8 May 2012
PZ Cussons Plc (the "Company")
Announcement to the London Stock Exchange
This notification is made in accordance with DR 3.1.4R(1)(a).
On 4 May 2012 Mr Con Gendis, a PDMR, sold 4,658 ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company for a consideration of £3.4350 per share.
The shares were sold to the Paterson Zochonis Employee Trust ("the Trust"). The Trust is a discretionary trust under which the class of beneficiaries who may benefit comprises all bona fide employees and former employees of the Company and its subsidiaries including members of such employees' and former employees' immediate families. Accordingly, the Executive Directors and PDMRs of the Company are included in the class of beneficiaries and are deemed to have an interest in all of such shares. The Trust's holding in the ordinary shares of 1p in the Company is 312,024 shares (0.07%).
After this sale, Mr Gendis holds 14,217 shares (comprising 0.003% of the total shares in issue). The Company was informed by Mr Gendis of this dealing in shares on 4 May 2012.
Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
Sam Plant
Company Secretary, PZ Cussons Plc
(T) (00) 44 (0)161 435 1000