Final Results - Part Three

Petrofac Limited 02 March 2007 PART 3 30 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Commitments In the normal course of business the group will obtain surety bonds, letters of credit and guarantees, which are contractually required to secure performance, advance payment or in lieu of retentions being withheld. Some of these facilities are secured by issue of corporate guarantees by the Company in favour of the issuing banks. At 31 December 2006, the group had letters of credit of US$16,920,000 (2005: US$10,899,000) and outstanding letters of guarantee, including performance and bid bonds, of US$573,185,000 (2005: US$385,556,000) against which the group had pledged or restricted cash balances of, in aggregate, US$883,000 (2005: US$1,648,000). At 31 December 2006, the group had outstanding forward exchange contracts amounting to US$221,188,000 (2005: US$381,003,000). These commitments consist of future obligations to either acquire or sell designated amounts of foreign currency at agreed rates and value dates (note 32). Leases The group has financial commitments in respect of non-cancellable operating leases for office space and equipment. These non-cancellable leases have remaining non-cancellable lease terms of between one and ten years and, for certain property leases, are subject to renegotiation at various intervals as specified in the lease agreements. The future minimum rental commitments under these non-cancellable leases are as follows: 2006 2005 US$'000 US$'000 Within one year 16,679 7,159 After one year but not more than five years 24,748 15,382 More than five years 13,500 8,501 --------------------- 54,927 31,042 ===================== Minimum lease payments recognised as an operating lease expense during the year amounted to US$8,643,000 (2005: US$7,212,000). Capital commitments At 31 December 2006, the group had capital commitments of US$21,819,000 (2005: US$3,410,000). Included in the above are commitments for the construction of a new office building in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates amounting to US$20,577,000 (2005: nil). 31 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Petrofac Limited and the subsidiaries listed in note 34. Petrofac Limited is the ultimate parent entity of the group. The following table provides the total amount of transactions which have been entered into with related parties: Sales to Purchases Amounts owed Amounts owed related from parties related by related to related parties parties parties US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Joint ventures 2006 4,520 3,282 7,725 133 2005 8,194 2,674 28,402 1,333 Other directors' 2006 - 49 - 49 interests 2005 - 30 - 2 All sales to and purchases from joint ventures are made at normal market prices and the pricing policies and terms of these transactions are approved by the group's management. All related party balances at 31 December 2006 will be settled in cash. Purchases in respect of other directors' interests of US$49,000 comprise of market rate based costs of chartering the services of an aeroplane used for the transport of senior management and directors of the Company on company business, which is owned by an offshore trust of which the Chief Executive of the Company is one of the beneficiaries. Other directors' interest in 2005 relates to payments made to a related party for services provided to the group by the then director of the Company. In 2002, the Company extended an option to a director of the Company to acquire up to 75,000 ordinary shares of US$1.00 each at US$25.00 per share. On 18 May 2005, this option agreement was cancelled. At the time of appointment in 2002, an agreement was reached between a director of the Company and 3i Group plc (3i), pursuant to which the director received a cash payment of US$1,422,000 from 3i following the Company's listing on the London Stock Exchange in 2005. Compensation of key management personnel The following details remuneration of key management personnel of the group comprising of executive and non-executive directors of the Company and other senior personnel. Further information relating to the individual directors is provided in the Directors' Remuneration report on pages 29 to 36. 2006 2005 US$'000 US$'000 Short-term employee benefits 4,412 4,249 Other long term employment benefits 40 51 Share-based payments 288 169 Fees paid to non-executive directors 416 266 --------------------- 5,156 4,735 ===================== 32 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Risk management objectives and policies The group's principal financial instruments, other than derivatives, comprise bank loans, loan notes, non-recourse structured finance, cash and short-term deposits. The main purpose of these financial instruments is to finance the group's operations. The group has various other financial instruments such as trade receivables and trade payables, which arise directly from its operations. The group also uses derivative transactions, principally interest rate swaps and caps, and forward currency contracts to manage the interest rate and currency risks arising from the group's operations and its sources of finance. It is the group's policy that no trading in financial instruments be undertaken. The main risks arising from the group's financial instruments are interest rate risk, foreign currency risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Interest rate risk The group's exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the group's long-term variable rate debt obligations and its cash and bank balances. The group's policy is to manage its interest cost using a mix of fixed and variable rate debt and specifically to keep between 60% and 80% of its borrowings at fixed or capped rates of interest. At 31 December 2006, after taking into account the effect of interest rate swaps and caps, approximately 64.8% (2005: 84.7%) of the group's term borrowings are at a fixed or capped rate of interest. Foreign currency risk The group uses forward currency contracts to manage the currency exposure on transactions significant to its operations. It is the group's policy not to enter into forward contracts until a firm commitment is in place and to negotiate the terms of the hedge derivatives to match the terms of the hedged item to maximise hedge effectiveness. Credit risk The group trades only with recognised, creditworthy third parties. Receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis with the result that the group's exposure to bad debts is not considered significant. At 31 December 2006, the group's five largest customers accounted for 66.3% of outstanding trade receivables and work in progress (2005: 69.8%). With respect to credit risk arising from the other financial assets of the group, which comprise cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale financial assets and certain derivative instruments, the group's exposure to credit risk arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these instruments. Liquidity risk The group's objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility through the use of overdrafts, revolving credit facilities, project finance and term loans. Fair values of financial assets and liabilities The fair value of the group's financial instruments as compared to their carrying amounts included within the group's balance sheet are set out below: Carrying amount Fair value 2006 2005 2006 2005 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Financial assets Cash and short-term deposits 457,848 208,896 457,848 208,896 Restricted cash 883 1,648 883 1,648 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,726 2,413 1,726 2,413 Interest rate caps and swaps 568 672 568 672 Forward currency contracts 8,840 - 8,840 - Forward currency purchase option - 461 - 461 =========================================== Financial liabilities Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 117,180 106,870 117,180 106,870 Deferred consideration 7,373 4,450 7,373 4,450 Interest rate swaps - 147 - 147 Forward currency contracts - 11,452 - 11,452 ============================================ Market values have been used to determine the fair values of available-for-sale financial assets and forward currency contracts. The fair values of interest rate swaps and caps have been calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows at prevailing interest rates. The Company considers that the carrying amounts of trade and other receivables, trade and other payables, other current and non-current financial assets and liabilities approximate their fair values and are therefore excluded from the above table. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect the value of the group's interest-bearing financial liabilities and assets. The following table indicates the years over which these financial liabilities and assets will reprice or mature: Year ended 31 December 2006 Within 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 More than 1 year years years years years 5 years Total US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Financial liabilities Floating rates Revolving credit facilities - 6,500 443 1,994 6,427 15,364 Short term loan 6,033 - - - - - 6,033 Bank overdrafts 20,442 - - - - - 20,442 Term loan - 2,500 10,000 11,250 15,625 37,736 77,111 --------------------------------------------------------- 26,475 9,000 10,000 11,693 17,619 44,163 118,950 ========================================================= Financial assets Floating rates Cash and short-term deposits 457,848 - - - - - 457,848 Restricted cash balances 883 - - - - - 883 --------------------------------------------------------- 458,731 - - - - - 458,731 ========================================================= Year ended 31 December 2005 Within 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 More than 1 year years years years years 5 years Total US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Financial liabilities Floating rates Revolving credit facilities 8,900 - 404 1,817 2,827 3,029 16,977 Short term loan 6,228 - - - - - 6,228 Bank overdrafts 6,055 - - - - - 6,055 Project term loan 7,000 - - - - - 7,000 Term loan 2,500 10,000 11,250 15,625 18,750 13,897 72,022 --------------------------------------------------------- 30,683 10,000 11,654 17,442 21,577 16,926 108,282 ========================================================= Financial assets Floating rates Cash and short-term deposits 208,896 - - - - - 208,896 Restricted cash balances 1,648 - - - - - 1,648 --------------------------------------------------------- 210,544 - - - - - 210,544 ========================================================= Financial liabilities in the above table are disclosed gross of debt acquisition costs of US$1,770,000 (2005: US$1,412,000). Interest on financial instruments classified as floating rate is repriced at intervals of less than one year. The other financial instruments of the group that are not included in the above tables are non-interest bearing and are therefore not subject to interest rate risk. Derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges At 31 December 2006, the group held the following derivative instruments, designated as cash flow hedges in relation to floating rate interest-bearing loans and borrowings: Fair value asset/ (liability) Date 2006 2005 Instrument Period to commenced US$'000 US$'000 maturity UK LIBOR interest rate 2 years and 9 31 December 2004 77 (147) swap months UK interest rate cap 1 year 31 December 2004 4 5 US LIBOR interest rate swap 1 year 31 December 2004 487 667 Foreign currency risk The group is exposed to foreign currency risk on sales, purchases and borrowings that are entered into in a currency other than US Dollars. The group uses forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge its foreign currency risk, when considered appropriate. At 31 December 2006, the group had foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges with a fair value gain of US$8,840,000 (2005: fair value loss US$11,452,000) as follows: Net unrealised Contract value Fair value gain/(loss) 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Euro currency purchases 203,908 344,107 212,694 332,689 8,786 (11,418) Sterling currency purchases 3,901 36,896 4,098 36,862 197 (34) Yen currency purchases 13,379 - 13,236 - (143) - ---------------- 8,840 (11,452) ================ The above foreign exchange contracts mature between January 2007 and February 2008 (2005: between January 2006 and June 2007). During 2005, the group acquired an option from a bank to purchase Euro currency equivalent to US$31,368,000 by paying a premium of US$689,000. At 31 December 2005, the fair value of the option was US$461,000 with an unrealised loss deferred in equity of US$228,000. In October 2006, the option was exercised and a gain of US$105,000 was recognised in the income statement. 33 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE SPD Group Limited On 16 January 2007, the group acquired a 51% interest in the share capital of SPD Group Limited (SPD), a specialist provider of well operations services. The consideration for the acquisition of the 51% interest inclusive of estimated transaction costs of US$172,000 was US$7,872,000. Consideration of US$7,700,000 (excluding transaction costs) was settled by a cash payment of US$3,935,000, issuance of loan notes payable of US$1,765,000 and the balance of US$2,000,000 by issuance of 274,938 new ordinary shares of the Company at market values at the date of issue to the vendor over three years in equal instalments on the anniversary of the transaction. The terms of the sale and purchase agreement for the remaining 49% interest in the share capital of SPD which convey call option rights on the acquirer and minority share holder put option rights over these shares and the respective rights to dividends and share of profits of the two parties are such that this transaction has been accounted for as a 100% acquisition of the business by the group. The discounted deferred consideration for the remaining 49% of the share capital of SPD has been estimated at US$12,025,000 and this will be reassessed each year to fair value and any adjustment to the deferred consideration arising will be reflected in goodwill except for the unwinding of interest which will be reflected in the income statement as an interest expense. The total consideration for the 100% interest therefore, including transaction costs, amounts to US$19,897,000. 33 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE The 100% fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of SPD Group Limited at the date of acquisition are analysed below and these are provisional pending final agreement with the vendor. Recognised on Carrying acquisition Value US$'000 US$'000 Property, plant and equipment 47 47 Intangible assets 2,369 - Trade and other receivables 5,559 5,559 Cash and short-term deposits 970 970 ----------------------- Total assets 8,945 6,576 ----------------------- Less: Trade and other payables (3,210) (3,210) Income tax payable (10) (10) ----------------------- Total liabilities (3,220) (3,220) ----------------------- Fair value of net assets acquired 5,725 3,356 ======== Goodwill arising on acquisition 14,172 -------- Consideration 19,897 ======== Cash outflow on acquisition: Cash acquired with subsidiary 970 Cash paid on acquisition (3,935) Legal and professional expenses paid on acquisition (172) ------- Net cash outflow on the acquisition of subsidiary (3,137) ======= Intangible assets recognised on acquisition comprise customer contracts which will be amortised over their remaining economic useful lives on a straight line basis. The residual goodwill above comprises the fair value of expected future synergies and business opportunities arising from the integration of the business in to the group. Chergui gas concession, Tunisia On 22 February 2007, the group completed the acquisition of a 45% interest in the Chergui gas concession in Tunisia, for a final cash consideration of US$27,323,000 which after including advance capital expenditure paid on behalf of the vendor of US$2,846,000 (note 10), brought the total consideration for the transaction to US$30,169,000. 34 SUBSIDIARIES AND JOINT VENTURES At 31 December 2006, the group had investments in the following subsidiaries and incorporated joint ventures: Proportion of nominal value of issued shares Name of company Country of controlled by the incorporation group Trading subsidiaries 2006 2005 Petrofac Inc. USA *100 *100 Petrofac International Ltd Jersey *100 *100 Petrofac Resources Limited England *100 *100 Petrofac Resources International Limited Jersey *100 *100 Petrofac UK Holdings Limited England *100 *100 Petrofac Facilities Management Jersey *100 *100 International Limited Petrofac Services Limited England *100 *100 Petrofac Services Inc. USA *100 *100 Petrofac Training International Limited Jersey *100 *100 Petroleum Facilities E & C Limited Jersey *100 *100 Petrofac ESOP Trustees Limited Jersey *100 *100 Petrofac Employee Benefit Trust Jersey *100 n/a Atlantic Resourcing Limited Scotland 100 100 Monsoon Shipmanagement Limited Cyprus 100 100 Petrofac Alger URAL Algeria 100 100 Petrofac Engineering India Private Limited India 100 100 Petrofac Engineering Limited England 100 100 Petrofac Offshore Management Limited Jersey 100 100 Petrofac Facilities Management Group Scotland 100 100 Limited Petrofac Facilities Management Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac International Nigeria Ltd Nigeria 100 100 Petrofac Pars (PJSC) Iran 100 100 Petrofac Iran (PJSC) Iran 100 100 Plant Asset Management Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac Nuigini Limited Papua New Guinea 100 100 PFMAP Sendirian Berhad Malaysia 100 100 Petrofac Caspian Limited Azerbaijan 100 100 Petrofac (Malaysia-PM304) Limited England 100 100 Petrofac Training Group Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac Training Holdings Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac Training Limited Scotland 100 100 RGIT Montrose Inc. USA 100 100 RGIT Montrose (Trinidad) Limited Trinidad 100 100 Monsoon Shipmanagement Limited Jersey 100 100 Petrofac E&C International Limited United Arab Emirates 100 100 Rubicon Response Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac Resources (Ohanet) Jersey Limited Jersey 100 100 Petrofac Resources (Ohanet) LLC USA 100 100 PKT Technical Services Ltd Russia 50% n/a PKT Training Services Ltd Russia 100% n/a Pt PCI Indonesia Indonesia 80% n/a Process Control and Instrumentation Singapore 100% n/a Services Pte Ltd Process Control and Instrumentation Malaysia 100% n/a Sendirian Berhad Sakhalin Technical Training Centre Russia 80% n/a Petrofac Norge AS Norway 100% n/a * Directly held by Petrofac Limited 34 SUBSIDIARIES AND JOINT VENTURES Proportion of nominal value of issued shares Name of Company Country of controlled by the incorporation group Joint Ventures 2006 2005 Costain Petrofac Limited England 50 50 Kyrgyz Petroleum Company Kyrgyz Republic 50 50 MJVI Sendirian Berhad Brunei 50 50 Spie Capag - Petrofac International Jersey 50 50 Limited TTE Petrofac Limited Jersey 50 50 Dormant subsidiaries Petrofac Sakha Limited England *100 *100 Petrofac Saudi Arabia Limited Saudi Arabia 100 100 ASJV Venezuela SA Venezuela 100 100 Joint Venture International Limited Scotland 100 100 Montrose Park Hotels Limited Scotland 100 100 Montrose Scota Limited Scotland 100 100 Petrofac Resources (Palmyra) Limited Jersey 100 100 RGIT Ethos Health & Safety Limited Scotland 100 100 Scota Limited Scotland 100 100 * Directly held by Petrofac Limited SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION As at 31 December 2006 Petrofac shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange using code 'PFC.L'. Registrar Company Secretary and registered office Capita Registrars Ogier Corporate Services (Jersey) Limited The Registry Whiteley Chambers 34 Beckenham Road Don Street, St Helier Beckenham Jersey JE4 9WG Kent BR3 4TU Legal Advisers to the Company As to English Law As to Jersey Law Norton Rose Ogier Kempson House Whiteley Chambers Camomile Street Don Street, St Helier London EC3A 7AN Jersey JE4 9WG Joint Brokers Credit Suisse Lehman Brothers 1 Cabot Square 25 Bank Street London E14 4QJ London E14 5LE Auditors Corporate and Financial PR Ernst & Young LLP Bell Pottinger Corporate & Financial 1 More London Place 6th Floor, Holborn Gate London SE1 2AF 330 High Holborn London WC1V 7QD 2007 Financial Calendar Date* Activity 11 May 2007 Annual general meeting 17 May 2007 Final dividend payment 5 September 2007 Interim results announcement November 2007 Interim dividend payment * Dates correct at time of print, but subject to change This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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