15 October 2018
EBT Share Purchase
On 12 October 2018 Persimmon plc (the "Company") was informed that on that day Persimmon (Share Scheme Trustees) Limited purchased 12,000 ordinary shares in the Company at an average price of 2239.7735p.
The shares were purchased by the employee benefit trust for the Company's Bonus Share Scheme. Each of the executive directors of the Company is a potential participant under the Bonus Share Scheme and is therefore regarded as having a notional interest in these shares.
Following this purchase, Persimmon (Share Scheme Trustees) Limited holds 36,217 shares in the Company for the Bonus Share Scheme representing 0.0115% of the issued share capital.
The issued share capital of the Company on 12 October 2018 was 315,939,546 ordinary shares.
T L Davison
Company Secretary