Final Results

5 November 2010 PipeHawk plc ("PipeHawk" or the "Company") Final results for the year ended 30 June 2010 Chairman's Statement The recession has proven deeper and longer than envisaged last year and these results reflect a full year of this recession. Nevertheless the Group has survived intact and, I believe, is well positioned with the right people and the right offerings to move back into profitability. I can report the turnover for the year ended 30 June 2010 was £2,636,000 (2009: £3,241,000) which is a decrease of 19 per cent on the previous year. The Company incurred a loss after taxation for the year of £844,000 (2009: loss £398,000). Adien Adien operates in the large infrastructure project part of the construction industry.  During 2009 Adien suffered from the withdrawal of funding for projects that it had been awarded.  In addition, as was the case five years ago, the water companies delayed the appointment of their framework partners for the next phase of Asset Management Plans ("AMP") and which has delayed Adien's participation in the detailed design and planning process that precedes these capital projects.  Adien has aligned its overhead base to match the sales activity being experienced in the market better.  The first quarter of 2010 brought an upturn in the level of enquiries and orders but as has been reported nationally the construction industry had a disappointing second quarter in 2010 which was reflected at Adien.  Currently Adien is pursuing vigorously all opportunities offered by the market place and is also marketing the e-Spott layer re-instatement equipment as both a service offering and a capital equipment sale opportunity. Technology Division In the period under review PipeHawk continued to develop new GPR products and as a consequence has capitalised approximately £382,000 of research and development expenditure. I can report a good level of interest in our e-Spott product, which allows spot testing to be conducted on road and layered surfaces.  We have made good progress with the e-Safe product, a mini "customer friendly" e-Spade - cable avoidance product.  The e-Safe product has attracted interest from international distributors, which gives us confidence that sales volumes in the short to medium term could be higher than that achieved for any other PipeHawk product. QM Systems At QM Systems ("QMS"), the turnaround of this company is taking longer than our management team anticipated.  The team have been working hard to expand the service offering and customer base. The past 12 months have seen the company move from being almost entirely reliant on projects to establishing consultancy services and product based business units. In addition, the project business has been expanded to include mechanical engineering capability making QMS a true turnkey provider of solutions. These activities are key in bringing greater stability and ultimately profit back to QMS. QMS has a large volume of quotations which are awaiting decisions from customers.  Many of these are to existing customers and it is also encouraging to note that a number of repeat orders have already been received from customers for whom QMS completed projects last year.   QM's commitment to research and development of products to support high integrity environments has been maintained throughout the period. SUMO Like Adien, SUMO has suffered somewhat in the period under review.  This is in line with other construction-based industries in the current economic climate. SUMO's management have taken the necessary steps to restore its profitability in 2010. Turnover for the year ended 30 June 2010 was £2,959,000 (2009: £4,382,000) and its operating loss for that period was £236,000 (2009: £71,000 loss).  Sumo is accounted for in the group financial statements as a joint venture. The turnover of SUMO has not been accounted for in the group financial statements given it is a joint venture. Related party transactions In the period under review, as in previous years, I undertook to provide working capital to the Company. During the year ended 30 June 2010 I advanced loans to the Company of £1,125,000, in aggregate. In addition, since 30 June 2010 I have advanced further loans of £535,000 to the Company. In March 2010, the Company's bankers gave the Company notice that it intended to withdraw all the facilities that it had made available to the Company.  The Directors sought to obtain replacement facilities from other banks but were unsuccessful.  I am confident regarding the long term future of the PipeHawk group and therefore I agreed to advance further funds to the Company on similar terms to the loans I had previously advanced to the Company on the understanding that negotiations would commence on converting £1 million of loans into convertible unsecured loan stock. Accordingly, on 13 August 2010 the Company issued £1 million of Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2014 ("CULS") to me to replace some of the loans I have previously made amounting to £1 million.  Further details can be found at note 7 below.. My letter of support dated 12 November 2009 was renewed on 2 November 2010 for a further year. Loans other than those covered by the CULS agreement are unsecured and accrue interest at an annual rate of base rate plus 2.15 per cent. The directors, other than myself, consider, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the loans are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company's shareholders are concerned. In addition to the loans I have provided to the Company during the period and in previous years, my fellow directors and I have deferred a certain proportion of our fees until the Company is in a suitably strong position to make the full payments.  These deferred fees amount to approximately £106,000 in the year ended 30 June 2010 and approximately £489,000 in total, all of which have been accrued in the Company's accounts. Strategy & Outlook The PipeHawk group is geared towards creating sustainable earnings-based growth and focuses on the expansion of its business with forward-looking products and services. PipeHawk acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment - in each of its business areas.  PipeHawk is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development.  After a difficult year my outlook for the group remains optimistic. Gordon Watt Chairman FURTHER ENQUIRIES  PipeHawk Plc 01420 590 990 Gordon Watt (Chairman)  Merchant Securities Limited  020 7628 2200 David Worlidge Simon Clements Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2010   30 June 30 June 2010 2009 Note £'000 £'000 Revenue   2,636 3,241 ---------------- Staff costs   (1,626) (1,841) Operating costs   (1,876) (1,900) ---------------- Operating loss   (866) (500) Share of post tax loss in joint venture   (70) (17) ---------------- Loss before interest and taxation   (936) (517) Finance costs   (79) (87) ---------------- Loss before taxation   (1,015) (604) Taxation 2 171 206 ---------------- Loss for the year attributable to equity holders of the Company   (844) (398) Other comprehensive income   - - ---------------- Total comprehensive income for the year net of tax   (844) (398) Loss per share (pence) -  basic and diluted 3 (2.85) (1.48) Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2010     30 June 30 June   Note 2010 2009 Assets   £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment   107 143 Goodwill   1,061 1,061 Intangible assets   1,803 1,426 Investment in joint venture 4 65 135 --------------------     3,036 2,765 -------------------- Current assets Inventories   179 299 Current tax assets   156 156 Trade and other receivables   493 674 Cash and cash equivalents   90 - --------------------     918 1,129 -------------------- Total assets 3,954 3,894 Equity and liabilities Equity Share capital   330 269 Share premium   5,151 4,842 Other reserves   (5,795) (4,951) --------------------     (314) 160 -------------------- Non-current liabilities Borrowings 5 512 517 --------------------     512 517 -------------------- Current liabilities Trade and other payables 6 1,743 1,836 Borrowings 7 2,013 908 Bank overdrafts   - 473 --------------------     3,756 3,217 -------------------- Total equity and liabilities   3,954 3,894 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow for the year ended 30 June 2010     30 June 30 June   2010 2009 Note £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities Loss from operations   (866) (500) Adjustments for: Depreciation   74 104 Impairment of intangibles   5 34 Profit on sale of fixed assets   - (23) ----------------     (787) (385) Decrease/(Increase) in inventories   120 (31) Decrease in receivables   175 68 (Decrease)/Increase in liabilities   (93) 332 ---------------- Cash used in operations 8 (585) (16) Interest paid   (79) (87) Corporation tax received   177 156 ---------------- Net cash (used in)/from operating activities   (487) 53 ---------------- Cash flows from investing activities Development costs paid   (382) (435) Purchase of plant and equipment   (41) (58) Sale of plant and equipment   3 65 ---------------- Net cash used in investing activities   (420) (428) ---------------- Cash flows from financing activities Share issues   370 - New loans and finance leases   1,139 521 Repayment of bank loan   (10) (209) Repayment of finance leases   (29) (47) ---------------- Net cash generated from in financing activities   1,470 265 ---------------- Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   563 (110) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   (473) (363) ---------------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   90 (473) Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2010     Share     Share   Share premium Retained Other options Consolidated capital account earnings reserves reserve Total   £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 As at 1 July 269 4,842 (4,951) - - 160 2009 Loss for the - - (844) - - (844) period Share issue 61 309 - - - 370 ----------------------------------------------------------------   330 5,151 (5,795) - - (314) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total comprehensive income Total - - (5,795) - - (5,795) comprehensive income ---------------------------------------------------------------- As at 30 June - - (5,795) - - (5,795) 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------- As at 1 July 269 4,842 (4,553) - - 558 2008 Loss for the - - (398) - - (398) period ----------------------------------------------------------------   269 4,842 (4,951) - - 160 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total comprehensive income Total - - (4,951) - - (4,951) comprehensive income ---------------------------------------------------------------- As at 30 June - - (4,951) - - (4,951) 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Notes to the Final Results for the year end 30 June 2010 1.         Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards as adopted by the EU and under the historical cost convention. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for one year ended 30 June 2009 and 2010, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2009 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2010 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain any statements under Companies Act 2006 section 498 (2) or (3). 2.        Taxation   2010 2009   £'000 £'000 United Kingdom Corporation Tax Current taxation (150) (178) Adjustments in respect of prior years (21) (28) ----------------   (171) (206) Deferred taxation - - ---------------- Tax on loss (171) (206) Current tax reconciliation 2010 2009   £'000 £'000 Taxable loss for the year (1,015) (604) ------------------ Theoretical tax at UK corporation tax rate 28% (2009: 28.0%) (284) (169) Effects of: - R&D tax credit adjustments 24 10 - other expenditure that is not tax deductible 3 3 - adjustments in respect of prior years 21 (28) - accelerated capital allowances (116) (115) - losses carried forward 131 58 - short term timing differences 50 35 ------------------ Total income tax expense (171) (206) The Group has tax losses amounting to approximately £860,000 (2009: £1,069,000), available for carry forward to set off against future trading profits. 3.        Loss per Share This has been calculated on a loss of £844,000 (2009: loss £398,000) and the number of shares used was 29,443,591 (2009: 26,937,181) being the weighted average number of share in issue during the year. 4.        Investment in Joint Venture   Investment in shares   £'000 Cost: At 1 July 2009 & 30 June 2010 198 ----------------------- Share of losses At 1 July 2009 (63) Share of losses for the year (70) ----------------------- At 30 June 2010 (133) ----------------------- Net investment At 30 June 2010 65 At 30 June 2009 135   Investment in shares   £'000 Cost: At 1 July 2008 & 30 June 2009 198 ----------------------- Share of losses At 1 July 2008 (46) Share of losses for the year (17) ----------------------- At 30 June 2009 (63) ----------------------- Net investment At 30 June 2009 135 At 30 June 2008 152 The investment in joint venture relates to a 30.3% shareholding in the ordinary share capital of SUMO Limited. SUMO Limited is engaged in the development of a GPR franchise operation and has a year end of 31 December.  For the purpose of preparing this consolidation, financial information has been prepared for the year ended 30 June 2010.  SUMO Limited's principal place of business is Havant, Hampshire. Summarised financial information in respect of the Group's joint venture is set out below:   30/06/10 30/06/09 £'000 £'000 Total assets     2,356 2,350 Total liabilities     2,139 1,906 Net assets 217 444 Group's share of net assets of joint 65 135 venture   Year ended 30/6/10 Year ended 30/6/09 Total revenue 2,959 4,382 Total profit for the period       (233) (56) Group's share of profits of joint venture (70) (17) 5. Non-current liabilities: Borrowings   2010 2009    £'000 £'000 Borrowings (note 7) 512 517 6.        Current liabilities: Trade and other payables    2010 2009    £'000 £'000 Trade payables 506 662 Other taxation and social security 278 452 Payments received on account 86 23 Accruals 873 699 Amounts due to group undertakings - - ----------------   1,743 1,836 Included within the above amounts are the following amounts owing to directors;   2010 2009 G G Watt £689,181 £579,586 R G Tallentire £200,779 £161,139 R J Chignell £15,000 £15,000 R R MacDonnell £19,000 £19,000 The directors have undertaken not to call upon these amounts until the Group is in a position to generate sufficient operating cashflows 7.        Borrowing Analysis   2010 2009    £'000 £'000  Due within one year Bank loans 7 12 Directors' loans 1,991 867 Obligations under finance lease agreements 15 29 ----------------   2,013 908  Due after more than one year  Bank loans - 5  Obligations under finance lease agreements 12 12  Directors' loans 500 500 ----------------   512 517 ----------------  Repayable  Due within 1 year 2,013 908  Over 1 year but less than 2 years 512 516  Over 2 years but less than 5 years - 1 ----------------   2,525 1,425 Bank loans include loans from the Bank of Scotland £7,220 (2009: £16,847). The loan with Bank of Scotland is at a rate of 14.1% and is repayable in monthly instalments, the final instalment being in April 2011.  The loan is secured over various plant and equipment. Finance lease agreements with Barclays Asset Finance Limited and Banque PSA Finance are at a rate of 4.5% over base rate.  The future minimum lease payments under finance lease agreements at the year end date was £22,333 (2009 £41,056) The director's loan from G G Watt of £500,000 falls due for repayment in December 2010 and is to be further extended until December 2011.  This loan has been included above as due within one year.  Directors' loans attract interest at 2.15% over Bank of England base rate. On 13th August 2010 the Company issued £1 million of Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2014 ("CULS") to G G Watt, the Chairman of the Company.  The CULS have been issued to replace loans made by G G Watt to the Company amounting to £1 million. The principal terms of the CULS are as follows:  -The CULS may be converted at the option of Gordon Watt at a price of 7p per share at any time prior to 11 August 2014;  -Interest is payable at a rate of 10 per cent per annum on the principal amount outstanding until converted, prepaid or repaid, calculated and compounded on each anniversary of the issue of the CULS.  On conversion of any CULS, any unpaid interest shall be paid within 20 days of such conversion;  -The CULS are repayable, together with accrued interest on 11 August 2014 ("the Repayment Date"); * The Company has the option, after 1 year to repay the CULS before the Repayment Date, subject to the Company providing 10 days' notice. 8.        Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities   2010 2009   £'000 £'000 Operating loss (866) (500) Amortisation of intangible assets 5 34 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 74 104 Profit on sale of fixed assets - (23) Working capital movements Inventories 120 (31) Receivables 175 68 Payables (93) 332 ---------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities (585) (16) ---------------- 9.        Dividends The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2009: Nil). 10.        Copies of the Report and Accounts Copies of the Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly, and will be available from the Company's registered office, Manor Park Industrial Estate, Wyndham Street, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4NZ and from the Company's website [HUG#1459239] This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Pipehawk PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE


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