Prudential plc ('Prudential')
23 January 2009
Immediate Release
Notification of Directors' Interest in Shares
In view of the announcement issued by the Financial Services Authority, in its role as the UK Listing Authority, on 9 January 2009 to the effect that directors who have granted security over their shares should disclose this to the market as soon as possible, Prudential plc announce that on 3 June 2008 Barry Stowe pledged 8,513.73 ADRs in Prudential plc. These shares are held within an investment account which secures premium financing for a life insurance policy.
Mr Stowe is interested in a total of 428,974 shares representing 0.017% of the ordinary shares and voting rights of Company, 66,678 of which are in the form of 33,339 ADRs.
Following discussions with the Company, both Mr Stowe and the Company believed that the security arrangement did not itself constitute a transaction for which disclosure was required under the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. However, given the FSA's recent clarification, Mr Stowe has formally notified the Company of this grant of security and the Company hereby gives notice of the grant of security over the ADR's described above.
Additional information:
Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America.
Prudential plc
Emma Jacobs, Group Secretariat
020 7548 3931
Name and signature of duly authorised officer of issuer responsible for making notification:
Susan Henderson, Deputy Group Secretary, 020 7548 3805