Interim Results

Prudential PLC 27 July 2000 2000 INTERIM RESULTS - Record insurance and investment sales of £7 billion - New business achieved profits up 15% to £317 million - Statutory operating profit up 14% to £425 million - Dividend increases 6.5% to 8.2 pence per share - Successful listing on New York Stock Exchange and Initial Public Offering of Egg - Prudential to run TUC stakeholder pension scheme - access to 5.5 million eligible trade union members Commenting on Prudential's 2000 interim results, Jonathan Bloomer, group chief executive of Prudential plc, said: 'I am pleased with our achievements in the first half of the year. In particular, our successful listing in New York and the initial public offering of a minority stake in Egg. In the US, Jackson continues to drive forward its strategy of broadening its product range and distribution reach. This has resulted in another strong performance with record sales in the first half of the year. In the UK, we are delighted that the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has chosen Prudential to run its Stakeholder pensions scheme which gives us access to five and a half million eligible trade union members. The TUC appointment demonstrates the strength of our stakeholder proposition. Our Asian operations have had another highly impressive six months with an almost three-fold increase in new business. We have built a powerful multi-brand, multi-distribution business model in the international retail financial services markets that is well placed to face the challenges ahead and positioned to deliver long-term out-performance.' For further information please contact: Media: Analysts: Jeremy Reynolds + 44 20 7548 3721 Rebecca Burrows +44 20 7548 3537 Tina Christou + 44 20 7458 3719 Stuart Blackmore + 44 20 7548 3520 Notes to Editors: A presentation to analysts will take place at 10.00 am at Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH. A webcast of the presentation and the presentation slides will be available on the group's website, Photographs are available at PRUDENTIAL PLC 2000 UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS Half year Ended 30 June Full year Results Summary 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Statutory operating profit based on longer-term investment returns before amortisation of goodwill Retail Insurance Operations 253 252 515 M&G 69 27 87 Egg (81) (69) (150) UK operations 241 210 452 US operations 230 219 451 Prudential Asia 9 7 15 Prudential Europe 0 3 6 Other income and expenditure (55) (12) (78) Re-engineering costs - (55) (70) Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill 425 372 776 Amortisation of goodwill (41) (14) (54) Short-term fluctuations in investment returns 17 11 28 Profit on sale and flotation of holding in Egg 119 - - Share of exceptional gain of associate company 21 - - Profit on sale of holding in associate company 99 - - Profit before tax (including actual investment returns) 640 369 750 Earnings per share Based on operating profit after tax before amortisation of goodwill 15.7p 14.0p 29.1p Based on profit after tax - basic 24.5p 14.0p 27.8p Based on profit after tax - diluted 24.4p 13.9p 27.7p Dividend per share 8.2p 7.7p 23.0p Achieved profits basis shareholders' funds £8.9bn £8.2bn £8.3bn Insurance and investment funds under management £156bn £157bn £170bn Banking funds under management £7.7bn £7.4bn £8.1bn Profit before tax includes actual investment returns. The Company believes that operating profit, which is based on longer-term investment returns, before amortisation of goodwill, better reflects the Group's underlying performance. An abridged statutory profit and loss account is set out on page 6. Supplementary achieved profits basis results are shown on pages 8 to 11. The dividend will be paid on 30 November 2000 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 22 September 2000. A scrip dividend alternative will be offered to shareholders. GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW GROUP OVERVIEW In the first half of 2000 Prudential has delivered strong financial performance and a series of significant corporate events which demonstrate our commitment to increasing the breadth and depth of our business and to delivering superior returns to our shareholders. With the scale of our operations in the UK, the United States and Asia, we are a leading international retail financial services group. This position has been reinforced by our listing, in June, on the New York Stock Exchange. Also in June, we successfully completed an Initial Public Offering of Egg on the London Stock Exchange. Despite the difficult market conditions prevailing at the time, there was significant interest and support both from investors and customers. Egg's management team is now in a strong position to accelerate Egg's growth and to drive the business forward. The overall strength of the business is demonstrated by our group-wide sales in the first half of the year with a record inflow of new insurance and investment funds of £7.1 billion, some 21 per cent higher than the same period last year. Particularly strong performances have come from Jackson National Life, our US business, where sales have increased by 33 per cent to £2.7 billion and in Asia, where sales have almost trebled to £905 million. Over half of our sales now come from outside the UK. The modified statutory basis result shows operating profit before amortisation of goodwill of £425 million, 14 per cent higher than 1999. Underlying profits, excluding our investment in Egg and the UK re-engineering costs of £55 million reported last year, increased by 2 per cent to £506 million. Statutory profit before tax has risen 73 per cent to £640 million which includes £150 million arising from the sale of part of our stake in St. James's Place Capital and £119 million in respect of the sale of a minority stake in Egg. UK INSURANCE OPERATIONS The UK market continues to be affected by changing consumer preferences and further changes in legislation, leading to a shift in product mix. The introduction of Stakeholder Pensions in April 2001 is accelerating the trend towards high volume, low margin products. To operate successfully in this environment, a company must demonstrate both scale and efficiency and the ability to invest in changing its business model to attack the new market. We are doing just that. In difficult market conditions, we continue to restructure our UK business to increase cost effectiveness and to equip us to operate competitively in a low margin environment. This drive for efficiency will continue through 2000, building on the increases in productivity of the direct sales force delivered over the past eighteen months. Last year we announced plans to reduce headcount by 5,000 over three years, of which a reduction of some 4,000 has already been achieved. We are continuing our discussions with the FSA regarding the funds in the inherited estate. We do not expect any resolution or announcement being made in the short term. Stakeholder Pensions represent a huge opportunity and our Group Pensions business continues to develop its IT platform and distribution model in preparation for this market. We have successfully tested a new customer distribution and administration system with a major client, the UK Atomic Energy Authority. This new proposition provides high quality information and education delivered through a combination of e-commerce and traditional channels, supported by a workplace communications infrastructure. Our significant experience in providing group pensions and working with affinity groups has already led to success in the form of our agreement with the TUC to become the preferred supplier of Stakeholder Pensions to the TUC's member unions. This gives us the opportunity to provide Stakeholder Pensions to some 5.5 million eligible union members and demonstrates that we will be a leading player in this market. Overall, sales by our UK insurance and investment operations in the first half of 2000 were in line with the prior year at £3.5 billion, principally reflecting a continued strong performance in the IFA channel and the impact of six months' investment sales by M&G. Despite increasingly competitive pricing in the IFA channel, sales by our IFA operations were down only marginally on the exceptional volumes achieved in 1999. Our market leading with profits bond, Prudence Bond, has maintained its share of the market, despite a fall in the overall size of the market. Sales volumes from our Prudential Retail distribution channel reflect the lower sales force headcount as we continue to build a new model for our retail business by removing the weakest performers and driving up individual productivity. Sales in the first half of 2000 were 25 per cent down on last year, despite average headcount in the period being almost 40 per cent lower than in the preceding period. In line with our expectations of lower long-term investment returns, we continue to anticipate a reduction in bonus rates which will impact on our UK long-term business results. Profit from our general insurance business has grown by 9 per cent reflecting improved operating cost ratios. We have continued to develop our Retail Financial Services website, and are one of the first UK insurers to provide online transactional capability for home and motor insurance quotes and sales. We joined with Vodafone to enable customers to access this through WAP phones, the first insurer to do so in the UK. M&G Over the last year, we have restructured our European fund management businesses under one investment brand, M&G. The acquisition of M&G in 1999, its integration with PPM and the sale of part of the institutional business, have resulted in a significantly different investment management focus. M&G is now able to concentrate on its core strengths in retail, equity and fixed income and pooled funds. Our retail fund management business continues to make encouraging progress during 2000. Equity product sales have grown substantially and we have launched a number of new funds, including the Global Technology and Innovator funds. These new product launches have met with a positive response from IFAs and customers. M&G also continues to pursue innovative technological solutions. As we stated at the time of the M&G acquisition, we are making a significant investment in our unit trust administration platform to improve customer service quality, response times and flexibility. In June, we announced our participation in Consolidated Funds Limited (CFL), a joint venture between M&G and three other leading investment houses to provide an exclusively IFA-focused funds supermarket. CFL should launch its first products later in the year. EGG The first six months of 2000 have been a busy period for Egg, our internet banking operation, culminating in the successful public offering of a 20 per cent stake in June 2000. Egg has continued to develop new products and services, launching its investment supermarket in March 2000, announcing an exciting partnership deal with Boots, and continually adding functionality to the Egg web site. Egg has made significant investment in its IT capability and in ensuring a high quality experience for its customers. We believe that the platforms supporting Egg's web site are now amongst the most sophisticated and reliable in the UK. Results for the six months to 30 June 2000 showed a loss of £81 million. Egg's banking business continues to grow rapidly, with Egg Card the major customer acquisition vehicle. Egg's customer base grew by 311,000 in the first six months and now stands at 1.1 million customers. The mutual fund supermarket of Egg Invest has approximately £22 million in funds under administration at 30 June 2000 on behalf of over 4,500 customers and we recently added a share dealing service. Egg has entered into an investment agreement to purchase a 37.5 per cent stake in IFonline, a business-to-business, on-line mortgage transaction processing service for financial intermediaries and mortgage product providers. It intends to use IFonline's platform to facilitate our entry into mortgage intermediation later this year. Looking ahead, Egg has been piloting WAP services since April and plans to roll out a full service to customers in August. It has also signed a deal with BT Cellnet to provide free WAP phones to all of Egg's customers. Egg has already announced its intention to develop a current account as well as the 'Egg Wallet' for on-line shopping customers. Next month Egg intends to launch Egg Insure, an on-line general insurance supermarket, which will offer standardised insurance products at competitive prices from a range of leading insurance providers. It will be launched initially with motor insurance, followed over the following months by home and travel insurance. US OPERATIONS In the United States, Jackson National Life continues to drive forward our strategy of broadening our product range and distribution reach with the self- financed acquisitions of Highland Bancorp and IFC Holdings. Financial performance has also been strong with record single premium annuity sales increasing 68 per cent to £1.8 billion and new business achieved profits up £38 million to £134 million. Jackson's after-tax return on US capital employed for the first half is 14 per cent, slightly below our longer-term target rate of 15 per cent. This is consistent with our expectations and, looking to the full year, we expect an overall return in line with the 15 per cent target. Sales of variable annuities increased 79 per cent to in excess of £1 billion attracting more than 1,300 new variable annuity producers and making Jackson the fifth largest seller of variable annuities in the independent broker- dealer market. Fixed annuity sales also demonstrated significant growth, rising 69 per cent to £528 million, and Jackson remains the largest provider of equity-linked index annuities with sales in the half year of £245 million. This year has seen the rapid growth of Jackson's affiliate broker-dealer network, National Planning Corporation which, together with IFC Holdings, will create the fifth largest independent broker-dealer in the United States. National Planning Corporation is also at the forefront of technological innovation and has developed an industry-leading e-commerce platform to enhance significantly its relationships with producers. Jackson continues to make progress in developing its product range and the acquisition of three First Fidelity branches and Highland Bancorp will give Jackson's banking operation increased earnings and the infrastructure to support the sale of banking related products through insurance distribution channels. ASIAN OPERATIONS In an impressive six months our Asian operations have almost trebled new business volumes with total premiums of £905 million and statutory profit before tax up 29 per cent at £9 million. New business achieved profits rose 65 per cent to £56 million. The large increase in sales has been due in part to the inclusion of businesses in Taiwan and Vietnam which, together, contributed £33 million over the six months. In Vietnam we are now the leading private sector life insurance company after only six months in operation. Sales of single premium insurance products have shown remarkable growth, almost doubling to £123 million due principally to sales of the PruInvestor Bond in Singapore. In India our sales of mutual funds have trebled to £700 million making Prudential ICICI, our asset management company in India, the number one private mutual fund provider. Net mutual fund sales in the period were £264 million and, at 30 June, funds under management were £628 million. Prudential ICICI also launched the first financial web site to enable e-commerce for both resident and non-resident Indians. In Malaysia we have rolled out our bancassurance channel with Standard Chartered Bank following the successful launch of this partnership in Hong Kong and Singapore last year. Our joint venture with Bank of China in Hong Kong, targeted at the large Mandatory Provident Funds market, has shown encouraging results in line with our aim of being one of the market leaders. A series of high profile marketing initiatives in Singapore includes an innovative loyalty card, the Prudential Dreams Card, which earns holders bonus credits which can be used for a variety of purchases, including insurance premiums. Motorola's latest WAP phone comes with a subscription to the Dreams Card, making Prudential the first insurer in Singapore to provide its customers with WAP phone services, including access to policy details and a complete directory of merchant outlets. Our preparations for entering two of the largest life markets in Asia, China and India, are well under way. Our 50:50 partnership with China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) is the first Sino-British life insurance operation in China. Subject to regulatory approval, the new joint venture aims to launch its first operations in Guangzhou in the third quarter of this year. We also plan to launch our Indian life insurance operation early in 2001 in partnership with the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). EUROPEAN OPERATIONS In Germany, the joint venture agreement with Signal Iduna announced in November last year has now been implemented and the first sales of the long term care bond were made by the Signal Iduna sales force at the beginning of June. We intend to begin distributing unit trust products through our German broker sales force as soon as operational and regulatory issues are resolved. In France, we have reached agreement in principle for the provision of the long-term care bond to CNP Assurances for distribution through two of its networks. Discussions with other potential distributors of Prudential products in France are progressing well and we expect to be able to announce an additional distribution agreement once French regulatory approval for our French branch has been received. The establishment of our branch in Paris has been approved by the FSA and is currently with the French regulatory authorities. Subject to regulatory approval, we expect to be selling products through the new branch in the last quarter of this year. We have invested some £4 million of European development expenses in the first half of 2000. We anticipate further investment in the second half of the year. DIVIDEND The Board has increased the interim dividend by 6.5 per cent to 8.2p per share. DRIVING THE BUSINESS FORWARD We have scale operations in our chosen markets which have attractive demographics and excellent long-term growth prospects. We are seeing tremendous change in all of our markets. This brings with it significant opportunities and, as a major international business, we are focused on anticipating and managing that change and leading the way in rapidly growing markets. We are actively leveraging our brand, our financial strength and our distribution capabilities to ensure that we make the most of our opportunities with the specific aim of delivering superior investment returns to our shareholders. SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS Half year ended 30 June Analysis of new business Analysis of gross premiums by product premiums written distributor and operating profit by product provider Operating profit based on longer-term Gross investment returns premiums before amortisation Single Regular written of goodwill Results Analysis by 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 Business Area £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m UK operations Prudential Retail Financial Services and Annuities 945 1,271 53 81 1,756 1,856 187 196 Retail IFA 1,144 1,285 50 62 1,579 1,744 50 41 Group Pensions 407 442 34 28 624 688 16 15 Retail Insurance Operations 2,496 2,998 137 171 3,959 4,288 253 252 M&G 646 158 10 4 868 176 69 27 Egg - - - - - - (81) (69) Total 3,142 3,156 147 175 4,827 4,464 241 210 US operations Jackson National Life 2,736 2,049 13 12 2,897 2,217 228 219 Broker dealer and fund management - - - - - - 2 - Total 2,736 2,049 13 12 2,897 2,217 230 219 Prudential Asia Long-term business and investment products 823 289 82 36 1,183 491 16 14 Development expenses - - - - - - (7) (7) Total 823 289 82 36 1,183 491 9 7 Prudential Europe Long-term business 8 4 11 6 79 73 4 3 Development expenses - - - - - - (4) - Total 8 4 11 6 79 73 0 3 Other income and expenditure Investment return and other income - - - - - - 42 70 Interest payable - - - - - - (76) (63) Corporate expenditure - - - - - - (21) (19) Total - - - - - - (55) (12) Re-engineering costs - - - - - - - (55) Group total 6,709 5,498 253 229 8,986 7,245 425 372 Results Analysis by Activity Long-term business 5,330 5,085 233 220 7,391 6,655 468 455 Investment products and management 1,379 413 20 9 1,430 429 58 21 General business - - - - 165 161 35 32 Banking - - - - - - (81) (69) Other income and expenditure - - - - - - (55) (12) Re-engineering costs - - - - - - - (55) Group total 6,709 5,498 253 229 8,986 7,245 425 372 HOLDING COMPANY FUNDS STATEMENT Half year Ended 30 June Full year 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Operating profit after tax before amortisation of goodwill 306 272 567 Dividends (162) (150) (449) Reinvested in businesses (161) (159) (278) Funds available to holding company (17) (37) (160) New investment in businesses (60) (2,202) (2,320) Capital repatriated from businesses 20 - 310 Sale of holding in Egg 90 - - Sale of holding in associate company 83 - - New share capital subscribed 28 20 34 Timing differences and other items (170) (60) (132) Holding company net cash movement (26) (2,279) (2,268) MOVEMENT IN NET CASH BALANCES Half year Ended 30 June Full year 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Holding company cash less shareholders' borrowings at beginning of period (1,837) 453 453 Holding company net cash movement (as above) (26) (2,279) (2,268) Exchange translation losses (32) (40) (22) Holding company cash less shareholders' borrowings at end of period (1,895) (1,866) (1,837) Represented by: Holding company cash 94 135 78 Borrowings - Holding company (1,824) (1,842) (1,760) - Jackson National Life (165) (159) (155) (1,895) (1,866) (1,837) MOVEMENT IN SHAREHOLDERS' CAPITAL AND RESERVES Half year Ended 30 June Full year 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Profit for the period 478 272 542 Exchange movements 121 89 48 Goodwill on disposal of associate company 90 - - New share capital subscribed 28 20 34 Dividends (162) (150) (449) Net movement in shareholders' capital and reserves 555 231 175 Shareholders' capital and reserves at the beginning of period 3,424 3,249 3,249 Shareholders' capital and reserves at end of period 3,979 3,480 3,424 ABRIDGED STATUTORY PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Half year Ended 30 June Full year Results summary 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m General business technical result 35 32 61 Long-term business technical result 468 455 943 Investment products and management 58 21 70 Banking (81) (69) (150) Other income and expenditure (55) (12) (78) Re-engineering costs - (55) (70) Amortisation of goodwill (41) (14) (54) Operating profit based on longer-term investment returns 384 358 722 Short-term fluctuations in investment returns 17 11 28 Profit on sale and flotation of holding in Egg 119 - - Share of exceptional gain of associate company 21 - - Profit on sale of holding in associate company 99 - - Profit on ordinary activities before tax (including actual investment returns) 640 369 750 Tax (162) (97) (208) Profit for the period 478 272 542 Dividends (162) (150) (449) Retained profit for the period 316 122 93 Basic Earnings Per Share Based on operating profit after tax before amortisation of goodwill of £306m (£272m and £567m) 15.7p 14.0p 29.1p Adjustment for amortisation of goodwill (2.1)p (0.7)p (2.8)p Adjustment from post-tax longer-term investment returns to post-tax actual investment returns 0.3p 0.7p 2.3p Adjustment for profit on business disposals (1999 full year tax paid on prior year disposal) 10.6p - (0.8)p Based on profit for the period of £478m (£272m and £542m) 24.5p 14.0p 27.8p Average number of shares 1,948m 1,949m 1,947m Diluted Earnings Per Share Based on profit for the period of £478m (£272m and £542m) 24.4p 13.9p 27.7p Average number of shares 1,958m 1,964m 1,959m Dividend Per Share 8.2p 7.7p 23.0p NOTES ON THE UNAUDITED RESULTS (a) The results for the 2000 and 1999 half years are unaudited. The results for the 2000 half year have been prepared using the same accounting policies as were used in the 1999 statutory accounts. The results for the 1999 full year have been derived from those accounts. The auditors have reported on the 1999 statutory accounts and the accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. (b) The long-term business profit of the UK operations has been calculated assuming that the shareholder proportion of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited remains at 10%. Provision has been made for possible reductions in bonus rates arising from the fund valuation at 31 December 2000. (c) In June 2000 the Company undertook an Initial Public Offering of part of its holding in Egg plc, its wholly owned UK banking subsidiary, and at the same time Egg issued new shares to the market. Total proceeds, net of expenses, amounted to £239m. After taking into account minority interests of £120m arising as a result of this transaction, the profit to the Group was £119m. (d) In March 2000 the Company announced the disposal of part of its associate company, St James's Place Capital plc. Proceeds from the disposal amounted to £213m. After taking into account attributable net assets of £53m and attributable goodwill of £61m charged to reserves on acquisition, the profit on disposal was £99m. The market value at 30 June 2000 of the Company's remaining holding was £85m. After taking into account attributable net assets of £26m and goodwill of £29m, the increase in market value of £30m has been taken to short-term fluctuations in investment returns. The goodwill total of £90m has been credited back to reserves. (e) In March 2000 the Company announced the disposal of £12 billion of UK institutional fund management business. After taking into account the goodwill attached to this business, there was zero profit on disposal. (f) The statutory tax charge reported on page 6 comprises £93m (1999 £32m) UK tax and £69m (1999 £65m) overseas tax. (g) The average number of shares for the 2000 half year has been reduced by 9 million (1999 full year 4 million) as a result of a change in treatment at the 1999 year end in respect of shares purchased under employee incentive plans. (h) The general business operating result for the 2000 and 1999 half years comprises: Operating profit Gross based on longer-term Premiums Underwriting Investment investment Written Result return returns 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m __________________________________________________________________________ UK operations Home 139 140 19 19 12 12 31 31 Motor 26 21 0 (2) 4 3 4 1 __________________________________________________________________________ Total 165 161 19 17 16 15 35 32 __________________________________________________________________________ (i) On 5 July 2000 the Company issued 17 million shares following the listing of its shares on the New York Stock Exchange. Proceeds raised from the issue, net of expenses, amounted to £140m. SUPPLEMENTARY ACHIEVED PROFITS BASIS RESULTS Half year Ended 30 June Full Year Analysis by Business Area 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m UK operations New business 123 143 308 Business in force 206 198 327 Total long-term business 329 341 635 General business 35 32 61 M&G 69 27 87 Egg (81) (69) (150) Total 352 331 633 US operations New business 134 96 198 Business in force 72 152 277 Total long-term business 206 248 475 Broker dealer and fund management 2 - (6) Total 208 248 469 Prudential Asia New business 56 34 90 Business in force 21 17 35 Total long-term business 77 51 125 Development expenses (7) (7) (12) Total 70 44 113 Prudential Europe New business 4 2 7 Business in force 5 6 6 Total long-term business 9 8 13 Development expenses (4) - - Total 5 8 13 Other income and expenditure Investment return and other income 48 78 111 Interest payable (76) (63) (131) Corporate expenditure (21) (19) (40) Total (49) (4) (60) Re-engineering costs - (55) (70) Total operating profit based on long-term investment returns before amortisation of goodwill 586 572 1,098 On the achieved profits basis of reporting, group operating profit before amortisation of goodwill and tax increased by 2.5% to £586 million in the first half of 2000. Of this amount, the contribution from long-term businesses was £612 million. Strong sales growth in the Group's US and Asian operations helped profit from new business to grow by 15 per cent to £317 million. Profit from business in force fell by 19 per cent to £295 million due to unfavourable experience variances, principally at Jackson National Life. UK Operations Profit from new business for the Group's UK operations decreased by 14 per cent to £123 million. This reflects subdued sales volumes partially offset by improved contributions from sales of with-profit annuity products. Profit from business in force increased by 4 per cent to £206 million. US Operations At Jackson National Life, profit from new business increased by 40 per cent to £134 million, reflecting the 33 per cent increase in sales and a shift in overall product mix from relatively less profitable stable value products towards annuity products. However, profit from business in force halved to £72 million following an increase in surrender rates for certain fixed annuity products and a reduction from the high spread margins attained in 1999. Prudential Asia Profit in Prudential Asia before regional development costs increased by 51 per cent to £77 million as profit from new business increased by 65 per cent to £56 million. The strong contribution from new business principally reflects a combination of higher sales, including first time contributions from Taiwan and Vietnam. Profit from business in force increased by £4 million to £21 million. Development expenses remained constant at £7m. Prudential Europe Profit from new business at Prudential Europe doubled to £4m. Profits from business in force of £5m were offset by development costs of £4m. Shareholders' Funds Total achieved profits basis shareholders' funds were £8.9 billion at 30 June 2000 (31 December 1999 £8.3 billion). The increase of 6 per cent reflects retention of operating profit within the business together with profits arising from the Egg flotation and business disposals. The impact of adverse investment markets in the first six months of the year was offset by exchange gains on the re-translation of the net assets of the Group's overseas operations. SUPPLEMENTARY ACHIEVED PROFITS BASIS RESULTS Half year Ended 30 June Full year Results summary 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Operating profit including investment returns based on long-term rates of investment return New business 317 275 603 Business in force 295 366 627 Total long-term business 612 641 1,230 General business 35 32 61 M&G 69 27 87 Banking (81) (69) (150) Other income and expenditure (49) (4) (60) Re-engineering costs - (55) (70) Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill 586 572 1,098 Amortisation of goodwill (41) (14) (54) Short-term fluctuations in investment returns (223) 340 637 Profit on sale and flotation of holding in Egg 119 - - Share of exceptional gain of associate company 21 - - Profit on sale of holding in associate company 83 - - Profit on ordinary activities before tax (including actual investment returns) 545 898 1,681 Tax (142) (253) (519) Profit for the period 403 645 1,162 Dividends (162) (150) (449) Retained profit for the period 241 495 713 Basic Earnings Per Share Based on operating profit after tax before amortisation of goodwill of £415m (£412m and £762m) 21.3p 21.1p 39.1p Adjustment for amortisation of goodwill (2.1)p (0.7)p (2.8)p Adjustment from post-tax long-term investment returns to post tax actual investment returns (8.3)p 12.7p 24.2p Adjustment for profit on business disposals (1999 full year tax paid on prior year disposal) 9.8p - (0.8)p Based on profit for the period of £403m (£645m and £1,162m) 20.7p 33.1p 59.7p Average number of shares 1,948m 1,949m 1,947m Movement in Shareholders' Capital and Reserves Profit for the period 403 645 1,162 Exchange movements 180 139 85 Goodwill on disposal of associate company 90 - - New share capital subscribed 28 20 34 Dividends (162) (150) (449) Net increase in shareholders' capital and reserves 539 654 832 Shareholders' capital and reserves at beginning of period 8,342 7,510 7,510 Shareholders' capital and reserves at end of period 8,881 8,164 8,342 SUPPLEMENTARY ACHIEVED PROFITS BASIS RESULTS 30 June 31 December Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet 2000 £m 1999 £m 1999 £m Investments (non-linked): Equities 51,936 53,409 57,693 Fixed income securities 45,051 40,122 39,833 Properties 9,290 7,970 8,763 Deposits with credit institutions 5,435 4,603 4,415 Other investments* 4,221 2,287 2,959 Total investments 115,933 108,391 113,663 Assets held to cover linked liabilities 18,720 15,483 18,643 Banking business assets 8,722 8,029 8,850 Goodwill 1,519 1,582 1,582 Holding company cash less shareholders' borrowings: Holding company cash and short-term investments 94 135 78 Borrowings-Holding company (1,824) (1,842) (1,760) -Jackson National Life (165) (159) (155) (1,895) (1,866) (1,837) Deferred acquisitions costs 2,912 2,710 2,741 Dividend payable (162) (150) (299) Other net liabilities (including tax) (786) (923) (343) 144,963 133,256 143,000 Long-term business technical provisions (net of reinsurance) and fund for future appropriations: UK operations (103,626) (97,711) (105,475) US operations (25,099) (21,529) (21,783) Prudential Asia (2,945) (1,997) (2,848) Prudential Europe (570) (439) (529) (132,240) (121,676) (130,635) Less:shareholders' accrued interest in the long-term business 4,902 4,684 4,918 Long-term business technical provisions (net of reinsurance) and fund for future appropriations, less shareholders' accrued interest (127,338) (116,992) (125,717) Banking business liabilities (8,141) (7,633) (8,438) General business technical provisions (469) (461) (491) Minority interests (134) (6) (12) Total net assets 8,881 8,164 8,342 Shareholders' Capital and Reserves Share capital 98 98 98 Share premium 309 241 249 Statutory basis retained profit 3,572 3,141 3,077 Additional reserves on the achieved profits basis 4,902 4,684 4,918 Total shareholders' capital and reserves 8,881 8,164 8,342 Comprising: UK operations 5,037 4,926 5,029 US operations 2,800 2,432 2,533 Prudential Asia 682 475 593 Prudential Europe 79 58 68 Other operations (including goodwill and net shareholders' borrowings) 283 273 119 8,881 8,164 8,342 * Other investments, which mainly comprise mortgages and loans to policyholders, are stated after deduction of amounts due by Jackson National Life under sale and repurchase and lending agreements. Notes on the Supplementary Achieved Profits Basis Results (a) The results for the 2000 and 1999 half years are unaudited. The results for the 1999 full year have been derived from the achieved profits basis results supplement to the Company's statutory accounts. The supplement included an unqualified review report from the auditors. The results for the 2000 half year have been prepared using the same principal assumptions as were used for the 1999 full year. (b) The results have been prepared in accordance with the draft 'Guidance on accounting in Group Accounts for proprietary companies' long-term insurance business' issued by the Association of British Insurers in July 1995 and are provided as a supplement to the statutory basis results contained in this report. Schedule 1 PRUDENTIAL PLC - 2000 NEW BUSINESS PREMIUMS - QUARTER 2 Single Regular Total 2000 1999 +/- 2000 1999 +/- 2000 1999 +/- £m £m (%) £m £m (%) £m £m (%) IFA Channel: Individual Pensions 116 98 18% 22 17 29% 138 115 20% Corporate Pensions 388 424 (8%) 42 35 20% 430 459 (6%) Life 861 1,018 (15%) 19 39 (51%) 880 1,057 (17%) Annuities 346 434 (20%) - - - 346 434 (20%) Investment Products 330 107 208% 4 1 300% 334 108 209% Sub-Total 2,041 2,081 (2%) 87 92 (5%)2,128 2,173 (2%) DSS Rebates 51 50 2% - - - 51 50 2% Total (Schedule 2) 2,092 2,131 (2%) 87 92 (5%)2,179 2,223 (2%) Direct Channel (M&G): Investment Products 318 54 489% 7 2 250% 325 56 480% Total 318 54 489% 7 2 250% 325 56 480% Prudential Retail: Individual Pensions 19 22 (14%) 20 28 (29%) 39 50 (22%) Corporate Pensions 1 4 (75%) 11 20 (45%) 12 24 (50%) Life 273 435 (37%) 16 28 (43%) 289 463 (38%) Annuities 238 310 (23%) - - - 238 310 (23%) Investment Products 26 25 4% 6 5 20% 32 30 7% Sub-Total 557 796 (30%) 53 81 (35%) 610 877 (30%) DSS Rebates 175 175 0% - - - 175 175 0% Total 732 971 (25%) 53 81 (35%) 785 1,052 (25%) Total UK Operations: Individual Pensions 135 120 13% 42 45 (7%) 177 165 7% Corporate Pensions 389 428 (9%) 53 55 (4%) 442 483 (8%) Life 1,134 1,453 (22%) 35 67 (48%) 1,169 1,520 (23%) Annuities 584 744 (22%) - - - 584 744 (22%) Investment Products 674 186 262% 17 8 113% 691 194 256% Sub-Total 2,916 2,931 (1%) 147 175 (16%) 3,063 3,106 (1%) DSS Rebates 226 225 0% - - - 226 225 0% Total UK Operations 3,142 3,156 0% 147 175 (16%) 3,289 3,331 (1%) Jackson National Life: Fixed Annuities 528 313 69% - - - 528 313 69% Equity Linked Index Annuities 245 182 35% - - - 245 182 35% Variable Annuities 1,040 581 79% - - - 1,040 581 79% Guaranteed Investment Contracts 168 636 (74%) - - - 168 636 (74%) GIC-European Medium Term Notes 755 337 124% - - - 755 337 124% Life - - - 13 12 8% 13 12 8% Sub-Total 2,736 2,049 34% 13 12 8% 2,749 2,061 33% Prudential Asia: Insurance Products 123 64 92% 82 36 128% 205 100 105% Investment Products 700 225 211% - - - 700 225 211% Sub-Total 823 289 185% 82 36 128% 905 325 178% Prudential Europe: Individual Pensions 3 2 50% 8 5 60% 11 7 57% Investment Products 5 2 150% 3 1 200% 8 3 167% Sub-Total 8 4 100% 11 6 83% 19 10 90% Group Total: Insurance Products 5,330 5,085 5% 233 220 6% 5,563 5,305 5% Investment Products 1,379 413 234% 20 9 122% 1,399 422 232% Group Total 6,709 5,498 22% 253 229 10% 6,962 5,727 22% 2000 1999 +/- £m £m (%) UK Banking Products Egg 7,258 6,694 8% Prudential Banking 450 717 (37%) --------------------- Total Deposit Liabilities 7,708 7,411 4% --------------------- Mortgage Book 2,053 1,062 93% Personal Loans Book 314 94 234% Credit Card Receivables 617 - --------------------- Total Retail Assets 2,984 1,156 158% --------------------- US Banking Products Total Deposit Liabilities 170 65 162% Retail Assets 177 61 190% General Insurance UK Gross Premiums Written 165 161 2% Schedule 2 Single Regular Total 2000 1999 +/- 2000 1999 +/- 2000 1999 +/- £m £m (%) £m £m (%) £m £m (%) UK Operations Retail IFA: Individual Pensions 97 83 17% 21 16 31% 118 99 19% Corporate Pensions 55 52 6% 8 7 14% 63 59 7% Life 861 1,015 (15%) 19 39 (51%) 880 1,054 (17%) Annuities 59 64 (8%) - - - 59 64 (8%) Investment Products 21 21 0% 2 - 0% 23 21 10% Sub-Total 1,093 1,235 (11%) 50 62 (19%) 1,143 1,297 (12%) DSS Rebates 51 50 2% - - - 51 50 2% Total 1,144 1,285 (11%) 50 62 (19%) 1,194 1,347 (11%) Prudential Group Pensions: Corporate Pensions 333 372 (10%) 34 28 21% 367 400 (8%) Annuities 74 70 6% - - - 74 70 6% Total 407 442 (8%) 34 28 21% 441 470 (6%) Prudential Annuities: Annuities 213 300 (29%) - - - 213 300 (29%) M&G IFA: Individual Pensions 19 15 27% 1 1 - 20 16 25% Life - 3 - - - - - 3 - Investment Products 309 86 259% 2 1 100% 311 87 257% Total 328 104 215% 3 2 50% 331 106 212% Total IFA Channel 2,092 2,131 (2%) 87 92 (5%) 2,179 2,223 (2%) M&G Summary (IFA + Direct): Individual Pensions 19 15 27% 1 1 0% 20 16 25% Life - 3 - - - - - 3 - Investment Products 627 140 348% 9 3 200% 636 143 345% Total 646 158 309% 10 4 150% 656 162 305% Notes to New Business Schedules: 1. The table above analyses UK IFA channel sales by business unit. 2. The figures for overseas operations have been calculated using average exchange rates. The applicable rate for Jackson National Life is 1.57 (June 1999 -1.62). After adjusting for the impact of foreign currency movements, the Group's single premium sales increased by 21%, and regular premium sales increased by 9%. 3. The 1999 result for M&G in the above table relates to the period May to June. The comparative result for the period January to June was £753m.


Prudential (PRU)
UK 100