Interim Results

Quintain Estates & Development PLC 29 November 2000 INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 HIGHLIGHTS Profit before tax £8.2m up 63% Profit before exceptional items and tax £7.4m up 15% Earnings per share 4.9p up 44% Underlying earnings per share 4.1p up 21% Interim dividend 2.5p up 25% Commenting on the results Nigel Ellis, Chairman, said: 'I am pleased to report that we have once again had a successful six months with an increase in earnings per share of 44%. Our confidence in the acquisitions last year, particularly Chesterfield Properties, has been borne out as this was a major contributor to this increase. The original Quintain portfolio has also performed well, hence an increase in underlying earnings per share of 21%. We have not carried out an interim valuation of the portfolio, since, in the Board's opinion, there has been no major movement in value to date. We expect that subject to no material adverse change in the market by the year end, net assets per share will be appreciably ahead of last year.' For further information Nigel Ellis / Adrian Wyatt Emma Denne Quintain Estates and Development PLC Financial Dynamics 020 7495 8968 020 7831 3113 Chairman's Statement for the six months 30 September 2000 I am pleased to report that we have once again had a successful six months with an increase in earnings per share of 44%. Our confidence in the acquisitions last year, particularly Chesterfield Properties, has been borne out as this was a major contributor to this increase. The original Quintain portfolio has also performed well, hence an increase in underlying earnings per share of 21%. We have not carried out an interim valuation of the portfolio, since, in the Board's opinion, there has been no major movement in value to date. We expect that subject to no material adverse change in the market, by the year end net assets per share will be appreciably ahead of last year. In these circumstances the Board is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 2.5p per ordinary share, an increase of 25% which, again reflects our confidence in the Company's future. During the first half of the year the Company purchased 2 million of its own shares, and further purchases are contemplated. Purchases to date have increased assets per share by approximately 1p. Having sold £23m of assets, by the half year the Company's gearing had reduced to 104% compared with 133% at 30 September 1999 and 111% at 31 March 2000. As a result of the inherent upside potential and the lower level of gearing we have retained assets, particularly from Chesterfield, which we originally planned to sell. Interest cover remains satisfactory at 1.4. The property portfolio continues to produce a high level of opportunities. We are still active in the Short Leasehold market, an example of which is our property at Eden Street, Kingston, which has now been sold for a profit of £545,000. As in past years, the High Yielding Properties provide the income necessary for the running of the business. The Lease Restructuring Portfolio has continued to be worked and substantial profits are expected in the short term. Properties held for Reversionary Potential also continue to offer significant upside as demonstrated by the disposal of an estate at Adlington which made a 65% return on capital. Once again the upside potential in our Special Projects section augers well. The 300,000 sq. ft. development at Beddington Cross is complete. We have secured one further letting in the first half, with two lettings currently in lawyer's hands. Shareholders will recall that we pre-sold this development last year for up to £28m with 123,000 sq. ft. remaining to be let with an ERV of £1m. A further profit can be booked on completion of these lettings, £5.3m having already been reflected in last year's figures. Regarding our site adjacent to the Dome, we propose to make a planning application in the new year for in excess of one million sq. ft. We have recently announced our intention to commence our 250,000 sq. ft. serviced high street retail scheme in Scunthorpe, known as The Parishes. Letting agreements have been entered into with Woolworths (63,000 sq. ft.), TJ Hughes (40,000 sq. ft.) and Peacocks Stores (9,000 sq. ft.). A number of other lettings are in solicitor's hands and, when these have completed, we will have achieved a level of pre-letting of approximately 60%. Work will commence on site in January 2001 with the scheme opening in September 2002. Our Oxford Street development is now complete and fully let, with Etam and First Sport joining Next and Superdrug. We have recently purchased for £12.5m, a further £1.5m per annum worth of short leasehold income within the block. The rent roll is now £4m, with rents ranging up to £330 per sq. ft. zone A. We believe that the pitch is improving radically and that the rent is already reversionary. There are still a number of active management opportunities. Construction of 40 flats in our joint venture with Berkeley Homes in the Croydon Central Business District is set to commence in December, with a gross development cost of £5.2m. As part of our Structured Finance operation we are building a close care apartment and residential care development in Bristol. The 22 room nursing home and 15 close care apartments are already pre-let at £245,000 per annum with annual reviews to the RPI with a minimum uplift 2.5%. 29 apartments are being constructed for sale. Construction costs are estimated at £3.3m. Also within the Structured Finance operation, further progress has been made in our partnership initiatives. Quercus, our nursing home/ learning difficulties homes partnership with CGNU has committed further funds to take the purchasing power to £250m. Aqua, our housing and PFI joint venture has been given a boost with the completion of the Secure Psychiatric Unit and nurses accommodation at Thamesmead. While continuing to develop our active joint venture vehicle (Quaystone) with Yates, we have bought in their remaining 49% in Licensed Retail Properties to allow us to undertake the reviews rather more imaginatively and to restructure the portfolio to enhance future prospective returns. We continue to look for joint ventures in all of our sectors. Regarding finance, Quintain borrows on a floating rate basis using interest rate protection instruments as insurance against interest rate increases. At the half year £190m of debt was protected equating to 54% of the total. In addition we have further protection from forward fixed rate positions of £70m at all-in rates of between 6.2% - 6.8%. The weighted average rate of our debt at 30 September was 7.3%. Corporate Loan Covenants have been agreed with all our relationship banks on the basis of 1.2 times interest cover and minimum net worth of £170m. All other covenants relate to the individual properties charged. Administration expenses remain higher than anticipated due primarily to the professional fees for the absorption of English & Overseas and Chesterfield. In the absence of unforeseen events they should be somewhat lower in the second half of the year. I am pleased to report that Martin Meech, was appointed to the Board as a non- executive director in July this year. He joined Dixons Group plc in 1993 as Group Property and Development Director, and since January 1999 has been Managing Director of Dixons Group Retail Properties Limited. He is also currently a non-executive director of the British Council of Shopping Centres and Holborn Public Relations Limited. We look forward to the second half of the year with confidence. Nigel Ellis Chairman Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 1999 31 Mar 2000 2000 Notes £000 £000 £000 Turnover - continuing and share of joint ventures 32,468 24,924 77,012 Less - share of joint ventures turnover (4,744) (839) (4,958) Group turnover 2 27,724 24,085 72,054 Cost of sales 2 (5,948) (6,686) (31,664) Gross profit 21,776 17,399 40,390 Administrative expenses 3 (3,449) (3,829) (7,471) Exceptional reorganisation costs - (1,373) (1,373) Group operating profit 18,327 12,197 31,546 Share of operating profit in joint ventures 1,617 284 2,532 Profit on sale of investment properties 705 1,354 2,945 Net interest payable (12,475) (8,826) (20,855) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 8,174 5,009 16,168 Tax on profit on ordinary 4 activities (1,635) (1,002) (2,845) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 6,539 4,007 13,323 Minority interests (175) (135) (466) Profit for the financial period 6,364 3,872 12,857 Dividends 5 (3,241) (2,634) (7,244) Retained profit for the period 3,123 1,238 5,613 Earnings per share 6 undiluted 4.9p 3.4p 10.5p diluted 4.8p 3.4p 10.4p Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses Profit for the financial period 6,364 3,872 12,857 Unrealised surplus on revaluation - - 50,531 Tax on realisation of revaluation surplus (438) - (1,181) Exchange movements 405 (575) (559) Total recognised gains in the period 6,331 3,297 61,648 Consolidated Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 8,174 5,009 16,168 Realisation of property revaluation gains of previous periods 5,109 4,748 6,708 Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before taxation 13,283 9,757 22,876 Historical cost profit for the period retained after taxation, minority interests and dividends 7,794 5,986 11,140 Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds Profit for the financial period 6,364 3,872 12,857 Dividends (3,241) (2,634) (7,244) 3,123 1,238 5,613 Other recognised gains and losses in the period (33) (575) 48,791 Issue of shares less costs 49 69,519 69,441 Purchase of own shares (3,382) - - Net (reduction) addition to equity shareholders' funds (243) 70,182 123,845 Opening shareholders' funds 313,807 189,962 189,962 Closing shareholders' funds 313,564 260,144 313,807 Consolidated Balance Sheet Unaudited Unaudited Audited As at As at As at 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 Notes £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investment properties 7 623,314 535,166 602,370 Other fixed assets 1,275 509 483 Investment in joint ventures - share of gross assets 53,414 39,298 49,917 - share of gross (26,497) (14,750) (23,132) liabilities 26,917 24,548 26,785 Investment in associate 475 392 463 Other fixed asset investments 56 - 56 652,037 560,615 630,157 Current assets Stocks 7,953 51,333 11,058 Debtors 29,873 44,740 56,299 Short term investments 17 17 1,140 Cash at bank and in hand 21,312 18,934 53,019 59,155 115,024 121,516 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (145,984) (171,687) (202,523) Net current liabilities (86,829) (56,663) (81,007) Total assets less current liabilities 565,208 503,952 549,150 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year (247,471) (237,140) (228,470) Provisions for liabilities and charges (2,101) (2,132) (2,101) Equity minority interests (2,072) (4,536) (4,772) Net assets 313,564 260,144 313,807 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 9 32,415 32,938 32,928 Share premium account 38,336 97,898 38,297 Capital redemption reserve 522 - - Merger reserve 106,062 46,529 106,062 Capital reserve 2,750 2,750 2,750 Revaluation reserve 96,808 53,875 102,446 Profit and loss account 36,671 26,154 31,324 Equity shareholders' funds 313,564 260,144 313,807 Net asset value per share 10 undiluted 242p 198p 238p diluted 239p 194p 236p Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 Notes £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 11a 18,502 16,893 70,999 Return on investments and Servicing of finance Net interest paid (12,398) (9,081) (19,161) Issue cost of loans (198) (1,186) (3,349) Net cash outflow from return on investments and servicing of finance (12,596) (10,267) (22,510) Corporation tax paid (2,780) (1,235) (1,426) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (24,771) (19,840) (49,495) Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets 55,255 69,087 64,073 Loans to joint ventures and associate (245) (4,176) (7,257) Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 30,239 45,071 7,321 Acquisitions and disposals Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary companies - 5,356 5,356 Net cash disposed of with subsidiary companies - (159) (159) Purchase of subsidiary companies (2,780) (112,477) (112,945) Net cash acquired with subsidiary companies - 12,810 12,401 Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (2,780) (94,470) (95,347) Equity dividend paid (4,663) (2,762) (5,396) Net cash inflow (outflow) before management of liquid resources and financing 25,922 (46,770) (46,359) Management of liquid resources - - (1,140) Financing Issue of ordinary shares for cash 49 - - Cost of share issues - (907) (913) Loans drawn down 84,935 102,012 196,466 Loan repayments (139,231) (55,477) (114,904) Loans advanced by minority interests - 207 - Purchase of own shares (3,382) - - Net cash (outflow) inflow from financing (57,629) 45,835 80,649 (Decrease) increase in cash (31,707) (935) 33,150 Notes to the accounts 1. Basis of preparation The half year figures for 2000 and 1999 are unaudited and have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted in the accounts to 31 March 2000. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2000 are not the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. These accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. Turnover and cost of sales Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 Gross rents receivable 22,273 19,069 41,865 Sales of commercial trading properties 857 2,384 21,605 Sales of residential trading properties 2,536 2,632 7,106 Other income 2,058 - 1,478 Total turnover 27,724 24,085 72,054 Rents payable and other property outgoings 2,836 2,577 7,181 Sales of commercial trading properties 637 2,121 19,161 Sales of residential trading Properties 2,475 1,988 5,322 Total cost of sales 5,948 6,686 31,664 3. Administrative expenses Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six Six Year months months Ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 Directors' remuneration 1,191 1,133 1,546 Staff costs 1,363 1,258 2,477 Legal and other professional fees 181 664 1,869 Office costs 599 678 1,230 Depreciation 115 115 136 General expenses - (19) 213 3,449 3,829 7,471 Legal and other professional fees are shown net of a recovery of £839,000 (1999: £nil) in respect of costs some of which relate to previous years. 4. Tax on profit on ordinary activities The effective rate of taxation on ordinary activities of 20% (1999: 20%) reflects the benefit of available capital allowances and losses brought forward. 5. Dividend The interim dividend of 2.5p (1999: 2.0p) per ordinary share is payable on 12 January 2001 to members on the register at 15 December 2000. A final dividend of 3.5p in respect of the year to 31 March 2000 was paid during the period. 6. Earnings per share Unaudited Six months ended 30 Sept 2000 Adjusted for Based on exceptional underlying items profits Basic £000 £000 £000 Profit for the financial period 6,364 6,364 6,364 Exceptional items after tax - (587) (587) Profit on sale of investment properties after tax - - (495) 6,364 5,777 5,282 Weighted average number of shares (000) 130,005 Unaudited Six months ended 30 Sept 1999 Adjusted for Based on exceptional underlying items profits Basic £000 £000 £000 Profit for the financial period 3,872 3,872 3,872 Exceptional items after tax - 961 961 Profit on sale of investment properties after tax - - (947) 3,872 4,833 3,886 Weighted average number of shares (000) 113,154 Audited Year ended 31 Mar 2000 Adjusted for Based on exceptional underlying Basic items profits £000 £000 £000 Profit for the financial period 12,857 12,857 12,857 Exceptional items after tax - 961 961 Profit on sale of investment properties after tax - - (2,427) 12,857 13,818 11,391 Weighted average number of shares (000) 122,432 Earnings per share on a diluted basis have been calculated on an adjusted profit of £6,448,000 (1999: £3,964,000) and an adjusted weighted average number of shares of 133,108,000 (1999: 116,903,000). 7. Investment properties Investment properties are valued annually at the end of each financial year and are shown in the Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2000 at the previous year end valuations adjusted for subsequent expenditure and disposals. 8. Borrowings The fair value of the Group's financial liabilities as at 30 September 2000 as calculated by JC Rathbone Associates disclosed a positive surplus in relation to their book value of £1,669,000 (1999: £3,252,000). As at 31 March 2000, the surplus was £2,293,000. 9. Called-up share capital The issued share capital of the Group decreased during the period owing to the buy back of shares in the market for cancellation. Number of shares Nominal value 000 £000 Shares in issue as at 1 April 2000 131,710 32,928 Purchase of own shares (2,090) (522) Issue on exercise of options 37 9 Shares in issue as at 30 September 2000 129,657 32,415 10. Net asset value per share Net asset value per share on an undiluted basis as at 30 September 2000 has been based on net assets of £313,564,000 (1999: £260,144,000) and 129,657,000 (1999: 131,710,000) ordinary shares. Net asset value per share on a diluted basis has been calculated on adjusted net assets of £316,564,000 (1999: £263,144,000) and 132,761,000 (1999: 135,459,000) ordinary shares. 11. Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 Sept 30 Sept 31 Mar 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit 18,327 12,197 31,546 Depreciation charge 441 523 135 (Profit) loss on disposal of fixed assets (414) (90) 74 (Increase) decrease in debtors (3,541) 1,246 1,331 Increase (decrease) in creditors 1,959 213 (6,619) Decrease in trading stock 1,730 2,804 44,491 Write-down of trading stock - - 41 18,502 16,893 70,999 b) Reconciliation of net cash movement to net debt (Decrease) increase in cash during period (31,707) (935) 33,150 Cash outflow (inflow) from debt and lease financing 54,274 (46,535) (81,562) Cash (inflow) outflow from increase in liquid resources (1,123) - 1,140 Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 21,444 (47,470) (47,272) Costs of issue of non-equity finance 198 1,186 3,349 Amortisation of issue costs (609) (302) (1,315) Net debt acquired with subsidiaries - (181,762) (182,601) Other non-cash movements (183) - 490 Movement in net debt during period 20,850 (228,348) (227,349) Net debt beginning of period (344,063) (116,714) (116,714) Net debt end of period (323,213) (345,062) (344,063) c) Analysis of net debt Short term investments 17 17 1,140 Cash 21,312 18,934 53,019 Debt due after more than one year (248,720) (234,801) (228,470) Debt due within one year (95,822) (129,212) (169,752) (323,213) (345,062) (344,063) INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT BY KPMG AUDIT PLC TO QUINTAIN ESTATES AND DEVELOPMENT PLC Introduction We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information set out above and we have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where they are to be changed in the next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the reasons for them, are to be disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30th September 2000. KPMG Audit Plc Chartered Accountants 8 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8BB 28 November 2000


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