30 June 2023
Annual Shareholders Meeting of PJSC Tatneft for 2022
Annual shareholders meeting (AGM) of PJSC Tatneft (the "Company") for 2022 was held on 30 June 2023 by absentee voting.
The AGM approved:
1. Annual report of the Company for 2022.*
2. Annual financial statements of the Company for 2022.*
3. Profit distribution (including payment of dividends) based on the results of the reporting year.**
4. Election of the Board of Directors of the Company.***
5. Election of the Revision Commission of the Company.***
6. "Technologies of Trust - Audit" JSC as the Company's auditor for 2023.
7. New version of the Charter of the Company.***
8. New version of the Regulation of the Company on the Board of Directors.***
(*) As previously disclosed by the Company.
(**) Total dividend for 2022 (taking into consideration the interim dividends paid for 6 and 9 months of 2022) is approved in the amount of 6728% of the nominal (par) value of each preferred and common share, or 67 Rubles and 28 Kopecks per share. The payment of dividends in cash within the timeframe set out by Russian law in the amount of 2771% of the nominal (par) value of each preferred and common share, or 27 Rubles and 71 Kopecks per share, is approved. 11 July 2023 is set as the record date on which the list of persons entitled to receive the dividends will be drawn up. The remaining net income for 2022 shall be accounted for as undistributed.
(***) Based on the information circulated to the Company's shareholders in connection with the AGM as per the requirements of Russian law.
Following the AGM the newly elected Board of Directors appointed its Chairman and formed the Audit, Nominations & Compensation and Sustainable Development & Corporate Governance committees.
This announcement contain inside information.
Forward-looking statements: This statement may contain certain forward-looking statements of PJSC Tatneft. PJSC Tatneft does not guarantee occurrence of any events mentioned in such statements as well as term of their occurrence.