Directorate, etc

Pan Andean Resources PLC 4 July 2000 PAN ANDEAN ANNOUNCES BOARD CHANGES Pan Andean announces that Mauricio Gonzalez (45) and Jim Finn (41) have accepted invitations to join the board while David Bramhill is stepping down to concentrate on his mineral ventures. Mr Gonzalez has served as Bolivan Energy Minister as well as President of the National Bolivian Oil Company. He continues as a key player in the Bolivian energy industry. Mauricio was educated at Oxford, Yale and the Harvard Business School. Jim Finn is Secretary of Pan Andean and a main board director of Minco and Cooley Distillery. He holds qualifications in business and accounting. In commenting, chairman John Teeling said 'The board appointments announced today are further steps on the road to growing Pan Andean into a meaningful E & P company. Mauricio Gonzalez brings a wealth of experience in South American oil. He has transformed Bolivia's energy fortunes. Jim Finn has handled the finances of Pan Andean for 8 years. As Finance Director he will direct all Stock Exchange, banking and financial relationships. I am sorry to see David Bramhill leave but the growth of his mining ventures made it inevitable. For eleven years he soldiered with me, without compensation, as we sought to develop our Bolivian acreage. I wish him success'. Pan Andean will announce further details regarding Mr Gonzalez and Mr Finn in due course. Bolivian Drilling Drilling on our Chipiriri X-1 well in Chapare continues on target. After six days the well has reached a depth of 450 metres.


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