Interim Results - Part 2
Pearson PLC
28 July 2003
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months to 30 June 2003
Note 2003 2002 2002
half year half year full year
all figures in £ millions
Sales (including share of joint 1,673 1,819 4,331
Less: share of joint ventures (8) (6) (11)
Sales 2a 1,665 1,813 4,320
Group operating (loss) / (105) (79) 194
Share of operating loss of
joint ventures
and associates 2c / d (5) (32) (51)
Total operating (loss) / 2b (110) (111) 143
Total operating (loss) / profit
analysed between :
Operating profit before 38 76 493
goodwill amortisation, goodwill
impairment and integration
Goodwill amortisation and (148) (182) (340)
Integration costs - (5) (10)
Total operating (loss) / 2b (110) (111) 143
Loss on sale of fixed assets (1) - (13)
and investments
Profit / (loss) on sale of 3 12 7 (27)
subsidiaries and associates
Profit on sale of subsidiaries - 3 3
and associates by an
Non operating items 11 10 (37)
(Loss) / profit before interest (99) (101) 106
and taxation
Net finance costs 4 (39) (87) (131)
Loss before taxation 5 (138) (188) (25)
Taxation 7 (9) (6) (64)
Loss after taxation (147) (194) (89)
Equity minority interests (13) (13) (22)
Loss for the financial period (160) (207) (111)
Dividends on equity shares 8 (74) (73) (187)
Retained loss (234) (280) (298)
Adjusted (loss) / earnings per 6 (2.3)p 0.5p 30.3p
Loss per share 6 (20.1)p (26.0)p (13.9)p
Diluted loss per share 6 (20.1)p (26.0)p (13.9)p
Dividend per share 8 9.4p 9.1p 23.4p
There is no difference between the loss before taxation and the retained loss
for the period stated above and their historical cost equivalents.
The results for the 2002 full year are an abridged version of the full accounts,
which have received an unqualified audit report from the auditors and have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies.First half year figures are neither
audited nor reviewed.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2003
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 3,560 3,939 3,610
Tangible assets 498 528 503
Investments: joint ventures
Share of gross assets 1 4 7
Share of gross liabilities - - -
1 4 7
Investments: associates 62 107 106
Investments: other 85 83 84
4,206 4,661 4,310
Current assets
Stocks 792 848 734
Debtors 1,240 1,073 1,057
Deferred taxation 180 280 174
Investments 2 3 2
Cash at bank and in hand 229 542 575
2,443 2,746 2,542
Creditors - amounts falling due within
one year
Short-term borrowing (206) (57) (249)
Other creditors (1,046) (995) (1,114)
(1,252) (1,052) (1,363)
Net current assets 1,191 1,694 1,179
Total assets less current liabilities 5,397 6,355 5,489
Creditors - amounts falling due after
more than one year
Medium and long-term borrowing (1,920) (2,442) (1,734)
Other creditors (41) (41) (60)
(1,961) (2,483) (1,794)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (148) (174) (165)
Net assets 3,288 3,698 3,530
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 200 200 200
Share premium account 2,466 2,460 2,465
Profit and loss account 411 849 673
Equity shareholders' funds 3,077 3,509 3,338
Equity minority interests 211 189 192
3,288 3,698 3,530
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the six months to 30 June 2003
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions Note half year half year full year
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from 10 (293) (193) 529
operating activities
Dividends from joint ventures and 1 1 6
Interest received 8 6 11
Interest paid (44) (99) (151)
Debt issue costs (1) - -
Dividends paid to minority (2) (1) (1)
Returns on investments and (39) (94) (141)
servicing of finance
Taxation (1) (35) (55)
Purchase of tangible fixed (56) (71) (126)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 3 - 7
Purchase of investments (3) (3) (21)
Sale of investments - - 3
Capital expenditure and financial (56) (74) (137)
Purchase of subsidiaries (87) (38) (87)
Net cash acquired with 1 - 1
Purchase of joint ventures and (2) (9) (40)
Sale of subsidiaries - 8 3
Net cash disposed with - - (1)
Sale of associates 56 921 920
Acquisitions and disposals (32) 882 796
Equity dividends paid (113) (108) (181)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow
before management of liquid
resources and financing (533) 379 817
Liquid resources acquired (112) (82) (65)
Collateral deposit (placed) / - (29) 22
Management of liquid resources (112) (111) (43)
Issue of equity share capital 1 1 6
Capital element of finance lease (2) (2) (5)
Loan facility advanced / (repaid) 326 (59) (507)
Bonds advanced / (repaid) 164 (156) (167)
Collateral deposit reimbursed 45 - 17
Net movement in other (5) 7 (7)
Financing 529 (209) (663)
(Decrease) / increase in cash in (116) 59 111
the period
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the six months ended 30 June 2003
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Loss for the financial period (160) (207) (111)
Other net gains and losses recognised in
Currency translation differences (29) (153) (317)
Taxation on currency translation - - 5
Total recognised gains and losses (189) (360) (423)
relating to the period
Prior year adjustment - FRS 19 - 209 209
Total recognised gains and losses (189) (151) (214)
Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 30 June 2003
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Loss for the financial period (160) (207) (111)
Dividends on equity shares (74) (73) (187)
(234) (280) (298)
Currency translation differences (net of (29) (153) (312)
Goodwill written back on sale of - 144 144
subsidiaries and associates
Shares issued 1 1 6
Replacement options granted on 1 - 1
acquisition of subsidiary
Net movement for the period (261) (288) (459)
Equity shareholders' funds at beginning 3,338 3,797 3,797
of the period
Equity shareholders' funds at end of the 3,077 3,509 3,338
Notes to the 2003 Results
for the six months ended 30 June 2003
1.Basis of preparation
The results for the six months ended 30 June 2003 have been prepared in
accordance with the accounting policies set out in the 2002 Annual Report.
2a.Sector analysis - sales
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Pearson Education 927 1,049 2,756
FT Group 370 370 726
The Penguin Group 368 394 838
1,665 1,813 4,320
2b.Sector analysis - operating (loss) / profit
....................2003 half year.............................
Results from Integration Goodwill Goodwill Operating
all figures operations costs amortisation impairment loss
in £ millions
Pearson (26) - (120) - (146)
FT Group 43 - (18) - 25
The Penguin 21 - (10) - 11
Continuing 38 - (148) - (110)
Discontinued - - - - -
38 - (148) - (110)
.........................2002 half year...............................
Results from Integration Goodwill Goodwill Operating
operations costs amortisation impairment loss
all figures
in £ millions
Pearson - (3) (126) - (129)
FT Group 38 - (33) (10) (5)
The Penguin 38 (2) (10) - 26
Continuing 76 (5) (169) (10) (108)
Discontinued - - (3) - (3)
76 (5) (172) (10) (111)
..............2002 full year.................................
Results from Integration Goodwill Goodwill Operating
operations costs amortisation impairment profit
all figures
in £ millions
Pearson 326 (7) (244) - 75
FT Group 80 - (65) (10) 5
The Penguin 87 (3) (18) - 66
Continuing 493 (10) (327) (10) 146
Discontinued - - (3) - (3)
493 (10) (330) (10) 143
2c.Sector analysis - joint ventures
Included in the analysis of operating (loss) / profit in note 2b are the
following amounts in respect of joint ventures:
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Pearson Education - - (1)
FT Group (4) (7) (13)
The Penguin Group - - 1
(4) (7) (13)
2d.Sector analysis - associates
Included in the analysis of operating (loss) / profit in note 2b are the
following amounts in respect of associates:
.......2003 half year...................
Results from Goodwill Operating
operations amortisation loss
all figures in £ millions
Pearson Education 1 - 1
FT Group 6 (8) (2)
The Penguin Group - - -
Continuing operations 7 (8) (1)
Discontinued operations - - -
7 (8) (1)
........2002 half year....................
Results from Goodwill Operating
operations amortisation loss
all figures in £ millions
Pearson Education 1 - 1
FT Group 1 (24) (23)
The Penguin Group - - -
Continuing operations 2 (24) (22)
Discontinued operations - (3) (3)
2 (27) (25)
...........2002 full year.................
Results from Goodwill Operating
operations amortisation loss
all figures in £ millions
Pearson Education 3 (1) 2
FT Group 7 (44) (37)
The Penguin Group - - -
Continuing operations 10 (45) (35)
Discontinued operations - (3) (3)
10 (48) (38)
3.Profit / (loss) on sale of subsidiaries and associates
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Continuing operations:
Loss on sale of Forum - - (40)
Loss on sale of PH Direct - (10) (8)
Net profit on sale of other subsidiaries 12 - 3
and associates
Continuing operations 12 (10) (45)
Profit on sale of RTL Group - - 17 18
discontinued operations
Profit / (loss) on sale of subsidiaries 12 7 (27)
and associates
Taxation (11) (11) (6)
4.Net finance costs
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Net interest payable (39) (50) (94)
Early repayment of debt and termination - (37) (37)
of swap contracts
Net finance costs (39) (87) (131)
5.(Loss) / profit before taxation
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Loss before taxation (138) (188) (25)
Goodwill amortisation 148 172 330
Goodwill impairment - 10 10
Integration costs - 5 10
Non operating items (11) (10) 37
Early repayment of debt and termination - 37 37
of swap contracts
(Loss) / profit before taxation (before
goodwill amortisation and other items) (1) 26 399
6.(Loss) / earnings per share
In order to show results from operating activities on a comparable basis, an
adjusted earnings per share is presented which excludes items as set out
below.The company's definition of adjusted earnings per share may not be
comparable to other similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
2003 2002 2002
all figures are in £ millions half year half year full year
Loss for the financial period (160) (207) (111)
- Non operating items (11) (10) 37
- Integration costs - 5 10
- Goodwill amortisation 148 172 330
- Goodwill impairment - 10 10
- Early repayment of debt and termination - 37 37
of swap contracts
Taxation on above items 9 (3) (67)
Minority interest share of above items (4) - (5)
Adjusted (loss) / earnings (18) 4 241
Weighted average number of shares
- for earnings and adjusted earnings 797.1 795.9 796.3
Effect of dilutive share options - - -
Weighted average number of shares
- for diluted loss 797.1 795.9 796.3
Adjusted (loss) / earnings per share (2.3)p 0.5p 30.3p
Loss per share (20.1)p (26.0)p (13.9)p
Where the Group has made a loss for the financial period, after taking into
account goodwill amortisation, the effect of share options is anti-dilutive and
there is no difference between the loss per share and the diluted loss per
The tax rate provided in the profit and loss account is analysed as follows:
2003 2002 2002
all figures in percentages half year half year full year
UK tax rate 30.0 30.0 30.0
Effect of overseas tax rates 4.0 4.8 2.8
Other items - (0.8) -
Tax rate reflected in adjusted (loss) / 34.0 34.0 32.8
The taxation charge is analysed as:
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Parent and subsidiaries (7) (4) (60)
Joint ventures and associates (2) (2) (4)
(9) (6) (64)
The directors have declared an interim dividend of 9.4p per equity share,
payable on 26 September 2003 to shareholders on the register at the close of
business on 8 August 2003.
9.Exchange rates
Pearson earns a significant proportion of its sales and profits in overseas
currencies, the most important being the US dollar.The relevant rates are as
2003 2002 2002
half year half year full year
Average for operating profits 1.61 1.45 1.51
Period end rate 1.65 1.52 1.61
10.Note to consolidated statement of cash flows
2003 2002 2002
all figures in £ millions half year half year full year
Reconciliation of operating (loss) /
profit to net cash (outflow) /
inflow from operating activities
Total operating (loss) / profit (110) (111) 143
Share of operating loss of joint ventures 5 32 51
and associates
Depreciation charges 56 63 122
Subsidiary goodwill amortisation and 140 155 292
(Increase) / decrease in stocks (68) (27) 43
Increase in debtors (137) (94) (111)
(Decrease) / increase in creditors (165) (156) 64
Decrease in operating provisions (14) (51) (50)
Other and non-cash items - (4) (25)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from (293) (193) 529
operating activities
Dividends from joint ventures and 1 1 6
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (56) (71) (126)
Capital element of finance lease (2) (2) (5)
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed 3 - 7
Add back: Non operating expenditure on 3 4 -
fixed assets
Add back: Cash spent against integration 6 32 44
and fair value provisions
Pearson operating cashflow (338) (229) 455
Operating tax paid (1) (19) (46)
Operating finance charges (36) (56) (104)
Operating free cashflow (375) (304) 305
Non operating tax paid - (16) (9)
Non operating finance charges - (37) (37)
Integration and fair value spend (6) (32) (44)
Total free cashflow (381) (389) 215
Dividends paid (including minorities) (115) (109) (182)
Net movement of funds from operations (496) (498) 33
Acquisitions of businesses and (59) (50) (124)
Disposals of businesses, investments and 51 930 930
New equity 1 1 6
Other non operating items - (5) (5)
Net movement of funds (503) 378 840
Exchange movements on net debt 14 44 131
Total movement in net debt (489) 422 971
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange