PayPoint plc : Holding(s) in Company

PayPoint plc : Holding(s) in Company
1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ii  

PayPoint PLC
2 Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):
An acquisition or disposal of voting rights X
An acquisition or disposal of qualifying financial instruments which may result in the acquisition of shares already issued to which voting rights are attached  
An acquisition or disposal of instruments with similar economic effect to qualifying financial instruments  
An event changing the breakdown of voting rights  
Other (please specify):  

3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation: iii


Mawer Investment Management Ltd.

4. Full name of shareholder(s)

(if different from 3.):iv
5. Date of the transaction and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached: v  

April 13, 2015
6. Date on which issuer notified:  

April 15, 2015
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached: vi, vii  


  8. Notified details:  
A: Voting rights attached to shares viii, ix
Class/type of shares


if possible using the ISIN CODE
Situation previousto the triggering transactionResulting situation after the triggering transaction
NumberofSharesNumberofVotingRightsNumberof sharesNumber of voting rights% of  voting rights x
DirectDirect xi Indirect



Ordinary Shares






B: Qualifying Financial Instruments
Resulting situation after the triggering transaction
Type of financialinstrumentExpirationdate xiii Exercise/Conversion Period xiv Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/ converted.% of voting rights

C: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect to Qualifying Financial Instruments xv, xvi
Resulting situation after the triggering transaction
Type of financialinstrumentExercise priceExpirationdate xvii Exercise/ Conversion period xviii Number of voting rights instrument refers to% of voting rights xix, xx

Total (A+B+C)
Number of voting rightsPercentageof voting rights
4,705,771 6.92%

  Proxy Voting:  
10. Name of the proxy holder: Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold:  
12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights:  


13. Additional information:

14. Contact name:
Paul Moroz, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
15. Contact telephone number: 403-267-1969

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: PayPoint plc via Globenewswire



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