Chairman's Statement

Redrow Group PLC 13 October 2000 2000 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 13 OCTOBER 2000 At the Annual General Meeting held today Redrow Chairman, Steve Morgan made the following statement. On the day I hand over the Chairmanship of the Group to Robert Jones it gives me particular pleasure to be able to report that Redrow is continuing to make good progress, which combined with the return of capital recently completed should deliver enhanced earnings growth for shareholders. I believe the housing industry is set for sustainable growth underpinned by economic fundamentals, demographics and increased household formation. The new homes market remains active and steady across the country and we continue to achieve modest increases in selling price across most sites. Although Redrow is achieving the Government target of building approximately 60% of its new homes on brownfield land we continue to be frustrated by delays in the planning system. The delays have resulted in slightly fewer outlets during the first part of the year. However, a number of new sites are now coming on stream and it is pleasing to note that we are achieving a slight increase in the sales rate per outlet compared to last year. Indeed, we have already secured over 50% of our projected legal completions for the current financial year. Despite the ever increasing planning delays the Group has consistently been able to grow both its current and forward land banks. Our land policy has been key in our ability to regularly produce margins and return on capital at the top end of the sector. All anticipated sales for the current financial year are from sites owned and 90% of our target for the following year is on land owned or controlled. 26 years after founding Redrow, I am proud to be leaving at a time when the Group is in excellent shape. During the six years as a public company the Group has achieved a 21% compound growth rate in earnings and a return on capital of 28% in each of the last three years. Redrow has a first class product, a strong land bank and an excellent management team who, I have every confidence, will continue to deliver outstanding results into the future.


Redrow (RDW)
UK 100

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