Final Results

Porvair PLC 27 January 2004 27 January 2004 Contacts: Ben Stocks, Chief Executive Mark Moran, Group Finance Director Porvair plc today 0207 466 5000 at all other times 01553 761111 Charles Ryland/Catherine Miles Buchanan Communications 0207 466 5000 PORVAIR plc ('Porvair') PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 1 DECEMBER 2003 Porvair, the specialist filtration Group, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 1 December 2003. KEY POINTS • Considerable progress made on stated strategy, with disposal of non-core businesses transforming Porvair into a specialist filtration group with exciting new materials opportunities. • Exceptional loss on disposal of £23.0m, but transaction broadly cash neutral as planned. This exceptional loss, together with £3.3m operating loss on discontinued activities represent major constituents of overall loss before tax of £28.5m (2002: £2.1m). • Adjusted profit of continuing business* of £1.6m after R&D expenditure of £4.7m, represents a strong result relative to previous year (2002: loss of £0.4m). • Further growth in demand for new materials in 2003 and high growth opportunities validating significantly increased R&D investment in new materials technologies. • Recovery of Selee started, good progress in Porvair Filtration Group, and second record year for Porvair Sciences. • Final dividend of 1.0 p per share (2002: 4.3p), making a total for 2003 of 3.4 p per share (2002: 6.7p). • Continuing group is profitable and cash generative, representing a sound base for the future development of Porvair. • Encouraging start to 2004 both in financial terms and in terms of technical progress. * on ordinary continuing activities before taxation, goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs John Morgan, Chairman, said: 'Porvair enters 2004 as a specialist filtration business whose competitive strength is based on proprietary microporous materials expertise. Overall the Group is profitable and cash generative. We have a range of high growth opportunities that have the potential to transform the financial performance of Porvair and fully justify the on-going development investment costs. We have made an encouraging start to 2004, both in financial terms and in terms of technical progress, and the Board views the future with optimism. ' 2003 Chairman's statement I am pleased to report that the Group has made great progress in 2003, in what has been a year of considerable change as Porvair has moved to the next stage of the strategy first set out three years ago. Since 2001, Porvair has : • Significantly increased research & development investment in new materials technologies that the Board believes have the potential to transform the financial performance of the Group • Commissioned new manufacturing facilities in both Selee and the Porvair Filtration Group, and made strategic acquisitions to strengthen both these specialist filtration businesses • Disposed of those businesses which no longer fitted in to the long term plans for Porvair In 2003 the benefits of this activity really started to show through. Following the disposals, Porvair has a sharper commercial focus and a stronger financial profile. The businesses that are continuing with the Group performed well in 2003. Selee started to recover from a difficult 2002; the Porvair Filtration Group had a good year; Porvair Sciences delivered a record year; and exciting advances were made with the new materials at Porvair Fuel Cell Technology ('PFCT'). The disposals of Porvair International and Porvair Ceramics were explained in full in my letter to shareholders dated 14 November 2003, in which I noted that the prime reason for the transactions was to allow both the management and capital resources of the Group to focus on the exciting high-growth opportunities we have been developing. With this transaction, Porvair has changed. It is a specialist filtration business whose strength is founded on its microporous materials and design engineering expertise. Porvair no longer operates chemical plants and as a result the Board expects to generate much better returns on assets. The continuing Group; comprising Porvair Selee, Porvair Filtration Group, PFCT and Porvair Sciences; serves a range of niche filtration markets, and continues to invest a significant proportion of its earnings into research & development. This investment holds back Group profits, but the nature of the materials and markets involved fully justifies the expenditure incurred. The Board is particularly encouraged that demand for our new materials has grown again in 2003, and shareholders will see in the operating review below that Porvair's bi-polar plates are demonstrating superior technical performance. As a consequence of this demand the US plant has been reorganised, at an exceptional cost of £1.5m, in preparation for the next phase of development. Due to the accounting treatment of the business disposals undertaken during the year, the presentation of the financial results is unavoidably complex. A summary of the main features is set out in the table below: 2003 2002 £ m £ m Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (28.5) (2.1) Add back: - Goodwill amortisation 2.3 2.3 - Exceptional items : discontinued 23.0 - - Exceptional items : continuing 1.5 - - Losses/(profits) of discontinued operations 3.3 (0.6) Adjusted profit/(loss) on ordinary continuing activities before taxation, goodwill amortisation and exceptionals 1.6 (0.4) In brief: • The continuing businesses generated an adjusted profit of £1.6m after R&D expenditure of £4.7m (2002: £4.6m). This was a strong result relative to the previous year (2002: adjusted loss of £0.4m), and the Board is encouraged that these businesses represent a sound base for the future development the Group. • The Group has recognised losses of £26.3m in respect of the discontinued businesses, being trading losses of £3.3m and exceptional charges of £23.0m. The exceptional charge is primarily related to the loss on chemical plant assets, many of which have been with the Group since the mid-1960's, and to provisions for the remaining associated pension and property liabilities. Trading losses were incurred as management directed the businesses to maximise cash generation. The Board expects to achieve its overall objective for this transaction, which was to achieve a cash-neutral exit from the oldest assets in the Group. • Year end borrowings were £10.1m, an excellent result, but one that shareholders should note was struck after the proceeds of the disposal were received, but before some of the applications for those proceeds were spent. In addition to normal post-transaction adjustments and expenses, the Board expects to apply a proportion of the proceeds to Porvair Pension Plan funding, about which actuarial advice is now being taken. Taking into account such adjustments, a more representative underlying borrowings level for the Group would be around £1.5m higher. Bank facilities have recently been re-committed for a further three year term. Dividend As previously announced, the Board has reviewed its dividend policy in light of the changing nature of the Group and its intention to continue investing in its new material development opportunities. A final dividend of 1.0p is recommended for 2003 as anticipated at the time of the disposal announcement in November 2003, and gives a total dividend for the year of 3.4p. Board and employees In view of the importance of the opportunities for the new materials in the US, our Chief Executive Ben Stocks relocated to Hendersonville in December 2003. After six years with the Group, Mark Moran, finance director, has decided to rejoin his family in the South East of England and will resign from the Board at the end of January. Mark has made a significant contribution to Porvair, and the Board is most grateful to him for all he has achieved on our behalf. We expect to appoint a successor during the course of 2004. We wish the Moran family well, as we do all our staff, who again this year have worked with enthusiasm and commitment in a fast changing environment. Outlook Porvair enters 2004 as a specialist filtration business whose competitive strength is based on proprietary microporous materials expertise. Overall the Group is profitable and cash generative. We have a range of high growth opportunities that have the potential to transform the financial performance of Porvair and fully justify the on-going development investment costs. We have made an encouraging start to 2004, both in financial terms and in terms of technical progress, and the Board views the future with optimism. John Morgan, Chairman 27 January 2004 Operating & Financial review During 2003 Porvair Selee recovered from a tough 2002. Marginally improved dollar sales, cost controls and efficiency savings helped gross margins improve by 30%, and as a result the business returned to profitability. We expect to see further efficiency gains in 2004 and are ensuring proper emphasis is given to margins. Selee maintains its strong position in the market for aluminium filtration, and is using its porous ceramic know-how to develop ancillary applications in molten metal consumables and other filtration markets. The Porvair Filtration Group completed its second full year with sales and gross margins ahead 3% and 6% respectively of 2002. During the year a new microfiltration manufacturing facility was commissioned, and orders for this facility are strong. We made good progress in several key segments, notably aerospace, where activity has recovered somewhat from the lows of 2002; and energy, where both hot gas filters and nuclear clean-up filters have performed well. Several of the new product developments initiated when this business was formed in 2001 - for example in ink jet filtration - are expected to come on stream in 2004. Porvair Sciences remains a small but highly valued part of the Group, which delivered a second record year, with profits at the operating level 9% ahead of 2002. This business makes filters, handling devices and porous media for life science laboratories. These are competitive markets and in recent years Porvair Sciences has performed well. Porvair Fuel Cell Technology ('PFCT') had an exciting year. Strong customer demand in the middle of the year led to a rapid manufacturing scale-up for ' first generation' bi-polar plates, in partnership with United Technologies Corporation Fuel Cells and the US Government Department of Energy. Bi-polar plates are key components in PEM fuel cells, and Porvair plates are beginning to show compelling technical attributes when compared to industry standards: Porvair 1st generation Industry Standard Conductivity 600S/cm 100S/cm Weight 1.2g/cc 1.8g/cc Plate thickness to 1.2mm to 1.8mm Flex strength *(psi) 7000 4500 * at typical density These attributes - highly conductive, thin, strong and light plates - when combined with the low cost manufacturing potential of the material, and our ability to control its microporosity, have led to substantial customer demand. We are already specified in both stationary and automotive programmes, and as confidence in our plate performance grows we are increasingly involved in new test protocols with new customers. The next phase of this programme will be to refine our 'second generation' plates such that they become suitable for ultra low cost manufacturing; and to begin to move through necessary testing with existing and new customers. This will take up most of our time in 2004. If successful, Porvair will become a highly competitive carbon bi-polar plate manufacturer, and therefore is well placed to take advantage as and when PEM fuel cell markets develop. PFCT is also developing proprietary porous metal materials. Some of this work was held back in 2003 by accelerated bi-polar plate activity, but additional resources were brought in towards the end of the year, and this programme is again building momentum. In general these materials are not related to fuel cell markets. Early commercial applications have been achieved in industrial burners, pressure vessels and water treatment devices. Longer term development, notably in industrial electrical conductors, compact heat exchangers and emission controls continue to test promisingly. We would expect a handful of these opportunities to progress to early commercial stages in 2004. Cash Flow Cash flow management remains a key priority for the Group. Net cash generation during the year was £0.6m, with net borrowings at year end falling by £1.7m to £10.1m. However, as noted in the Chairman's statement, this figure recognises the cash inflows relating to business disposals, but due to year end timing, does not recognise the corresponding outflows. Health, Safety & Environmental Overall responsibility for health, safety and the environment rests with the Group Board, and we will again be publishing our HS&E policy and report on website. We are proud of the fact that many of the products sold and under development at Porvair are used to the benefit of the environment. Porvair at a glance Introduction to Porvair Porvair is a specialist filtration company : • Metals filtration: Porvair Selee invented the ceramic foam filter, and leads the world in its application to molten aluminium. A wide range of porous and microporous technologies serve other metals industries. • Microfiltration materials and systems: Porvair Filtration Group and Porvair Life Sciences are specialist microfiltration businesses, expert in both filtration and filtration media for specific applications. • Microporous metals and carbons: Porvair Fuel Cell Technology is an R&D operation that is developing new and unique Porvair materials for a range of fast growing markets, one of which is fuel cell components. Metals filtration: Locations and activities Hendersonville and Gilberts, USA: porvair Brings ceramics expertise to the field of molten metal handling, catalyst media and thermal processing. World leader in aluminium filtration Microfiltration: Shepperton, UK: porvair Specialises in assay equipment and other microplate sciences products for the Life Sciences market Fareham, New Milton and Wrexham, UK; Rock Hill, USA: porvair Develops innovative sintered metal and polymer filtration group solutions to filtration problems. Uses sintered metals and polymers in the design and manufacture of specialist filters and filtration devices New materials: Hendersonville, USA: Develops media and components for fuel cell, heat Porvair exchange, chemical process, emission control and water treatment applications CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 1 December 2003 Continuing Discontinued Group Group Note Operations Operations 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations (including share of joint 1 46,167 18,042 64,209 68,485 venture) Less : share of joint venture - - - (153) 46,167 18,042 64,209 68,332 Cost of sales (30,000) (16,493) (46,493) (46,330) Gross profit 16,167 1,549 17,716 22,002 Distribution costs (795) (695) (1,490) (1,892) Research & development expense (4,661) (1,174) (5,835) (5,867) Exceptional item 3 (1,525) - (1,525) - Other administrative expense (11,125) (2,979) (14,104) (16,009) Total administrative expenses (17,311) (4,153) (21,464) (21,876) Group operating loss before joint venture and associated undertaking (1,939) (3,299) (5,238) (1,766) Share of operating loss of joint venture - - - (94) Share of operating profit of associated undertaking 159 - 159 181 Total Group operating loss 1 (1,780) (3,299) (5,079) (1,679) Exceptional losses on disposals of business' assets 3 (23,033) - Interest payable (net) (379) (451) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (28,491) (2,130) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (28,491) (2,130) Add back - goodwill amortisation 2,290 2,299 exceptional item (continuing) 1,525 - exceptional loss (discontinued) 23,033 - losses/(profits) - discontinued 3,246 (597) Adjusted profit on ordinary continuing activities before taxation, goodwill amortisation and exceptionals 1,603 (428) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 5 4,095 352 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (24,396) (1,778) Equity minority interests (394) (101) Loss attributable to shareholders (24,790) (1,879) Dividends 4 (1,251) (2,467) Retained loss for the financial year (26,041) (4,346) Losses per share - basic and diluted 2 (67.4)p (5.1)p Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds For the year ended 1 December 2003 GROUP 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (24,790) (1,879) Dividends (1,251) (2,467) Retained loss for the year (26,041) (4,346) Exchange differences (137) (613) Net decrease in equity shareholders' funds (26,178) (4,959) Opening equity shareholders' funds 58,374 63,333 Closing equity shareholders' funds 32,196 58,374 Statement of total recognised gains and losses For the year ended 1 December 2003 GROUP 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (24,790) (1,879) Exchange differences (137) (613) Total losses recognised in the year (24,927) (2,492) BALANCE SHEET As at 1 December 2003 GROUP 2003 2002 Note £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 30,204 33,349 Tangible assets 9,277 20,734 Investment in associated undertaking 2,453 2,348 41,934 56,431 Current assets Stocks 7,088 14,661 Debtors falling due after more than one year 2,624 3,178 Debtors falling due within one year 9,039 16,616 11,663 19,794 Cash at bank and in hand 3,980 3,261 22,731 37,716 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (9,001) (28,442) Net current assets 13,730 9,274 Total assets less current liabilities 55,664 65,705 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (14,081) - Provisions for liabilities and charges (4,117) (2,455) Net assets 1 37,466 63,250 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 736 736 Share premium account 28,679 28,679 Other reserves (861) 4,329 Profit and loss account 3,642 24,630 Total equity shareholders' funds 32,196 58,374 Equity minority interests 5,270 4,876 37,466 63,250 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 1 December 2003 Group Group Note 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 6 2,054 2,798 Dividend from associated undertaking 129 - Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 65 104 Interest paid (642) (368) (577) (264) Taxation UK corporation tax paid (194) (660) Overseas tax refunded 1,107 327 913 (333) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,806) (3,070) Sale of tangible fixed assets 8 77 (1,798) (2,993) Acquisitions and disposals Disposal of businesses 9 2,304 - Equity dividends paid (2,467) (2,467) Net cash outflow before financing 558 (3,259) Financing Increase in net borrowings 7 298 4,105 Increase in cash in the year 7 856 846 NOTES 1. Turnover and segmental analyses (a) Turnover by geographical segment 2003 2002 By By By By destination origin destination origin £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 United Kingdom 15,277 24,157 14,606 23,209 Continental Europe 5,286 - 5,152 - Americas 22,513 22,010 22,058 22,275 Asia 1,801 - 1,679 - Australasia 553 - 629 - Africa 737 - 1,360 - Continuing Group 46,167 46,167 45,484 45,484 Discontinued operations 18,042 18,042 22,848 22,848 64,209 64,209 68,332 68,332 (b) Segmental analyses 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 i) Turnover Metals Filtration 20,020 21,489 Microfiltration 24,157 23,209 Fuel Cells 1,990 786 Continuing Group 46,167 45,484 Discontinued operations 18,042 22,848 64,209 68,332 The comparative information has been restated to separate the discontinued activities previously included within the Microfiltration segment. 2003 2002 Before Goodwill After Before Goodwill After goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill ii) Operating profit/ £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (loss) Metals Filtration 242 (1,226) (984) (839) (1,237) (2,076) Microfiltration 3,900 (1,011) 2,889 3,182 (1,009) 2,173 Fuel Cells (2,160) - (2,160) (2,320) - (2,320) Exceptional item (1,525) - (1,525) - - - Continuing Group 457 (2,237) (1,780) 23 (2,246) (2,223) Discontinued operations (3,246) (53) (3,299) 597 (53) 544 (2,789) (2,290) (5,079) 620 (2,299) (1,679) The exceptional item relates primarily to the Metals Filtration segment. The analysis of operating profit is provided as it represents a clearer presentation of the businesses' performance iii) Net assets Before Goodwill Net assets Before Goodwill Net assets goodwill including goodwill including goodwill goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Metals Filtration 7,488 14,141 21,629 10,161 15,584 25,745 Microfiltration 9,268 16,063 25,331 8,691 17,765 26,456 Fuel Cells 1,154 - 1,154 1,214 - 1,214 17,910 30,204 48,114 20,066 33,349 53,415 Associated undertaking 2,453 2,348 Discontinued businesses (3,586) 23,018 Taxation 961 (2,160) Dividend payable (368) (1,583) Net borrowings (10,108) (11,788) 37,466 63,250 The businesses in the Metals Filtration and Fuel Cells segments are based in America. 2. Earnings per share Year ended Year ended 30 1 Dec 2003 Nov 2002 Losses per share Losses (£'000) (24,790) (1,879) Number of shares (weighted) 36,803,011 36,803,011 Losses per share (67.4)p (5.1)p 3. Exceptional items During the period plans were completed for the re-organisation of the Hendersonville plant in preparation for the next phase of fuel cell development. As a result various assets have been earmarked for disposal and the total costs of the reorganisation amounted to £1,525,000 - these are shown as operational exceptional charges against the continuing businesses. Exceptional costs arising from the disposal of Porvair International and Porvair Ceramics, together with the wind down of the related membranes business in Canada are shown as non-operational exceptional charges against the discontinued operations and were as follows: 2003 £'000 Disposal of Porvair International and Porvair Ceramics (note 9) 15,888 Related transaction costs 414 Provision for residual pension and property liabilities 4,700 Closure costs of Canadian operation 1,070 Other 961 23,033 4. Dividends The Board is recommending a final dividend of 1p per share (2002: 4.3p) to be paid on 12 April 2004 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 19 March 2004. 5. Tax on loss on ordinary activities Group Group 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 UK corporation tax at 30% (2002: 30%) Current period tax 81 (1,111) Adjustments in respect of previous periods 618 269 Total UK current tax 699 (842) Overseas tax (payable)/ receivable (101) 1,499 Tax on share of profits of associated undertaking (14) (51) Total current tax 584 606 Deferred tax 3,511 (254) Tax credit on loss on ordinary activities 4,095 352 6. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating activities Continuing Disposals 2003 2002 businesses £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating loss before exceptional items (255) (3,299) (3,554) (1,679) Goodwill amortisation 2,237 53 2,290 2,299 Depreciation 1,700 1,609 3,309 3,512 Loss on sale of fixed assets 53 - 53 44 Decrease/(increase) in stocks (533) 483 (50) 82 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 144 2,036 2,180 (1,081) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 91 (1,771) (1,680) (110) Share of joint venture and associated undertaking (159) - (159) (87) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities before exceptional items 3,278 (889) 2,389 2,980 Exceptional items (335) (182) Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,054 2,798 7. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net borrowings 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Increase in cash in the year 856 846 Increase in borrowings (298) (4,105) Change in net borrowings from cash flows 558 (3,259) Translation difference 1,122 828 Movement in net borrowings in the year 1,680 (2,431) Opening net borrowings (11,788) (9,357) Closing net borrowings (10,108) (11,788) 8. Analysis of net borrowings 01/12/02 Cash flow Other Exchange 01/12/03 non-cash movement £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand and at bank 3,261 856 - (137) 3,980 Borrowings due after 1 year - (339) (15,001) 1,259 (14,081) Borrowings due within 1 year (15,049) 41 15,001 - (7) Total (11,788) 558 - 1,122 (10,108) 9. Disposals As a result of the shareholder resolution passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 1 December 2003, the trade and the majority of the assets and liabilities of Porvair International and Porvair Ceramics were sold to management. Porvair Porvair Total International Ceramics £'000 £'000 £'000 Net assets disposed Fixed assets 7,521 979 8,500 Stock 6,147 862 7,009 Debtors 2,824 2,758 5,582 Creditors (1,932) (230) (2,162) Total book value 14,560 4,369 18,929 Sale proceeds: Cash (2,518) Deferred and contingent consideration (1,750) Provision against contingent consideration 750 (3,518) Completion accounts adjustment 477 Net proceeds (3,041) Loss on sale of businesses 15,888 10. Preliminary announcement This preliminary announcement, which has been prepared on a basis consistent with the previous year, does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The announcement has been agreed with the Group's auditors for release. The information for the year ended 30 November 2002 is an extract from the statutory accounts to that date which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Those accounts included an audit report which was unqualified and which did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 1 December 2003, upon which the auditors have still to report, will be delivered to the Registrar following the Company's annual general meeting. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Porvair (PRV)
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