Final Results

Ricardo PLC 23 September 2002 23 September 2002 Ricardo plc Preliminary Results for the twelve months ended 30 June 2002 HIGHLIGHTS Ricardo plc is the UK's leading independent automotive consultancy, employing over 1,400 people with technical centres in the UK, USA, Germany and the Czech Republic. The company's client list includes the world's major OEMs. Ricardo is a constituent of the FTSE techMark 100. • Record results for fifth consecutive year • Profit before tax up 10.3% to £16.7m (2001: £15.1m) • Basic earnings per share up 12.2% to 24.9p (2001: 22.2p) • Order book up 6% to £62m (2001: £58.5m) • Dividend up 10.3% to 8.6p (2001: 7.8p) • Strong balance sheet and cash generation - net cash of £19.9m (2001: £1.3m) Commenting on the results, Rodney Westhead, Chief Executive said: 'This has been another good year for Ricardo. Although the automotive industry remains challenging, Ricardo has achieved its fifth consecutive year of record results. The company has a strong balance sheet with net cash of £19.9m and whilst increased pension and insurance charges will have an impact, nonetheless the Board remains confident of continued progress in the current financial year.' Further enquiries: Ricardo plc Rodney Westhead, Chief Executive (today) 020 7554 1400 Andrew Goodburn, Finance Director (thereafter) 01273 455611 Gavin Anderson & Company Laura Hickman/Charlotte Stone 020 7554 1400 Website: CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Annual results and dividend Profit before tax was £16.7m compared with £15.1m last year. Turnover increased to £143.2m from £139.9m. Earnings per share increased by 12.2% to 24.9p from 22.2p. Continued application of good cash management practices produced a net cash inflow of £16.8m, which translates into net cash balances of £19.9m at the end of the year. Your Board is recommending an increase in total dividend of 10.3% to 8.6p per share, compared with 7.8p last year. This dividend is covered 2.9 times compared to 2.8 times in 2001. Review of the year During the past year, despite the problems of the world economy and the reaction to and aftermath from 11 September, Ricardo has continued to develop its position as one of the leading players in the international automotive industry. Our commitment to the provision of the highest quality consultancy services to this industry has enabled us to achieve record profits for the fifth consecutive year. All divisions have contributed to this success. In particular, the transmissions business Ricardo Driveline and Transmission Systems (RDTS) had an outstanding year. Despite the fact that a part of this business was transferred to Ricardo Vehicle Engineering (RVE) when that division was formed in 2001, its response has been to grow its core transmissions business to more than offset the transfer. RDTS once again supported the Audi team at Le Mans, where those cars fitted with Ricardo transmissions won first and second place for the third year running. Shortly after the end of the year we acquired the business and assets of Gemini Transmissions Limited, a specialist transmissions company located not far from Leamington, which is equipped with many of the machine tools we require for the support of our consultancy services and development of motor sport interests. Despite the pressures evident in the market place, RVE made a promising start achieving an encouraging turnover and profit in its first year of autonomy. Both Ricardo Consulting Engineers (RCE) at Shoreham and Ricardo North America (Rinc) conducted their businesses in markets where pressure on margins was significant. This was promptly tackled by reducing costs and continually improving our own internal efficiencies. We remain confident about the long term opportunities in both these subsidiaries and in September 2001 authorised the landlord to build an extension to our facilities in Detroit to more efficiently respond to those demands in the future. Strategy Whilst adhering to the strategy of providing engineering consultancy services to the automotive industry, which has served us well in recent years, we have decided to extend the consultancy service we offer to our clients to encompass several of the strategic issues which our customers encounter. We have recruited Stephen Parker, a senior, well respected individual from the industry, and given him a remit to develop a capacity to provide strategic consulting alongside the company's existing technology based activity. He joined the Board on 1 August 2002. Alongside our core consultancy business we have continued to benefit from the policy, which I mentioned last year, of exploiting some of the intellectual property we have developed in recent years. People Our business is a people business and the company is fortunate to have such a competent and committed staff. Once again I thank them all for the contribution they have made. Prospects & outlook In the current financial year we are making a significant investment in setting up a strategic consulting business and integrating Gemini. Whilst our cost base is directly impacted by an increased pension charge, our business continues to grow and we face the future with confidence. CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW Ricardo market place I am pleased to report record results for the fifth consecutive year in an ever tougher market place. Recession in the United States and Germany has led to a very competitive environment with all of our customers striving to reduce their costs. Despite these pressures we enter the new financial year with a record order book. The overall mix of our order book continues to change, reflecting a move away from testing to increasing volumes of engineering design consultancy. Our profile and reputation within our industry continue to rise and, whilst this is good news in helping to develop new business, it does mean that increasingly our customers put our proposals to them under the microscope, especially as regards cost and performance. The United States has been a particularly difficult market over the last year with recession following the events of 11 September and continuing problems for some of our major customers. This is our most challenging market place. However, the satisfactory delivery of a number of major programmes, together with cost containment, resulted in a profitable year. This has helped to raise the level of new opportunities and proposals presented. In addition, we have further strengthened our management team. Business development The past year was the first year for the newly created RVE business based at our Leamington site. The year started with one major programme underway and closed with two major programmes in progress and excellent prospects for the future. The clear focus that we now have between engine, transmission and vehicle is benefiting our programme delivery and marketing, and has been achieved at minimal extra cost. Just after the year end we concluded the acquisition of the assets and staff of Gemini Transmissions Limited, a company specialising in the development and production of motorsport racing transmissions to further strengthen our growing presence in motorsport. We are pleased to welcome the Gemini staff to Ricardo and look forward to the integration of this business into Ricardo and the further development of our motorsport activities. We will increasingly promote and develop this business stream where our core skills in engine, transmissions and vehicle engineering can be readily applied. Whereas the popular view is that motorsport leads the automotive industry in technical development, for Ricardo, the reality is that our technology developments for the mainstream industry can likewise benefit the motorsport industry. One of our fastest growing areas of expertise is electronics and controls for engines, vehicle and transmissions. During the course of the year we opened an office in Bedfordshire, specifically to attract the high calibre staff that were becoming available in that locality. Development of this key expertise remains a priority and one in which we will continue to concentrate our resources. Our development in Germany, Europe's major automotive development country has continued. The volume of work carried out and orders won have grown significantly, aided by our three recently established offices. As well as looking for growth in Germany we are also looking for accelerated growth in many aspects of automotive electronics but excluding in-car entertainment. We will also consider other automotive areas where high added value and intellectual capital can be achieved but not in volume dependent activities. A significant building programme in Detroit is nearing completion to bring the majority of our US business under one roof and to provide improved facilities for this business as the US remains at the centre of our strategic development. In Japan we carry out a steadily increasing level of business and in the year have won our largest orders ever from this country. Our level of contact continues to grow as our Japanese customers increasingly recognise their need to outsource and utilise Ricardo's range of capabilities. We will continue to develop our client base in Japan. Research and development Each year Ricardo spends approximately £5 million at prime cost of our own money on research and development and considerably more on behalf of our customers. Our costs are fully expensed. Many of these research programmes have historically led to the development of advanced concepts and capabilities which in future years have been part of our service offering. This year has seen the fruition of a 24 month programme to develop a vehicle demonstrator, embodying much of our efforts in that time. This vehicle, code-named i-MoGen - Intelligent Motor Generator - is a mild hybrid vehicle with a 42 volt electronics, regenerative braking, integrated starter motor and generator with a highly complex electronic control system. The vehicle is powered by a 1.2 litre turbo charged diesel engine, significantly downsized from the original 2 litre engine in the host vehicle, with a 28% improvement in fuel efficiency. i-MoGen has been driven by senior executives from all the major European and United States automotive companies to great acclaim and is a superb showcase for Ricardo skills and expertise. The vehicle will be demonstrated in Japan and Korea in October. As I reported last year, we are increasingly seeking to exploit our intellectual property and this year our income from this source has continued to grow. People Staff numbers have remained stable in the year but this conceals a constantly changing mix as the business continues to grow high added-value engineering consultancy and the volume of testing reduced in line with industry demands. We confirm our continuing support for our final salary and money purchase pension schemes, increasing the company's contributions to both of these schemes. Over the last 10 years, the company's contribution to the final salary scheme has had to increase from 5% to 26% of payroll for those members of staff in the scheme and for the new financial year 2002/03, our pensions charge will increase by approximately £1.4m. However, our staff are our principal asset and we consider that our pension schemes, incentive plans and base salary levels are a vital part, in ensuring that they are properly rewarded. Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 30 June 2002 2002 2001 Notes £'000 £'000 Turnover 2 Continuing operations 143,178 138,370 Discontinued operation - 1,541 143,178 139,911 Operating Profit Continuing operations 16,495 15,681 Discontinued operation - 10 16,495 15,691 Profit on disposal of discontinued operation - - Net interest 164 (584) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 16,659 15,107 Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (4,506) (4,277) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 3 12,153 10,830 Equity minority interest (92) (187) Profit for the financial year 12,061 10,643 Dividends - including non equity (4,207) (3,755) Retained profit for the year 7,854 6,888 Basic earnings per ordinary share 5 24.9 p 22.2p Diluted earnings per ordinary share 5 24.5 p 21.6p There is no material difference between the profit on ordinary activities before taxation and the retained profit for the year stated above and their historical cost equivalents. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2002 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 35 48 Tangible assets 45,195 49,445 Investment properties - 75 Investments 331 723 45,561 50,291 Current assets Stocks 1,667 1,487 Debtors 46,322 43,010 Cash deposit 340 340 Cash at bank and in hand 28,090 13,564 76,419 58,401 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year (53,166) (45,263) Net current assets 23,253 13,138 Total assets less current liabilities 68,814 63,429 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year (6,840) (8,641) Provisions for liabilities and charges (5,783) (6,302) Net assets 56,191 48,486 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 12,247 12,154 Share premium account 9,767 8,364 Capital redemption reserve 40 40 Merger reserve 967 967 Long term incentive plan reserve 594 610 Profit and loss account 32,293 25,996 Total shareholders' funds (including non-equity interests) 55,908 48,131 Equity minority interest 283 355 Capital employed 56,191 48,486 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 30 June 2002 2002 2001 Notes £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 6 30,242 23,644 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 727 955 Interest paid (541) (1,595) Interest element of finance lease rental payments - (5) Dividends paid on non-equity shares - (2) Dividend paid to minority shareholder (141) (93) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on investment and servicing of finance 45 (740) Taxation (3,204) (4,202) Capital expenditure and financial investment Unlisted trade investment - (232) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (5,967) (13,032) Sale of tangible fixed assets 332 761 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (5,635) (12,503) Acquisitions and disposals Sale of subsidiary undertaking - 3,255 Cost of disposal - (260) Net cash inflow from acquisitions and disposals - 2,995 Equity dividends paid (3,829) (3,587) Cash flow before use of financing 17,619 5,607 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 345 450 Redemption of preference shares - (72) Amount received in respect of ESOP shares 49 - Capital elements of finance lease rental payments (1) (52) Loans repaid (1,209) (306) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (816) 20 Increase in cash 8 16,803 5,627 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. Accounting policies This preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2002. 2. Turnover 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Europe 87,699 78,060 North America 46,912 55,255 Pacific Basin 7,046 3,076 Rest of the World 1,521 3,520 143,178 139,911 The directors consider that the Group operates in one business segment, serving the global automotive market. The United Kingdom is the principal location for operating profits and the net assets of the Group. As a consequence, it is not meaningful to show separately its turnover, operating results or net assets. 3. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is after charging for research and development of £4.6 million (2001: £5.3 million) and depreciation of £9.1 million (2001: £8.1 million). 4. Dividends The final dividend is 6.0p (2001: 5.3p). This is payable on 22 November 2002 to ordinary shareholders on the register on 25 October 2002. 5. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, excluding those held in the ESOP and those held by the LTIP which are treated as cancelled. For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Group has two classes of dilutive potential ordinary shares: those options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the year and the contingently issuable shares under the Group's LTIP. At 30 June 2002, the performance criteria for the vesting of awards under the plans maturing on 30 June 2003 and 30 June 2004 had not been met and consequently the shares in question are excluded from the diluted earnings per share computation. The weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are below: 2002 2001 '000 '000 Basic eps 48,352 47,844 Diluted eps 49,150 49,222 6 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 16,495 15,691 Depreciation Charges 9,117 8,068 Goodwill amortisation 13 11 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets and investment properties (14) (108) Long term incentive plan charge 455 611 (Increase)/ decrease in stock (195) 278 Increase in debtors (3,531) (1,116) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 7,902 (52) Foreign exchange - 261 Net cash inflow from operating activities 30,242 23,644 7 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Increase in cash 16,803 5,627 Movement in debt and lease financing 1,210 358 Change in net funds from cash flows 18,013 5,985 Translation difference 637 (285) Movement in net funds in year 18,650 5,700 Net funds (debt) at 1 July 1,288 (4,412) Net funds at 30 June 19,938 1,288 8 Analysis of net funds At 1 July Cash Exchange At 30 June 2001 flow movement 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand 13,564 14,762 (236) 28,090 Overdrafts (3,634) 2,041 281 (1,312) Sub total 9,930 16,803 45 26,778 Debt due after 1 year (8,641) 1,209 592 (6,840) Finance leases (1) 1 - - Total 1,288 18,013 637 19,938 9 The figures for the year ended 30 June 2002 are an extract from the Group's statutory accounts, which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting. The independent auditors' report on these accounts was unqualified and does not contain any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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