Final Results
Paterson Zochonis PLC
7 September 2000
* Considerable success has been achieved during the year with pre-
tax profits before exceptional items increasing from £29.4m to
£39.5m reflecting:
* Improved operating results in Indonesia, Nigeria, Eastern
Europe and China.
* The consolidation of Nigeria as a subsidiary rather than
an associate.
* Net funds have increased from £28.9m to £85.6m as a result of
the improved profitability and reductions in working capital.
* The board is recommending a dividend increase for the year of
The UK business has achieved an increase in turnover of 18% but
advertising and promotion costs, particularly in supporting the
extension of the Imperial Leather brand with Foamburst and
Aquasource, have restricted profit improvement. Benefits from
these launches will be seen in the current year.
Sales levels in Eastern Europe have remained at a similar level
to the previous year, however the continuing action taken to
reduce costs has resulted in the unit moving into profitability.
The Greek unit has experienced a difficult year, with a very
competitive local market and tight monetary policy being
maintained within the country. This has impacted on turnover and
Overall results in the region have shown improvement in
profitability with Indonesia performing particularly strongly
with sales and profit growth in excess of 20%.
In China, the programme of reorganisation and cost reduction
undertaken last year has resulted in a material reduction in
losses being incurred, however future progress depends on sales
growth being achieved through the new distribution network now
being established. The board remains optimistic of the success
of this venture in the longer term.
Australia has had a disappointing year suffering generally from
pressure on margins, but indications of improvement are now being
Thailand and the Middle East achieved improved results.
During the year the group has increased its interest in the
Nigerian company to over 50%, and since the year-end has
increased this further to 59%. Although these are early days, the
actions now being taken by the new civilian government in Nigeria
and the effect of higher oil prices are beginning to impact
positively throughout the economy. Turnover and profitability of
the Nigerian subsidiary show some improvement on the previous
year after a number of years of decline.
Results in the other African units, Ghana, Kenya and Cameroun,
are similar to the previous year.
Exceptional item
As disclosed in previous years' annual report and accounts, the
results of the Nigerian companies took account of provisions for
claims by group companies for technical fees and royalties which
were unpaid. Prior to 1st June 1999, due to the operation of
exchange control restrictions and the degree of uncertainty
relating to the items concerned, these items had not been
recognised in the group's operating profit. These amounts have
now been reflected as exceptional income of £6.0m within
operating profit, and since the year-end have been remitted in
As a result of improved profitability, reductions in working
capital and a strong performance in the equity portfolio, the
balance sheet has been strengthened with net funds increasing
from £28.9m to £85.6m. The combination of these factors has
enabled the board to recommend a dividend increase of 10.25%.
Improvements in operating performance should be achieved in all
our major units in the year to 31st May 2001, as a result of the
continuing actions being taken to increase operating margins and
the current economic stability in our principal developing
Presentation of accounts
The group's interest in the listed company in Nigeria has
increased to over 50% and the results and net assets, previously
accounted for as an associate, have been consolidated as a
subsidiary from 1st June 1999. The impact on the results for the
period is shown separately on the face of the profit and loss
account. The impact on the consolidated balance sheet and
operating cash flow is shown in note 1.
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the Year to 31st May 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Group - third parties 307,804 304,057
- associated companies - 53,240
------- -------
307,804 357,297
Former Nigerian associate now
consolidated as a subsidiary 101,270 -
------- -------
409,074 357,297
------- -------
Operating profit
Group excluding Nigeria 18,548 17,048
Former Nigerian associate now
consolidated as a subsidiary 11,248 -
Exceptional income / (charge) 5,979 (6,292)
------- -------
35,775 10,756
Share of operating profit of associated
companies - 4,832
Investment income 14,616 14,445
Interest payable (4,856) (6,960)
------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation 45,535 23,073
Taxation on profit on ordinary
activities (13,903) (7,443)
------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities after 31,632 15,630
Equity minority interests (2,667) 3,106
------- -------
Profit for the financial year 28,965 18,736
Preference dividends (770) (770)
------- -------
Profit attributable to ordinary capital 28,195 17,966
Ordinary dividends (10,201) (9,252)
Profit for the financial year retained £17,994 £8,714
====== =====
Earnings per ordinary share after
exceptional item 59.43p 37.87p
Earnings per ordinary share before
exceptional item 50.61p 46.62p
The results for both years arise from continuing operations
Balance Sheets as at 31st May 2000
The group Parent company
2000 1999 2000 1999
£000 £000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 539 299 - -
Tangible assets 179,873 149,378 - -
Subsidiary companies - - 81,323 76,403
Associated companies - 34,565 - 7,187
------- ------- ------ -----
180,412 184,242 81,323 83,590
------- ------- ------ -----
Current assets
Stocks 92,906 61,081 - -
Debtors 56,142 62,403 54,311 59,955
Investments 102,388 69,665 43,474 36,427
Cash at bank and in hand 10,799 7,804 - -
------- ------- ------ -----
262,235 200,953 97,785 96,382
Creditors - amounts falling due
within one year (112,735) (120,107) (37,405) (44,990)
------- ------- ------ -----
Net current assets 149,500 80,846 60,380 51,392
------- ------- ------ -----
Total assets less current 329,912 265,088 141,703 134,982
Creditors - amounts falling due
after one year (19,744) (14,546) (9,625) -
------- ------- ------ -----
Provisions for liabilities and
charges (7,718) (1,830) (195) -
------- ------- ------ -----
Net assets £302,450 £248,712 £131,883 £134,982
====== ===== ===== =====
Capital and reserves
Equity ordinary share capital 4,744 4,744 4,744 4,744
Non-equity preference share 7,898 7,898 7,898 7,898
------- ------- ------ -----
Total called up share capital 12,642 12,642 12,642 12,642
Reserves attributable to equity
Revaluation reserve 46,911 46,656 - -
Profit and loss account 197,770 185,740 119,241 122,340
------- ------- ------ -----
Total shareholders' funds 257,323 245,038 131,883 134,982
Equity minority interests 45,127 3,674 - -
------- ------- ------ -----
£302,450 £248,712 £131,883 £134,982
===== ===== ===== =====
Group Cash Flow Statement
2000 1999
£000 £000
Cash flow from operating activities 72,321 6,366
Returns on investments and servicing of 6,604 7,864
Taxation (9,124) (6,701)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (6,869) (25,019)
Acquisitions and disposals (5,133) (1)
Equity dividends paid (9,394) (8,777)
----- ------
Cash inflow / (outflow) before use of liquid
resources and financing 48,405 (26,268)
Management of liquid resources (15,555) 37,738
Financing (24,119) (11,637)
----- -----
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the period £8,731 £(167)
==== ====
2000 1999
£000 £000
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in
net funds
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the period 8,731 (167)
Cash outflow from financing 24,119 11,637
Cash outflow / (inflow) from management of
liquid resources 15,555 (37,738)
----- -----
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows 48,405 (26,268)
Currency retranslation 29 701
Deposits and loans in former associate now
consolidated as a subsidiary 8,263 -
----- -----
Movement in net funds in the period 56,697 (25,567)
Opening net funds 28,926 54,493
----- -----
Closing net funds £85,623 £28,926
----- -----
Group Cash Flow Statement continued
Analysis of net
At 31st in Other At 31st
May Cash former non-cash Exchange May
1999 Flow associate Movement difference 2000
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Cash in hand and
at bank 7,804 3,018 - - (23) 10,799
Overdrafts (16,503) 5,713 - - 219 (10,571)
Loans due within
one year (27,083) 24,119 (8,498) (4,544) (987) (16,993)
Loans due after
one year (4,957) - - 4,544 413 -
Deposits 43,786 22,736 16,761 - 407 83,690
Other current asset
investments 25,879 (7,181) - - - 18,698
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
£28,926 £48,405 £8,263 - £29 £85,623
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
2000 1999
£000 £000
Profit for the financial year
Group companies 28,965 16,056
Associated companies - 2,680
----- -----
28,965 18,736
Currency retranslation
Group companies (7,474) 590
Associated companies - (2,400)
----- -----
(7,474) (1,810)
Surplus on revaluation
Group companies - 13,118
Associated companies - 8,496
----- -----
- 21,614
Reversal of taxation on Nigeria revaluation surplus 1,765 -
----- -----
Total recognised gains and losses for the year £23,256 £38,540
===== =====
1. Impact of consolidation of Nigerian companies
Group companies
Excluding Nigeria Nigeria Total Total
2000 2000 2000 1999
£000 £000 £000 £000
(i)Balance sheet as at
31st May 2000
Fixed assets 135,701 44,711 180,412 184,242
Current assets
Stocks 41,767 51,139 92,906 61,081
Debtors 52,678 3,464 56,142 62,403
Investments 87,920 14,468 102,388 69,665
Cash at bank and in hand 8,868 1,931 10,799 7,804
----- ----- ----- ------
191,233 71,002 262,235 200,953
Creditors (due within one
Bank loans and overdrafts (18,696) (8,868) (27,564) (43,586)
Other (73,975) (11,196) (85,171) (76,521)
----- ----- ----- -----
(92,671) (20,064) (112,735) (120,107)
----- ----- ----- -----
Net current assets 98,562 50,938 149,500 80,846
----- ----- ----- -----
Total assets less current
liabilities 234,263 95,649 329,912 265,088
Creditors (due after one year) (19,018) (726) (19,744) (14,546)
Provisions for liabilities and
charges (1,591) (6,127) (7,718) (1,830)
----- ----- ----- -----
Net assets £213,654 £88,796 £302,450 £248,712
----- ----- ----- -----
(ii)Net cash flow from operating
Operating profit 24,527 11,248 35,775 10,756
Amortisation of goodwill 21 1 22 8
Depreciation and adjustments
on disposals 12,736 2,769 15,505 13,944
Provisions 347 1,407 1,754 (2,669)
Stocks 16,648 245 16,893 (5,897)
Debtors 8,931 (404) 8,527 (1,228)
Creditors (7,043) 888 (6,155) (8,548)
----- ----- ----- -----
Net cash flow from operating
activities £56,167 £16,154 £72,321 £6,366
===== ===== ===== =====
(iii)Acquisitions and disposals
Included within the above heading on the cash flow statement
is £5,684,000 net overdraft in former associate now
consolidated as a subsidiary.
2. AGM and dividend
The board is recommending a final dividend of 15.35p per share
which, together with the interim dividend of 6.15p gives a total
distribution of 21.5p, an increase of 10.25% over the total of
19.5p last year.
The date of the annual general meeting has been fixed for Monday
November 6th 2000 and dividend warrants in respect of the
proposed final dividend, subject to shareholders' approval, will
be posted on that day to members on the register at 5.00 pm on
6th October 2000.
3. Basis of accounts
The 2000 results are an abridged version of the statutory
accounts for the year ended 31st May 2000 which have been
approved by the board of directors and which carry an
unqualified audit report. The 1999 results are an abridged
version of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31st May
1999 which carry an unqualified audit report and which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. Neither accounts contain
a statement in respect of s.237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
Paterson Zochonis plc
0161 491 8000 Graham Calder
(Between 9.00 am and 5.15 pm) Finance Director