SAR 3 - Renew Holdings Plc formerly Montpellier...

FORM SAR 3 DISCLOSURE OF ACQUISITIONS (Rule 3 of The Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares) Name of acquirer ANGLO IRISH TRUST COMPANY LIMITED NAC 5002 Beneficial owner, if ANGLO IRISH TRUST COMPANY LIMITED AS different from above TRUSTEE OF THE OG MCLAUGHLIN SETTLEMENTS Names of any other persons acting by agreement or N/A understanding (see SAR 5) Company dealt in MONTPELLIER GROUP PLC Class of voting shares (eg ORDINARY SHARES OF 10P EACH ordinary shares) Date of acquisition 09/01/2006 Number of shares acquired 10,000,000 Number of rights over shares acquired # N/A Nature of rights over shares N/A Total holding of voting 10,000,000 16.69% shares (and percentage of total voting shares in issue) Total holding of rights over N/A shares (and percentage of total voting shares in issue) Combined total holding (and 10,000,000 16.69% percentage) of voting shares and rights over shares Date of disclosure 13/01/06 Contact name KERRY TASKER Telephone number 01624 699042 #See the definition of "rights over shares" in the Definitions Section of the SARs. For details of the SARs disclosure requirements, see SARs 3 and 5 and their Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at
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