Final Results

Proven VCT PLC 16 May 2002 ProVen VCT plc Preliminary Announcement of Results for the year to 28 February 2002 Chairman's Statement (extracted from Report & Accounts) This is the second annual report presented to the shareholders of ProVen VCT, covering the year ended 28 February 2002. Whilst the year under review saw the continuation of difficult equity markets worldwide, towards the end of the period there was a modest improvement in the environment for investment in unquoted companies, and the investment manager continues to report evidence of more realistic pricing expectations in investment opportunities being generated. The investment rate achieved in the second half was similar to that in the first half, and with six further investments completed since the year end, the investment manager is continuing the progress towards the achievement of the investment target required by the VCT legislation. New Investments During the year the investment manager invested £2.4 million in the qualifying venture capital investment portfolio and £1.0 million in non-qualifying unquoted investments. At the balance sheet date, the portfolio of venture capital investments totalled fifteen (of which twelve are qualifying). This brings your company almost halfway towards the target of 70% in qualifying investments that is required by the Venture Capital Trust regulations. Investment activity has continued since the year-end, with a further £1.1 million invested in qualifying holdings. Revenue and Dividends Net revenue before tax for the year was £719,000 and the revenue return per share was 2.4p. During the financial year under review, ProVen VCT paid an interim dividend of 1.0p per share. The directors are proposing a final dividend for the year of 1.3p per share, payable on 8 August 2002, which will bring the total distribution for the year to 2.3p per share. The small decline in the total dividend for the year is consistent with the increasing size of the unquoted investment portfolio, which will normally have a lower yield than the portfolio of fixed income investments. Shareholders should expect therefore the annual dividend will reduce again in the coming year. Net Asset Value Shareholders' funds as at 28 February 2002 stood at £19.4 million. The net asset value per share (NAV) at 28 February 2002 was 88.4p compared to 96.0p at 28 February 2001, after deducting the dividends paid and proposed. This decline is equivalent to 7.8% over the year, after adding back the effect of the dividends, and compares well to the drop in the FTSE AiM index of 36%. Share Buy Backs During the year, your company purchased 26,000 shares in the market for cancellation, at a total cost of £22,036. Each purchase was made at a discount to the then net asset value. In order to maintain the company's ability to purchase its own shares where this is in the interests of shareholders, the board will at the forthcoming annual general meeting once again be seeking shareholder approval to renew its authority to purchase shares in the market. To facilitate this policy, the cancellation of the company's share premium account was confirmed by an Order of the High Court dated 23 January 2002 and a Special Reserve has been created which can be utilised to purchase shares in the market for cancellation. Board Change Stephen Edwards resigned from the board on 14 March 2002 and has been replaced by Gordon Power, Chief Executive of the investment manager, ProVen Private Equity Limited. Prospects Over the early life of the company, the investment manager invested slowly, believing that potential investment opportunities were priced too highly. As a result your company avoided some of the excessive valuations placed on unquoted investments, and technology stocks in particular. The relatively high cash retention that resulted from this policy has benefited your company, whose performance compares well with that of the UK quoted equity indices over that same period. We are now entering a period in which we expect relatively heavy investment leading up to the third anniversary of inception of the VCT. A number of larger, promising investments are already in process, nonetheless market conditions remain unpredictable and your board continues to take a cautious view of the future. In the last quarter of this financial year the climate for investment in unquoted companies showed signs of significant improvement when compared with earlier periods following the VCT's launch in 2000. This last quarter has seen a stabilising of stock markets with the FTSE AiM index reducing by 6% compared to 36% in the full year and the more mature FTSE AllShare reducing by 2% compared to 14% in the full year. The reduction in market volatility should provide the investment manager with a better economic background against which to invest the remaining qualifying portfolio in the third year of the company's life. Whilst it is too early to anticipate the outcome of the existing investments there are grounds to hope that on balance the winners will outweigh the losers. The objective of the company remains the generation of tax-free capital and income returns to shareholders over the next five to ten years. Annual General Meeting The annual general meeting will be held at 11.00 a.m. on 7 August 2002 at 42 Craven Street, London, WC2N 5NG. I look forward to meeting those shareholders that are able to attend. Andrew Davison Chairman 16 May 2002 Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) for the year ended 28 February 2002 Year ended Period ended 28 Feb 28 Feb 2002 2001 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 (Losses)/gains on investments - realised - (137) (137) - 119 119 - unrealised - (1,289) (1,289) - 219 219 Income 1,060 - 1,060 1,096 - 1,096 Investment management fee (122) (365) (487) (86) (258) (344) Other expenses (219) - (219) (214) - (214) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 719 (1,791) (1,072) 796 80 876 Tax (charge)/credit on ordinary (197) 118 (221) 84 (137) activities (79) Return on ordinary activities 522 (1,673) (1,151) 575 164 739 after taxation Dividends (505) - (505) (527) - (527) Transfer to/(from) reserves 17 (1,673) (1,656) 48 164 212 Return per ordinary share 2.4p (7.6p) (5.2p) 2.8p 0.8p 3.6p Basic and diluted Balance Sheet 28 February 2002 2001 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments unquoted 3,535 2,212 Investments - AIM traded 2,960 2,024 Fixed Interest - listed 11,492 14,026 Fixed Interest - unlisted 1,300 2,908 Total fixed assets 19,287 21,170 Net current assets/(liabilities) 119 (86) Total assets less current liabilities 19,406 21,084 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 1,097 1,099 Reserves 18,309 19,985 Total equity shareholders' funds 19,406 21,084 Net asset value per ordinary share 88.4p 96.0p Cash Flow Statement for the year to 28 February 2002 Year ended Period ended 28 February 28 February 2002 2001 £000 £000 Net revenue from operating activities Net revenue from ordinary activities before tax 719 796 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 84 (279) Increase in creditors 41 169 Management fees charged to capital (365) (258) Net cash inflow from operating activities 479 428 Corporation tax paid (138) - Financial investment Purchase of investments (23,229) (54,795) Sale of investments 23,686 33,963 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 457 (20,832) Equity dividends paid (747) - Financing Issue of redeemable preference shares - 50 Issue of ordinary shares - 21,970 Share issue expenses - (1,098) Redemption of preference shares - (50) Buy-back of 26,000 ordinary shares (22) - Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (22) 20,872 Increase in cash in period 29 468 Analysis of cash balance At 28 February 2001 468 - Net cash inflow for the period 29 468 At 28 February 2002 497 468 Notes 1 The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the year to 28 February 2002, but is derived from those accounts. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain statements under s237 (2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. The accounts have yet to be approved by shareholders and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 2 The Revenue column of the Statement of Total Return is the revenue account of the company. The prior year comparatives cover the 58 week period ended 28 February 2001. 3 Returns per ordinary share are based on the revenue and capital returns on ordinary activities after taxation and on 21,954,944 (2001: 20,720,492) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. There were 21,944,502 (2001: 21,970,502) ordinary shares in issue at 28 February 2002. 4 The directors recommend a dividend of 1.3p per share to be paid on 8 August 2002 to shareholders on the Register of Members at the close of business on 5 July 2002. 5 Unlisted investments have been valued at directors' valuation in accordance with the guidelines of the British Venture Capital Association. Investments traded on the Alternative Investment Market have been valued at market value. 6 The audited accounts will be posted to shareholders by 31 May 2002 and copies of this announcement are available at the company's registered office: 42 Craven Street, London WC2N 5NG. ENDS This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


ProVen VCT (PVN)
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