Final Results for 1999 - Part 2
Prudential PLC
23 February 2000
Modified Statutory Basis Results
Operating profit from continuing operations before amortisation of goodwill
totalled £776 million in 1999, a decrease of 10% over prior year. The 1999
result includes an investment of £150 million in egg and a £70 million charge
for UK re-engineering costs; underlying growth before these items is 6%.
This underlying increase reflects good growth from our US operations and our
UK Retail Insurance business. These increases were offset by the funding
costs of egg and of M&G, which was acquired in the first half of the year.
Our US operations generated a profit in 1999 of £451 million, 10% ahead of
prior year reflecting increased spread income due to growth in the liability
book and a slight strengthening of the dollar against sterling (local
currency results were up 8% on prior year). Jackson's after tax return on
capital for the year of 17% is again ahead of our long-term target of 15%.
However, we would expect 2000's returns to be closer to our target return.
In the UK, underlying profits from our Retail Insurance operations increased
by 14% to £479 million. Within this total, underlying profits from our
Retail IFA business of £99 million were 13% above prior year as increased
funds under management more than offset the impact of lower annual bonuses.
The 14% increase in underlying profits from Retail Financial Services to
£380 million reflects a 56% increase in profits from General Insurance to £61
million and a 9% increase in long-term profits to £319 million. The
increase in the long term result reflects higher funds under management and
an exceptional level of maturities offset by the impact of the rundown in
annual bonuses. Despite recent rises in interest rates, expectations are
for continued low inflation and investment returns, and we would therefore
expect to see a continued downward trend in annual bonus levels. The
significant improvement in the General Insurance result reflects better
claims and expense experience.
Profits from our Group Pensions business increased by 64% to £36 million
in 1999, due to an exceptional level of maturities and increased funds
under management. Group Pensions' current investment in an e-commerce
marketing and distribution platform will impact 2000's result.
Prudential M&G Asset Management's underlying result of £87 million compares
with £28 million in 1998 and includes a strong first time eight month
contribution from M&G of £56 million. M&G's result is ahead of our
original acquisition assumptions. The contribution from PPM of £43 million
is in line with last year.
The investment in egg and Prudential Banking is £150 million compared with
£77 million in 1998. This increase reflects both the success of the venture
with the resultant demand for additional capacity, and increased investment
in the e-card launch, development of future products and the continued
investment in systems. Given the continued development expenditure and
proposed new initiatives, we anticipate a similar level of investment in 2000
to that incurred in 1999. Current egg plans are to break even in the
latter part of 2001 as the benefits of the customer base and cross-buying
come through.
The movement in other income and expenditure from income of £38 million in
1998 to a charge of £78 million in 1999 predominantly reflects the cost of
funding the acquisition of M&G and the investment in egg.
Operating earnings per share were down 14% on prior year at 29.1 pence.
This fall is higher than the 10% fall in operating profit due to the
unusually low effective tax rate in 1998 of 25%, compared with 27% in 1999.
Supplementary Achieved Profits Basis Results
On the achieved profits basis of reporting, operating profit from continuing
operations was £1,098 million in 1999, 9% ahead of 1998. This is despite the
inclusion of the UK restructuring charge of £70 million and increased
investment in egg and is due mainly to the strong sales performance across
the Group. Underlying growth excluding these items was an increase of 21%.
The achieved profits result for our long-term insurance operations was
an increase of 27% on 1998 at £1,230 million reflecting a 46% rise in
new business profits to £603 million and a 13% increase in in-force profits
to £627 million.
Within new business profits, the contribution from our UK businesses was up
44% to £304 million. This increase reflected a 53% increase in Retail
IFA new business profits to £174 million due to increased sales and a revised
assessment of persistency of our Prudence Bond product, while within
Retail Financial Services and Annuities, strong sales growth and a shift
to more profitable product lines drove the result up 35% to £104 million.
Overseas, Jackson National Life generated new business profits of £198
million, up 45% on prior year, reflecting record sales volumes and a shift in
product mix to relatively more profitable variable annuity and ELI
products. Prudential Asia's contribution of £90 million represents another
very strong result, up 61% on prior year, and is primarily attributable to the
increase in sales in our established markets, a more profitable sales
mix, and our increased stake in Malaysia. Prudential Europe's contribution
was £11 million, up 22% on 1998.
Profit from long-term in-force business of £627 million compares with
£557 million in 1998, an increase of 13%. The 1999 result was held back
by the shareholders' charge of £92 million for the increase in the cost of
pensions mis-selling in the UK.
We have increased the provision for pensions mis-selling from £1.1 billion
to £1.7 billion and now expect the total cost to be £2 billion. The
increase in the provision reflects the impact of the revised, shorter,
timescale for dealing with Phase II cases, revised settlement and interest
rate assumptions and additional Phase II cases.
The returns on average shareholders' funds for our long-term businesses based
on local currency achieved basis operating profit after tax, are shown in
the following table:
1999 1998
% %
UK operations 11 10
Jackson National Life 14 16
Prudential Asia* 18 18
* Established operations net of development costs
Total operating profit after tax on the achieved profits basis was £762
million and earnings per share were 39.1 pence.
Shareholders' Funds
Statutory basis shareholders' funds were £3,424 million at the end of 1999,
an increase of £175 million from 1998. The increase primarily reflects
the retained operating profit after dividend payments.
On the achieved profits basis, which recognises the shareholders' interest
in our long-term businesses, shareholders' funds were £8,342 million, an
increase of £832 million compared with 1998. The increase reflects
the operating profits retained in the long-term businesses and strong
investment returns. After adjusting for borrowings, approximately 65% of
these funds are held in sterling with a further 25% held in US dollars.
The achieved profits basis provides a better indication of the Group's
financial strength. It does not, however, anticipate the results of our
discussions with the FSA on the unattributed assets held in the main
with-profits fund. For the purposes of the achieved profits basis results, it
is assumed that only 10% of these assets are allocated to shareholders. Our
discussions with the FSA on the unattributed assets continue.
Financial Strength of Insurance Operations
The solvency ratio of free assets to liabilities within the Group's main UK
long-term fund at the year end after charging for the pension mis-selling
provision is estimated to be 29%, an increase of 8% over prior year. Free
assets on an FSA basis are estimated to be £18 billion at the year end. The
fund's financial strength has been rated Aaa by Moody's Investors Service.
The solvency position of Jackson National Life remains strong with a
risk-based capital ratio of over 240% of the regulatory minimum. Adequate
solvency levels have been maintained by our insurance operations in Asia.
Funds Flow
In 1999 the Group's operations generated funds after tax of £567 million,
compared to £654 million in 1998, and retained funds after dividends were
£118 million. In 1999, the Group invested £2,598 million in its businesses
including £278 million reinvested in Jackson National Life and £1,943 million
relating to the acquisition of M&G. We have also invested £262 million in
Prudential Banking and egg as solvency capital and invested £97 million in
Asia, principally in Taiwan. In addition, £310 million was repatriated from
businesses in 1999: £190 million of surplus capital from M&G, and £120
million from Prudential Assurance Company, following a review of capital
requirements. Overall there was a net cash outflow in 1999 from the holding
company of £2,268 million.
As a result of the above outflow and exchange translation losses of £22
million, the holding company net borrowings at the end of 1999 totalled
£1,837 million, compared with £453 million of net cash at the end of 1998.
Shareholder's Borrowings
Shareholders' borrowings at the end of 1999 totalled £1,915 million
including £1,614 million at fixed rates of interest with maturity dates
ranging from 2001 to 2029. Of this long-term borrowings balance, £496
million was denominated in US dollars, in order to partially hedge the
currency exposure arising from our investment in Jackson National Life.
There were also £301 million short-term commercial paper borrowings, all
sterling denominated.
The Group successfully launched two bonds during the year: a £250 million
5.5% bond maturing in 2009, and a £250 million 5.875% bond maturing in
2029. The Group also successfully placed £168 million of loan notes due to
mature in 2004. The proceeds of these debt issues along with the net cash
held in the Group at the end of 1998 were used to finance the acquisition of
Prudential plc enjoys strong debt ratings from both Moody's Investors
Service and Standard and Poor's. Its rated long-term debt is Aa3 and AA+,
whilst the short-term ratings of its guaranteed finance subsidiaries are P-1
and A-1+. The Group also retains access to both committed and uncommitted
bank facilities.
Treasury Policy
The Group operates a central treasury function, which has overall
responsibility for managing its capital funding programme as well as its
central cash and liquidity positions. The treasury function is also
responsible for the co-ordination of risk management and investment policy
across the Group.
To reduce investment, interest rate and currency exposures, and to
facilitate efficient investment management, derivative instruments are used.
Group policy is that amounts at risk through derivative transactions are
covered by cash or by corresponding assets. The accounting treatment of
derivative contracts in consistent with that of the underlying assets or
The Group transacts business primarily in sterling and US dollars. The
currency exposure relating to the translation of reported earnings is not
separately managed although its impact is reduced by interest payments on
the foreign currency borrowings and by the adoption of average exchange
rates for the translation of foreign currency revenues.
Accounting Policies
There have been no changes in accounting policies during the year that
impact materially on the results.
1 Segmental Analysis
Analysis of new business Analysis of premiums
by product distributor and profit by product
Operating profit
Gross (based on
premiums longer-term
Single Regular written investment
amortisation of
Results Analysis 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
by Business Area £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
UK Operations
Retail Financial
Services and
Annuities 3,211 1,821 146 192 4,837 3,236 380 333
Retail IFA 2,476 1,779 112 113 3,531 2,754 99 88
Retail Insurance
Operations 5,687 3,600 258 305 8,368 5,990 479 421
Group Pensions 630 544 81 37 1,281 1,434 36 22
Prudential M&G Asset
Management 570 - 13 - 948 - 87 28
egg and Prudential
Banking - - - - - - (150) (77)
Total 6,887 4,144 352 342 10,597 7,424 452 394
Jackson National
Life 4,062 2,835 24 28 4,449 3,237 457 411
Broker dealer and
fund management - - - - - - (6) -
Total 4,062 2,835 24 28 4,449 3,237 451 411
Long-term business
and investment
products 765 114 106 79 1,237 532 27 23
Development expenses - - - - - - (12) (10)
Total 765 114 106 79 1,237 532 15 13
Europe 120 96 27 19 168 126 6 4
Other income and expenditure
Investment return
and other income - - - - - - 93 189
Interest payable - - - - - - (131) (105)
Corporate expenditure - - - - - - (40) (46)
Total - - - - - - (78) 38
Re-engineering costs - - - - - - (70) -
Total continuing
operations 11,834 7,189 509 468 16,451 11,319 776 860
Results Analysis by Activity
Long-term business 10,639 6,982 489 453 14,826 10,640 943 832
Investment products
and management 1,195 207 20 15 1,307 369 70 28
General business - - - - 318 310 61 39
Banking - - - - - - (150) (77)
Other income and
expenditure - - - - - - (78) 38
Re-engineering costs - - - - - - (70) -
Total continuing
operations 11,834 7,189 509 468 16,451 11,319 776 860
2 Funds Flow
Holding Company Funds Statement 1999 £m 1998 £m
Operating profit after tax
before amortisation of goodwill 567 654
Dividends (449) (407)
Reinvested in businesses (278) (260)
Funds available to holding company (160) (13)
New investment in businesses (2,320) (265)
Capital repatriated from businesses 310 -
Disposal of businesses - 481
New share capital subscribed 34 15
Timing differences and other items (132) (175)
Holding company net cash movement (2,268) 43
Movement in Net Cash Balances 1999 £m 1998 £m
Holding company cash less shareholders' borrowings
at beginning of year 453 405
Holding company net cash movement (as above) (2,268) 43
Exchange translation (losses) gains (22) 5
Holding company cash less shareholders' borrowings at
end of year (1,837) 453
Represented by:
Holding company cash and short-term investments 78 1,826
Borrowings - Holding company (1,760) (1,223)
- Jackson National Life (155) (150)
(1,837) 453
3 Movement in Shareholders' Capital and Reserves
1999 £m 1998 £m
Profit for the financial year 542 880
Exchange movements 48 (50)
Goodwill on disposal of subsidiaries - 28
New share capital subscribed 34 15
Dividends (449) (407)
Net movement in shareholders' capital
and reserves 175 466
Shareholders' capital and reserves at
beginning of year 3,249 2,783
Shareholders' capital and reserves
at end of year 3,424 3,249
4 Abridged Statutory Profit and Loss Account
General Business Technical Account
(based on longer-term investment returns) 1999 £m 1998 £m
Gross premiums written 318 310
Net premiums earned 302 293
Allocated investment return transferred
from the non-technical account 40 41
Claims incurred (200) (209)
Net operating expenses (93) (86)
Technical result 49 39
Gross premiums written and technical result
relate to continuing operations.
Long-Term Business Technical Account(based on
longer-term investment returns for investments
attributable to shareholders 1999 £m 1998 £m
Gross premiums written
(excluding investment products)
Continuing operations 14,580 10,640
Acquisitions 246 -
Discontinued operations - 423
Total 14,826 11,063
Net premiums earned 14,751 10,993
Investment income (including realised
investment gains) 10,661 8,516
Unrealised investment gains 6,239 3,842
Claims incurred and changes in technical
provisions (22,034) (18,868)
Expenses and tax (2,670) (2,261)
Allocated investment return transferred from (to) the
non-technical account 14 (5)
Transfer to the fund for future appropriations (6,325) (1,609)
Technical result after tax 636 608
Analysed as:
Continuing operations 628 601
Acquisitions 8 -
Discontinued operations - 7
4 Abridged Statutory Profit and Loss Account (continued)
re-engineering Re-engineering
Non-Technical Account costs 1999 £m costs 1999 £m 1999 £m 1998 £m
General business
technical result 61 (12) 49 39
Long-term business technical
result before tax
Continuing operations 926 (41) 885 832
Acquisitions 17 (7) 10 -
Discontinued operations - 8
Investment products and management
Continuing operations 31 (10) 21 28
Acquisitions 39 39 -
Banking (150) (150) (77)
Other income and expenditure (78) (78) 38
Amortisation of goodwill (54) (54) -
Operating profit based on
longer-term investment
returns 792 (70) 722 868
Short-term fluctuations in
investment returns 28 24
Profit on business disposals - 249
Profit on ordinary activities before tax
(including actual investment returns) 750 1,141
Tax (208) (261)
Profit for the financial year 542 880
Dividends (449) (407)
Retained profit for the financial year 93 473
Basic Earnings per Share
Based on operating profit after
tax before amortisation of
goodwill of £567m (£654m) 29.1p 33.7p
Adjustment for amortisation of goodwill (2.8p) -
Adjustment from post-tax longer-term
investment returns to post-tax actual
investment returns 2.3p 0.8p
Adjustment for profit on business disposals
(1999 tax paid on prior year disposals) (0.8p) 10.8p
Based on profit for the financial year
of £542m (£880m) 27.8p 45.3p
Average number of shares 1,947m 1,942m
Diluted earnings per share
Based on profit for the financial year of
£542m (£880m) 27.7p 45.0p
Average number of shares 1,959m 1,955m
Dividend per share 23.0p 21.0p
5 Notes on the Unaudited Results
(a) The results for 1999 are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory
accounts. The results for 1999 have been prepared using the same
accounting policies as were used in the 1998 statutory accounts. The
results for 1998 have been derived from those accounts. The auditors
have reported on the 1998 statutory accounts and they have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies
Act 1985.
(b) Acquisitions reported in section 4 relate to the Company's purchases of
the whole of M&G Group plc in April and of a majority holding in Chinfon
Life Insurance Company of Taiwan in November. Goodwill of £1,527m and
£50m respectively arose on the acquisitions and is being amortised on a
straight line basis over 20 years.
(c) Discontinued operations comprise the Company's Australasian operations
which were sold in September 1998.
(d) Costs in respect of re-engineering the Company's UK operations relate
principally to redundancy and related property, outsourcing and other
costs. These costs have been allocated to the appropriate caption
within the technical and non-technical accounts.
(e) The statutory tax charge comprises £83m (£136m) UK tax and £125m (£125m)
overseas tax.
(f) The average number of shares for 1999 has been reduced by 4 million as a
result of a change in treatment of shares purchased under employee
incentive plans.
(g) The general business operating result comprises:
Operating profit
Gross longer-term
premiums Underwriting Investment investment
written result return returns)
1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
UK Operations
Home 274 273 35 19 23 21 58 40
Motor 44 37 (3) (7) 6 6 3 (1)
Total 318 310 32 12 29 27 61 39
(h) The 1999 Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 24 March 2000.
6 Supplementary Achieved Profits Basis Results
Results Analysis by Business Area 1999 £m 1998 £m
UK operations
New business 304 211
Business in force 327 304
Total long-term business 631 515
General business 61 39
Prudential M&G Asset Management 87 28
Banking (150) (77)
Total 629 505
New business 198 137
Business in force 277 231
Total long-term business 475 368
Broker dealer and fund management (6) -
Total 469 368
New business 90 56
Business in force 35 27
Total long-term business 125 83
Development expenses (12) (10)
Total 113 73
New business 11 9
Business in force 6 5
Total long-term business 17 14
Other income and expenditure
Investment return and other income 111 202
Interest payable (131) (105)
Corporate expenditure (40) (46)
Total (60) 51
Re-engineering costs (70) -
Total operating profit(based on long-term
investment returns) before amortisation of goodwill 1,098 1,011
6. Supplementary Achieved Profits Basis Results (continued)
Summarised Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 1999 £m 1998 £m
Operating profit (including investment returns
based on long-term rates of investment return)
New business 603 413
Business in force 627 557
Total long-term business 1,230 970
General business 61 39
Prudential M&G Asset Management 87 28
Banking (150) (77)
Other income and expenditure (60) 51
Re-engineering costs (70) -
Total 1,098 1,011
Discontinued operations - 12
Total operating profit before amortisation
of goodwill 1,098 1,023
Amortisation of goodwill (54) -
Short-term fluctuations in investment returns 637 289
Net loss from changes to projected investment
return and discount rates - (106)
Profit on business disposals - 202
Profit on ordinary activities before tax
(including actual investment returns) 1,681 1,408
Tax (519) (371)
Profit for the financial year 1,162 1,037
Dividends (449) (407)
Retained profit for the financial year 713 630
Basic earnings per share 1999 1998
Based on operating profit after tax before
amortisation of goodwill of £762m (£752m) 39.1p 38.7p
Adjustment for amortisation of goodwill (2.8p) -
Adjustment from post-tax long-term investment
returns to post-tax actual investment returns 24.2p 10.3p
Adjustment for changes to projected investment
return and risk discount rates - (4.1p)
Adjustment for profit on business disposals
(1999 tax paid on prior year disposals) (0.8p) 8.5p
Based on profit for the year of £1,162m (£1,037m) 59.7p 53.4p
Average number of shares 1,947m 1,942m
6. Supplementary Achieved Profits Basis Results (continued)
Movement in Shareholders' Capital and Reserves 1999 £m 1998 £m
Profit for the financial year 1,162 1,037
Exchange movements 85 (75)
Goodwill on disposal of subsidiaries - 28
New share capital subscribed 34 15
Dividends (449) (407)
Net movement in shareholders' capital and reserves 832 598
Shareholders' capital and reserves at beginning
of year 7,510 6,912
Shareholders' capital and reserves at end of year 8,342 7,510
Represented by:
Statutory basis capital and reserves 3,424 3,249
Additional reserves on the achieved profits basis 4,918 4,261
Shareholders' capital and reserves at end of year 8,342 7,510
UK operations 5,029 3,911
USA 2,533 2,166
Asia 593 378
Europe 68 46
Other operations (including net shareholders'
borrowings/cash) 119 1,009
Shareholders' capital and reserves at end of year 8,342 7,510
Notes on the supplementary achieved profits basis results
(a) The results for 1999 are unaudited. The results for 1998 have been
derived from the achieved profits basis results supplement to the
Company's statutory accounts for that year. The supplement included an
unqualified report from the auditors.
(b) The results have been prepared in accordance with the draft 'Guidance on
accounting in Group Accounts for proprietary companies' long-term
insurance business' issued by the Association of British Insurers in
July 1995 and are provided as a supplement to the statutory basis results
contained in this announcement. The results for 1999 have been prepared
using the same principal assumptions as were used for 1998.
(c) The results for UK investment products are now included within
Prudential M&G Asset Management. Previously the results were included
within the business in force result for UK long-term business.
Comparative figures have been restated accordingly.