Interim Report
R.E.A.Hldgs PLC
19 September 2001
LETTER DATED 18 September 2001
At a board meeting held today the directors considered and approved the 2001
Interim Report incorporating the unaudited results for the six months to 30 June
(Registered in England and Wales number 671099)
Interim Report 2001
Interim statement
The results for the half year to 30 June 2001 were considerably influenced by
the several significant corporate transactions agreed during the period. As
previously announced and approved by shareholders, the group's former head
office at 7 Bedford Square was sold together with the group's sisal interests
in East Africa, its fruit farming and viticultural interests in North America
and the residue of its former merchanting activities. These disposals
accounted for the bulk of the surplus on disposal of assets and investments.
The group also concluded agreements for the unconditional sale of half of its
remaining 50 per cent shareholding in Deundi Tea Company Limited and for the
conditional sale of the balance.
Substantially the whole of the continuing operations of the group are now
represented by the interests in the P.T. REA Kaltim Plantations ('REA Kaltim')
oil palm project in East Kalimantan. Yields from those interests continued to
increase and 46,700 tonnes of oil palm fresh fruit bunches were harvested in the
six months to 30 June 2001 as compared with 19,500 tonnes in the same period of
2000. Results, however, were disappointing because of the very low price for
crude palm oil which averaged US$248 per tonne over the period.
The open offer of ordinary shares of April 2001 raised some £1.3 million after
expenses. The subsequent conversion of the former ordinary shares of £1 each
into ordinary shares of 25p each and deferred shares of 75p each and the
cancellation of the resultant deferred shares has had no effect on shareholder
funds because the £6.9 million arising from the cancellation has been credited
to a special reserve. The proceeds of the sales of assets and investments, being
some £5.3 million, have been used to eliminate borrowings and augment the
group's cash resources.
Negotiations for the rescheduling of REA Kaltim's indebtedness are continuing.
The negotiations have not progressed as quickly as might have been hoped as a
result of a lack of consensus between the group and another significant
shareholder in Makassar Investments Limited (the parent company of REA Kaltim)
as to the rescheduling terms that should be agreed. The group believes that it
may be appropriate to support a proposed composition between REA Kaltim and its
loan creditors which it understands may be acceptable to a majority of such
creditors. Pursuant to such composition, capital repayments would be postponed
for several years while interest payments would be reduced for a two year period
to a level equivalent to the cost of inter bank funds and thereafter to a level
that would provide a normal spread (but below the spread that would apply under
existing loan terms).
There has been a welcome increase in the crude palm oil price since 30 June
2001. That coupled with the expected continuing growth in REA Kaltim crops
augurs for better trading in the second half.
Pending a final outcome to the REA Kaltim debt rescheduling negotiations, the
directors find it difficult to project the financing requirement that the
group will face to ensure adequate funding for REA Kaltim. Moreover, the
group has accepted that the first instalment of sale proceeds from the recent
divestment of further shares in Deundi Tea Company Limited be paid slightly
later than originally agreed. In the absence of certainty as to calls on the
group's cash resources, the directors, as previously announced, may feel
constrained to defer payment of the next fixed semi annual dividend on the
company's preference shares due on 31 December 2001.
R M Robinow
18 September 2001
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months to 6 months to Year to
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£000 £000 £200
Continuing 203 272 638
Discontinued 105 11,619 13,310
308 11,891 13,948
Cost of sales (26) (10,254) (11,485)
Gross profit 282 1,637 2,463
Other income and expenses 1 (874) (1,278)
Group operating profit (note 1) 283 763 1,185
Share of operating profit of associates
- continuing (67) 210 254
- discontinued 52 (68) (152)
Disposal of assets & investment - 628 62 524
Interest payable - continuing (note 2) (424) (271) (331)
Interest payable - discontinued (note 2) (120) (401) (856)
Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation 352 295 624
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (13) (19) 15
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 339 276 639
Minority interests (15) (16) (21)
Profit for the period 324 260 618
Dividends, including non-equity dividends (257) (256) (513)
Retained (loss)/profit for the period 67 4 105
Earnings per ordinary share
- basic 0.7p 0.1p 1.1p
- fully diluted 0.7p 0.7p 1.1p
1. Group operating profit
Continuing 237 437 838
Discontinued 46 326 347
2. Interest payable
Associates (404) 255 547
Group (140) 417 640
Consolidated balance sheet 30 June 2001
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets 129 1,805 1,625
Fixed asset investments 3,892 11,188 7,394
4,021 12,993 9,019
Current assets
Stocks - 379 35
Debtors 9,703 12,634 8,677
Cash 4,963 4,396 4,109
14,666 17,409 12,821
Creditors up to one year
Borrowings (623) (7,034) (2,762)
Creditors (1,167) (3,975) (2,439)
(1,790) (11,009) (5,201)
Net current assets 12,876 6,400 7,620
Total assets less current
liabilities 16,897 19,393 16,639
Creditors over one year -
borrowings - (603) (1,100)
Net assets 16,897 18,790 15,539
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 8,812 14,890 14,890
Share premium account 1,178 720 720
Capital redemption reserve 3,240 3,240 3,240
Special reserve 6,888 - -
Warrants 1,218 1,219 1,219
Revaluation reserve (466) 2,000 (772)
Profit and loss account (3,973) (3,280) (3,778)
Shareholders' funds* 16,897 18,789 15,519
Minority interests - 1 20
16,897 18,790 15,539
* Shareholders' funds comprise equity interests of £11,150,000 (30 June 2000
£13,084,000; 31 December 2000 £9,814,000) and non-equity interests of £5,705,000
(30 June 2000 £5,705,000; 31 December 2000 £5,705,000)
Consolidated cash flows
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months to 6 months to Year to
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£000 £000 £000
Group operating profit 283 763 1,185
Interest receivable - (239) (1,541)
Investment income - - (14)
Depreciation 15 86 146
Decrease in stocks 11 521 504
(Increase)/Decrease in debtors (1,941) 1,294 4,675
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (330) 706 45
Exchange (loss)/gain (13) 6 7
Net cash flow from operating activities (1,975) 3,137 5,007
Dividends from associates - (10) -
Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest received - 239 1,541
Interest paid (140) (417) (640)
Investment income - - 14
Dividends paid to minority shareholders - (17) (40)
Dividends paid to preference shareholders (257) (256) (513)
Taxation (1) (11) 2
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (47) (16) (29)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 2,110 44 -
Sale of investments 361 1,008
Acquisition and disposals
Purchase of shares in associated companies - - (313)
Sale of subsidiaries 3,145 - 200
Goodwill on sale of a business - - 300
Adjustment of selling price of interests 41 - (53)
Equity dividends paid - (368) (368)
Cash inflow before management of liquid
resources and financing 2,876 2,686 6,116
Management of liquid resources and financing
Issue of ordinary shares 1,268 - -
Other (4,029) (1,736) (6,167)
115 950 (51)
Reconciliation of movement in net cash/(debt)
Increase in cash in period 115 950 (51)
Cash flow from debt and leases 3,214 110 4,526
Cash flow from management of liquid 764 1,636 1,709
4,093 2,696 6,184
Net cash/(debt) at beginning of period 247 (5,937) (5,937)
Net cash/(debt) at end of period 4,340 (3,241) 247
Notes to the interim statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months to 6 months to Year to
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£000 £000 £000
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
(by business class)
Merchanting - discontinued 45 195 29
Agriculture (all associates)
- continuing (359) 54 (130)
- discontinued (60) (167) (315)
Other activities- discontinued (7) (14) (67)
- continuing 105 165 583
Disposal of assets and investments
- discontinued 628 62 524
352 295 624
Continuing (104) 219 453
Discontinued 456 76 171
352 295 624
Reconciliation of shareholders' funds
Profit for financial period 324 260 618
Dividends (257) (256) (513)
Issue of shares 1,268 - -
Revaluations and foreign exchange translation 43 140 (3,231)
Goodwill previously written off, reinstated - 250 250
1,378 394 (2,876)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of period 15,519 18,395 18,395
Shareholders' funds at end of period 16,897 18,789 15,519
The interim financial information has not been audited and does not constitute
statutory accounts for the purpose of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but
has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the annual
accounts as at 31 December 2000.
The figures for the year ended 31 December 2000 are abridged and have been
extracted from the statutory accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies
on which the auditors issued an unqualified report.
Registered office
Third floor
40-42 Osnaburgh Street
London NW1 3ND