Directors' Dealings

Reed International PLC Elsevier NV 29 February 2000 LETTER TO COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE We are writing to advise you that we have today received notification from Hill Samuel Offshore Trust Company Limited, the Trustees of the Reed Elsevier Employee Benefit Trust ('the Trust'), that they sold on Friday 25 February 2000 13,861 ordinary shares in Reed International P.L.C. at a price of 505p per share. The transaction took place in order to meet the exercise of a share option by an employee of Reed Elsevier. Following this transaction, the Trust now holds 604,929 ordinary shares in Reed International P.L.C. and 320,000 ordinary shares in Elsevier NV. The Trust is a discretionary employee benefit trust which is operated in conjunction with Reed Elsevier's share option schemes, and which provides for the transfer of shares to employees on the exercise of options granted under the said schemes. Executive directors of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV are, for disclosure purposes, deemed to be interested in all the shares referred to above. From: L Dixon (Deputy Secretary)


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