Final Results

1 March 2006 PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 Restated For the period from 12 For year ended September 2003 to 31 December 2005 31 December 2004 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains/(losses)on investments: realised 0 5,415 5,415 0 2,681 2,681 unrealised 0 (148) (148) 0 6,985 6,985 Gains/(losses)on foreign exchange 0 27 27 0 (121) (121) Income 2,475 0 2,475 2,720 0 2,720 Management fee (531) (271) (802) (529) (1,124) (1,653) Other expenses (393) 0 (393) (486) 0 (486) Investment transaction costs 0 (354) (354) 0 0 0 Return before interest payable and taxation 1,551 4,669 6,220 1,705 8,421 10,126 Interest payable (14) (1,449) (1,463) (5) (1,576) (1,581) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,537 3,220 4,757 1,700 6,845 8,545 Taxation on ordinary activities (228) 0 (228) (163) (17) (180) Return on ordinary activities after taxation attributable to equity shares 1,309 3,220 4,529 1,537 6,828 8,365 Transfer to reserves 1,309 3,220 4,529 1,537 6,828 8,365 Total Total Return per zero dividend preference share(pence): 7.57 8.23 Return per ordinary share (pence): 24.96 45.85 PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (Cont'd) Balance sheet as at 31 December 2005 Restated 2005 2004 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments 48,988 45,138 Current assets Debtors 404 1,483 Cash at bank 1,472 453 1,876 1,936 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Creditors (382) (1,346) Net current asssts 1,494 590 Total assets less current liabilities 50,482 45,728 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (22,168) (20,719) Net assets 28,314 25,009 Capital and reserves Share capital 181 181 Share premium 0 0 Redemption Reserve 10 10 Capital reserve - realised 3,211 (157) Capital reserve - unrealised 6,837 6,985 Special reserve 17,474 17,474 Revenue reserve 601 516 Total equity shareholders' funds 28,314 25,009 NAV per share- ZDP Shares (pence) 115.80 108.23 - Ordinary Shares (pence) 156.06 137.84 PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (Cont'd) Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds Share Share Redemption Capital Capital Special Revenue Total Capital Premium Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Realised Unrealised £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 For the year ended 31 December 2005 Balance at 31 December 2004 as originally reported 372 0 1,586 (157) 7,043 36,426 108 45,378 Restatements (191) 0 (1,576) 0 (58) (18,952) 408 (20,369) Balance at 31December 2004 (restated) 181 0 10 (157) 6,985 17,474 516 25,009 Return on ordinary activities after taxation 0 0 0 3,368 (148) 0 1,309 4,529 Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,224) (1,224) Balance at 31December 2005 181 0 10 3,211 6,837 17,474 601 28,314 Share Share Redemption Capital Capital Special Revenue Total Capital Premium Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Realised Unrealised £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 For the period ended 31 December 2004 Opening balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ordinary shares issued 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 Return on ordinary activities after taxation 0 0 0 (157) 6,985 0 1,537 8,365 Dividends paid and proposed 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,021) (1,021) Premium on issue of share capital 0 18,952 0 0 0 0 0 18,952 Transfer to special reserve 0 (18,952) 0 0 0 18,952 0 0 Formation expenses 0 0 0 0 0 (572) 0 (572) Repurchase of own shares for cancellation 0 0 10 0 0 (906) 0 (896) Balance at 31 December 2004 (restated) 181 0 10 (157) 6,985 17,474 516 25,009 PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (Cont'd) Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 Period from Year ended 12 September 2003 31 December to 31 December 2005 2004 £000 £000 Operating activities Income received from investments 2,394 2,144 Interest received 161 125 Other income received 9 16 Investment management fees paid (1,699) (442) Other cash payments (402) (449) Net cash inflow from operating activities 463 1,394 Servicing of finance Interest Paid (14) (5) Taxation Overseas tax paid (221) (187) Financial investments Purchases of investments (50,527) (88,371) Sales of investments 51,469 73,684 Liquidation of futures and options 1,073 (854) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investments 2,015 (15,541) Equity dividends paid (1,224) (1,021) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 1,019 (15,360) Financing Issue of share capital 0 17,341 Redemption of preference shares 0 (50) Buyback of ordinary shares 0 (906) Formation costs 0 (572) Net cash inflow from financing 0 15,813 Increase in cash for the year 1,019 453 Analysis of changes in cash during the year Opening balance 453 - Increase in cash as above 1,019 453 Closing balance 1,472 453 PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the Year ended 31 December 2005(cont'd) NOTES 1. These accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of fixed asset investments and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 2003 regarding the Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies ("SORP"). The Company has adopted FRS 21 "Events after the Balance Sheet Date", FRS 25 "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation" and FRS 26 "Financial Instruments: Measurement". These accounts are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts. 2. The Directors have declared a fourth interim dividend of 2.25p net per Ordinary share payable on 31 March 2006 to holders of Ordinary Shares on the register at 10 March 2006. 3. The total return per Ordinary share is based on 18,143,433 Ordinary shares in issue during the year (2004: weighted average of 18,242,490 Ordinary shares in issue during the period). 4. The net asset value per Zero Dividend Preference share of 115.80p at 31 December 2005 has been calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association. 5. At 31 December 2005 there were 18,143,433 Ordinary shares of 1p each and 19,143,433 Zero Dividend Preference shares of 1p each in issue. 6. The annual report will be sent to shareholders on or around 17 March, 2006. It will not be advertised in newspapers, but copies will be available from that date at the Company's Registered Office at Eastgate Court, High Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3DE. PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (cont'd) CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report that 2005 proved another sound year for Premier Utilities Trust PLC. Equity markets generally performed well over the period and the utility sector delivered another year of strong performance despite some residual uncertainty surrounding the outlook for interest rates and inflation. Certainly the dramatic rise in global prices for oil and gas helped the sector but continuing uncertainty regarding the sustainability of economic growth also highlighted the fundamental attractions and solidity of utility earnings. Performance The total assets of your Company rose from £45.32m as at the 31December 2004 to £50.07m as at 31 December 2005, or an increase of 10.5%. Both these amounts include the provision for the last dividends for the respective periods of 2.25p per Ordinary share, which are now only recognised in the Company's financial statements when they are declared. In addition listed investments are now valued at bid market prices whereas in prior periods they were valued at middle market prices. The figure for total assets at 31 December 2004 has been adjusted for this change. When the £1.22m of dividends that relate to the year ended 31 December 2005 are included, the Company's total return for the year was 13.2%. The main catalyst for the portfolio's performance over the period was the rise in European power prices. A number of the Company's investments, most notably Verbund in Austria, RWE and E.ON in Germany and Suez in France benefited from the increase in power prices which came about as a result, principally, of the high price of oil which fed through to gas prices. Another excellent investment over the period proved to be the French water company Veolia, the shares of which have virtually doubled since they were purchased. Veolia won a number of large contracts over the year and this, together with operational improvements, lifted profitability significantly. All of your Company's management and administration expenses are charged against the revenue account with the exception of the performance fee payable to the investment manager, which has been charged to capital. As a result, and after allowing for the additional accrual of 7.57p for the Zero Dividend Preference shares ("ZDP shares"), net asset value per Ordinary share rose from 137.84p to 156.06p or an increase of 13.2%. Terminal value per Ordinary share (i.e. the residual value of each share after allowing for the full accrual of the ZDP shares at the proposed winding-up date for the Trust being the 31 December 2010) rose 19.54p to 104p. The hurdle rate is the amount by which the total assets of the Trust need to increase (or decline) in order to achieve predetermined values for the Ordinary shares. Thus the hurdle rate required to achieve the 100p initial value of the Trust's Ordinary shares is now minus 0.4% whilst to achieve the year end share price of 122p the hurdle rate is 1.2%. Accrued net asset value for the ZDP shares increased from 108.2p to 115.8p or 7% whilst terminal cover increased from 147% to 161% making the ZDPs one of the better-covered issues in the market. The performance of the Company's shares generally reflected the sound performance of its assets. The Ordinary share price increased from 112.75p to 122p at the period end, an increase of 8.2% whilst the ZDPs rose by 8.5% to 124.5p. The package discount of Ordinary and ZDP shares ended the year at 8.2%. PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (cont'd) Revenue and dividends Revenue was relatively strong over the period with net revenue per Ordinary share of 7.2p. Although earnings were lower in 2005 than the previous period, the current period is twelve months compared to fifteen months previously. Thus although overall earnings per share were lower in the period under review, on a comparable basis they were actually marginally higher than the year ending 31 December 2004. As a result your Company has declared and paid dividends totalling 4.5p per Ordinary share (in respect of net revenue generated in 2005).These were paid in June, September and December 2005. Your Board has now declared a fourth interim dividend of 2.25p per Ordinary share in respect of 2005. This dividend will be paid on 31 March 2006 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 10 March 2006. Following payment of the fourth interim dividend, making a total of 6.75p for the year as a whole, your Company will retain an undistributed revenue reserve for the year of £85,000 or 0.47p per Ordinary share, (allowing for the payment of the fourth interim dividend of 2.25p per ordinary share on 31 March 2006). This reserve will be added to the reserve carried forward from the previous year and means that total revenue reserves now stand at £193,000. Shareholder relations. The Board and the Investment manager welcome contact not only with the Company's existing investors but also with potential new investors. The Investment Manager has met most of the Company's major shareholders. We have welcomed a number of new shareholders this year and this broadening of the share register has helped maintain the discount of the shares at a reasonable level. The Board of Directors Bill Syson retired from the Chair and as a director during 2005, and we thank him for the enormous contribution he has made to the Board's deliberations over the years. Adam Cooke has joined the board, and has taken the role of Chairman of the Audit Committee. He has been involved with fund management and the investment trust industry for many years at Invesco Perpetual, and as a Global Partner of the parent company Amvescap PLC. He has already proved a valuable addition to the Board and I recommend his re-election. In addition, Ian Graham retires by rotation and offers himself for re-election. His many years of investment experience in the utility sector is of significant benefit to the Board. Again I recommend his re-election. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting is being held on Monday 24 April 2006 commencing at 2.30pm.The location will be advised in due course. PREMIER UTILITIES TRUST PLC Preliminary unaudited announcement in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 (cont'd) Outlook The outlook for markets is not unlike last year's it would seem. Earnings growth remains relatively robust whilst both inflation and interest rates are under control at least for the foreseeable future. However, the current round of interest rate tightening, whilst approaching its peak, may have a little further to go whilst the strains on economic growth from this are being compounded by the high price of commodities generally. This is unlikely to abate in the short term, in our view, and growth could come under some pressure as the current year matures. So far as the global utility sector is concerned, we believe it may be approaching the end of its five-year revaluation against other economic sub- groups. Whilst earnings growth is maturing for the sector however, there are specific stocks that are looking increasingly attractive notably those capable of exploiting the high price of energy. These include nuclear and renewable energy generators. We are also optimistic on the outlook for selective telecoms companies and the extent to which the Company can diversify its asset base both by economic sub sector and geographically does provide a degree of comfort in an uncertain world. Geoffrey Burns Chairman 1 March 2006 Premier Utilities Trust PLC Eastgate Court High Street Guildford Surrey GU1 3DE Enquiries: Andrew Whalley (telephone 01483 400400)
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