Final Results
R.E.A.Hldgs PLC
10 April 2001
R.E.A. Holdings plc
10 April 2001
Preliminary Results For The Year Ending 31 December 2000
Commentary on preliminary results - 2000
The profit before taxation for 2000, as shown in the accompanying consolidated
profit and loss account, and the comparative figure for 1999, may be analysed
as shown in the following table
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Normal Profits
Continuing operations 233 347
Discontinued operations (133) -
Sale of assets and investments 524 265
624 612
As may be deduced from the above table, the group was again moderately
successful in 2000 in divesting assets and businesses at a profit but normal
profits from continuing operations represented only a very low return on the
capital deployed in those operations.
This situation was not unexpected given that an ever increasing proportion of
the group's assets is being committed to the oil palm development project in
Indonesia. With that project only beginning to approach maturity, the group
remained, during 2000, largely dependent for its continuing profits upon the
results of its other remaining agricultural businesses and the profit
potential of those businesses is limited. Nevertheless, the results from
continuing operations were a little disappointing with poor prices and
unsatisfactory weather combining to depress the results from Bangladesh, East
Africa and North America being all of the group's established agricultural
Also very disappointing was the fact that growing production from the
Indonesian project (55,000 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches against 18,000 tonnes
in 1999) was accompanied by falling prices for crude palm oil so that the
hoped for increasing contribution from the project to group results failed to
Group development
As already noted, the group continued during 2000 to divest assets and
investments. The main transactions were the sales of much of the remaining
merchanting operations, of almost all of the residual assets in East Africa
(comprising interests in Kenyan development land) and of the UK based wire
rope core manufacturing operation (which was 51 per cent owned).
The sale of the East African residual assets was accompanied by the purchase
of additional shares in REA Vipingo Plantations Limited ('RVP') which,
although contrary to the group's established policy of progressively divesting
non-Indonesian assets, was made to facilitate the sale of the residual assets
and to simplify the group's interests in East Africa. The balance of the
proceeds from the divestments was applied in financing further investment in
the Indonesian project to which the group continued, throughout 2000, to
commit funds.
Net assets
The 2000 balance sheet includes revaluations by the directors of all group
properties and estates. As in the past, the net overall revaluation has been
combined with various exchange translation adjustments. These arise mainly
from the impact of currency fluctuations on the translation into sterling of
the local currency values of overseas estates. In revaluing the property
underlying the Indonesian project, the directors have made special provision
for the present political and economic uncertainties of Indonesia.
The two semi-annual dividends accruing in 2000 on the 9 per cent cumulative
preference shares were paid. No dividends in respect of 2000 have been paid or
are proposed on the ordinary shares.
Fundamental uncertainty
In the audit report in respect of the year ended 31 December 2000, the
auditors have referred to fundamental uncertainty affecting the group in the
following terms:
'Fundamental uncertainty
The group's operations in Indonesia continue to be exposed to adverse
economic, political and social conditions. In forming our opinion we have
considered the adequacy of disclosures made in the accounts concerning the
economic and political situation in Indonesia and its effect on the group.
Although exchange rates and other economic indicators appear to have been
stable during the year, it is not possible to determine the effect that social
unrest, political change or further deterioration in economic conditions may
have on the future values of assets, earnings, profitability or cash flows of
the group. The accounts include the effects of these factors so far as they
can currently be determined and estimated.
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. There remains a
fundamental uncertainty as to the effect on the group's operations of the
economic, political and social conditions in Indonesia.'
Consolidated balance sheet 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets 1,625 1,896
Fixed asset investments 7,394 11,242
9,019 13,138
Current assets
Stocks 35 898
Debtors 8,677 13,906
Cash 4,109 2,565
12,821 17,369
Creditors up to one year (5,201) (11,448)
Net current assets 7,620 5,921
Total assets less current liabilities 16,639 19,059
Creditors over one year (1,100) (664)
Net assets 15,539 18,395
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 14,890 14,890
Share premium account 720 720
Capital redemption reserve 3,240 3,240
Warrants 1,219 1,219
Revaluation reserve (772) 1,860
Profit and loss account (3,778) (3,534)
Shareholders' funds* 15,519 18,395
Minority interests 20 -
Total capital employed 15,539 18,395
* Shareholders' funds comprise equity interest of £9,814,000 (1999
£12,690,000) and non-equity interest of £5,705,000 (1999 £5,705,000).
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Continuing 894 23,899
Discontinued 13,054 -
13,948 23,899
Cost of sales (11,485) (20,781)
Gross profit 2,463 3,118
Other income and expenses (1,278) (2,077)
Group operating profit * 1,185 1,041
Share of operating profit of associates
- continuing 124 1,886
- discontinued (22) -
Disposal of assets and 524 265
investments - discontinued
- associates (547) (1,724)
- group (640) (856)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 624 612
Taxation on ordinary activities 15 (214)
Profit on ordinary activities after 639 398
Minority interests (21) (161)
Profit for the financial year 618 237
Dividends, including non-equity (513) (513)
Retained loss for the year 105 (276)
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share
- basic 1.1p (3.0)p
- fully dilisted 1.1p (3.0)p
* Group operating profit comprises £911,000 for continuing operations and £
274,000 for discontinued (1999 £1,041,000 and £nil) respectively.
Total consolidated recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Profit for the financial year 618 237
Goodwill previously written off on disposals 250 -
Currency translation and revaluation adjustments (3,231) 46
(2,363) 283
Consolidated cash flows for the year ended
31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,007 6,169
Dividends from associates - 235
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 1,541 568
Interest paid (640) (856)
Investment income 14 2
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (40) -
Dividends paid to preference shareholders (513) (559)
362 (845)
Taxation 2 (183)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (29) (21)
Sale of tangible fixed assets - 1,337
Sale of investments 1,008 108
Purchase of investments - (70)
979 1,354
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of shares in associated companies (313) -
Sale of subsidiaries 200 -
Goodwill on sale of a business 300 -
Adjustment of selling price of interests in Willington (53) -
134 -
Equity dividends paid (368) -
Cash inflow before management of liquid resources and 6,116 6,730
Management of liquid resources (1,641) (2,050)
Net repayment of debt up to one year (4,972) (118)
Net issue of debt over one year 575 315
Finance lease repayments (129) (118)
Share issue and expenses - 1
(4,526) 80
Decrease/increase in cash (51) 4,760
Notes to the preliminary accounts
Segment information
In the tables below the group's net assets, turnover and profit before
taxation (excluding result of sales of assets) are analysed by geographical
area and by business class. The element of continuing turnover and profit
before taxation (excluding result of sales of assets) included in total, is
separately identified.
Net assets, in the case of the geographical analysis, are allocated to the
area where the main operation of a particular activity is carried out and
where the majority of that activity's assets are situated. Unallocated items
include general group financing and head office costs; financing which is
directly attributable to a particular activity has been allocated to that
(a) Net assets 2000 2000 1999 1999
Associates Total Associates Total
Net assets - by geographical area £m £m £m £m
United Kingdom - 8.0 - 6.6
Continental Europe - 0.3 - 0.4
Bangladesh 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Indonesia 3.7 3.7 7.1 7.1
America 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
Africa 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.8
7.2 15.5 10.6 18.4
Net assets - by business class
Merchanting - 0.3 - 1.8
Agriculture 7.2 7.2 10.6 10.6
Other activities - - - 0.4
Unallocated - 8.0 - 5.6
7.2 15.5 10.6 18.4
(b) Turnover
2000 2000 1999
Total Of which Total
Turnover - by geographical area £m £m £m
United Kingdom 2.7 0.3 3.3
Continental Europe 5.4 - 12.0
Asia 2.5 0.2 4.2
America 2.0 0.1 2.6
Africa 1.2 0.3 1.3
Australasia 0.1 - 0.5
13.9 0.9 23.9
Turnover - by geographical area, by origin of
United Kingdom 11.1 0.8 22.0
Continental Europe 2.5 - 1.6
Africa 0.3 0.1 0.3
13.9 0.9 23.9
Turnover - by business class
Merchanting 12.1 0.2 22.2
Other activities 1.8 0.7 1.7
13.9 0.9 23.9
Notes to preliminary accounts - continued
(c) Profit before taxation excluding sales of assets
2000 2000 2000
Associates Total of which 1999 1999
£000 £000 continuing Associates Total
£000 £000 £000
Profit - by geographical area,
by origin of transaction
United Kingdom - 493 654 - 183
Continental Europe - 116 - - 48
Bangladesh (1) (1) (1) (58) (58)
Indonesia (129) (129) (129) 157 157
America (122) (122) (92) 87 87
Africa (193) (257) (199) (24) (70)
(445) 100 233 162 347
Profit - by business class
Merchanting - 29 65 - 369
Agriculture (445) (445) (415) 162 162
Other activities - (67) - - (11)
Unallocated - 583 583 - (173)
(445) 100 233 162 347