3 June 2010
Petrofac Limited (the "Company")
Notification of Transactions by
Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMRs)
Pursuant to Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.4, the Company hereby notifies that Marwan Chedid, a PDMR of the Company, today sold a total of 100,000 ordinary shares of US$0.02 each in the Company (the "Shares"). 50,000 Shares were sold at 1150 pence and 50,000 Shares were sold at 1176 pence.
Following these transactions, Mr Chedid's total holding in the Company amounts to 1,295,998 Shares, representing 0.375 per cent of the total voting rights of the Company.
The Company's issued share capital consists of 345,629,656 Shares with voting rights. Each Share carries the right to one vote. The Company does not hold any Shares in Treasury.
Contact for enquiries:
Petrofac Limited
Sofia Bernsand
020 7811 4900