
Reed International PLC Elsevier NV 19 June 2000 Issued on behalf of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV 11/00 REED ELSEVIER, MATTHEW BENDER SUCCESSFUL IN LAWSUITS AGAINST JURISLINE Final resolution to litigation dismisses all of Jurisline's claims, declares Reed Elsevier licence agreements to be valid and enforceable Reed Elsevier plc announced today that the two lawsuits between its US subsidiaries, Reed Elsevier Inc. and Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., and LLC have ended successfully for Reed Elsevier Inc. and Matthew Bender. In the New York State court, final judgement was entered against Jurisline on Matthew Bender's claims of breach of contract. In the US Federal court, Jurisline's antitrust, copyright and Lanham Act claims against Reed Elsevier Inc. were dismissed with prejudice. Both judgements were entered with Jurisline's consent. The resolution of all claims follows an earlier decisive ruling by the Federal court that Matthew Bender's state law claims were not preempted by the US Copyright Act. The final judgement entered in State court in favour of Matthew Bender: * declares that the licence agreements under which Reed Elsevier Inc. and Matthew Bender license case law and statutory materials are valid and enforceable; * directs Jurisline to delete from its web site and storage media all the material that they obtained under licence from Matthew Bender and its predecessor, and requires Jurisline to cease and desist from providing to any third parties the content licensed from Matthew Bender and Reed Elsevier Inc.; * compels Jurisline to return to Matthew Bender all of the licensed CD-ROMs and copies thereof in its possession; * prohibits Jurisline from using the LEXIS databases except as may be authorised in writing by either Matthew Bender or Reed Elsevier Inc.; and * requires the immediate transfer by Jurisline to Reed Elsevier Inc. of 48 domain names. The final resolution in federal court dismisses with prejudice Jurisline's claims that Reed Elsevier Inc. violated antitrust laws and that the LEXIS database could be copied without violating the rights of Reed Elsevier Inc. and Matthew Bender. In remanding the State court action to New York State court, the Federal court had previously ruled that Matthew Bender's state law claims are not preempted by the Copyright Act. The order of dismissal with prejudice means that Jurisline cannot raise these claims again in Federal court against Reed Elsevier Inc. Henry Horbaczewski, Reed Elsevier Inc. General Counsel, said: 'When these suits were commenced, we said that we expected the litigation to confirm that those who contract to obtain our information services are bound by their contractual obligations. That is exactly what has happened. The final resolution of this litigation is a complete vindication of our business practices, and a total rejection of Jurisline's.' Stephen Kaye, Senior Partner of Proskauer Rose LLP, attorneys for Reed Elsevier Inc. and Matthew Bender, said: 'Perhaps the most noteworthy of the many significant features of the successful termination of this litigation is the Federal court's decision that the LEXIS subscriber agreements are not preempted by federal copyright law. These agreements, which specify and limit the permissible uses of the LEXIS databases of court opinions and statutes, are therefore confirmed as valid and enforceable.' Information, contacts: Susanna Smart - +44 (0)20 7227 5670 Diana Nelson - +1 212.333.3810


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