in the UK since the year end remains on increasing retail agent yield.  In Romania, we have installed 388 outlets.

In our internet payments channel, we have added over 250 new merchants during the period, focussing on winning higher volume merchants, rather than start-ups that process little volume.

We introduced Collect+ to 584 of our retail outlets, bringing the total to 4,252.

25 September
26 September
Increase /
27 March
UK and Ireland 24,162 23,021 3 23,513
Romania 6,383 5,012 6 5,995
Total 30,545 28,033 4 29,508
Internet merchants5,464 5,522 5 5,213
Collect+ outlets4,252 3,350 16 3,668

(1) Increase/(decrease) measured against position at 27 March 2011

Financial review

Movement in revenue and net revenue have been addressed in the operational review above.  

Gross profit was £36.0 million (2010: £32.8 million), up 9.7% and the gross profit margin improved to 37.5% (2010: 35.3%) as a result of the reduction in agent commission, due to lower mobile top-ups.

Operating costs (administrative expenses) were £19.3 million (2010: £17.5 million), up 10.3%, due to some initial costs relating our new benefits contract, signage for Collect+ sites and our continuing investment in increased resources for PayByPhone.

Operating profit was £16.7 million (2010: £15.3 million), up 9.0%, excluding PayPoint's share of losses in Collect+.  The operating margin1 increased slightly to 39.8% (2010: 39.5%), mainly as result of improved performance in the UK retail network.

Our share, in the period, of the loss in our parcels joint venture, Collect+, increased to £0.9 million (2010: £0.7 million) as it continues to invest in resources to grow the business.

Profit before tax was £15.8 million (2010: £14.6 million), up 8.7% on the same period last year.  The tax charge was £4.5 million (2010: £4.5 million) and the estimated effective tax rate for the current financial year is 28.5% (year ended 27 March 2011: 30.9%). The reduction in tax rates reflects the decrease in the UK corporate tax rate.

Operating cash flow was £8.1 million (2010: £9.4 million) after corporation tax payments of £5.3 million (2010: £5.9 million).  Capital expenditure of £1.7 million (2010: £1.1 million) comprised expenditure on new terminals, software development and ATMs.  Collect+ funding was £0.8m (2010: £0.4 million). Equity dividends paid were £10.6 million (2010: £9.8 million). Net cash and cash equivalents at the period end were £21.5 million (27 March 2011 £26.5 million), including client cash of £3.0 million, down from £6.1 million at 27 March 2011. The reduction in client cash results from a change in practice in respect of ATM monies, which LINK recommended be held in trust for the benefit of retailers, which at the period end were £3.1 million (27 March 2011 £3.3 million).

(1)        Operating margin is operating profit (which excludes Collect+) as a percentage of net revenue.

Related party transactions

Related party transactions are disclosed in note 5.


Risks to PayPoint's business, financial condition and operations are disclosed on pages 22 and 23.


We have declared an interim dividend of 8.7p per share (2010: 7.8p) which will be paid on 21 December 2011 to shareholders on the register at 2 December 2011.  

Liquidity and going concern

The group is profitable, cash generative, had cash of £21.5 million at the period end and an undrawn £35 million revolving term credit facility with an unexpired term of over four years.  Cash and borrowing capacity is adequate to meet the foreseeable needs of the group, taking account of any risks (pages 22 and 23).  The financial statements have therefore been prepared on a going concern basis.

Economic climate

Bill and general payments which account for 39% (2010: 38%) of our net revenue, have continued to be resilient, as consumers' discretion in expenditure is limited for essential services and our service continues to be popular.  Utility providers in the UK continue to install new prepay gas and electricity meters, which will have a beneficial impact on our transaction volumes.    There has been adverse impact on our top-up volumes as a consequence of migration from prepaid to contract and more value for money being offered to consumers. Mobile top-ups account for 23% of our net revenue (2010: 27%).  The internet payment market continues to grow substantially.  PayByPhone is able to offer parking authorities a more cost effective collection system for parking compared to pay and display machines, which should continue to make PayByPhone's services attractive. The convenient service for users of the fast growing online market provided by Collect+ offers opportunity for substantial growth in parcel volumes.


For the current financial year, trading is in line with the company's expectations.  Our established business is strong.  We will pursue further opportunities to enhance UK retail yield by introducing new technology and services, while enhanced transaction management and information services should help our internet sales in the next financial year.  Continuing progress is expected in our developing business. Our Romanian retail network will focus on improving market share with modest network growth to improve yield.  PayByPhone will continue to pursue new clients and the development of technology to grow revenue and improve customer satisfaction.  Collect+ will continue its intensive marketing to new clients, to extend deliveries to its existing returns clients and promote its consumer to consumer proposition.  We expect PayByPhone and the Collect+ parcel service to turn to profit next financial year.

David Newlands  

24 November 2011
Dominic Taylor
Chief Executive


Continuing operationsNoteUnaudited
6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Revenue 295,923 92,898 193,233
Cost of sales 2(59,913) (60,079) (122,567)
Gross profit36,010 32,819 70,666
Administrative expenses(19,316) (17,510) (34,614)
Operating profit16,694 15,309 36,502
Share of loss of joint venture(935) (726) (1,541)
Investment income87 38 88
Finance costs(23) (64) (143)
Profit before tax15,823 14,557 34,456
Tax 3(4,510) (4,496) (10,614)
Profit for the period11,313 10,061 23,842
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent11,329 10,061 23,883
Non-controlling interest(16) - (41)
11,313 10,061 23,842
Earnings per share
Basic 416.7p 14.9p 35.2p
Diluted 416.7p 14.8p 35.1p


6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations8655


Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the period655(837)(72)
Profit for the period11,31310,06123,842
Total comprehensive income for the period11,9689,22423,770
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent11,9849,22423,811
Non-controlling interest(16)-(41)


25 September
26 September
27 March
Non-current assets
Other intangible assets1,3441,2771,329
Property, plant and equipment14,56613,85114,520
Investment in joint venture --135
Deferred tax asset 1,0799041,116
Current assets
Trade and other receivables19,00618,47017,103
Cash and cash equivalents721,51122,92826,464
Total assets116,097115,475119,150
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables28,83430,56332,996
Current tax liabilities4,4913,9305,287
Short-term borrowings-10,000-
Obligations under finance leases91132
Non-current liabilities
Other liabilities225175240
Total liabilities33,55944,67938,555
Net assets82,53870,79680,595
Share capital8226226226
Investment in own shares8(216)(216)(216)
Share premium8252525
Share based payment reserve 82,5662,4763,005
Translation reserve81,126(294)471
Retained earnings 878,86868,57977,125
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company82,59570,79680,636
Non-controlling interest(57) -(41)
Total equity82,53870,79680,595

Condensed Consolidated statement of changes in equity

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Opening equity80,595 70,744 70,744
Profit for the period11,313 10,061 23,842
Dividends paid (10,565) (9,765) (15,041)
Movement in own shares 5- 154 154
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations655 (837) (72)
Movement in share based payment reserve(439) (208) 321
Adjustment on share schemes vesting979 647 647
Closing equity82,538 70,796 80,595


6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Net cash flow from operating activities 98,0989,444 31,137
Investing activities
Investment income6930 70
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,670)(1,051) (3,160)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 23- 61
Investment-- (30)
Loan to joint venture 5(800)(400) (1,350)
Net cash used in investing activities (2,378)(1,421) (4,409)
Financing activities
Repayments of obligations under  finance leases (23)(3) (22)
Receipt / (repayment) of short-term borrowings-4,000 (6,000)
Dividends paid (10,565)(9,765) (15,041)
Net cash used in financing activities(10,588)(5,768) (21,063)
Net  (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents(4,868)2,255 5,665
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 26,46420,769 20,769
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes(85)(96) 30
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period21,51122,928 26,464


1. Accounting policies
These condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union on an historical cost basis and the same accounting policies, presentation methods and methods of computation are followed in this condensed set of financial statements as applied in the group's latest annual audited financial statements.

Basis of preparation
The condensed financial statements contained in this report are unaudited, but have been formally reviewed by the auditors and their report to the company is set out on page 24.  The information shown for the year ended 27 March 2011, which is prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.  The report of the auditors on the statutory accounts for the year ended 27 March 2011, prepared under IFRS, was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain a statement under sections 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and has been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The directors are satisfied that the group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, a period of not less than 12 months from the date of this report.  The group's liquidity and going concern review can be found in the Management Report on page 9.

2. Segmental reporting, net revenue analysis and cost of sales

(i)   Segmental information

PayPoint is a service provider for consumer payment transactions (payments and receipts) through various distribution channels, involving the processing of high volume transactions, the management of retail agents, clients and online merchants, the settlement of funds (collection and transmission) and transmission of data in secure environments, by the application of technology.  

The application of technology is directed on a group basis from the group's executive team (consisting of the Chief Executive Officer, Finance Director, Business Development Director and Chief Information Officer) to develop products across the business, prioritised on an economic value basis (generally by product), rather than on a subsidiary by subsidiary basis.  As the business has high fixed operating costs, the company regards the analysis of net revenue as the most reliable indication of contribution on a product by product basis and analysis of net revenue is shown in the Management Report.

Whilst the group has a number of different products, these do not meet the definition of different segments under IFRS 8 and, therefore, the group has only one reportable class of business, being a payment service provider for consumer payment transactions.

(ii) Reconciliation of revenue to net revenue, analysis of cost of sales

Revenue comprises the value of sales (excluding VAT and sales taxes) of products and services in the normal course of business.  

Net revenue is revenue less the cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards where PayPoint is principal and costs incurred by PayPoint which are recharged to clients and merchants.  These costs include retail agent commission, merchant service charges levied by card scheme sponsors and cost for the provision of call centres to PayByPhone clients.

Net revenue

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Revenue - transaction processing95,240 92,135 191,742
               - rental income of ATMs683 763 1,491
Revenue 95,923 92,898 193,233
Commission payable to retail agents(33,120) (34,579) (71,322)
Cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards as principal (20,076) (18,896) (37,696)
Card scheme sponsors' charges and call centre charges(797) (695) (1,492)
Net revenue 41,930 38,728 82,723
Cost of sales
6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Cost of sales
Commission payable to retail agents33,120 34,579 71,322
Cost of mobile top-ups and SIM cards as principal  20,076 18,896 37,696
Card scheme sponsors' charges and call centre charges797 695 1,492
Depreciation and amortisation 1,652 1,912 3,612
Other4,268 3,997 8,445
Total cost of sales59,913 60,079 122,567

Geographical information:

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
UK72,136 71,675 148,737
Ireland11,006 11,204 22,475
Romania11,998 9,559 21,036
North America783 460 985
Total95,923 92,898 193,233
Non-current assets
UK71,642 70,486 71,850
Ireland- 44 -
Romania2,108 1,711 2,329
North America418 254 489
Total74,168 72,495 74,668

3. Tax on profit of ordinary activities

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Current tax4,473 4,233 10,565
Deferred tax 37 263 49
Total4,510 4,496 10,614

4.  Earnings per share

The basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on the following profit and number of shares.

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent11,329 10,061 23,883
Number of
Number of
Number of
Weighted average number of shares
(for basic earnings per share)
67,772,332 67,675,017 67,721,190
Potential dilutive ordinary shares:
Deferred share bonus157,996 117,565 157,914
Diluted basis67,930,328 67,792,582 67,879,104
Earnings per share
Basic 16.7p 14.9p 35.2p
Diluted16.7p 14.8p 35.1p

5. Related party transactions


During the period, the company subscribed for additional share capital in Verrus Mobile Technology Inc for £1,756,000 and Verrus UK Limited has subscribed for additional share capital in Mobile Payment Services SAS for £133,000.


During the period, PayPoint has lent Drop and Collect Limited (its 50/50 joint venture with Yodel, which trades as Collect+) £800,000, bringing the total amount of the loan outstanding to £3,900,000 (27 March 2011: £3,100,000).  This has been treated as part of the investment in the joint venture.

At 25 September 2011, there were £28,000 of unrecognised losses in Collect+ (27 March 2011: £Nil).

Investment in OB10

OB10 specialises in electronic invoicing.  PayPoint's shareholding at 25 September 2011 represented 1.02% of the issued capital of OB10 (27 March 2011: 1.02%).

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Investment at cost435 405 435

In the view of the directors, the aggregate cost of £435,000 represents the fair value of the investment in the shares.

David Newlands, who is also Chairman of OB10, Dominic Taylor, George Earle, Eric Anstee and Nick Wiles hold shareholdings in OB10 as follows:

Directors' shareholding in OB106 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
David Newlands2.874.732.87
Dominic Taylor1.441.421.44
George Earle0.400.420.4
Nick Wiles
Eric Anstee0.080.080.08

Share based payments

During the period, the Deferred Share Bonus plan (DSB) and long term incentive plan (LTIP) did not vest and, as a result, no treasury shares were released to the relevant executive directors and senior managers.

6. Dividend

The interim dividend of 8.7p (2010: 7.8p) was declared on 24 November 2011 and, accordingly, has not been recorded as a liability as at 25 September 2011.  The total dividend in respect of the year ended 27 March 2011 was 23.4p per share.

7. Cash and cash equivalents

Included within cash and cash equivalents is £3.0 million (25 September 2010: £6.7 million, 27 March 2011: £6.1 million) relating to monies collected on behalf of PayPoint clients where PayPoint has title to the funds (client cash).  An equivalent balance is included within trade payables. The decrease in client cash results from of a change in the practice in respect of ATM monies, where LINK recommended that monies owed to retailers be held in trust accounts. Accordingly, the balance held in trade creditors has decreased by the same amount. At 25 September, amounts held in trust, owed to retailers in respect of ATM monies amounted to £3.1 million (held by PayPoint, not in trust at 27 March 2011: £3.3 million).

The group operates cash pooling amongst its various bank accounts in the UK and, therefore, individual accounts can be overdrawn without penalties being incurred so long as the overall position is in credit. At 25 September 2011, the group's cash was £21.5 million (27 March 2011: £26.5 million).

8. Share capital and reserves

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Authorised share capital
4,365,352,200 ordinary shares of 1/3p each14,55114,55114,551
Called up, allotted and fully paid share capital
67,806,973 ordinary shares of 1/3p each226226226
Investment in own shares
At start of period(216)(370)(370)
Used on share scheme vesting  -154154
At end of period(216)(216)(216)
Share premium
At start of period252525
At end of period252525
Share based payment reserve
At start of period3,0052,6842,684
Additions in period 5405581,088
Released in period(979)(801)(801)
Other adjustments-3534
At end of period2,5662,4763,005
Translation reserve
At start of period471543543
Movement in the period655(837)(72)
At end of period1,126(294)471
Retained earnings
At start of period77,12567,63667,636
Profit for the period11,31310,06123,842
Non-controlling interest  in loss for year included in above16-41
Dividends paid(10,565)(9,765)(15,041)
Adjustment on share scheme vesting 979647647
At end of period 78,86868,57977,125

9. Notes to the cash flow statement

6 months
25 September
6 months
26 September
27 March
Profit before tax15,823 14,557 34,456
Adjustments for items that do not affect cash:
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 1,494 1,753 3,295
Amortisation of intangible assets 158 159 317
Share of losses in joint venture935 726 1,541
Net interest (income) / expense (64) 26 55
Share based payment expense540 593 1,088
Operating cash flows before
movements in working capital
18,886 17,814 40,752
Increase in inventories(497) (15) 209
(Increase) / decrease in receivables(1,706) 4,732 6,337
(Decrease) / increase in payables
- client cash(3,128) 224 (686)
- other payables (152) (7,389) (4,476)
Cash generated by operations13,403 15,366 42,136
Corporation tax paid(5,289) (5,886) (10,950)
Interest and bank charges paid(16) (36) (49)


PayPoint (PAY)
UK 100

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