Final Results
County Contact Centres PLC
05 August 2002
The Business Review explains how your executive team is running the company and
I hope you agree that they are delivering the turnaround strategy mentioned in
my half yearly report.
At the AGM last year we changed the name of the group to better reflect the call
centre and specialist software products offered by the group and in April 2002
the COUNTYWeb directory and its associated internet services was sold. Existing
COUNTYWeb share certificates still remain valid.
The Board, whose effectiveness is crucial to delivering shareholder value, has
been together since the company was formed and is now working extremely well,
playing to the strengths of each individual member. I have been asked, and have
agreed subject to shareholder approval, to serve until November 2004.
The directors' salary cuts, implemented last year, were restored in April.
Effectively therefore, adjusted for RPI, the Board is on exactly the same
salaries as they were 21/2 years ago, apart from one merit rise.
As you will remember all the directors voluntarily sacrificed their original
options in 2001 and we propose, under the terms of the existing scheme, to grant
options with a total value of up to twice current remuneration to all the
directors at an exercise price of 10% above the average closing market price
over the three days following the Annual General Meeting. Options will also be
offered to key staff members.
This means that option holders gain no benefits from the first 10% rise in the
share price.
Options can be realised on the following formula between three and ten years
from their grant:
If the share price Percentage of options
is at or above realisable
25p 25%
40p 50%
65p 75%
100p 100%
Additional grants to existing option holders, which will again reflect a 10%
premium, will not be made for two years from the AGM and, in addition, will not
be offered until the shares have reached a market price of at least 40p.
The company's cash position, supplemented by a Research and Development recovery
of £116,642 from the Inland Revenue in July, is adequate to support our business
The company is now on a sound platform and the Board is confident, having
re-engineered the business and set ambitious targets that we can continue to
deliver improved results.
Peter Brown
5th August 2002
Since the interim accounts for the half year to December the group has continued
to make strong progress in re-engineering its business model. This project has
now started to bear fruit and, with a solid business base, the outlook is most
encouraging for the year ahead with the company now concentrating on the
provision of a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week out of hours and overflow telephony
service and the development and sale of call centre contact relationship
management software.
Pre-tax losses continue towards breakeven with the unaudited six monthly splits
showing the following trend:
Pre-tax loss for the six months to 30th June 2001 (2,273,968)
Pre-tax loss for the six months to 31st December 2001 (475,781)
Pre-tax loss for the six months to 30th June 2002 (59,242)
The group's future is dependent on the continued growth of both the Ansaback and
CallScripter businesses, more details of which are set out below. The directors
are confident that this growth can be achieved.
The Ansaback division has had a tremendous surge since the start of the calendar
year, mainly brought about by a complete shake up of the monthly charging terms.
Historically our business was quoted on a "per call basis" and in January this
was reviewed and most clients switched to "per minute billing". This was
generally well received as it is a much more equitable billing regime, but not
unexpectedly this resulted in the departure of several low priced clients.
The complete transition to our own CallScripter software package has had
significant operational benefits, as all client scripts now automatically "pop"
on agent's screens when calls are presented. Previously this was a manual
selection and is now not only more efficient, but eradicates selection errors.
Having a single system also makes training new agents much easier and new staff
are quick to adapt to the new user-friendly system.
The CallScripter software also assists the sales team who can now have client
scripts created at very short notice, and quickly respond to client requests for
seasonal changes, which provides for even greater client satisfaction. The new
software has the ability for clients to login from remote access and either
collect or view their messages and data. These developments also offer the added
possibility of additional referrals from other divisions of companies currently
using our services.
One of the benefits of developing our own software package is that we do not
incur any annual charges and additional costs for upgrades. This will start to
have a beneficial impact as the call centre fills to its capacity, which we
anticipate towards the end of 2003.
During the year a large blue chip call centre in the North East vetted our
business, to allow them to pass over clients deemed too small for their
organisation. These customers needed to be handled by a responsible 24-hour
operation, and the quality of these referrals has been excellent. Providing we
maintain our standard of service, there should be further business from this
source in the future.
The number of accounts for whom we currently provide services, including many
blue chip organisations, has risen by 33% from 169 clients at the time of
purchase to a new total of 225. Billable minutes have also improved with minutes
billed increasing by 21% in the quarter to July.
The sales team has been strengthened and further sales and support staff will be
recruited in the near future with targets of increasing sales and improving
client care.
Our campaign work, to win outbound rather that incoming call clients, which
started from zero in 2001, now has 10 clients many of whom retain us for monthly
pushes on sales and appointment bookings. This area also looks set to develop
further over the coming 12 months.
The package was designed by our own technical team to supersede the inherited
call centre software. Written in ASP (Microsoft Active Server Pages), the
package has been branded under the name CallScripter and after evaluation by
external consultants is now being offered directly to Call Centres, Software
Distributors and Telephone Switch Manufacturers. Our suite provides clients with
a much improved management information package as well as the ability to quickly
amend agent scripts without the need for skilled technical expertise.
Call Centre Expo 2001, held in October at the NEC, was the official launch of
the package and it met with significant interest, which after extensive customer
evaluation culminated in 8 orders. Two of these were substantial sales, the
call centres concerned being major players within the UK industry, and this has
given the product a significant point of reference.
At 30th June 2002, delivered software orders have a value of over £350,000. More
recent call centre exhibitions in Berlin, Utrecht and Paris have led to a number
of promising demonstrations. We have representatives appointed for the above
centres and are planning to extend our base to other regions as quickly as
possible. The Paris Expo was used for the launch of the first foreign language
version and in July 2002 we also secured our first international order, at a
value of £31,000, which has already been installed.
Our technical team continues to develop CallScripter and Version 2 with added
enhancements is due to be launched in September at the next UK Call Centre Expo
at the Birmingham NEC.
The COUNTYWeb directory and its related internet services was sold in April for
£155,000 with a copy of the entire database being retained for our own marketing
Under the terms of the agreement, we will provide hosting and maintain the
directory facilities during the transfer to its new service provider, to be
completed during August 2002.
William A Catchpole
5th August 2002
2002 2001
£ £
Continuing operations 1,079,642 134,868
Discontinued operations 219,330 423,091
--------- ---------
Turnover 1,298,972 557,959
Cost of sales
Continuing operations (603,895) (98,608)
Discontinued operations (2,354) (114,145)
--------- ---------
Cost of sales (606,249) (212,753)
Gross profit
Continuing operations 475,747 36,260
Discontinued operations 216,976 308,946
--------- ---------
Gross profit 692,723 345,206
Administrative expenses
Continuing operations (1,220,804) (1,672,527)
Discontinued operations (198,746) (2,597,595)
--------- ---------
Administrative expenses (1,419,550) (4,270,122)
Operating profit/(loss)
Continuing operations (745,057) (1,636,267)
Discontinued operations 18,230 (2,288,649)
--------- ---------
Operating loss (726,827) (3,924,916)
Exceptional Items
Profit on disposal of
discontinued operations 155,000 -
Other interest receivable
and similar income 36,828 155,194
Interest payable
and similar charges (24) (3,139)
--------- ---------
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation (535,023) (3,772,861)
Tax on loss on ordinary activities 114,953 -
--------- ---------
Loss on ordinary activities
after taxation deducted
from reserves (420,070) (3,772,861)
========= ==========
Basic loss per share (1.6) p (14.1) p
2002 2001
£ £
Loss for the financial year (420,070) (3,772,861)
Prior year adjustment - (29,096)
--------- ---------
Total loss recognised since last financial statements (420,070) (3,801,957)
========= ==========
AS AT 30 JUNE 2002
2002 2001
£ £
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - -
Tangible assets 136,596 213,658
-------- --------
136,596 213,658
Current assets
Debtors 566,423 750,733
Cash at bank and in hand 564,964 1,565,760
-------- --------
1,131,387 2,316,493
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year (301,108) (1,143,206)
-------- --------
Net current assets 830,279 1,173,287
-------- --------
Total assets less current liabilities 966,875 1,386,945
-------- --------
Capital and reserves
Share capital 268,572 268,572
Share premium account 5,873,199 5,873,199
Other reserve - 25,000
Merger reserve 18,396 18,396
Profit and loss account (5,193,292) (4,798,222)
--------- ---------
Shareholders' funds 966,875 1,386,945
========= ==========
2002 2001
£ £
Net cash outflow
from operating activities (1,190,722) (2,832,485)
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 36,828 155,194
Interest paid (24) (3,139)
--------- ---------
Net cash inflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance 36,804 152,055
--------- ---------
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets (16,940) (323,335)
Proceeds from sale of COUNTYWeb fixed assets 155,000 -
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 15,062 9,523
--------- ---------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investment 153,122 (313,812)
--------- ---------
Purchase of Ansaback business - (194,000)
--------- ---------
Net cash outflow from acquisitions - (194,000)
--------- ---------
Proceeds from issue of new shares - 1,090,000
--------- ---------
Net cash inflow from financing - 1,090,000
--------- ---------
Decrease in cash (1,000,796) (2,098,242)
========= =========
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange