11 June 2019
Primary Health Properties PLC
AGM Statement
At the Annual General Meeting of Primary Health Properties PLC ("PHP" or the "Company"), one of the UK's leading investors in modern primary healthcare facilities, held today at 10:30am at the offices of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London EC4, Harry Hyman, Managing Director of the Company made the following statement:
"The first half of the year has started well for PHP. Since the completion of the MedicX Fund Limited merger, attention has focussed on integrating the two businesses to deliver the financial benefits identified at the time of the transaction. The integration is progressing according to plan. Additionally, our priority has been to maintain operational momentum by pursuing new pipeline acquisition opportunities both here and in Ireland, and ensuring rental growth prospects are maximised as well as pursuing asset enhancement projects.
The Company is pleased that shareholders have seen a strong positive response from the market to the merits of the merger and we remain committed to maintaining a fully covered dividend whilst paying out substantially all of underlying earnings.
The Company will be announcing its first half results on 25 July 2019 when the Board intends to set out more details."
More information on Primary Health Properties PLC can be found on www.phpgroup.co.uk
Further details:
Harry Hyman Managing Director Tel: +44 (0) 20 7451 7050
Richard Howell Finance Director Tel: +44 (0) 20 7104 5599
David Rydell / Steph Watson (Buchanan Communications) Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466 5066 |
Legal Entity Identifier: 213800Y5CJHXOATK7X11