Final Results

Premier Management Holdings PLC 16 July 2001 PREMIER MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS PLC ('Premier Management Holdings' or 'the Company') PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 APRIL 2001 HIGHLIGHTS Period ended 30 April* 2001 Turnover £934,000 Profit before tax £76,000 Earnings per share 0.45p * for the period from 15th March 2000 to 30th April 2001 - Turnover and profit above projected budget against background of transfer market uncertainty - Establishment of a number of complimentary profit centres - Acquisition of Mickey Walsh's business - Fully installed in new premises in the City of London - Trading since year end satisfactory - 3 year player management deal signed with major Portugese club, Vitoria Setubal For further information contact: Stuart Lucas (Chairman) Premier Management Holdings plc 020 7456 0490 Richard Evans Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited 0161 214 5553 Barry Gold (MD) Premier Management Holdings plc 0207 456 0490 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am delighted in our first accounts, to be able to report to shareholders a turnover above our budget and a profit versus a projected small loss. This creditable result has been achieved against a difficult background for much of the period, as the EC, UEFA and FIFA laboured over a review of the transfer system, bringing transfer activity virtually to a standstill. For the period from 15th March 2000 to 30th April 2001, pre-tax profits were £ 76K on a turnover of £934K and as the year came to an end it arrived with a refreshing increase in activity, both for ourselves, and the transfer market generally. This level of activity has been maintained during the first part of the current financial year, which has started well, with an agreement being reached with Vitoria Setubal, one of the most famous Clubs in Portugal for the Company to represent the Club for an initial period of three years on player transfer dealings both inwards and outwards. The Company will receive a commission on all player sales. In terms of personnel, we have acquired the business of Mickey Walsh, the former Blackpool, Everton, QPR and Porto player who has brought his business and FIFA licence into the Company. The introduction of his players, coupled with his excellent contacts in Ireland, where he was an International player for many years, and in Portugal, where he played and managed for nine years, will greatly enhance the Company's range of activities. Not only was he a major participant in the agreement with Vitoria Setubal, but, as a result of his involvement, we have already carried out a number of transfers to and from Portugal. In addition, the player representation team has been further strengthened by the appointments of Sjoerd Postuma, Anthony McFarlane and David Leadbeater, all of whom have played professionally, and have been able to introduce players to the Company. Both Mr Postuma and Mr McFarlane unfortunately had to retire from professional football through injury; Mr Postuma having represented the Netherlands at both U18 and U17 levels, and Mr McFarlane after six years at West Ham. Mr Postuma has a degree in Economics and Management, and is fluent in several languages and has greatly increased the Company's spread of operation in Holland and Northern Europe. Mr McFarlane has a wide contact base amongst young players in the United Kingdom, and a number of these young players, are now managed by the Company. Mr Leadbeater, who is also a part time scout at Middlesbrough Football Club, has been instrumental in a large number of quality players coming to be represented by the Company, and his wide contacts throughout the game,have been a real boon. The original idea that the Company would invest alongside Clubs on player transfers, has been greatly expanded, and a number of innovative solutions have been applied hopefully helping both Club, player and the Company. Basically the Company advances money against shares in a young player's future transfer value, and this innovative method of financing allows Football Clubs to retain their players for longer periods, such that they receive a higher transfer fee when the player moves on, and enables the player to realise some of his potential whilst playing for the 1st team, rather than sitting on the bench, or playing for the reserves at a Club at a higher level. So far as the Company is concerned, if the right players are selected, substantial capital gains over the medium term should be achieved where these players achieve their full potential. The Company is now fully installed in its new premises at 50 Liverpool Street, and has an on-field and desk-top scouting network that is used by many professional clubs who find it more economical to ask the Company to source players for them, than to employ a team of scouts themselves. The Company has more than a dozen Consultants who provide scouting and other information on players, the majority of which are paid on a results only basis. The Company has established a number of complimentary profit centres, and these include: The original player management business which is run by Billy Jennings. His team includes Messrs. Leadbeater, McFarlane, Postuma and Clive Hart, a sport and media graduate who has been with the company from its early days and has also introduced a number of players to the Company. The player investment division, which is primarily the responsibility of Barry Gold with assistance from Billy Jennings, and Mickey Walsh. Investments in the future transfer value of players is currently £2M world wide with a number of further investments currently under review. The third profit centre is the outsourcing by Clubs of player management, such as the contract entered into with Vitoria Setubal, and where two further examples are currently under discussion. This area is likely to grow quite rapidly, and the initial contract has already been adapted for two other propositions. Other innovative proposals are in the pipeline, and in one case, under discussion as it is being prepared. The aim is to use the Capital Markets to create new methods of financing Clubs and players, and to roll them out as a profit stream for the future. I mentioned in my interim statement we hoped to expand the range of services we provide by associating with a suitable Financial Services business, and I am pleased to announce that we have concluded an arrangement with Benson McGarvey Limited, who have been subsequently acquired by the Kingsbridge Group. We have also appointed a full time employee to handle the promotional and endorsement opportunities for the players we represent. We are currently negotiating an arrangement to represent some of the World's leading squash players, and we will further extend our areas of representation, if the appropriate opportunity occurs. As I indicated above, trading since the end of the year has been satisfactory, and everybody at the Company is very excited about the future. I would like to thank everybody at the Company for their hard work, which has given us a future to be excited about. Stuart Lucas Chairman 13 July 2001 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the period ended 30 April 2001 Note 2001 £'000 Turnover 934 Cost of sales (75) Gross profit 859 Administrative expenses (868) Operating loss (9) Interest receivable 85 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 76 Taxation 2 - Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 76 Dividends 3 - Retained profit for the financial period 76 Earnings per share 4 Pence Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share 0.45 The profit and loss has been prepared on the basis that all operations are continuing operations. There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the period. BALANCE SHEET As at 30 April 2001 Group Company 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 Intangible assets Goodwill 164 - Fixed assets Tangible assets 204 195 Investments 394 479 598 674 Current assets Debtors 727 736 Cash at bank and in hand 1,012 1,012 1,739 1,748 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (91) (127) Net current assets 1,648 1,621 Total assets less current liabilities 2,410 2,295 Creditors: amounts falling due over one year (38) (28) Total assets less liabilities 2,372 2,267 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 200 200 Share premium account 2,096 2,096 Profit and loss account 76 (29) Equity shareholders' funds 2,372 2,267 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period ended 30 April 2001 Note 2001 £'000 Net cash movement from operating activities 5 (712) Returns on investments Interest received 85 Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible assets (179) Management of liquid resources Fixed asset investments (394) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 2,600 Cost of share issue (304) Investment in Subsidiary (85) Net cash inflow from financing 2,211 Movement in cash and cash equivalents 6 1,011 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 APRIL 2001 1.Basis of Preparation The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention. 2.Taxation There is no charge to corporation tax for the period nor has any provision been made for deferred taxation due to the availability of losses. Accumulated tax losses have not been recognised as deferred tax assets. 3. Dividends No dividend is proposed for the period ended 30 April 2001. 4. Earnings per share The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the assumed conversion of all options. Reconciliation of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:- Earnings per Weighted average number of Earnings share shares £'000 (pence) Basic profit per share 76 16,606,324 0.45 Dilutive effect of 76 16,721,138 0.45 options 5.Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash movement from operating activities 2001 £'000 Operating loss (9) Depreciation 43 Amortisation 18 Movement in debtors (632) Movement in creditors (132) Net cash movement from operating activities (712) 6. Analysis of changes in cash and cash equivalents during the period Cash Flow Movements 30 April 2001 £'000 £'000 Net cash: Cash at bank 1,012 1,012 Bank overdraft (1) (1) Net funds 1,011 1,011
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