Interim Results

City Centre Restaurants PLC 18 September 2001 City Centre Restaurants plc Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 2001 City Centre Restaurants plc, operates 296 branded restaurants across the UK. Its portfolio of brands includes Garfunkels, Frankie and Benny's, Caffe Uno, Est Est Est, Wok Wok, Chiquito's and Deep Pan Pizza which is being sold.. Financials Half year ended Half year ended % Change 30 June 2001 30 June 2000 £m £m Turnover 109.2 103.1 +6% EBITDA * 14.2 13.5 +5% Operating profit * 7.6 6.9 +10% Profit before tax * 5.5 5.2 +6% Dividends per share 0.75p 0.75p - Adjusted earnings per share * 2.15p 2.05p +5% * Adjusted figures are stated before exceptional items and losses on property disposals o Strong trading from Frankie & Benny's and Airport locations o Caffe Uno and Est Est Est recovering during the period o 49 Deep Pan Pizza restaurants sold o Benefits of management action earlier in the year now showing through in results o The Group continues to be focused on creating a 'core' portfolio of performing brands o Board and brand management reviewed and restructured o Group well placed at the value end of the market in challenging market conditions o Foundation laid and actions taken to continue to restore shareholder value Alan Jackson, Chairman, said: 'Much has been achieved over the past few months to position the Group's brands for growth. The Board is resolved only to focus on the brands with the most potential. We have agreed to sell Deep Pan Pizza in the first phase of our disposal programme and as a whole the Group is in much better shape both operationally and financially.' 18 September 2001 ENQUIRIES: City Centre Restaurants plc Tel: 020 7747 7750 Alan Jackson, Executive Chairman Andrew Guy, Chief Executive Andrew Page, Finance Director College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020 Matthew Smallwood Justine Warren City Centre Restaurants plc Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2001 Chairman's Statement The period under review has seen some of the benefits of changes implemented as a result of the restructuring within the business. The Group has developed a renewed focus on delivering to our customers the value proposition upon which its brands built their reputations. In the strategic review, which the Group commenced at the end of last year, management committed to refocus on a reduced number of brands commencing with the disposal of Deep Pan Pizza and OK Diners which have now been effected. The Group will continue to make disposals and to operate the brands that offer the best prospects and return on investment. Market conditions have been mixed across our brand portfolio during the first half, demonstrating the benefit of offering a broad range of styles in the high street, airports, leisure parks and Central London. Results * Turnover was 6% ahead at £109.2m (2000: £103.1m). Adjusted operating profit increased by 10% to £7.6m (2000: £6.9m) with adjusted operating margins maintained at 7% (2000: 7%). Adjusted profit before tax increased by 6% to £ 5.5m (2000: £5.2m). Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), a measure of the Group's cash generative capacity, increased by 5% from £13.5m to £14.2m. Adjusted earnings per share was 2.15p against 2.05p on the same basis in 2000, an increase of 5%. The basic loss per share was (3.8p) (2000 basic earnings per share : 1.97p) Exceptional Costs The results in the period have been impacted by a number of one-off exceptional items arising due to the considerable restructuring within certain brands (the costs of which were £1.1m) together with a more prudent view of the carrying value of certain assets, in particular those employed in the Wok Wok brand. Consequently, an impairment provision of £5.3m has been made against the carrying value of this business. Additionally, a reassessment of the economic life of certain of the Group's fixed assets has resulted in an additional depreciation charge of £0.1m during the first half, which is separately identified as an exceptional item. We anticipate a similar level of additional depreciation in the second half. We have also reviewed anticipated commitments in respect of our obligations on properties that are closed awaiting subletting / assignment or are subject to leases with onerous terms. The Board has determined that it is appropriate to make a provision in respect of estimated liabilities relating to these non-core properties and this is reflected in an exceptional charge of £3.0m. *Adjusted figures are stated before exceptional items and losses on property disposals. As the Group continues to review its businesses and structure it is likely that a further exceptional restructuring cost of £0.2-0.3m will be incurred in the second half of the year. Interim Dividend The Directors have declared a maintained interim dividend of 0.75p per share (2000: 0.75p per share) to be paid on 31 October 2001 to shareholders on the register on 28 September 2001. Operations DEVELOPING BRANDS: Total Turnover: £55.2m Profit: £8.6m Operating Margin: 15.6% Frankie & Benny's Turnover: £24.2m Increase/(decrease) in profit: +13.5%+13.5% Like for like sales: +5.0% One new restaurant opened during the period, to bring the total to 61 units for this brand. On both an underlying basis and from the new restaurant opening, we have seen a continued excellent performance which justifies our ongoing roll-out of this brand. Since the period end, two new restaurants have opened (Lincoln and Alcabendos, Spain) and we expect to open five more Frankie & Benny's restaurants in the second half. This is an extremely well-managed brand and an excellent concept which continues to deliver an exemplary performance. Caffe Uno Turnover: £21.0m Increase/(decrease) in profit: (0.5%) Like for like sales: (2.0%) The Group currently operates 70 restaurants under this brand, two of which were new openings during the period under review. One was converted to another brand. Although like for likes fell 2.0% for the period as a whole, these have now started to recover and in June like for like sales were 2.0% ahead. Est Est Est Turnover: £10.0m Increase/(decrease) in profit: (10.9%) Like for like sales: (7.0%) 22 restaurants trade under this brand. The extensive changes that were implemented in the last quarter of 2000 and the first quarter of 2001, including injecting new management and initiating a return to the original successful format has enabled trading at this brand to be stabilised. Although like for like sales were 7.0% down as a whole there are recent signs that previous levels of trade are returning. DEVELOPED BRANDS: Total Turnover: £38.4m Profit: £5.3m Operating Margin: 13.8% Garfunkel's & Airport Restaurants Turnover: £25.2m Increase/(decrease) in profit: (4.5%) Like for like sales: +0.6% The Group continues to operate 51 restaurants under this brand, 22 of which are situated at UK airport locations. The majority of the non airport locations are based in Central London and are largely dependent upon tourist and walk-by trade. It has been well publicised that the London restaurant market and the tourist trade have been affected by external factors over recent months. However, the strength of this brand is clearly demonstrated by turnover being maintained at last year's levels. By contrast, the airport restaurants outperformed even our best expectations. This pattern has continued since the end of the period. Chiquito's Turnover: £13.2m Increase/(decrease) in profit: +11.7% Like for like sales: +7.0% Chiquito's currently operates 27 Mexican restaurants and has benefited from the refurbishment of the flagship restaurant in Leicester Square, which is included in the like for like statistics quoted above. Since it reopened in April 2000, this restaurant has performed very well, with the rest of the brand holding its own. NON-CORE BRANDS: Total Turnover: £15.5m Loss: £0.3m Operating Margin: (1.7%) Wok Wok Turnover: £4.4m Increase/(decrease) in profit: (87.7%) Like for like sales: (12.0%) Trading at this brand continues to be disappointing despite simplifying the operation and introducing new management. Although improvement is evident in some of the units, we do not anticipate a return to the level of profits achieved in 2000 during the current year. The Board is currently considering the benefits to shareholders of withdrawing from this business. Deep Pan Pizza Turnover: £11.1m Increase/(decrease) in profit: N/A Like for like sales: + 4.0% Recently, the Group exchanged contracts to sell 49 of the 54 remaining Deep Pan Pizza restaurants with completion due in December 2001. The consideration is £4.0m, £1.0m of which is payable in cash upon completion. The remaining five restaurants are in various stages of negotiation for disposal. The Board The last few months has seen significant change to the composition of the Group's Board. I joined the Group as Chairman on 20 March. Henry King and Michael Williams-Jones retired from the Board at the AGM in June. John Wittich stepped down from the role of Finance Director in May and we are pleased to welcome Andrew Page who joined the Group as Finance Director in June. We have further strengthened the Board through the appointment of Andrew Thomas as a Non Executive Director. Subsequent to the half year end Ian Hannah joined the Board in the same capacity. Both of our new Non Executives Directors bring a vast wealth of experience of our sector and I am delighted that they have chosen to join the company. Strategy It is the Group's intention to continue to reduce the number of brands it operates so that the Group emerges with a portfolio of core, growth brands. The Group will only expand the brands that are performing well and have potential. Current Trading & Future Prospects Whilst current market conditions are uncertain, the Company is in better operational and financial health and we committed to achieving our targets. We will continue to dispose of underperforming brands and as the Group reduces in size, management will be able to focus its time more effectively in extracting the maximum potential from our best brands. City Centre's brands are positioned at the value end of the spectrum and therefore are not as exposed to a weakening economy as high spend per head operations. City Centre has some excellent brands with much potential, it is our task now to maximise their performance and to further restore shareholder value. Alan Jackson Executive Chairman City Centre Restaurants plc DISCLOSURE OF RESULTS Half year ended 30 June 2001 Turnover EBITDA EBITDA Profit Margin £'000 £'000 % £'000 % Developing Brands 55,244 11,904 21.5% 8,609 15.6% Developed Brands 38,445 7,509 19.5% 5,297 13.8% Principal Trading Brands 93,689 19,413 20.7% 13,906 14.8% Deep Pan Pizza 11,102 -24 -0.2% -309 -2.8% Wok Wok 4,445 424 9.5% 51 1.1% OK Diners - - - - - Non core Brands 15,547 400 2.6% -258 -1.7% Total 109,236 19,813 18.1% 13,648 12.5% Pre-opening costs -34 -0.0% -34 -0.0% Administration -5,632 -5.2% -6,002 -5.5% EBITDA/ 14,147 13.0% 7,612 7.0% Operating profit * Half year ended 30 June 2000 Turnover EBITDA EBITDA Profit Margin £'000 £'000 % £'000 % Developing Brands 50,861 11,186 22.0% 8,274 16.3% Developed Brands 35,943 7,330 20.4% 5,320 14.8% Principal Trading Brands 86,804 18,516 21.3% 13,594 15.7% Deep Pan Pizza 11,366 223 2.0% -661 -5.8% Wok Wok 3,791 659 17.4% 414 10.9% OK Diners 1,179 137 11.6% 13 1.1% Non core Brands 16,336 1,019 6.2% -234 -1.4% Total 103,140 19,535 18.9% 13,360 13.0% Pre-opening costs -748 -0.7% -748 -0.7% Administration -5,313 -5.2% -5,686 -5.5% EBITDA/ 13,474 13.1% 6,926 6.7% Operating profit * * EBITDA/operating profit is stated before exceptional costs City Centre Restaurants plc GROUP PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 3O JUNE 2001 Half year ended 30 June 2001 Half Year ended Before year ended 31 Exceptional Exceptional 30 June December items items Total 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 109,236 109,236 103,140 217,608 Cost of sales: Excluding pre-opening costs and exceptional items (95,588) (95,588) (89,780) (186,001) Pre-opening costs (34) (34) (748) (982) Provision for diminution in value of tangible fixed assets (5,253) (5,253) - (19,975) Provision in respect of property liabilities (note 2) (3,102) (3,102) (95,622) (8,355) (103,977) (90,528) (206,958) Gross Profit 13,614 (8,355) 5,259 12,612 10,650 Administrative expenses: Excluding exceptional items (6,002) (6,002) (5,686) (10,883) Exceptional items (note 3) (1,076) (1,076) - (1,147) (6,002) (1,076) (7,078) (5,686) (12,030) Operating Profit/(Loss) 7,612 (9,431) (1,819) 6,926 (1,380) (Loss) and provision for loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets (2,335) (2,335) (150) (459) Interest payable (net) (2,107) (2,107) (1,721) (3,768) Profit/(loss) on Ordinary Activities before Taxation 5,505 (11,766) (6,261) 5,055 (5,607) Tax on profit/ (loss) on ordinary activities (note 4) (1,332) 267 (1,065) (1,220) (3,187) Profit/(loss) on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 4,173 (11,499) (7,326) 3,835 (8,794) Retained earnings brought forward 6,883 22,303 22,303 Dividends (note 5) (1,457) (1,457) (6,626) Retained (Loss)/ Profit carried forward (1,900) 24,681 6,883 Earnings/(loss) per Share (note 6) Basic (loss)/ Earnings per share (3.77)p 1.97p (4.53)p Adjusted basic earnings per share 2.15p 2.05p 6.26p Diluted (loss)/ Earnings per share (3.77)p 1.97p (4.53)p Adjusted diluted earnings per share 2.14p 2.05p 6.26p All amounts relate to continuing activities. There were no recognised Gains or Losses other than the profit for the period Half Half Year ended year ended year ended 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds Total recognised gains and losses for the period (7,326) 3,835 (8,794) Dividends (1,457) (1,457) (6,626) Total movements during the period (8,783) 2,378 (15,420) Shareholders' funds at the beginning of the period 65,651 81,071 81,071 Shareholders' funds at the end of the period 56,868 83,449 65,651 City Centre Restaurants plc GROUP BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2001 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £000s £000s £000s FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 150,798 174,766 158,505 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 2,134 2,130 2,634 Debtors 13,041 10,752 8,428 Cash at Bank and in hand 3,187 240 5,116 18,362 13,122 16,178 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (43,312) (68,049) (42,704) NET CURRENT LIABILITIES (24,950) (54,927) (26,526) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 125,848 119,839 131,979 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after one year (60,985) (31,641) (61,313) PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Deferred tax (5,015) (4,749) (5,015) Property provision (note 2) (2,980) - - 56,868 83,449 65,651 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 48,576 48,576 48,576 Share premium account 10,192 10,192 10,192 Profit and loss account (1,900) 24,681 6,883 56,868 83,449 65,651 City Centre Restaurants plc GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Group Statement of Cash Flows Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net Cash Inflow from Operating 11,788 15,234 32,537 Activities (note 1) Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance Interest received 34 5 65 Interest paid (2,141) (1,726) (3,833) Net Cash Outflow from Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance (2,107) (1,721) (3,768) Taxation Corporation tax paid (690) (118) (3,277) Capital Expenditure Payments to acquire tangible fixed (6,841) (19,329) (32,679) assets Receipts from sales of tangible fixed 1,418 705 394 assets Net Cash Outflow for Capital (5,423) (18,624) (32,285) Expenditure Acquisitions and Disposals Payment and expenses paid for the acquisition of the minority interest in Est Est - (2,038) (2,038) Est Group (2,038) (2,038) Equity Dividends paid (5,169) (5,168) (6,626) Cash Outflow before Financing (1,601) (12,435) (15,457) Financing New loans received - - 30,000 Loans repaid (328) (329) (657) (328) (329) 29,343 (Decrease)/Increase in Cash in the (1,929) (12,764) 13,886 period City Centre Restaurants plc NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Notes to the Accounts 1.Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit (1,819) 6,926 (1,380) Exceptional item ( provision for diminution in ) (value of tangible fixed assets) 5,253 - 19,975 Exceptional item (provision in respect 2,980 - of non-core units) Depreciation 6,535 6,548 13,464 Exceptional depreciation 122 Decrease/(Increase) in stocks 500 289 (215) (Increase) in debtors (4,613) (2,758) (175) Increase in creditors 2,830 4,229 868 Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 11,788 15,234 32,537 2.Provision in respect of property liabilities Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Provision in respect of non-core units 2,980 - - Exceptional depreciation following the revision of the economic life of certain assets 122 - - 3,102 - - 3.Analysis of exceptional administrative costs Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Redundancy and restructuring costs 1,076 - 1,147 The above exceptional charge relates to costs incurred following management's strategic review of the Group 4.Taxation The taxation charge has been calculated by reference to the net profit for the period. The effective tax rate is less than the standard rate of corporation tax because full provision has not been made for deferred tax. 5. Dividend The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.75p (2000: 0.75p) per share which will be paid on 31October 2001 to Ordinary Shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 28 September 2001. 6. Earnings/(loss) per share The calculation of basic (loss)/earnings per share, is based on the profit after taxation and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period (six months ended 30 June 2001: 194,301,732 shares; six months ended 30 June 2000: 194,301,732 shares and year ended 31 December 2000: 194,301,732 shares). Adjusted basic earnings per share represents the basic earnings/(loss) per share, calculated as set out above, as adjusted for the effect of the exceptional items and loss and provision for loss on the disposal of tangible fixed assets. The calculation of diluted (loss)/earnings per share is based on 194,552,997 shares (six months ended 30 June 2000: 194,328,919 shares and year ended 31 December 2000: 194,301,732 shares). Adjusted diluted earnings per share represents the diluted (loss)/earnings per share, calculated as set out above, as adjusted for the effect of the exceptional items and loss and provision for loss on the disposal of tangible fixed assets. 7.Reconciliation of Changes in Cash to the Movement in Net (Debt)/Funds Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 30 June 30 June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At the beginning (56,853) (41,396) (41,396) of the period Movements during the period: New loans drawn - (30,000) down Loans repaid 328 329 657 Cash (1,929) (12,764) 13,886 (outflow)/inflow At the end of the (58,454) (53,831) (56,853) period Represented by: At the Cash Flow Other At the beginning Movements Movements end of the during the during the of the period period period period £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and 5,116 -1,929 - 3,187 in hand Bank loan due (656) 328 (328) (656) within one year Bank loans due (61,313) 0 328 (60,985) after one year (56,853) (1,601) - (58,454) Interim Financial Statements The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2000 statutory accounts. The statements were approved by a duly appointed committee of the Board of Directors on 17 September 2001 and are unaudited. The auditors have carried out a review and their report is set out below. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been extracted from the statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The former auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO City Centre Restaurants plc Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2001 on pages 7 to 14. We have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 June 2001. BDO Stoy Hayward London 17 September 2001 Copies of this report will be sent to all shareholders and further copies of this report and the Annual Report 2000 are available from the Company Secretary at 56/62 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1DE (Telephone: 020 7630 2800).
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