Final Results - Year Ended 30 June 1999

Petra Diamonds Ld 15 December 1999 PETRA DIAMONDS LIMITED PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 1999 Key Points: - Alexkor Management Contract won - Gold Fields of South Africa prospects acquired - New concessions acquired in Namibia and Botswana - Diamondiferous kimberlite under exploration at Syferfontein - Successful fund-raising Commenting on these Preliminary Results, Adonis Pouroulis, Chairman of Petra, said: 'These results cover a year of great difficulty for Petra, with the escalation of hostilities in Angola unexpectedly preventing further development of our great prospects in that country. We have had to refocus our effort and re-finance our company to cope with the new operations. The winning of the Alexkor Management Contract and the acquisition of various prospecting rights in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia have given us new opportunities, while a successful fund-raising has placed us in a position to develop these opportunities. We look forward with much confidence.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am proud to present our second year of results. The year has been both very rewarding and challenging. It has been rewarding in the sense that we overcame great opposition to win the bid to manage Alexkor, the state-owned diamond mine in South Africa. The Company also acquired the entire diamond portfolio of Gold Fields in South Africa and was awarded five exploration blocks in north-eastern Namibia. It has been challenging in the sense that we withstood one of the worst years in the recent history of the diamond industry. In October 1998, our operations in Angola were brought to an unexpected halt by the resumption of hostilities between Unita and the government in that country. Our Angolan experience has taught us to weather the storm and to diversify risk by having projects in other, more stable countries. We hope that Angola will return to normality so that we may continue with what are fantastic diamond properties. The highlight of the year was the award of the management contract of the state-owned diamond mine, Alexkor, to the Nabera consortium, of which Petra is the lead member with 29,5%. Alexkor has a long history of production and is still a very large producer of high quality diamonds in South Africa. Since the mine started operations in the late 1920's, some 10 million carats have been mined. The future growth of Petra Diamonds lies in the development of both alluvial and kimberlite deposits. Petra has both types of deposit in its portfolio of properties. The coming year will focus on: - Returning Alexkor to profitability and embarking on an extensive exploration programme - Completing the bulk sample at Syferfontein - Commencing exploration in Namibia - Commencing exploration in Botswana - Possible acquisitions giving Petra Diamonds an immediate cash flow. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS SOUTH AFRICA The success of our Alexkor bid has been the highlight of the year, winning as we did against 27 other leading diamond mining companies. The Nabera team, under the leadership of Petra's Larry Neuhoff took over the management of the operation on 17 May 1999. The mission to return the operation to a profitable footing within as short a time as possible, and to add value by proving up additional economically mineable reserves, both on land and in marine. A strategy embracing sound economic principles has been developed, the foundation of which involves: * an exploration programme focussed on proving up additional reserves to allow us to extend the life of the mine; * a focus on production, which will ensure that targets are met and that costs are constrained; * security - reassessment of the current security arrangements with a view to upgrading and improving these; * financial controls focussed on cost reductions and control of expenditure; * ore reserves - reprocessing of the geological and mine costing data to facilitate a better definition of mineable blocks. Initial focus, where early headway has been made, has been on outsourcing the shallow water contracts, understanding and then containing runaway costs, redefinition of current ore reserves, improving security, looking at better mining methods, and generating a better and more harmonious relationship with labour. Blue Diamond Mines Port Nolloth Mining of the identified gravel horizons continued until the end of January 1999, from which date the operation was moved onto an exploration footing. During the seven months to end of January, 975 carats were produced, mainly from the north trench excavation. Grades proved to be laterally inconsistent, and a decision was made to revert to exploration in an effort to identify gravel bodies worth mining. This exploration has focussed initially on three areas, McDougall's Bay Trench, Jassie's Trench and AA Trench. Initial sampling from AA Trench is extremely encouraging and the trench is currently being broadened to confirm these results. Once confirmed, new trenches will be opened up along strike to evaluate the lateral continuity of the diamond bearing gravel. Syferfontein During the period under review, Blue Diamond Mines acquired most of the diamond portfolio of Gold Fields of South Africa. This encompassed some ten properties, the most advanced of which is the Syferfontein property located 150 km from Johannesburg, adjacent to the gold mining areas of Klerksdorp and Stilfontein. A diamond bearing kimberlite, 1.365 hectares in size, had been discovered on this property using geophysical methods. Petra has started a minibulk sample. The rest of the properties acquired from Gold Fields of South Africa are being subjected to desk studies, and initial field sampling will be performed over the best properties during the next year. ANGOLA Petra has, in Alto Cuilo, Muriege and Media Kwanza, three of the most prospective diamond concessions in the world. Initial exploration on Alto Cuilo has identified 31 prospective kimberlite targets, and drilling has already intersected kimberlite. Hostilities between Unita and the Government forced the company to make a strategic withdrawal from its camp on the Alto Cuilo project. Most of the equipment has been withdrawn to Saurimo and is being stored there. The company has a representative who is based in Saurimo, and the Petra office in Luanda is still in operation. Petra's partners have accepted a state of force majeure, but all parties are performing the necessary tasks to ensure that, should hostilities cease, the company will be in a position to continue with these exciting projects. NAMIBIA Petra has been awarded five concessions in the north eastern corner of Namibia, adjacent to the area where a number of kimberlites have been identified in Botswana. An exploration programme is being planned and will be scheduled to start in the coming year. BOTSWANA Petra has been granted an option to explore approximately 600,000 acres of land in Botswana by Mosetse Diamond Projects. Mosetse holds Prospecting Licenses over three potentially diamondiferous blocks of ground located east of the important diamond mines in the Orapa Wimberlite cluster. In 1999, the Botswana Geological Survey released the results of a new, high-resolution magnetometric survey over this region. It is anticipated that the new magnetic data will be sufficiently sensitive to reveal the presence of kimberlites of low magnetic intensity, in areas where their effects were previously obscured. FUNDING Petra has successfully completed a private placing of £1.2 million. The proceeds of this placement will be used for the further exploration of Petra's concessions in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana and for working capital. We are continuously looking for new opportunities, especially with regards to companies with a positive cash flow, or in nearproduction, thereby providing a cash flow for Petra. ADONIS POUROULIS Chairman Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30 June 1999 25 March 1997 1999 to 30 June 1998 Notes £ £ £ £ Turnover 1 100,445 260,407 Continuing operations 100,445 - Acquisitions - 260,407 Cost of mining operations 2 (461,752) (467,363) Continuing operations (461,752) - Acquisitions - (467,363) Gross loss (361,307) (206,956) Other operating income and charges 2 (1,007,151) (2,460,571) Operating loss (1,368,458) (2,667,527) Continuing operations (1,368,458) (1,903,465) Acquisitions (764,062) Share of operating loss of associate (10,266) (2,802) Finance costs 3 (16,776) 176,029 Loss on ordinary activities before and after taxation for the financial period 1 (1,395,500) (2,494,300) loss per ordinary share 6 (4.11p) (8.36p) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 30 June 1999 25 March 1997 1999 to 30 June 1998 £ £ Retained loss for the year (1,395,500) (2,494,300) Exchange adjustments on translation of subsidiary undertakings 93,230 (1,432,440) Total recognised gains and losses (1,302,270) (3,926,740) Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 June 1999 1999 1998 Notes £ £ Fixed assets Intangible assets 7 8,660,792 6,613,667 Tangible assets 8 370,041 376,820 Investments 9 857 - 9,031,690 6,990,487 Current assets Stock 10 5,230 23,628 Debtors 11 434,469 222,839 Cash and cash equivalents 38,164 1,862,196 477,863 2,108,663 Creditors: amounts failing due within one year 12 (1,698,595) (353,403) Net current assets/(fiabilities) (1,220,732) 1,755,260 Total assets less current liabilities 7,810,958 8,745,747 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 14 3,414,973 3,381,076 Share premium account 15 9,622,784 9,291,411 Other reserves 15 (1,339,210) (1,432,440) Profit and loss account 15 (3,889,800) (2,494,300) Equity sharehoIders funds 7,808,747 8,74,5,747 Minority interest 2,211 - 7,810,958 8,745,747 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 1999 25 March 1997 1999 to 30 June 1998 Notes £ £ Net cash outflow from operating activities 16 (474,950) (1,916,482) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 23,332 177,102 Interest paid (13,375) (1,597) Hire purchase agreement interest paid - (1,818) Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 9,957 173,687 Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (66,564) (331,657) Sale of tangible fixed assets 12,105 14,548 Investment in exploration costs (1,751,438) (2,497,121) Purchase of associate (3) (460) Purchase of subsidiaries (5,156) (6,217,603) Net cash purchased in subsidiaries - (5,397) Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (1,811,056) (9,037,690) Financing Issue of shares 365,270 13,351,303 Repayment of borrowings - (21,199) Repayment of hire purchase agreement (12,529) Expenses paid in connection with share issues - (678,816) Net cash inflow from financing 365,270 12,638,759 increasel(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1,910,779) 1,858,274 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 18 1,858,274 - Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 18 (52,505) 1,858,274 Net cash outflow from operating activities GROUP 25 March 1997 1999 to 30 June 1998 £ £ Operating loss (1,368,458) (2,667,527) Depreciation and amortisation 101,387 74,788 Exploration costs written off 80,241 490,950 Exchange differences (317,478) 268,406 Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets 2,052 2,217 Provision for potentially irrecoverable loan to associate 23,904 139,214 Decrease in stock 18,398 (5,692) Increase in debtors (238,476) (340,725) Increase in creditors 1,223,480 121,887 (474,950) (1,916,482) NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. This is the Company's second Annual Report. Comparative figures are for the period 25 March 1997 to 30 June 1998. 2. There are no dividends paid or proposed. 3. The Company's only activities are mining and exploration, which all occurs in Africa. 4. The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 5. These accounts were approved by the directors on 10 December 1999. 6. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 11.00 am Tuesday, 18 January 2000 at Boswell City Financial PR Limited, Bridewell House, 9 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AW.
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