Final Results

Porvair PLC 25 January 2005 For immediate release 25 January 2005 Porvair plc Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2004 Porvair plc ('Porvair'), the specialist filtration and advanced materials Group, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2004. Highlights • Operational benefits, following 2003 disposals, are now evident. • Profit before taxation, exceptional items and goodwill increased by 60% to £2.6 m (2003: £1.6 m). Profit before taxation was £0.3m (2003: continuing operations £2.2m loss). • Gross revenue of £44.6m (2003: continuing operations £46.2m). Revenue growth was suppressed by the weak dollar. • Net debt reduced to £8.0 m (2003: £10.1 m). • Core specialist filtration businesses performing well. Dollar turnover at Selee Corporation was up 8% and operating profit growth was significant. Turnover at Porvair Filtration Group was up 4%. • Operating losses significantly reduced in Advanced Materials. Porous metal sales were up 64% as commercial applications are introduced. Fuel cell bipolar plate technology is meeting all key milestones. • Announced separately today: A $20m long term supply agreement with US coal gasification operators, SG Solutions LLC. Commenting on the results, John Morgan, Chairman, said: 'In 2004 Porvair started to show the benefits of the changes undergone in previous years. The Group is profitable, cash generative and delivering earnings growth. After several years of very high R&D investment, a range of highly promising new products are in the process of being commercialised. 2005 has started well, and the Board is optimistic about new product potential and the prospects for growth'. For further information please contact: Porvair plc 0207 466 5000 (today) Ben Stocks, Chief Executive 01553 765 500 (thereafter) Chris Tyler, Group Finance Director Buchanan Communications 0207 466 5000 Charles Ryland / Ben Willey Chairman's statement It is a pleasure to report good results for Porvair in 2004. This is the first full set of results for the Group after several years of transition, and it is exciting to see the expected benefits now coming through. Following the disposals of two subsidiaries in 2003, Porvair has shown improved return on assets, cash generation and commercial focus. The significant spend on research and development ('R&D') of recent years has opened up a range of promising opportunities, and as some of these products move towards commercialisation, their sales income is already starting to offset R&D expenditure. The Board remains confident that Porvair's strategy and structure will deliver long term value to shareholders. Our core specialist filtration businesses are growing, profitable, cash generative and address market segments where technology and know-how are critical. This is a solid base from which to develop a range of larger opportunities, some nearer term and incremental in nature, some longer term and potentially transformational. Profits before tax, exceptional items and goodwill amortisation for 2004 were £2.6m (2003: continuing operations £1.6m), a 60% improvement. Profit before taxation was £0.3m (2003: continuing operations £2.2m loss). Porvair is cash generative, and net borrowings, at £8.0m, were significantly lower than the prior year (2003: £10.1m). Interest cover before goodwill amortisation was 6.5 times (2003: 5.2 times). The weakness of the dollar has held back reported sales and profits. Reported sales of £44.6m are lower than those reported for 2003 (2003: continuing operations £46.2m) but had dollar rates remained constant growth would have been 2%. Operating profits were also held back by about £0.2m as margins associated with dollar sales out of the UK came under pressure. The net effect was somewhat mitigated however as we worked hard to grow US export sales. It is also worth noting that turnover at the US Metals Filtration division was 8% higher than 2003 before translation into Sterling. As most of our borrowings are in US dollars, the weaker dollar reduced reported borrowings. Our US Metals Filtration and Advanced Materials businesses have had a good year. Selee, our Metals Filtration business, continued its recovery, growing its operating profit significantly. Losses in our Advanced Materials division where the Group spends a large percentage of its R&D expenditure were cut by 31% before translation into Sterling. The Board was particularly pleased to note that sales of our proprietary porous metals increased by 64% with several more opportunities still in development, and that all the key milestones in our fuel cell bipolar plate development were met. On the whole our UK Microfiltration businesses performed well, and although Porvair Sciences did not do as well as expected, the Porvair Filtration Group (' PFG') posted sales growth of 4%. Reported profits before tax at PFG were flat but were held back by lower margins on dollar denominated sales. Progress in key developmental markets has been promising, and we are delighted, early in 2005, to have won a long term supply agreement with one of the leading commercial US coal gasification operators. Several issues relating to the disposal of our chemical businesses in late 2003 were dealt with during 2004. Our Canadian membrane outlet was closed and we disposed of our minority equity position in Sympatex. As noted last year, the first of three scheduled payments into the Porvair pension plan was made in order to improve the plan's funding. Earnings per share and dividend Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items were 3.4p (2003: continuing operations 4.4p). Although profit before tax, exceptional items and goodwill amortisation increased by 60%, the effect of a tax charge this year compared with a tax credit last year resulted in the adjusted earnings per share falling. The loss per share was 2.0p (2003: 67.4p loss per share). A final dividend of 1.0p (2003: 1.0p) is recommended for 2004. Board and employees Our staff have worked tirelessly in 2004, and on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank them for their efforts. The year has also seen a number of Board changes. Our Chief Executive, Ben Stocks, is now based in our US operations. Our new Finance Director, Chris Tyler, is based in the UK and the Board is delighted that he has settled into the role immediately and is already making a significant contribution. Two new non-executive Directors have been appointed: Charles Matthews and Andrew Walker. Both have had distinguished and broad ranging careers and will bring a wealth of experience to Porvair. Michael Ost, who was a Director of the Group for 6 years retires after the announcement of these results. Michael has made a considerable contribution to Porvair and has been a very valuable member of the Board. We wish him a long and happy retirement. Outlook In 2004 Porvair started to show the benefits of the changes undergone in previous years. The Group is profitable and cash generative. After several years of very high R&D investment, a range of highly promising new products are in the process of being commercialised. 2005 has started well, and the Board is optimistic about new product potential and the prospects for growth. Operating review Porvair is a specialist filtration business whose proprietary micro-porous materials offer both competitive strength and exciting commercial potential. Our strategy is to specialise in a range of filtration markets where we find challenging technical specifications; long product cycles; and growth. Porvair brings expertise in porous and micro-porous materials - ceramics, metals, carbons and polymers - to these markets. We seek to supply a diverse range of filtration products and limit our exposure to any one market segment. We supply, amongst others, the aluminium, foundry, aerospace, life science, nuclear clean-up, print systems, high-purity liquid and fuel cell industries. No single segment makes up more than 17% of our sales. Furthermore, we seek to develop a range of significant growth opportunities by capitalising on our market knowledge and technical expertise. We have invested heavily in R&D in recent years in developing new materials and products that we believe have the potential to transform Porvair. The opportunities we are pursuing range in scale, risk and timeframe and are described in later paragraphs. Operations 2004 Metals Filtration Porvair Selee ('Selee'), our US Metals Filtration business, continued its recovery with dollar sales growing by 8% before translation into Sterling. The benefits of plant investments made in prior years showed through with sales per employee up 13% when compared with 2003. Plant efficiencies contributed both to improved gross margins and lower working capital, which finished the year at record low levels. Export sales grew 25%, helped by several key account gains and a weaker dollar. As a result of these initiatives, operating profit before goodwill amortisation grew to £0.9m (2003: £0.2m). In the second half of the year Selee started to make demonstrable progress in its commercial strategy of extending its market leadership in aluminium filtration and expanding its specialist metals filtration scope. Sales of Selee's new proprietary metal conditioning filter increased by 55% and new customer trial programmes continue. Microfiltration As reported at the half year, 2004 started slowly at Porvair Sciences ('PSL'), and although trading improved as expected in the second half, it was not enough to make up the early shortfall. After three record years for sales and profits, sales declined in 2004 with a fall in cell culture media sales being the single biggest contributor. Whilst this fully accounts for the £0.4m reduction in the operating profits of the Microfiltration division in the year, the Board were nonetheless encouraged that the core microplate business at PSL continued to grow, new overseas distributors were appointed during the year and new products are ready to be introduced early in 2005. The Porvair Filtration Group ('PFG') posted a respectable result for the year with sales growing by 4%. Given that over 20% of its sales are dollar denominated this was a very creditable performance. Operating profit was flat but would have grown by 8% had the dollar exchange rate remained the same as in the prior year. Sales into the aerospace, bioscience, high purity liquid and engineering segments were robust. Promisingly, enquiry levels are high and project pipelines full. Management is focusing its development resources into key segments including gasification, specialist aerospace, nuclear clean-up and bioscience filtration devices. Progress in each of these areas has been satisfactory in 2004. As noted at the half year, the Board sees gasification as a particularly promising longer term prospect for the Group. This is a market that is growing and in which Porvair has a good track record. We started to market our expertise in this area more actively in 2004 and were particularly pleased to secure a long term, multi-million dollar supply agreement with one of the leading US coal gasification operators early in 2005. Advanced Materials Much of our R&D investment is undertaken at Porvair Advanced Materials ('PAM'), formerly Porvair Fuel Cell Technology, which we have re-named this year to reflect better the activities of this business. As some of the products under development at PAM have moved towards commercialisation in 2004, operating losses were cut by 31% before translation into Sterling. PAM is involved in developing two new materials, one - microporous carbons - is specific to fuel cells; the other - porous metals - has a wider range of potential applications. Sales of porous metals increased 64% during 2004 as commercial orders increased steadily and key projects moved ahead. Our materials are now used commercially in both pressure vessel lining and gas combustion applications. Gas combustion technology is having to adapt to tighter emission control standards, and we believe our material is particularly well suited to meet this significant emerging market need. We have made substantial progress in electronic cooling applications and customer prototype tests are well advanced. Diesel exhaust testing also continues positively. The general level of enquiries for porous metal applications remains very high. PAM's carbon materials are used to manufacture bipolar plates - a critical component in proton exchange membrane fuel cell design. As we noted at the half-year, the many thousands of plates made in 2003, which boosted our sales last year, have provided extensive test data and our materials have been proven to work well. In 2004 our goal was to develop a second generation of plates, refine material composition and demonstrate low cost manufacture. All of this was achieved during the year, and was confirmed in a series of successful laboratory fuel cell tests. This opens the way to much lower unit costs and significantly higher manufacturing efficiencies, the effects of both of these can be seen in PAM's results where, even though sales are lower, operating losses were significantly reduced compared with last year. As a result of these technical steps forward the number of interested customers has recently increased markedly. Our goal for 2005 is to get our low-cost moulded plates into several customer prototypes. Health, safety and the environment Overall responsibility for health, safety and the environment rests with the Group Board, and we publish our HS&E report on our website: We are proud of the fact that many of the products sold and under development at Porvair are used to the benefit of the environment. Cash Flow The Group generated good cash flow in 2004. Net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional cash items was £4.9m (2003: continuing operations £3.3m). Net cash inflow from operating activities was £2.8m (2003: £2.1m). Capital expenditure was £1.2m (2003: £1.8m). Net interest paid was £0.5m (2003: £0.6m) and interest cover was 6.5 times (2003: 5.2 times). Net cash inflow before financing, disposal proceeds of £0.5m (2003: £2.3m) and exceptional cash payments of £2.1m (2003: £0.3m), was £2.6m (2003: cash outflow £1.4m). Exceptional cash items relate to the settlement of a number of items associated with business disposals undertaken in 2003. The Group's reduction in net debt before exchange differences was £1.1m (2003: £0.6m). Currency translation effects of our dollar denominated borrowings further reduced net debt by £1.0m (2003:£1.1m), resulting in an overall reduction in net debt of £2.1m (2003: £1.7m). Shareholders' funds Shareholders' funds of £30.5m were £1.7m lower than at 1 December 2003. Profit after tax before goodwill amortisation was £1.7m. Goodwill amortisation reduced shareholders' funds by £2.2m, the minority's interest was £0.2m, currency exchange translation losses were £0.2m and dividends paid and proposed were £0.7m. Tax The Group tax charge of £0.8m represents an effective tax rate of 33% on profits before goodwill amortisation. The tax charge comprises current tax of £0.4m and deferred tax of £0.4m. The Group carries a deferred tax asset in relation to the losses in its US operations. A portion of the tax credits associated with this year's losses have not been recognised. Finance & Treasury policy The treasury function at Porvair is managed centrally, under Board supervision. It is not a profit centre and does not undertake speculative transactions. It seeks to limit the Group's exposure to trading in currencies other than its operations' local currency and to hedge its investments in currencies other than Sterling. The Group does not hedge against the impact of exchange rate movements on the translation profits and losses of overseas operations. At the year end the Group had $19.0m of dollar borrowings which hedged underlying US assets on the balance sheet of $19.4m. In addition, the Group has a Euro 1.6m interest bearing debtor that was fully hedged by borrowings in Euros. The Group finances its operations by a combination of retained profits and short and long term loans. Borrowings are principally at floating rate and appropriate hedges are used to manage fluctuations in interest rates. At the year end the Group had net borrowings of £8.0m (2003: £10.1m) comprising gross borrowings of £11.1m offset by cash balances of £3.1m. Pension schemes The Group continues to support its closed defined benefit pension scheme in the UK and provide access to a defined contribution scheme for its US employees and more recent and new UK employees. In the exceptional charges arising in 2003 the Group provided for additional cash payments to the defined benefit pension scheme. During the year the Group made a £400,000 payment and expects to make two further payments of £550,000 each in March 2005 and March 2006. Accounting changes The Company will be required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') with effect from 1 December 2005. An initial assessment of the impact on the Group's financial statements and underlying processes has been made. An implementation plan is being prepared to enable the Group to report under IFRS from 1 December 2005. Group profit and loss account For the year ended 30 November 2004 2003 2003 2003 Continuing Discontinued operations operations £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 44,632 46,167 18,042 64,209 Cost of sales (30,466) (30,000) (16,493) (46,493) Gross profit 14,166 16,167 1,549 17,716 Distribution costs (485) (795) (695) (1,490) Research & development expense (3,181) (4,661) (1,174) (5,835) Exceptional item - (1,525) - (1,525) Administrative - other (10,161) (11,125) (2,979) (14,104) Total administrative expenses (13,342) (17,311) (4,153) (21,464) Group operating profit/(loss) before share of profit in associated undertaking 339 (1,939) (3,299) (5,238) Share of operating profit in associated undertaking 454 159 - 159 Total Group operating profit/(loss) 793 (1,780) (3,299) (5,079) Exceptional items - - (23,033) (23,033) Interest payable (net) (460) (379) - (379) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 333 (2,159) (26,332) (28,491) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 333 (2,159) (26,332) (28,491) Add back goodwill amortisation 2,224 2,237 53 2,290 Add back exceptional items - 1,525 23,033 24,558 Adjusted profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before exceptional items, goodwill amortisation and taxation 2,557 1,603 (3,246) (1,643) Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities (833) 4,095 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (500) (24,396) Equity minority interests (249) (394) Loss attributable to shareholders (749) (24,790) Dividends (736) (1,251) Deficit for the financial period (1,485) (26,041) Loss per share (basic and diluted) (2.0)p (67.4)p Dividend per share 2.0p 3.4p Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds For the year ended 30 November 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (749) (24,790) Dividends (736) (1,251) Deficit for the financial period (1,485) (26,041) Exchange differences (239) (137) Net reduction in equity shareholders' funds (1,724) (26,178) Opening equity shareholders' funds 32,196 58,374 Closing equity shareholders' funds 30,472 32,196 Statement of total recognised gains and losses For the year ended 30 November 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (749) (24,790) Exchange differences (239) (137) Total losses recognised in the period (988) (24,927) Group balance sheet At 30 At 1 November December 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 27,785 30,204 Tangible assets 8,241 9,277 Investment in associated undertaking - 2,453 36,026 41,934 Current assets Stocks 5,897 7,088 Debtors falling due after one year 3,071 2,624 Debtors falling due within one year 8,263 9,039 11,334 11,663 Cash at bank and in hand 3,047 3,980 20,278 22,731 Creditors: amounts falling due in within one year (6,753) (9,001) Net current assets 13,525 13,730 Total assets less current liabilities 49,551 55,664 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (11,052) (14,081) Provisions for liabilities and charges (2,508) (4,117) 35,991 37,466 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 736 736 Share premium account 28,679 28,679 Other reserves (1,100) (861) Profit and loss account 2,157 3,642 Total equity shareholders' funds 30,472 32,196 Equity minority interests 5,519 5,270 35,991 37,466 Group cash flow statement For the year ended 30 November 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,811 2,054 Dividend from associated undertaking 161 129 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 112 65 Interest paid (635) (642) (523) (577) Taxation UK corporation tax refunded/(paid) 18 (194) Overseas tax refunded/(paid) (18) 1,107 - 913 Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,228) (1,806) Sale of tangible fixed assets 57 8 (1,171) (1,798) Acquisitions and disposals Disposal of subsidiaries assets and liabilities - 2,304 Sale of associated undertaking 526 - 526 2,304 Equity dividends paid (736) (2,467) Net cash inflow before financing 1,068 558 Financing Loans repaid (7) (41) Increases/(decreases) in borrowings (1,820) 339 (1,827) 298 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (759) 856 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt (Decrease)/increase in cash in year (759) 856 (Increase)/decrease in borrowings 1,827 (298) Change in net debt from cash flows 1,068 558 Exchange differences 1,035 1,122 Movement in net debt in year 2,103 1,680 Opening net debt (10,108) (11,788) Closing net debt (8,005) (10,108) Turnover and segmental analyses The geographical analyses of the group's turnover and segmental analyses of turnover, operating profit/(loss) and net assets are set out below: 2004 2003 By destination By origin By destination By origin £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover United Kingdom 12,707 24,121 15,277 24,157 Continental Europe 5,735 - 5,286 - Americas 21,036 20,511 22,513 22,010 Asia 3,526 - 1,801 - Australasia 665 - 553 - Africa 963 - 737 - Continuing operations 44,632 44,632 46,167 46,167 Discontinued operations - - 18,042 18,042 44,632 44,632 64,209 64,209 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Turnover Metals Filtration 19,387 20,020 Microfiltration 24,121 24,157 Advanced Materials 1,124 1,990 Continuing operations 44,632 46,167 Discontinued operations - 18,042 44,632 64,209 Operating profit/(loss) 2004 2003 Operating Operating profit/ Operating profit/(loss) Operating (loss) profit/(loss) before profit/(loss) before after goodwill Goodwill after goodwill goodwill Goodwill goodwill amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Metals Filtration 855 (1,213) (358) 242 (1,226) (984) Microfiltration 3,487 (1,011) 2,476 3,900 (1,011) 2,889 Advanced Materials (1,325) - (1,325) (2,160) - (2,160) Exceptional item - - - (1,525) - (1,525) Operating profit /(loss) of continuing operations 3,017 (2,224) 793 457 (2,237) (1,780) Discontinued operations - - - (3,246) (53) (3,299) 3,017 (2,224) 793 (2,789) (2,290) (5,079) Net assets As at 30 November 2004 As at 1 December 2003 Net assets Net assets Before including Before including goodwill Goodwill goodwill goodwill Goodwill goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Metals Filtration 6,252 12,733 18,985 7,488 14,141 21,629 Microfiltration 8,686 15,052 23,738 9,268 16,063 25,331 Advanced Materials 809 - 809 1,154 - 1,154 15,747 27,785 43,532 17,910 30,204 48,114 Long term related party loan 1,112 1,110 Equity investment in associated undertaking - 1,343 Deferred consideration 1,988 1,000 Discontinued operations (2,349) (4,586) Taxation 81 961 Dividend payable (368) (368) Net borrowings (8,005) (10,108) 35,991 37,466 Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash flow from operating activities Continuing Discontinued 2004 operations operations 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Total group operating profit/(loss) before share of associated undertaking and exceptional items 339 (414) (3,299) (3,713) Goodwill amortisation 2,224 2,237 53 2,290 Depreciation 1,654 1,700 1,609 3,309 Loss on sale of fixed assets 4 53 - 53 (Increase)/decrease in stocks 359 (533) 483 (50) (Increase)/decrease in debtors 963 144 2,036 2,180 (Increase)/decrease in creditors (629) 91 (1,771) (1,680) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities before exceptional items 4,914 3,278 (889) 2,389 Cash outflow relating to exceptional items (2,103) - (335) (335) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 2,811 3,278 (1,224) 2,054 Additional notes 1. Exchange rates Exchange rates for the major currencies during the period were: Average rate to Average rate Closing rate at 30 Closing rate at Closing rate at 30/11/04 to 30/11/03 /11/04 1/12/03 30/11/02 US dollar 1.8134 1.6225 1.9115 1.7199 1.5560 Canadian dollar 2.3725 2.3089 2.2729 2.2357 2.4376 Euro 1.4697 1.4607 1.4382 1.4348 1.5642 2. Dividends The Board has recommended a final dividend of 1.0p per share (2003: 1.0p) to be paid on 19 April 2005 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 March 2005. This makes a total dividend for the year of 2.0p (2003: 3.4p) 3. Nature of financial statements These financial statements are not the full financial statements for the Group. The abridged profit and loss account and balance sheet for the year to 1 December 2003 is an extract from the full accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified. The full financial statements for this year, on which the auditors have reported without qualification, have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. A full copy of the financial statements will be delivered to the Registrar following the Company's annual general meeting. 4. Annual general meeting The Company's annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 April at Brampton House, Bergen Way, King's Lynn. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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