Proposed issue of securities
Update Summary
Update to previous announcement
The retail entitlement offer that was the subject of the Appendix 3B lodged on 10 November 2022 will now be partially underwritten up to approximately 68 million (an increase from the previously disclosed figure of 43 million). The underwritten component of the total equity raising announced on 10 November 2022 will increase from approximately 140 million to approximately 164 million.
Refer to next page for full details of the announcement
Part 1 - Entity and announcement details
We (the entity named above) give ASX the following information about a proposed issue of +securities and, if ASX agrees to +quote any of the +securities (including any rights) on a +deferred settlement basis, we agree to the matters set out in Appendix 3B of the ASX Listing Rules.
If the +securities are being offered under a +disclosure document or +PDS and are intended to be quoted on ASX, we also apply for quotation of all of the +securities that may be issued under the +disclosure document or +PDS on the terms set out in Appendix 2A of the ASX Listing Rules (on the understanding that once the final number of +securities issued under the +disclosure document or +PDS is known, in accordance with Listing Rule 3.10.3C, we will complete and lodge with ASX an Appendix 2A online form notifying ASX of their issue and applying for their quotation).
Update/amendment to previous announcement
The retail entitlement offer that was the subject of the Appendix 3B lodged on 10 November 2022 will now be partially underwritten up to approximately 68 million (an increase from the previously disclosed figure of 43 million). The underwritten component of the total equity raising announced on 10 November 2022 will increase from approximately 140 million to approximately 164 million.
1.4 b Date of previous announcement to this update
An accelerated offer
Accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (commonly known as a JUMBO or ANREO)
Part 3 - Details of proposed entitlement offer issue
Part 3A - Conditions
Part 3B - Offer details
ASX +security code and description
Existing class
+security include an offer of attaching +securities?
Details of +securities proposed to be issued
ISIN Code for the entitlement or right to participate in the offer (if Issuer is foreign company and +securities are non CDIs)
Offer ratio (ratio to existing holdings at which the proposed +securities will be issued) Has the offer ratio been determined?
to be issued
Fractions rounded up to the next whole number
A more exact number has now been determined.
Offer price details for retail security holders
Has the offer price for the retail offer been determined?
AUD - Australian Dollar
AUD 0.16000
Has the offer price for the institutional offer been determined?
AUD - Australian Dollar
AUD 0.16000
Will individual +security holders be permitted to apply for more than their entitlement (i.e. to over-subscribe)?
The REO includes an Oversubscription Facility, where eligible retail shareholders, who take up all of their entitlement and arent a related party of Resolute, may apply for additional new shares (in excess of their pro-rata entitlement) for an amount up to 50% of that shareholders entitlement. Further details will be set out in the retail offer booklet, which will be provided to all eligible retail shareholders and lodged with ASX on Thursday, 17 November 2022.
Will a scale back be applied if the offer is over-subscribed?
Resolute will scale back applications for additional new shares in its absolute discretion, having regard to the pro-rata entitlement of eligible retail shareholders who apply for additional new shares.
Will these +securities rank equally in all respects from their issue date with the existing issued +securities in that class?
Part 3D - Timetable
(The announcement should be made before the resumption of trading following the trading halt)
Part 3E - Fees and expenses
Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited (ACN 075 071 466) and Sprott Capital Partners LP (Joint Lead Managers) in their agreed respective proportions (being Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited as to 50% and Sprott Capital Partners LP as to 50%) (Respective Proportions).
Euroz Hartleys Limited (Euroz) and Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG, London Branch (Berenberg) are co-managers (Co- Managers).
The Joint Lead Managers will receive a management and arranging fee equal to 1% (excluding GST) of the proceeds of the institutional component of the Entitlement Offer (Institutional Entitlement Offer) and 1% (excluding GST) of the proceeds of the underwritten portion of the retail component of the Entitlement Offer (being approximately A$43 million)(Underwritten Retail Entitlement Offer) in their Respective Proportions (Entitlement Offer Management Fee).
Resolute may, in its sole and absolute discretion, pay the Joint Lead Managers an incentive fee of up to 0.5% of the proceeds of the Entitlement Offer in their Respective Proportion.
The Joint Lead Managers are responsible for paying the fees of the Co-Managers.
3E.2 Is the proposed offer to be underwritten?
Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited (ACN 075 071 466) and Sprott Capital Partners LP
The Entitlement Offer is partially underwritten.
The Institutional Entitlement Offer is fully underwritten and will raise approximately A$56 million.
The retail component of the Entitlement Offer is partially underwritten and comprises the Underwritten Retail Entitlement Offer of approximately A$68 million and a non-underwritten component to raise up to approximately A$36 million.
The Joint Lead Managers will receive an underwriting fee equal to 3% (excluding GST) of the proceeds from the Institutional Entitlement Offer and the Underwritten Retail Entitlement Offer
Please see Summary of the Underwriting Agreement in Resolutes Investor Presentation dated 10 November 2022. This includes a summary of the significant events that could lead to the Underwriting Agreement being terminated.
3E.2e Is a party referred to in listing rule 10.11 underwriting or sub-underwriting the proposed offer?
Treadstone Resource Partners, Resolute¿s independent corporate advisor, will receive an advisory fee equal to 0.5% of the proceeds raised under the Placement and Entitlement Offer. The advisory fee is capped at US$350,000.
Resolute may, in its sole and absolute discretion, pay Treadstone Resource Partners an incentive fee of up to US$50,000. Standard share registry, legal and other external adviser fees and ASX administrative fees.
Part 3F - Further Information
For additional working capital and to fund the retirement of debt - please refer to the Investor Presentation as announced to ASX on 10 November 2022 for further details.
3F.2 Will holdings on different registers or subregisters be aggregated for the purposes of determining entitlements to the issue?
Institutional - Aus,NZ,Bermuda,Canada (BC, Ont and Quebec only),Cayman Islands,EU,HK,Liechtenstein,Mauritius,Monaco,Norway,SG,Switzerland,UK + ltd private placement to US eligible institutional shareholders. Retail - Aus, NZ & Bermuda.
3F.5 Will the offer be made to eligible beneficiaries on whose behalf eligible nominees or custodians hold existing
The Entitlement Offer is not available to nominees and custodians whose beneficiaries, on whose behalf they hold existing shares, would not satisfy the criteria for an eligible shareholder.
3F.8 Will the offer of rights under the rights issue be made under a disclosure document or product disclosure statement under Chapter 6D or Part 7.9 of the Corporations Act (as applicable)?
The publication of a cleansing notice under section 708A(5), 708AA(2)(f), 1012DA(5) or 1012DAA(2)(f)