Immediate Rlease |
6 January 2010 |
Petra Diamonds Limited
("Petra Diamonds" or the "Company")
Operations Resumed At Koffiefontein Mine
Further to the announcement of 5 January 2010, Petra Diamonds announces that full mining operations have this morning recommenced at the Koffiefontein mine in South Africa. Work was stopped at the mine for 48 hours and therefore diamond production has not been materially impacted.
~ Ends ~
For further information, please contact:
Cathy Roberts |
Telephone: +44 20 7318 0452 |
Petra Diamonds, London |
Bobby Morse / James Strong |
Telephone: +44 20 7466 5000 |
Buchanan Communications |
James Duncan / Nicola Taylor |
Telephone: +27 11 880 3924 |
Russell & Associates |
Mike Jones / Ryan Gaffney |
Telephone: +44 20 7050 6500 |
Canaccord Adams | |