Final Results

Rathbone Brothers PLC 06 March 2003 6th March 2003 Rathbone Brothers Plc Preliminary results for the year to 31st December 2002 Rathbone Brothers Plc, the group that specialises in discretionary investment management for private clients, announces preliminary results for the year ended 31st December 2002. Headlines: • Operating income rises by 1.4% to £79.8m. • Funds under management fall by 9% to £5.3bn, a significant achievement given the fall in the FTSE 100 Index of 24%. • Pre-tax profits before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation at £18.4m fall only 11%. • Earnings per share, before goodwill amortisation, decline by 20% from the figure for 2001 (restated) to 33.91p. • Recommended final dividend is maintained at 16p, making an unchanged total of 26p for the year. • As announced on 5th September 2002, Micky Ingall is to retire as Chairman and will be succeeded by Mark Powell. Micky Ingall, Chairman, commented: 'During 2002, Rathbones experienced a very satisfactory inflow of new clients. In particular, the Unit Trust company delivered an outstanding investment performance, growing its funds under management by 18% despite a fall of 24% in the main UK index. 'Against the background of falling markets, I believe that the 11% drop in pre-tax profits is a very creditable performance. It is also important to emphasise the financial strength of Rathbones - the Group has no core debt and remains both profitable and cash generative. Consequently, despite a fall in profits, the recommended final dividend is maintained at 16p.' 'As announced at the time of our interim figures, I am retiring both as Chairman and as a member of the Board of Rathbone Brothers Plc at the AGM on 7th May. Despite market conditions, I believe that I leave Rathbones in an extremely strong situation and, relative to the financial sector, the Group has never been stronger. The Board intend to elect Mark Powell, currently Deputy Chairman, as my successor and I am totally confident that under his able direction, together with our Chief Executive Roy Morris, Rathbones will continue to prosper.' For further information, please contact: Rathbone Brothers Plc (020 7399 0000) • Micky Ingall, Chairman • Mark Powell, Deputy Chairman • Andy Pomfret, Finance Director Luther Pendragon (020 7618 9100) • Tim Trotter (Trotter & Co) • Jon Bennett • Andrew Sharkey CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I have pleasure in presenting Group results for the year to 31st December 2002. Operating income has increased by 1.4% from £78.7m to £79.8m. Profits before tax (before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation) amount to £18.4m and earnings per share are 33.91p (before goodwill amortisation). The figures show a fall of 11% and 20% respectively on the restated amounts for the previous year. The recommended final dividend is maintained at 16p making an unchanged total of 26p for the year. Discretionary funds under management at the year end amounted to £5.3bn which is a fall of 9% in the year and compares with a fall in the FTSE 100 Index of 24%. Although it is extremely disappointing to announce a fall in both profits and earnings per share for the second year in succession, the main investment management division has produced a very creditable performance in the face of a further 24% fall in the main UK index which extends the fall since the beginning of 2000 to more than 40%. Our strategy over many years has been to concentrate our efforts and resources on the private individual with their attendant trusts, charities and pensions. In particular, we have stressed the merits of investment management on a fee paying basis and a direct and close relationship between each individual client and their investment manager. Similarly, our trust services have focused on providing individuals with personal service. Despite the hostile investment environment in which we have now been operating for three years, it is apparent that our investment services are reaching a broader audience. Many of our direct competitors are departments of larger organisations where services to private clients are largely peripheral. The harsh investment climate has caused many business models and long term strategies to be re-examined or even abandoned. It seems that the provision of investment services on a bespoke basis to private individuals is not a service which is ideally suited to being a peripheral add-on to an institutional fund manager. Although there are overlaps in research and investment processes, the skills and systems required to manage private client portfolios and to communicate on an individual basis are not compatible and when cost pressures are exerted across a financial institution, the private client operation often suffers disproportionately. Private client investment management requires a unique business model, in order to offer both the necessary level of service and to be profitable. In many houses, these influences have resulted in a reduction in service to clients and disillusionment amongst managers. In sharp contrast, Rathbones has experienced a very satisfactory inflow of new clients and our recruitment of new managers accompanied by their clients has continued. It would be misleading to imply that the clients of Rathbones have been insulated from market falls but the close contact which managers maintain with their clients has proved helpful in managing clients' affairs and retaining client loyalty. In my statement last year, I likened growing an investment management business to running up the down escalator. In the first half of 2002, the strength of our new business enabled the totality of discretionary funds under management more or less to remain constant despite an 11% fall in the market. Unfortunately in the second half, the downward momentum has accelerated to an extent that discretionary funds under management have fallen by 10% since June 2002, still a considerable achievement in relative terms. I draw attention to the outstanding achievements of our Unit Trust company. Funds under management have risen 18% to £220m and the performance of individual unit trusts generally has been excellent. We have received awards for both unit trusts and VCTs. The unit trusts, although small in relation to the Group, provide the shop window to our investment management division and are central to our investment process. The Trust Division has had a disappointing year with profits before tax down 48% to £2.1m. Income in normal circumstances should be largely unaffected by short term stockmarket movements but it has become apparent that the prolonged bear market and the consequent impact on wealth creation has affected revenue and the increasing costs of regulation in some overseas territories has increased costs resulting in a profit squeeze in certain areas. In these difficult financial markets, it is important to emphasise the financial strength of Rathbones. The Group has no core debt and remains both profitable and cash generative. Furthermore our policy of acting as agents for our clients significantly reduces our requirement for capital and the overall risk profile of our business. It also avoids many of the more obvious conflicts of interest which affect some of our competitors. Although towards the end of last year we embarked on a cost reduction programme, we are still managing the business for growth. In my statement last year, I expressed cautious optimism for 2002. This proved to be misplaced and at the time of writing, 2003 has started badly for world stockmarkets. It is evident that some sustained recovery will be required before we can rebuild our profitability to its previous levels but as I have sought to demonstrate, the Group is growing in its key areas and should benefit greatly when the upturn comes as I am convinced it will. In June 2002, Bill Keatley, one of our non-executive directors, retired from the Board. He was Chairman of Laurence Keen at the time of the merger with Rathbones in 1995 and had spent his entire working life with Laurence Keen and its predecessor firms. As such his contribution to the development of Rathbones is enormous and we shall miss his wise counsel and good company. Jamie Cayzer-Colvin, an associate director of Caledonia Investments Plc, joined the Board in July as a non-executive director. His knowledge of the financial sector is greatly valued. As announced at the time of our interim figures, I am retiring both as Chairman and as a member of the Board of Rathbone Brothers Plc at the AGM on 7th May. I have now been a director of the Company for 18 years and had hoped to depart on a high note. Sadly market conditions have rendered fulfilment of this ambition unlikely. I know I share this regret with clients, shareholders and colleagues, to all of whom I owe a great debt of gratitude over many years. Despite market conditions, I believe that I leave Rathbones in an extremely strong situation and, relative to the financial sector, the Group has never been stronger. The Board intend to elect Mark Powell, currently Deputy Chairman, as my successor and I am totally confident that under his able direction, together with our Chief Executive Roy Morris, Rathbones will continue to prosper. Micky Ingall Chairman 5th March 2003 Consolidated profit and loss account For the year ended 31st December 2002 2002 2001 (Restated) Note £'000 £'000 Interest receivable - interest receivable and similar income arising from debt securities 16,839 18,158 - other interest receivable and similar income 3,945 5,014 Interest payable (9,081) (11,774) Net interest income 11,703 11,398 Dividend income 90 125 Fees and commissions receivable 73,880 70,667 Fees and commissions payable (7,063) (4,361) Other operating income 1,215 836 Operating income - continuing operations 79,825 78,665 Administrative expenses (57,187) (53,626) Depreciation and amortisation (7,220) (6,107) Other operating charges (529) (726) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (341) 53 Group operating profit 14,548 18,259 Group operating profit before goodwill amortisation 18,364 20,629 Goodwill amortisation (3,816) (2,370) Net profit on sale of regional office business - continuing operations - 381 Gain on sale of investment securities - continuing operations 9 777 - Group profit on ordinary activities before tax - continuing operations 15,325 18,640 Tax on Group profit on ordinary activities 3 (6,211) (6,494) Group profit on ordinary activities after tax 9,114 12,146 Dividends 4 (10,451) (9,422) Transferred to reserves (1,337) 2,724 Dividends per ordinary share 4 26p 26p Earnings per ordinary share 5 Basic after goodwill amortisation 23.90p 33.62p Basic before goodwill amortisation 33.91p 42.15p Diluted after goodwill amortisation 23.83p 33.37p Diluted before goodwill amortisation 33.81p 41.84p Consolidated balance sheet as at 31st December 2002 2002 2001 (Restated) Note £'000 £'000 Assets Cash and balances at central banks 19,019 8,083 Settlement balances 6,837 8,629 Loans and advances to banks 33,025 38,109 Loans and advances to customers 36,828 30,207 Debt securities 363,426 381,525 Equity shares 6 70 70 Intangible fixed assets 56,232 27,592 Tangible fixed assets 7,454 8,955 Other assets 3,651 3,526 Prepayments and accrued income 16,132 15,146 Total assets 542,674 521,842 Liabilities Deposits by banks 62 630 Settlement balances 5,865 7,387 Customer accounts 408,039 416,033 Debt securities in issue 5,768 - Other liabilities 10,899 9,154 Accruals and deferred income 7,671 5,742 Provision for liabilities and charges 3,940 5,449 Called up share capital 1,969 1,814 Shares to be issued including premium 1,927 - Share premium account 9,639 7,277 Other reserves 45,674 25,342 Profit and loss account 41,221 43,014 Equity shareholders' funds 100,430 77,447 Total liabilities 542,674 521,842 Memorandum items Contingent liabilities - guarantees 730 955 - assets pledged as collateral security 49 40 779 995 Commitments - undrawn commitments to lend 4,503 6,760 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31st December 2002 2002 2001 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 10(i) 14,837 160,146 Taxation - UK corporation tax (5,279) (7,756) - overseas tax (1,425) (502) Net cash outflow for taxation (6,704) (8,258) Capital expenditure and financial investments - purchase of equity shares - (5) - purchase of investment securities (1,733,062) (1,873,471) - proceeds from sale and maturities of 1,751,939 1,726,537 investment securities - purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,866) (5,331) - sale of tangible fixed assets 179 358 Net cash inflow/(outflow) for capital expenditure and financial investments 17,190 (151,912) Acquisitions and disposals - acquisitions of subsidiaries/businesses (4,754) (4,193) - disposal of regional office business - 1,092 - net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings/ 1,186 11 businesses Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals (3,568) (3,090) Equity dividends paid (9,953) (9,019) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 11,802 (12,133) Financing - issue of shares 260 727 - issue expenses of debt securities (29) - Net cash inflow from financing 231 727 Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the year 10(ii) 12,033 (11,406) Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31st December 2002 2002 2001 (Restated) £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year attributable To shareholders 9,114 12,146 Currency adjustments (107) 132 Total recognised gains and losses for the year 9,007 12,278 Prior year adjustment (see note 11) 2,018 Total gains and losses recognised since the last report 11,025 Reconciliations of movements in shareholders' funds for the year ended 31st December 2002 2002 2001 (Restated) £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 9,114 12,146 Dividends (10,451) (9,422) Result for the financial year (1,337) 2,724 Currency adjustments (107) 132 Shares issued or to be issued 155 14 Premium on shares issued and shares (including premium) to be issued 24,621 1,941 Goodwill on disposals previously eliminated against reserves - 711 Movement in relation to the SIP (349) (306) Net addition to shareholders' funds 22,983 5,216 Opening shareholders' funds 77,447 72,231 Closing shareholders' funds 100,430 77,447 Notes 1 Accounting policies This preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the published report and accounts for the year ended 31st December 2001 with the exception of the policy in relation to taxation which has been changed to comply with Financial Reporting Standard ('FRS') 19 'Deferred tax' - see note 11. 2 Segmental information Gross operating income Profit before taxation 2002 2001 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 By class of business: Investment management and banking 75,238 75,162 13,193 14,526 Trust services 20,731 19,638 2,132 4,114 95,969 94,800 15,325 18,640 Total assets Net assets 2002 2001 2002 2001 (Restated) (Restated) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 By class of business: Investment management and banking 480,112 469,820 58,255 46,715 Trust services 62,562 52,022 42,175 30,732 542,674 521,842 100,430 77,447 Gross operating income Profit before taxation 2002 2001 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 By geographical segment: United Kingdom 79,737 80,028 12,141 14,246 Jersey, Switzerland and other European countries 14,208 12,235 2,031 2,960 The Americas 2,024 2,537 1,153 1,434 95,969 94,800 15,325 18,640 Total assets Net assets 2002 2001 2002 2001 (Restated) (Restated) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 By geographical segment: United Kingdom 484,005 471,978 63,961 47,054 Jersey, Switzerland and other European countries 53,814 45,429 34,217 27,566 The Americas 4,855 4,435 2,252 2,827 542,674 521,842 100,430 77,447 Interest receivable Dividend income Fees and commissions Other operating Analysis of gross receivable income operating income by 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 geographical segment £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 United Kingdom 19,796 22,126 90 125 58,641 56,966 1,210 811 Jersey, Switzerland and other European countries 921 883 - - 13,282 11,351 5 1 The Americas 67 163 - - 1,957 2,350 - 24 20,784 23,172 90 125 73,880 70,667 1,215 836 (i) The Group's banking activity relates almost entirely to clients in the investment management business and both banking and investment management are treated as one segment for management and internal reporting purposes. Accordingly, in the opinion of the directors, it is more meaningful to present segmental information for these activities on a combined basis. (ii) The allocations by class of business and geographical segment of total and net assets include goodwill of £56,232,000 (2001: £27,592,000) of which £30,598,000 (2001: £24,261,000) relates to trust services. (iii) In the opinion of the directors, there is no material difference between the sales origin and destination of gross operating income and accordingly, the geographic segmental analysis has been prepared on a sales origin basis only. None of the activities were discontinued in the current and previous years. The tables include companies that have joined the Group with effect from the date of their acquisition. (iv) Common costs and earnings on shareholders' funds have been allocated on the same basis that is used for internal management reporting. Total and net assets have been allocated on a legal entity basis which, in the main, reflects both the 'by class of business' and 'by geographical segment' analyses. 3 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2002 2001 (Restated) £'000 £'000 Current tax: UK corporation tax on profits for the year 4,770 5,500 Adjustments in respect of previous years (92) 67 4,678 5,567 Foreign tax (including £11,000 (2001: £41,000) in respect of previous years) 1,131 993 Total current tax 5,809 6,560 Deferred tax: Origination and reversal of timing differences - current year 208 (66) - previous year 194 - Total deferred tax 402 (66) 6,211 6,494 The tax charge for the year is higher than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30% (2001: 30%). The differences are explained below: 2002 2001 (Restated) £'000 £'000 Tax on ordinary activities at the standard rate 30% (2001: 30%) 4,598 5,592 Effects of: UK dividend income (26) (1) Goodwill amortisation 1,145 888 Leasehold property depreciation 92 50 Disallowable expenses 163 208 UK tax on overseas subsidiary dividends 578 142 Lower tax rates on overseas earnings (452) (493) Underprovision for tax in previous years 113 108 Overall tax charge 6,211 6,494 Timing differences subject to deferred tax: Timing difference in relation to capital allowances and depreciation (27) 144 Timing difference in relation to SSAP 24 pension cost (277) - Timing difference in relation to the SIP costs (110) (92) Other short term timing difference 12 14 Current tax charge 5,809 6,560 4 Dividends 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend of 10p per share on 39,119,091 shares (2001: 10p per share on 36,175,860 shares) 3,912 3,618 Final dividend of 16p per share on 39,388,073 shares (2001: 16p per share on 36,280,118 shares) 6,302 5,804 Adjustment to previous year's final dividend 237 - Total dividends - 26p per share (2001: 26p per share) 10,451 9,422 5 Earnings per share Basic earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to shareholders of £9,114,000 (2001: £12,146,000 (restated)) by the weighted average number of shares in issue throughout the year of 38,139,407 (2001: 36,127,021). Diluted earnings per share is the basic earnings per share, adjusted for the effect of contingently issuable shares, employee share options remaining capable of exercise and any dilutive shares to be issued under the Share Incentive Plan, weighted for the relevant period (see table). The directors believe that the provision of additional EPS figures, in particular before goodwill amortisation, is beneficial to the users of the financial statements to understand the performance of the Group and therefore supplementary basic and diluted EPS figures have been calculated to exclude the effect of goodwill amortisation of £3,816,000 included in operating administrative expenses (2001: £3,081,000 comprising £2,370,000 included in operating administrative expenses and £711,000 included in non-operating exceptional items). The average fair value of one ordinary share during 2002 was £6.89 (2001: £8.70) and the average exercise price for shares under option during 2002 was £7.50 (2001: £7.19). 2002 2001 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year - basic 38,139,407 36,127,021 Effect of ordinary share options - 256,222 Effect of dilutive shares issuable under the Share Incentive Plan 16,183 10,621 Weighted average number of contingently issuable ordinary shares during the year 90,225 - Diluted ordinary shares 38,245,815 36,393,864 6 Equity shares 2002 2001 Directors' Directors' valuation/ valuation/ market market Cost value Cost value £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Listed equity shares (see Note (b) below) - 5,526 - 8,440 Unlisted equity shares 70 70 70 70 70 5,596 70 8,510 (a) The equity shares are held as investment securities for continuing use in the business. (b) The Group holds a total of 1,750,000 (2001: 2,000,000) shares in London Stock Exchange plc held by Rathbone Neilson Cobbold Limited and Rathbone Stockbrokers Limited (formerly Rathbone Laurence Keen Limited), which are held in the balance sheet at cost (£2). 7 Acquisitions Oaktree Investment Galsworthy Management & Stones (a) Limited (b) Others (c) Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Consideration paid: Acquisition costs 88 20 239 347 Issue of new ordinary shares of 5p in Rathbone Brothers Plc 642 850 20,466 21,958 Unsecured Loan Notes 2005 - - 5,797 5,797 Cash 2,570 1,275 560 4,405 Deferred contingent consideration 1,778 362 - 2,140 Total consideration 5,078 2,507 27,062 34,647 Net assets acquired: Loans and advances to banks 764 134 288 1,186 Loans and advances to customers 834 49 105 988 Tangible fixed assets 238 94 - 332 Other assets 695 55 51 801 Accrued income and prepayments 173 - 31 204 Total assets 2,704 332 475 3,511 Liabilities (152) (135) (195) (482) Net assets on acquisition date 2,552 197 280 3,029 Total fair value adjustments (1,108) - - (1,108) Adjusted net assets acquired 1,444 197 280 1,921 Goodwill arising on acquisition 3,634 2,310 26,782 32,726 (a) On 8th August 2002, Rathbone Trust Company Limited acquired the business assets and goodwill associated with the Jersey based trust company business of Galsworthy & Stones in accordance with the terms of a sale and purchase agreement ('the agreement') signed on that date. The initial consideration was satisfied by the issue of 104,473 shares at 615p each on 17th September 2002 and payment of cash of £2,570,000. Acquisition costs of £90,000 were incurred of which £2,000 related to the issue of shares. Deferred consideration will be payable in July 2003 in shares or cash with a value equal to three times the profit for the year ended 30th April 2003 (adjusted in accordance with the terms of the agreement). An estimate of the value of the shares to be issued of £1,777,000 has been accounted for in shareholders' funds. (b) On 9th September 2002, Rathbone Investment Management Limited acquired the entire share capital of Oaktree Investment Management Limited, a Jersey based investment management business in accordance with the terms of a sale and purchase agreement ('the agreement') signed on that date. The initial consideration was satisfied by the issue of 153,009 shares at 555.5p on 17th September 2002 and payment of cash of £1,275,000. Acquisition costs of £22,000 were incurred of which £2,000 related to the issue of shares. Deferred consideration will be payable in September 2003 in shares or cash to the value of £150,000 and cash of £225,000, contingent upon the value of funds under management (as defined in the agreement) as at 9th September 2003 not being 15% or more below the funds under management as at 9th September 2002. An estimate of the value of the shares to be issued of £150,000 has been accounted for in shareholders' funds. The discounted value of the cash consideration has been included in 'Provisions for liabilities and charges'. (c) On 3rd April, 8th July and 15th July 2002, the Group acquired, in total, eleven UK companies for a consideration of shares, loan notes and cash, the details of which are set out below: 3rd April 8th July 15th July 2002 2002 2002 Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Acquisition costs 163 72 4 239 New shares issued: 1,482,256 @ 817.6p each 12,119 - - 12,119 1,033,693 @ 702.5p each - 7,262 - 7,262 157,459 @ 689.0p each - - 1,085 1,085 12,119 7,262 1,085 20,466 Unsecured Loan Notes 2005 1,034 3,543 1,220 5,797 Cash - 275 285 560 These companies act as introducers of private client investment management and trust services business. In total, they had introduced £1,032 million of new discretionary managed clients to the Group prior to their acquisition, resulting in an annualised increase to the Group's operating income of £9,500,000. The companies had earned fees from the Group for the introduction of new business. The companies have contributed £132,000 to the Group's profit after tax for the year. An estimate of the profit after tax of these companies in aggregate for the period 1st January 2002 to the date of acquisition is £70,000 (year to 31st December 2001: £186,000). None of the companies acquired is individually material to the Group. 8 Pension schemes FRS 17 disclosures Whilst the Group continues to account for pension costs in accordance with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 24 'Accounting for pension costs', under FRS 17 'Retirement benefits' the following transitional disclosures are required: (i) The Group currently operates two funded pension schemes in the UK (the Rathbone Scheme and the Laurence Keen Scheme) providing benefits based on final pensionable salary. The Laurence Keen Scheme was closed to new entrants with effect from 1st October 1999. The Rathbone Scheme was closed to new entrants with effect from 1st April 2002. The assets are held in independent, trustee administered funds. The pension costs are assessed on the advice of the scheme actuaries using the projected unit method which looks at the value of benefits accruing over the years following the valuation date based on projected salary to date of termination of service. (ii) The latest full actuarial valuations were conducted as at 31st December 2001 (the Rathbone Scheme) and 1st April 2000 (the Laurence Keen Scheme) and were updated to 31st December 2002 by qualified independent actuaries. The major assumptions used in these valuations were as follows: Laurence Keen Scheme Rathbone Scheme 2002 2001 2002 2001 Rate of increase in salaries 3.0% 4.7% 3.0% 4.7% Rate of increase of pensions in payment 2.25% 2.7% *2.25% *2.7% Rate of increase of deferred pensions 2.25% 2.7% 2.25% 2.7% Discount rate 5.8% 5.7% 5.8% 5.7% Inflation assumption 2.25% 2.7% 2.25% 2.7% * 5% for service prior to April 2001 The assumptions used by the actuaries are the best estimates chosen from a range of possible actuarial assumptions which, due to the timescale covered, may not necessarily be borne out in practice. (iii) The fair value of the Schemes' assets, which are not intended to be realised in the short term and may be subject to significant change before they are realised, and the present value of the Schemes' liabilities, which are derived from cash flow projections over long periods and are thus inherently uncertain, and the related tax effect are set out below: Laurence Keen Scheme Rathbone Scheme Long term Long term Long term Long term Laurence rate of rate of rate of rate of Keen return return return return Scheme expected at expected at expected expected at £'000 Rathbone 2002 2001 1.1.02 1.1.03 at 1.1.02 1.1.03 Scheme Total Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Equities 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 2,457 11,591 14,048 14,197 Bonds 5.25% 4.9% 6.2% 5.8% 2,734 2,748 5,482 6,364 Other 4.0% 2.75% 4.0% 2.75% 88 1,903 1,991 970 Total market value of 5,279 16,242 21,521 21,531 assets Present value of scheme (7,940) (24,999) (32,939) (31,830) liabilities Deficit in scheme (2,661) (8,757) (11,418) (10,299) Related deferred tax asset 798 2,627 3,425 3,090 Net pension liability (1,863) (6,130) (7,993) (7,209) (iv) If the above amounts had been recognised in the financial statements, the Group's net assets and profit and loss reserve at 31st December 2002 would have been as follows: 2002 2001 (Restated) £'000 £'000 Net assets Net assets excluding pension liability 100,430 77,447 Pension liability (7,993) (7,209) Net assets including pension liability 92,437 70,238 Reserves Profit and loss reserve excluding pension liability 41,221 43,014 Pension liability (7,993) (7,209) Profit and loss reserve including pension liability 33,228 35,805 (v) Movement in deficit during the year Laurence Rathbone Total Keen Scheme Scheme £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 1st January 2002 2,172 8,127 10,299 Movement in the year: Current service cost - 4,082 4,082 Past service costs - - - Contributions (8) (3,826) (3,834) Other finance income 82 242 324 Actuarial loss 415 132 547 Balance at 31st December 2002 2,661 8,757 11,418 The actuarial loss can be analysed as follows: Laurence Keen Rathbone Scheme Scheme £'000 £'000 Actual return less expected return on pension scheme assets (700) (4,064) Percentage difference between expected and actual returns 13% 25% Experience gains and losses arising on the scheme liabilities (725) 38 Percentage of the present value of the scheme liabilities 9% 0.2% Total amount recognised in statement of recognised gains and losses (415) (132) Percentage of the present value of the scheme liabilities 5% 0.5% (vi) The total regular contributions made by the Group to the Rathbone Scheme during the year were £1,790,655 (2001: £1,579,538) based on 11.5% of pensionable salary and an additional lump sum contribution of £1,000,000 was paid in December 2002 (2001: Nil). Given that after 31st March 2002 the Rathbone Scheme was closed to new entrants, the current pension costs will increase as the members of the Scheme approach retirement. The total contributions made by the Group to the Laurence Keen Scheme during the year were £8,250 (2001: Nil). As the Scheme was closed to new entrants with effect from 1st October 1999, the current pension cost will increase as the members of the Scheme approach retirement. 9 Gain on sale of investment securities In December 2002, 250,000 shares in London Stock Exchange plc were sold by Rathbone Neilson Cobbold Limited. The shares were acquired at no cost and the sale proceeds and profit on sale amounted to £777,000. The amount of tax attributable to the profit on sale included in the overall tax charge is £233,000. 10 Group cash flow statement (i) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 14,548 18,259 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 11 48 Depreciation and amortisation 7,220 6,107 UITF Abstract 17 SIP charge 283 98 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 341 (53) (Increase) in accrued income and prepayments (801) (2,295) (Decrease)/Increase in provision for liabilities and charges (1,067) 281 Increase in accruals and deferred income 1,841 772 Net cash inflow from trading activities 22,376 23,217 Net decrease in loans and advances to banks and customers 1,057 3,321 Net decrease in settlement debtor balances 1,790 17,482 Net (decrease) in settlement creditor balances (1,522) (6,245) Net (decrease)/increase in deposits by banks and customer accounts (9,266) 124,187 Net (decrease) in other liabilities (41) (2,314) Net decrease in other assets 443 498 Net cash inflow from operating activities 14,837 160,146 (ii) Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the balance sheet At 1st At 31st January Cash Non-cash Exchange December 2002 flow Changes movements 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash and balances at central banks 8,083 10,972 - (36) 19,019 Loans and advances to banks repayable on (56) demand 27,271 1,061 - 28,276 Total 35,354 12,033 - (92) 47,295 The Group is required to maintain balances with the British Virgin Islands government which, at 31st December 2002, amounted to £335,000 (2001: £344,000). (iii) Analysis of changes in financing Share Share Shares capital premium to be issued £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 1st January 2002 1,814 7,277 - Cash inflow 8 1,003 - Cash outflow - (120) - Other movement 147 1,479 1,927 Balance at 31st December 2002 1,969 9,639 1,927 (iv) Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and businesses The effects of the acquisitions made during the year are set out in note 7. The companies/businesses acquired did not make a material contribution to the Group's net operating cashflows or capital expenditure. (v) Major non-cash transactions The consideration for the companies/businesses acquired included shares - see note 7. (vi) Disposal of investment securities Net sale proceeds of £777,000 were received in relation to the sale of investment securities - see note 9. 11 Prior year adjustment FRS 19 'Deferred tax' is mandatory for all periods ending on or after 23rd January 2002 and has been adopted in these accounts. The new standard requires the following: • in the absence of a binding agreement to distribute overseas earnings, deferred tax should only be provided if a dividend has been declared • accelerated capital allowances or excess depreciation should be provided for in full as, considered individually, future reversals cannot be avoided Previously, the Group's policy was to provide for deferred tax on timing differences to the extent that they were likely to crystallise in the foreseeable future. In practice, this resulted in a full provision for unremitted overseas earnings given the Group's policy to pay overseas earnings by way of dividend to the UK on a regular basis and the Group took no recognition of a deferred tax asset in respect of excess depreciation. Accordingly, in adopting FRS 19, provision on unremitted overseas earnings is now made only when dividends have been declared by the balance sheet date and full provision is now made for excess depreciation to the extent that the deferred tax asset that is created is more likely than not to be recoverable. Comparative figures have been restated to reflect this change of accounting policy. The effect of the change has been to increase retained profits and shareholders' funds in prior periods as set out in the following table: Retained Shareholders' profit funds as at for 2001 31st December 2001 £'000 £'000 As previously reported 2,258 75,429 Reduction in provision for tax on unremitted overseas earnings 322 1,212 Provision for deferred tax asset in relation to excess depreciation 144 806 466 2,018 As restated 2,724 77,447 The retained profit for 2002 has been reduced by £521,000 and the shareholders' funds as at 31st December 2002 have been increased by £1,497,000 as a result of the change in accounting policy. 12 Post balance sheet events Since 31st December 2002, Rathbone Investment Management Limited has signed agreements to transfer investment management clients from two organisations. For both deals, the consideration payable is contingent on the number of clients who agree to transfer on the basis of the standard terms and conditions of Rathbone Investment Management Limited. In total, the consideration is not expected to exceed £4 million which it is anticipated will be paid in cash. 13 Financial information The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement has been extracted from the Group's accounts which have been approved by the Board of Directors. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2002 or 2001. Statutory accounts for 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2002 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts. Their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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