Interim Results

Porvair PLC 25 June 2003 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 25 June 2003 Contacts: Ben Stocks, Chief Executive Mark Moran, Group Finance Director Porvair plc today 0207 466 5000 at all other times 01553 761111 Charles Ryland / Catherine Miles Buchanan Communications 0207 466 5000 PORVAIR plc ('Porvair') INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MAY 2003 Porvair, the materials science group, announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 May 2003. HIGHLIGHTS • After R&D expenditure of £3.0m (2002: £2.9m) profit before tax and goodwill amortisation in line with expectations at £0.2m (2002: £0.6m). After goodwill amortisation loss before tax £0.9m (2002: loss £0.6m) • Porvair Fuel Cell Technology experiencing strong customer demand and generated sales approaching $3m - far ahead of expectations • Selee well placed for upturn as result of cost savings and operational efficiencies • Porvair Filtration Group trading well and Life Sciences delivered record results • Net borrowings at £12.4m (2002: £14.2m) confirm business model of self-funded R&D investment robust • Dividend unchanged at 2.4p per share (2002: 2.4p) reflecting confidence in future prospects John Morgan, Chairman, said: 'Given the continuation of difficult market conditions, the performance of the Group in the first half of 2003 has been encouraging and most parts of the Group are trading well. Porvair Fuel Cell Technology will move into an exciting phase of development in the second half, as issues of scale-up start to be addressed, and the structure of the Group will evolve as our new materials develop. The Board looks forward with optimism.' Chairman's Statement It is a pleasure to be able to report continued good progress at Porvair in the first half of 2003. The benefits of the strategy first outlined in 2001 are starting to become evident. This involved : • improving operational efficiencies and continuing investment in our core businesses • strengthening of core businesses through acquisitions • investing significantly in new material technologies that we believe have the potential to transform the financial performance of the Group As stated two and a half years ago these new materials were expected to take 3 to 5 years to develop; whilst Group profits would be held back during this period by the high levels of expenditure involved, the projected applications - in fast growing markets such as fuel cells, emission control and compact heat exchange - fully justified the levels of investment required. The results for the first half of 2003 again show the effect of our research & development ('R&D') investment. Profit before tax and goodwill amortisation is £0.2m (2002: £0.6m), which was achieved after spending £3.0m on R&D (2002: £2.9m). The loss before tax is £0.9m (2002: loss £0.6m). Net borrowings at £12.4m were lower than those at the same point last year (2002: £14.2m) and confirmation that our business model of self-funded R&D investment is robust. The mid-year represents a high point for net borrowings and it is anticipated that levels should again reduce during the second half. During the first half the Group has in aggregate delivered profits in line with expectations. Given that many of the markets in which we operate have remained tough, this is an encouraging result. Cost savings and operational efficiencies have made a significant difference at Porvair Selee, which is now well placed to benefit from an upturn in demand as it occurs. The Porvair Filtration Group continues to perform well, with the Life Sciences operation delivering another record result. Membranes and Ceramic Moulds are experiencing difficult market conditions and have incurred losses in the first half of 2003. Progress with our new materials has been faster than we expected. Strong customer demand at Porvair Fuel Cell Technology ('PFCT'), particularly for our proprietary bi-polar plates, has generated sales of around $3m in the period - well ahead of our forecast. This demand has led to the rapid acceleration of the programme, in partnership with the US Government Department of Energy and United Technologies Corporation. Staff levels in this business have increased by 50% and pilot plant capacity has quadrupled. As a result the Board has started to evaluate strategic options for the next phase of the Group's development, which will involve production scale-up at PFCT. This will now happen sooner than expected, and resources - capital and management in particular - need to be deployed appropriately to maximise profitability and growth potential. Porvair remains committed to its specialist filtration businesses and will in the coming months evaluate options for other parts of the Group. The directors have declared a maintained interim dividend of 2.4p per share (2002: 2.4p), a clear sign of their confidence in the Group's future prospects. Losses per share were 3.0p (2002: loss of 2.3p); but when calculated before goodwill amortisation losses per share were 0.1 p (2002: earnings of 0.5p). As outlined in the Operating Review, given the continuation of difficult market conditions, the performance of the Group in the first half of 2003 has been encouraging and most parts of the Group are trading well. PFCT will move into an exciting phase of development in the second half, as issues of scale-up start to be addressed, and the structure of the Group will evolve as our new materials develop. The Board looks forward with optimism. John Morgan, Chairman 25 June 2003 Operating Review Metals Filtration It is encouraging to report improved trading at Porvair Selee. This is largely as a result of cost reductions undertaken in response to difficult trading in 2002. Sales levels are stable, but are still well below levels seen in 2000 and early 2001. We continue to pursue a strategy of consolidating our market leadership position in aluminium filtration; and growing in other niche metals filtration markets by geographic expansion and new product development. We are increasing marketing efforts outside our home USA market, and this, coupled with improving plant efficiencies, supports our expectation of further progress in the second half. Microfiltration The Porvair Filtration Group ('PFG') has started 2003 well. Porvair Sciences has again produced record sales and profits. Our small Ceramic Moulds operation continues to suffer with both tableware and sanitaryware markets depressed. PFG serves a range of specialist filtration niche markets, adding value through filter media and filtration design expertise. Its largest market segment is aerospace filters, where sales have started to recover from the difficulties of 2002. Several other market segments - notably energy, industrial, ink systems and high purity liquids - have also performed well. The expansion of our facility in Fareham will complete on time and to budget this year, and will add clean room facilities to our customer offering. Sales at Porvair Sciences were up 20% on the prior year as the benefits of steady new product introductions in the last few years start to show through. Membranes Our Membranes business, as expected, continues to find trading difficult. Profits have been affected both by lower sales and by planned investments in the future of the business. The management team is strong and has made encouraging progress with key projects: in setting up its office in Shanghai; in securing early sales of automotive Permair; and in launching a new and highly breathable Porelle membrane. Sales of Sealskinz products are at record levels. PFCT Progress in this operation has been much more rapid than anticipated in the last six months. Staff numbers have grown by 50%, and manufacturing capacity has quadrupled. Sales, at around $3.0m in the first half, have far exceeded expectations. Two materials technologies are being developed: Porous and Microporous metals. Customer demand remains very strong for this technology, and orders in the first half of the year have been at record levels. We have started to sell radiant burner plates and water treatment discs on a commercial basis, and our first pressure vessel lining is installed and is now being used in the field. We have a large number of projects underway - 75 or more - with sales potential ranging from modest to very high. At the higher end, where applications under evaluation include aluminium production, diesel emission control and compact heat exchange, customer testing continues to be encouraging. Microporous carbons. We are developing proprietary bi-polar plate technology for PEM fuel cells in conjunction with the US Government Department of Energy and United Technologies Corporation Fuel Cells - one of the very few global players in this market. We have also started in 2003 to develop variations of this material for other customers and market applications. This work is going extremely well. We have had to install additional pilot scale production capacity which has already been filled. As plate production increases so our understanding of the necessary quality and process parameters improves. The next stage in the programme is manufacturing process design for high volume production. Planning and experimentation for this has been underway for some months and we expect to start the installation of volume production equipment towards the end of 2003. This will put Porvair at the forefront of bi-polar plate manufacturing and establish us as a leading player in this emerging market. Introduction to Porvair Porvair is a materials science company which specialises in: • Metals Filtration: Porvair Selee invented the ceramic foam filter, and leads the world in its application to molten aluminium. A wide range of porous and microporous technologies serve other metals industries. • Microfiltration materials and systems: Porvair Filtration Group, Porvair Life Sciences and Porvair Ceramic Moulds are specialist microfiltration businesses, expert in both filtration and filtration media for specific applications. • Microporous membranes: Porvair Membranes make textiles and leather waterproof and breathable. Our polyurethane technology, which is both durable and soft, is unique in this field. • Microporous metals and carbons: Porvair Fuel Cell Technology is a research and development operation that is developing new and unique porvair materials for a range of fast growing markets, one of which is fuel cell components. Porvair at a glance Operating businesses Materials Locations and activities Hendersonville and Gilberts, USA: PORVAIR Metals filtration Brings ceramics expertise to the field of molten metal handling, catalyst media and thermal processing. World leader in aluminium filtration Shepperton, UK: PORVAIR Microfiltration materials and Specialises in assay equipment, systems microplate products and cell culture media for the Life Sciences market Fareham, New Milton and Wrexham, UK; Rock Hill, USA: PORVAIR Microfiltration materials and systems Develops innovative sintered metal and polymer solutions to filtration problems. Uses sintered metals and polymers in the design and manufacture of specialist filters and filtration devices King's Lynn, UK: PORVAIR Acrylic materials Supplies sanitaryware, tableware and technical ceramics customers worldwide with long-life alternatives to traditional ceramic moulding media King's Lynn, UK; Acton, Canada; Wuppertal, Germany (25% shareholding PORVAIR Microporous membranes in Sympatex): Specialises in polyurethane membranes that enhance the performance of leather and textiles to make them waterproof and breathable Hendersonville, USA: PORVAIR Porous and microporous metals and Develops media and components for carbons fuel cell, heat exchange, chemical process, emission control and water treatment applications CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the six months ended 31 May 2003 (unaudited) May May Nov 2003 2002 2002 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations (including share of joint venture) 33,209 35,318 68,485 Less : share of joint venture - (128) (153) 1(a) 33,209 35,190 68,332 Group operating loss before joint venture and associated undertaking (749) (471) (1,766) Share of operating loss in joint venture - (48) (94) Share of operating profit in associated undertaking 25 171 181 Total group operating loss 1 (b) (724) (348) (1,679) Interest payable (net) (216) (227) (451) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (940) (575) (2,130) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (940) (575) (2,130) Add back goodwill amortisation 1,148 1,154 2,299 Profit on ordinary activities before 208 579 169 taxation and goodwill amortisation Tax on profit on ordinary activities (45) (173) 352 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (985) (748) (1,778) Equity minority interests (113) (103) (101) Loss attributable to shareholders (1,098) (851) (1,879) Dividends 3 (883) (883) (2,467) Retained loss for the financial period (1,981) (1,734) (4,346) Earnings/(losses) per share - basic and diluted 2 (a) (3.0)p (2.3)p (5.1)p - basic and diluted before goodwill amortisation 2(b) (0.1)p 0.5p 0.6p Dividend per share 3 2.4p 2.4p 6.7p Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds For the six months ended 31 May 2003 (unaudited) May May Nov 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (1,098) (851) (1,879) Dividends (883) (883) (2,467) Retained loss for the financial period (1,981) (1,734) (4,346) Exchange differences 30 (149) (613) Net reduction in equity shareholders' funds (1,951) (1,883) (4,959) Opening equity shareholders' funds 58,374 63,333 63,333 Closing equity shareholders' funds 56,423 61,450 58,374 Statement of total recognised gains and losses For the six months ended 31 May 2003 (unaudited) May May Nov 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Loss attributable to shareholders (1,098) (851) (1,879) Exchange differences 30 (149) (613) Total losses recognised in the period (1,068) (1,000) (2,492) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31 May 2003 (unaudited) May May Nov 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Goodwill 32,086 34,201 33,349 Tangible assets 19,966 21,317 20,734 Investments Investment in joint venture : Share of gross assets - 248 - Share of gross liabilities - (202) - - 46 - Investment in associated undertaking 2,495 2,354 2,348 54,547 57,918 56,431 Current Assets Stocks 15,161 14,516 14,661 Debtors falling due after one year 3,443 3,104 3,178 Debtors falling due within one year 16,826 19,356 16,616 20,269 22,460 19,794 Cash at bank and in hand 2,139 1,174 3,261 37,569 38,150 37,716 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (13,802) (13,053) (28,442) Net current assets 23,767 25,097 9,274 Total assets less current liabilities 78,314 83,015 65,705 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (14,515) (14,184) - Provisions for liabilities and charges (2,387) (2,379) (2,455) 61,412 66,452 63,250 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 736 736 736 Share premium account 28,679 28,679 28,679 Other reserves 4,359 4,793 4,329 Profit and loss account 22,649 27,242 24,630 Total equity shareholders' funds 56,423 61,450 58,374 Equity minority interests 4,989 5,002 4,876 61,412 66,452 63,250 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the six months ended 31 May 2003 (unaudited) May May Nov Note 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 4 903 (2,037) 2,798 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 42 71 104 Interest paid (258) (148) (368) (216) (77) (264) Taxation UK corporation tax paid - - (660) Overseas tax refunded/(paid) 1,013 (124) 327 1,013 (124) (333) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed (1,262) (1,395) (3,070) assets Sale of tangible fixed 78 77 assets -- (1,262) (1,317) (2,993) Equity dividends paid (1,583) (1,583) (2,467) Financing Increase in net borrowings 72 2,633 4,105 72 2,633 4,105 (Decrease)/increase in cash 5 in the period (1,073) (2,505) 846 NOTE 1. Turnover and segmental analyses The geographical analyses of the Group's turnover, operating profit and net assets is set out below : (a) Turnover by Six months ended Six months ended Year ended geographical segment 31 May 2003 31 May 2002 30 November 2002 By By By By By By destination origin destination origin destination origin £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 United Kingdom 9,182 19,814 9,095 22,319 18,731 43,145 Continental Europe 5,631 - 6,079 - 11,786 - Americas 14,020 13,395 14,815 12,871 28,013 25,187 Asia 2,852 - 3,802 128 6,638 153 Australasia 563 - 401 - 946 - Africa 961 - 1,126 - 2,371 - 33,209 33,209 35,318 35,318 68,485 68,485 Less share of joint - - (128) (128) (153) (153) venture 33,209 33,209 35,190 35,190 68,332 68,332 (b) Segmental analyses Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31 May 2003 31 May 2002 30 November 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 i) Turnover Metals Filtration 10,375 11,154 21,489 Microfiltration 12,512 13,927 27,130 Membranes 8,734 10,005 19,080 Fuel Cells 1,588 232 786 33,209 35,318 68,485 ii) Operating profit/ Before After Before After Before After (loss) goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Metals Filtration 205 (410) 89 (531) (794) (2,031) Microfiltration 1,269 736 1,714 1,180 3,224 2,162 Membranes (505) (505) 297 297 510 510 Fuel Cells (545) (545) (1,294) (1,294) (2,320) (2,320) 424 (724) 806 (348) 620 (1,679) iii) Net assets 31 May 2003 31 May 2002 30 November 2002 Excluding Including Excluding Including Excluding Including goodwill Goodwill goodwill goodwill Goodwill Goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Metals Filtration 8,813 23,666 12,981 29,356 10,161 25,745 Microfiltration 14,548 31,781 15,060 32,887 14,472 32,237 Membranes 20,065 20,065 20,653 20,653 19,585 19,585 Fuel Cells 2,388 2,388 1,295 1,295 1,214 1,214 45,814 77,900 49,989 84,191 45,432 78,781 Taxation (3,203) (2,632) (2,160) Dividend payable (883) (883) (1,583) Net borrowings (12,402) (14,224) (11,788) 61,412 66,452 63,250 2. Earnings/(losses) per share Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31 May 31 May 30 Nov 2003 2002 2002 (a) Losses per share - basic and diluted Losses (£'000) (1,098) (851) (1,879) Number of shares (weighted) 36,803,011 36,803,011 36,803,011 Losses per share (3.0)p (2.3)p (5.1)p (b) Earnings/(losses) per share before goodwill amortisation Earnings/(losses) (£'000) (54) 201 212 Number of shares (weighted) 36,803,011 36,803,011 36,803,011 Earnings/(losses) per share (0.1)p 0.5p 0.6p 3. Dividends Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31 May 31 May 30 Nov 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend of 2.4p (2002 : 2.4p) 883 883 884 Final dividend of 4.3p - - 1,583 883 883 2,467 The interim dividend of 2.4p per share for the six months to 31 May 2003 will be paid on 19 September 2003 to members on the register on 22 August 2003. 4. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash flow from operating activities Six months ended Six months ended 31 May Year ended 31 May 2002 30 Nov 2003 £'000 2002 £'000 £'000 Total group operating loss (724) (348) (1,679) Goodwill amortisation 1,148 1,154 2,299 Share of joint venture/associated undertaking profits and losses (25) (123) (87) Depreciation 1,664 1,791 3,512 Loss on sale of fixed assets - 25 44 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (612) 282 82 Increase in debtors (923) (3,354) (1,081) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 463 (1,464) (110) Net cash inflow /(outflow) from operating 991 (2,037) 2,980 activities before exceptional items Exceptional items (88) - (182) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 903 (2,037) 2,798 5. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net borrowings Six months ended Six months ended 31 May Year ended 31 May 2002 30 Nov 2003 £'000 2002 £'000 £'000 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (1,073) (2,505) 846 Increase in borrowings (72) (2,633) (4,105) Change in net borrowings from cash flows (1,145) (5,138) (3,259) Exchange difference 531 271 828 Movement in net borrowings in the period (614) (4,867) (2,431) Opening net borrowings (11,788) (9,357) (9,357) Closing net borrowings (12,402) (14,224) (11,788) 6. Analysis of net borrowings 01/12/02 Cash flow Transfers Exchange £'000 31/05/03 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand and at bank 3,261 (1,073) - (49) 2,139 Overdrafts - - - - - (1,073) Borrowings due after 1 year - (94) (15,001) 580 (14,515) Borrowings due within 1 year (15,049) 22 15,001 - (26) (72) Total (11,788) (1,145) - 531 (12,402) 7. Statutory group accounts The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies applied are those set out in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 November 2002. The interim financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts as they are unaudited, although they have been reviewed by the auditors. The abridged accounts for the year ended 30 November 2002 set out above are an extract from the latest statutory accounts of the Group which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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