10 December 2015
The Rank Group Plc
- Voluntary Baseline Disclosure of Voting Rights in Shares
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its group - voluntary baseline disclosure
The Rank Group Plc ("Rank") has received a voluntary baseline disclosure notification from Threadneedle Group on behalf of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its group that Ameriprise Financial, Inc had a notifiable interest in 29,870,389 ordinary 138/9p shares representing 7.646% of the total voting rights in Rank.
Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights are effectively held
Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (7.646%)
Threadneedle Asset Management Limited is wholly owned by TC Financing Limited, which is itself wholly owned by Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Limited, which is itself wholly owned by TAM UK Holdings Limited, which is itself wholly owned by Threadneedle Holdings Limited, which is itself wholly owned by Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL, which is itself wholly owned by Ameriprise International Holdings GmbH, which is itself wholly owned by Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
The Shares referred to above are held in portfolios and funds managed on a discretionary basis by the entities set out above.
The Shares are held through certain nominee companies.
website: www.rank.com
The Rank Group Plc Tel: 01628 504 072
Frances Bingham, Company Secretary