23 August 2010
Queen's Walk Investment Limited (the "Company") today announces that, in accordance with the Prospectus Directive, it published a supplementary prospectus (the "Supplementary Prospectus") to the Prospectus dated 17 August 2010. The Supplementary Prospectus has been published to correct an error set out on page 80 of the Prospectus.
The Supplementary Prospectus will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at:
Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 5HS
The Supplementary Prospectus will also be available shortly for download from the Company's website at www.queenswalkinv.com. and copies will be made available at the Company's registered office at Dorey Court, Admiral Park, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3BG and the offices of Herbert Smith LLP, Exchange House, Primrose Street, EC2A 2HS during working hours and on any business day (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excepted).
For further information:
Queen's Walk Investment Limited Shamez Alibhai +44 (0)20 7031 7450
Liberum Capital (Sponsor, Financial Adviser and Bookrunner) Chris Bowman / Tom Fyson / Richard Bootle Tel: +44 (0)20 3100 2000
M: Communications Caroline Villiers +44 207 920 2321
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This document has been prepared by Queen's Walk Investment Limited ("QWIL") and is the sole responsibility of QWIL. No liability whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) arising directly or indirectly from the use of this document is accepted and no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is or will be made by QWIL, Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP ("Cheyne") or Liberum Capital Limited ("Liberum Capital") or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers, representatives or other agents ("Agents") for any information or any of the opinions contained herein or for any errors, omissions or misstatements. Neither Cheyne or Liberum nor any of their respective Agents makes or has been authorised to make any representation or warranties (express or implied) in relation to QWIL or as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of this document, or any other written or oral statement provided. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of, and no reliance should be placed on any projections, targets, estimates or forecasts contained in this document and nothing in this document is or should be relied on as a promise or representation as to the future.
This document is an advertisement and does not constitute a prospectus or offering memorandum or an offer in respect of any securities and is not intended to provide the basis for any decision in respect of QWIL or other evaluation of any securities of QWIL or any other entity and should not be considered as a recommendation that any investor should subscribe for or purchase any such securities. Neither the issue of this document nor any part of its contents constitutes an offer to sell or invitation to purchase any securities of QWIL or any other entity or any persons holding securities of QWIL and no information set out in this document or referred to in other written or oral information is intended to form the basis of any contract of sale, investment decision or any decision to purchase any securities in it. An investment decision must be made solely on the basis of the Prospectus as amended by the Supplementary Prospectus.
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Liberum Capital, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting for QWIL and no-one else in connection with the potential offering of securities by QWIL and will not be responsible to anyone other than QWIL for providing the protections afforded to customers of Liberum Capital or for providing advice in relation to the offer of securities by QWIL.
By reading this document you will be deemed to have represented, warranted and undertaken for the benefit of QWIL, Cheyne and Liberum Capital and others that (a) you are outside of the United States and are a "Relevant Person" (as defined above), (b) you have read and agree to comply with the contents of this notice, you will keep the information in this document and delivered during any accompanying document and all information about QWIL confidential, and will not reproduce or distribute, in whole or in part, (directly or indirectly) any such information, until such information has been made publicly available and take all reasonable steps to preserve such confidentiality, and (c) you are permitted, in accordance with applicable laws, to receive such information.