Final Results
R.E.A.Holdings PLC
22 March 2000
Commentary on preliminary results - 1999
Comparison of the 1999 results shown in the accompanying consolidated
profit and loss account with those of the preceding year is complicated
by the fact that the 1998 figures reflected the effects of several
significant corporate transactions implemented by the group during that
year. Identification of the key components of the results and comparison
with 1998 may be facilitated by the following table which summarises the
1999 and 1998 consolidated results before taxation.
1999 1998
£000 £000
Normal profits
Continuing activities 347 887
Discontinued activities - 630
Sale of assets 265 (168)
----- -----
612 1,349
It had always been expected that the 1998 decision to divest most of the
group's former UK businesses and to concentrate increasingly on the
Indonesian oil palm project would mean that group profits would be
marginal for a limited period until the Indonesian operations had reached
a sufficient level of maturity to contribute meaningfully to those
profits. Nevertheless, group profits from continuing activities in 1999
were lower than might have been expected and materially lower than in the
previous year.
This was entirely due to poor results from the agricultural division.
Weak tea prices for most of the year coupled with reduced cropping made
it difficult for the Bangladesh operations to cover costs while, in East
Africa, although crops recovered from the previous year to a record
level, weak sisal prices, reflecting poor demand from the key markets in
the Far East, meant that a loss was sustained.
That the results were not worse than reported was only because of a first
contribution from the Indonesian operations. Production started during
the year and although crops were only harvested from the relatively small
area comprising the first mature plantings, an encouraging initial profit
was made.
Merchanting, following last year's divestments, comprises solely sisal,
abaca and flax trading. Despite the depressed sisal market and difficult
trading conditions generally, the division achieved a satisfactory
Group development
The established policy of divesting non core operations was continued
during 1999. Further residual assets in East Africa were sold, while the
group's net investment in Anglo American Agriculture PLC was reduced by
the repayment of balances due to the group from Anglo American. In the
UK, the group sold the freehold of its former office property in
Southwark Bridge Road, subject to lease back of a minor part of the
property for continued occupation by the merchanting division.
The year saw additional investment in Indonesia as the group and its
partner in the Indonesian project provided the bridge finance necessary
to sustain the project for a limited further period until it becomes self
supporting at its existing stage of development. More funding will be
needed if the project is to be developed further but it is hoped that
such supplemental funding can be secured from external sources.
Net assets
The 1999 balance sheet includes revaluations of all group properties and
estates. As in the past, the net overall revaluation has had set against
it various exchange translation adjustments. These arise mainly from the
impact of currency fluctuations on the translation into sterling of the
local currency values of overseas estates. In revaluing the property in
Indonesia, the directors have made special provision for the remaining
political uncertainties of that country.
An immediate effect of the December 1998 restructuring was the loss to
the group of the former contribution to group profits of the businesses
divested. The replacement of that contribution is principally dependent
upon future revenues from the Indonesian project. It was noted in the
1998 chairman's statement that the directors intended that future
dividend payments by the company (if any) should reflect the extent to
which such revenues materialised.
In line with that intention and having regard to the fact that, in 1999,
with the Indonesian project still largely in a development phase,
revenues from that project were modest, the directors have not declared
and do not recommend the payment of any ordinary dividend in respect of
1999. It remains the intention of the directors to restore ordinary
dividend payments as revenues from the Indonesian project increase.
Consolidated balance sheet 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 1,896 3,021
Investments 11,242 11,578
------ ------
13,138 14,599
Current assets
Stocks 898 1,135
Debtors* 13,906 21,682
Cash 2,565 224
------ ------
17,369 23,041
Creditors up to one year (11,448) (17,202)
------- -------
Net current assets 5,921 5,839
------- -------
Total assets less current 19,059 20,438
Creditors over one year (664) (1,790)
------- -------
Net assets 18,395 18,648
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 14,890 14,889
Share premium account 720 720
Capital redemption reserve 3,240 3,240
Warrants 1,219 1,219
Revaluation reserve 1,860 712
Profit and loss account (3,534) (2,156)
------ ------
Shareholders' funds* 18,395 18,624
Minority interests - 24
------ ------
Total capital employed 18,395 18,648
====== ======
* Debtors include amounts due after one year of £nil (1998 £1,134,000),
and shareholders' funds comprise equity interest of £12,690,000 (1998
£12,919,000) and non-equity interest of £5,705,000 (1998 £5,705,000).
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£000 £000
Continuing 23,899 29,582
Discontinued - 40,885
------ ------
23,899 70,467
Cost of sales (20,781) (61,753)
------ ------
Gross profit 3,118 8,714
Other income and expenses (2,077) (6,663)
------ ------
Group operating profit* 1,041 2,051
Share of operating profit of 1,886 2,196
Disposal of assets and investments 265 (168)
Interest payable - associates (1,724) (1,180)
Interest payable - other (856) (1,550)
------ ------
Profit on ordinary 612 1,349
activities before taxation
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (214) (259)
------ ------
Profit on ordinary activities 398 1,090
after taxation
Minority interests (161) (647)
------ ------
Profit for the financial year 237 443
Dividends, including non-equity (513) (806)
dividends ------ ------
Retained loss for the year (276) (363)
====== ======
(Loss)/earnings per ordinary share
- basic (3.0)p 0.1p
- fully diluted (3.2)p 0.1p
- fully
* Group operating profit comprises £1,041,000 for continuing operations
and £nil for discontinued (1998 £784,000 and £1,267,000).
Total consolidated recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£000 £000
Profit for the financial year 237 443
Currency translation and revaluation 46 595
adjustments ------ ------
283 1,038
====== ======
Consolidated cash flows for the year ended
31 December 1999
1999 1998
£000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating 6,169 1,217
activities ------ ------
Dividends from associates 235 96
------ ------
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance
Interest received 568 477
Interest paid (856) (1,550)
Investment income 2 4
Dividends paid to minority shareholders - (46)
Dividends paid to preference shareholders (559) (438)
----- ------
(845) (1,553)
----- ------
Taxation (183) (265)
----- ------
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (21) (145)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 1,337 237
Sale of investments 108 133
Purchase of investments (70) -
------ ------
1,354 225
------ ------
Acquisitions and disposals
Sale of own shares - 646
Purchase of shares in associated - (934)
Sale of one half of Deundi Tea Company - 1,161
Sale of interests in Willington plc - 1,872
------ ------
- 2,745
------ ------
Equity dividends paid - (321)
------ ------
Management of liquid resources (2,050) -
------ ------
Net repayment of debt up to one year (118) (167)
Net issue/(repayment) of debt over one 315 (209)
Finance lease repayments (118) (639)
Share issue and expenses 1 (14)
------ ------
80 (1,029)
------ ------
Increase in cash 4,760 1,115
====== ======
Notes to the preliminary accounts
Segment information
In the tables below the group's net assets, turnover and profit before
taxation (excluding result of sales of assets) are analysed by
geographical area and by business class. The element of continuing
turnover and profit before taxation (excluding result of sales of assets)
included in total, is separately identified.
Net assets, in the case of the geographical analysis, are allocated to
the area where the main operation of a particular activity is carried out
and where the majority of that activity's assets are situated.
Unallocated items include general group financing and head office costs;
financing which is directly attributable to a particular activity has
been allocated to that activity.
(a) Net assets 1999 1999 1998 1998
Associates Total Associates Total
Net assets - by £m £m £m £m
geographical area
United Kingdom - 6.6 - 5.4
Continental Europe - 0.4 - 0.5
Bangladesh 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.5
Rest of Asia - Indonesia 7.1 7.1 6.6 6.6
America 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.5
Africa 2.0 2.8 2.4 3.1
----- ----- ----- -----
10.6 18.4 10.9 18.6
===== ===== ===== =====
Net assets - by business class
Merchanting - 1.8 - 1.8
Agriculture 10.6 10.6 10.9 11.9
Other activities - 0.4 - 0.4
Unallocated - 5.6 - 4.5
----- ----- ----- -----
10.6 18.4 10.9 18.6
===== ===== ===== =====
(b) Turnover 1998
1999 1998 of which
Total Total continuing
Turnover - by geographical area £m £m £m
United Kingdom 3.3 33.2 2.7
Continental Europe 12.0 18.2 13.0
Bangladesh - 0.8 0.8
Rest of Asia 4.2 6.4 3.9
America 2.6 6.3 4.7
Africa 1.3 5.0 3.9
Australasia 0.5 0.6 0.6
----- ----- -----
23.9 70.5 29.6
===== ===== =====
Turnover - by geographical area,
by origin of transaction
United Kingdom 22.0 66.8 25.9
Continental Europe 1.6 1.9 1.9
Bangladesh - 0.8 0.8
Africa 0.3 1.0 1.0
----- ----- -----
23.9 70.5 29.6
===== ===== =====
Turnover - by business class
Merchanting 22.2 60.6 27.1
Agriculture - 0.8 0.8
Storage - 7.4 -
Other activities 1.7 1.7 1.7
----- ----- -----
23.9 70.5 29.6
===== ===== =====
Notes to preliminary accounts - continued
(c) Profit before taxation excluding sales of assets
1999 1999 1998 1998 of which
Associates Total Associates Total continuing
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Profit - by geographical
area, by origin of
United Kingdom - 183 - 100 (530)
Continental Europe - 48 - 107 107
Bangladesh (58) (58) 157 477 477
Indonesia 157 157 - - -
America 87 87 683 683 683
Africa (24) (70) 176 150 150
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
162 347 1,016 1,517 887
===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Profit - by business class
Merchanting - 369 - 152 251
Agriculture 162 162 1,016 1,186 1,186
Storage - - - 729 -
Other activities - (11) - (106) (106)
Unallocated - (173) - (444) (444)
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
162 347 1,016 1,517 887
===== ===== ===== ===== =====