Director Shareholding

Reed International PLC Elsevier NV 15 August 2001 Letter to Company Announcements Office Issued on behalf of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV We have today received notification of the following transactions in Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV ordinary shares by a director of Reed International P.L.C., Elsevier NV and Reed Elsevier plc: Exercise of options and other dealings in Reed International and Elsevier shares Date of exercise Director No. of Reed No. of Elsevier NV shares International over which a nil cost shares over which a option has been nil cost option has exercised been exercised 14.08.01 A Prozes 20,169 14,040 The above option, which was part of an option granted to Mr Prozes upon joining Reed Elsevier, was satisfied by the transfer of shares from the Reed Elsevier Employee Benefit Trust ('the Trust'). The Trust is a discretionary employee benefit trust which is operated in conjunction with Reed Elsevier's share option schemes, and which provides for the transfer of shares to employees on the exercise of options granted under the said schemes. Executive directors of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV are, for technical disclosure purposes, deemed to be interested in the shares held by the Trust, by virtue of being potential beneficiaries under the Trust. Following the above transaction, the disclosable interests of Mr Prozes and the Trust are as follows: Mr Prozes: Reed International P.L.C. shares Elsevier NV shares 43,329 30,360 The Trust: Reed International P.L.C. shares Elsevier NV shares 537,924 283,442 Letter from Reed Elsevier PLC


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