Redrow plc
25 September 2013
Redrow plc ("Redrow") announces that on 24 September 2013 it granted nil-cost options over the following number of ordinary shares of 10p each in Redrow under the Rules of the Company's Deferred Bonus Plan and under the Long-Term Share Incentive Plan (by reference to a price of 237.5p per share, being the three day trading average share price following Redrow's Prelims Announcement) in respect of the following. No consideration is payable for the grant of such nil-cost options.
Deferred Bonus Plan
J F TUTTE 66,526
G A COPE 36,378
Long-Term Share Incentive Plan
J F TUTTE 166,316
B M RICHMOND 111,579
G A COPE 90,947
Redrow further announces that on 24 September 2013 it granted nil-cost cash options to S P Morgan under Schedule 1 to the Rules of the Long-Term Share Incentive Plan and Schedule 1 of the Rules to the Deferred Bonus Plan over respectively 183,158 and 73,263 phantom shares in Redrow (by reference to a share price of 237.5p as described above). No consideration is payable for the grant of such nil-cost cash options.