Since the Trust refocused its aims in 1984, I have witnessed many highs and lows in the UK stock market. 2008, without doubt, has proved to be the most difficult year of all. The bare statistic of a 32.8% fall in the FTSE All Share index does not describe the full agony of this past year. The performance of the FTSE Small Cap and the FTSE Fledgling indices which plunged by 45.8% and 42.3% respectively brings out the full extent of the tragedy.
The international banking crisis progressively worsened during the year and the failure of Lehman Brothers' in September opened the flood gates. Until that point the impact of the financial markets on the real economy was merely a pronounced slowdown with extreme pain only being experienced in a few sectors such as private house building. Since then there has been a collapse in confidence and the economy is now in a vicious recession.
Your Trust has suffered the full force of the current economic hurricane. The net asset value of the capital shares declined from 3342.1p to 1643.3p and that of the income shares from 851.4p to 459.0p. The falls of 50.8% and 46.1% go beyond disappointment.
Discretionary Unit Fund Managers has also been severely impacted by the declines in UK small company prices and only achieved a marginal profit. The decline in funds under management means that it is unlikely to match the recent level of profitability in the next five years. This has a significant effect on the Trust's ability to pay dividends. In recent years Discretionary Unit Fund Managers' profitability accounted for up to a fifth of Group profit before tax. Your Board has reviewed its medium term forecasts and decided that it would be prudent to rebase the level of the ordinary dividends for the income and capital classes.
Your Directors have therefore reduced the level of the dividend to 33.0p per income share and 1.65p per capital share. This new level should be sustainable but given the current level of uncertainty this cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, the supplementary capital dividend of 68.6829p per capital share was paid on 2nd January 2009 and, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be maintained at 68.6829p per capital payable on 2nd January 2010.
The outlook is far from good. The UK economy is likely to fall by over 3% in 2009 with only Japan registering a worse economic performance. The capital goods cycle is now in a profound downswing. Cross border banking relationships are not functioning starving the UK banking sector of funds to lend on. Still even in these most difficult of times some companies will produce reasonable profitability.
You can view or download copies of the Half Year and Annual reports from our website at www.rightsandissues.co.uk.
They are to be posted to shareholders and are available at the registered office of the Company.
Risks and uncertainties
Cautionary statement
This report contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainty. These have been made by the directors in good faith based on the information available to them at the time of their approval of this report. Due to the inherent uncertainties, including stock market risk factor, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
Further information on the principal long-term risks and uncertainties of the Trust is included in the annual report.
The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and accounts in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.
The Directors are required to prepare the accounts for each financial year which present fairly the financial position of the Group and the financial performance and cashflows of the Company and the Group for that period. In preparing those Accounts the Directors are required to:
• |
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; |
• |
present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; |
• |
provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements of IFRS is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the group's financial position and financial performance; |
• |
state that the Company has complied with IFRS subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the accounts; and |
• |
prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. |
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the Accounts comply with the Companies Act 1985 and Article 4 of the IAS regulation. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and the Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations.
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge that:
• |
the accounts, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the group; and |
• |
the annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. |
for the year ended 31st December, 2008
Year ended 31st December, 2008 |
Year ended 31st December, 2007 |
Notes |
Revenue |
Capital |
Total |
Revenue |
Capital |
Total |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Investment income |
2 |
2,190,628 |
- |
2,190,628 |
2,148,467 |
- |
2,148,467 |
Other operating income |
2 |
601,994 |
- |
601,994 |
902,022 |
- |
902,022 |
Total income |
2,792,622 |
- |
2,792,622 |
3,050,489 |
- |
3,050,489 |
Gains/(Losses) on fair value |
through profit or loss assets |
10 |
(316,824) |
(37,130,786) |
(37,447,610) |
(48,570) |
(7,171,726) |
(7,220,296) |
2,475,798 |
(37,130,786) |
(34,654,988) |
3,001,919 |
(7,171,726) |
(4,169,807) |
Expenses |
Investment management fee |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Other expenses |
3 |
540,400 |
- |
540,400 |
533,232 |
- |
533,232 |
540,400 |
- |
540,400 |
533,232 |
- |
533,232 |
Profit before tax |
1,935,398 |
(37,130,786) |
(35,195,388) |
2,468,687 |
(7,171,726) |
(4,703,039) |
Tax |
5 |
1,561 |
- |
1,561 |
86,213 |
- |
86,213 |
Profit for the period |
1,936,959 |
(37,130,786) |
(35,193,827) |
2,382,474 |
(7,171,726) |
(4,789,252) |
Earnings per share |
Return per income share (p) |
7 |
31.5p |
(377.4)p |
(345.9)p |
48.9p |
(72.9)p |
(24.0)p |
Return per capital share (p) |
7 |
70.3p |
(1698.1)p |
(1627.8)p |
71.1p |
(328.0)p |
(256.9)p |
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
All income is attributable to the equity holders of the parent company. There are no minority interests.
as at 31st December, 2008
Company |
Group |
Notes |
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Non-current assets |
Goodwill |
8 |
- |
- |
65,191 |
65,191 |
Investments - Fair value through |
profit or loss |
10 |
35,413,748 |
72,359,805 |
34,982,276 |
71,928,333 |
35,413,748 |
72,359,805 |
35,047,467 |
71,993,524 |
Current assets |
Trading investments |
- |
- |
419,606 |
619,797 |
Trade and other receivables |
14 |
189,784 |
232,114 |
211,553 |
313,080 |
Amounts due from group undertakings |
800,849 |
692,166 |
- |
- |
Cash and cash equivalents |
2,202,487 |
2,835,625 |
3,031,234 |
3,692,284 |
3,193,120 |
3,759,905 |
3,662,393 |
4,625,161 |
Total assets |
38,606,868 |
76,119,710 |
38,709,860 |
76,618,685 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
15 |
43,677 |
43,672 |
267,765 |
576,930 |
Current tax payable |
- |
- |
- |
86,813 |
43,677 |
43,672 |
267,765 |
663,743 |
Total assets less current liabilities |
38,563,191 |
76,076,038 |
38,442,095 |
75,954,942 |
Net assets |
38,563,191 |
76,076,038 |
38,442,095 |
75,954,942 |
Equity |
Called up share capital |
16 |
1,225,000 |
1,225,000 |
1,225,000 |
1,225,000 |
Share premium account |
17 |
225,326 |
225,326 |
225,326 |
225,326 |
Retained reserves: |
Capital reserve |
17 |
40,751,585 |
40,668,355 |
40,751,585 |
40,668,355 |
Revaluation reserve |
17 |
(5,683,938) |
31,530,078 |
(5,683,938) |
31,530,078 |
Dividend equalisation reserve |
17 |
2,045,218 |
2,427,279 |
1,924,122 |
2,306,183 |
Total equity |
38,563,191 |
76,076,038 |
38,442,095 |
75,954,942 |
Net asset value per share |
Income shares |
459.0p |
851.4p |
Capital shares |
1643.3p |
3,342.1p |
The financial statements were approved by the board and authorised for issue on 26th February 2009. They were signed on its behalf by:
S. H. J. A. Knott, Director
S. J. B. Knott, Director
for the year ended 31st December, 2008
Share capital |
Share premium account |
Capital reserve |
Revaluation reserve |
Dividend equalisation reserve |
Total |
Balance at 31st December, 2006 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
41,235,990 |
38,134,169 |
2,203,779 |
83,024,264 |
Changes in equity for 2007 |
(Loss)/Profit for the period |
- |
- |
(567,635) |
(6,604,091) |
2,382,474 |
(4,789,252) |
Total recognised income and expenses |
- |
- |
(567,635) |
(6,604,091) |
2,382,474 |
(4,789,252) |
Dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,280,070) |
(2,280,070) |
Balance at 31st December, 2007 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
40,668,355 |
31,530,078 |
2,306,183 |
75,954,942 |
Changes in equity for 2008 |
(Loss)/Profit for the period |
- |
- |
83,230 |
(37,214,016) |
1,936,959 |
(35,193,827) |
Total recognised income and expenses |
- |
- |
83,230 |
(37,214,016) |
1,936,959 |
(35,193,827) |
Dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,319,020) |
(2,319,020) |
Balance at 31st December, 2008 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
40,751,585 |
(5,683,938) |
1,924,122 |
38,442,095 |
for the year ended 31st December, 2008
Share |
Share premium account |
Capital reserve |
Revaluation reserve |
Dividend equalisation |
Total |
Balance at 31st December, 2006 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
41,235,990 |
38,134,169 |
2,324,875 |
83,145,360 |
Changes in equity for 2007 |
(Loss)/Profit for the period |
- |
- |
(567,635) |
(6,604,091) |
2,382,474 |
(4,789,252) |
Total recognised income and expenses |
- |
- |
(567,635) |
(6,604,091) |
2,382,474 |
(4,789,252) |
Dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,280,070) |
(2,280,070) |
Balance at 31st December, 2007 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
40,668,355 |
31,530,078 |
2,427,279 |
76,076,038 |
Changes in equity for 2008 |
(Loss)/Profit for the period |
- |
- |
83,230 |
(37,214,016) |
1,936,959 |
(35,193,827) |
Total recognised income and expenses |
- |
- |
83,230 |
(37,214,016) |
1,936,959 |
(35,193,827) |
Dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,319,020) |
(2,319,020) |
Balance at 31st December, 2008 |
1,225,000 |
225,326 |
40,751,585 |
(5,683,938) |
2,045,218 |
38,563,191 |
for the year ended 31st December, 2008
Company |
Group |
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
Notes |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Cashflows from operating activities |
(Loss)/Profit before tax |
(35,195,475) |
(4,859,252) |
(35,195,388) |
(4,703,039) |
Adjustments for: |
Losses/(Gains) on investments |
37,130,786 |
7,171,726 |
37,130,786 |
7,171,726 |
Purchases of investments |
19 |
(953,318) |
(2,255,669) |
(953,318) |
(2,255,669) |
Proceeds on disposal of investments |
19 |
768,589 |
3,455,921 |
768,589 |
3,455,921 |
Movement in trading investments |
- |
- |
200,191 |
(210,071) |
Operating cash flows before movements |
in working capital |
1,750,582 |
3,512,726 |
1,950,860 |
3,458,868 |
Decrease/(increase) in receivables |
(134,705) |
(91,594) |
101,527 |
71,361 |
Increase/(decrease) in payables |
5 |
26,056 |
(309,165) |
(23,633) |
Net cash from operating activities before income taxes |
1,615,882 |
3,447,188 |
1,743,222 |
3,506,596 |
Income taxes paid |
70,000 |
67,000 |
(85,252) |
(90,837) |
Net cash from operating activities |
1,685,882 |
3,514,188 |
1,657,970 |
3,415,759 |
Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid |
(2,319,020) |
(2,280,070) |
(2,319,020) |
(2,280,070) |
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities |
(2,319,020) |
(2,280,070) |
(2,319,020) |
(2,280,070) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(633,138) |
1,234,118 |
(661,050) |
1,135,689 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |
2,835,625 |
1,601,507 |
3,692,284 |
2,556,595 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |
2,202,487 |
2,835,625 |
3,031,234 |
3,692,284 |
1. The figures set out above are derived from the audited consolidated accounts of Rights and Issues Investment Trust Plc and its subsidiaries for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008. The 2008 accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly.
2. The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 254 of the Companies Act 1985. The 2008 accounts, on which the report of the auditors is unqualified, will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course. The audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 on which the report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the period:
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
p |
p |
£ |
£ |
Income |
Final dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2007 |
30.50 |
29.50 |
750,300 |
725,700 |
Interim dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2008 |
16.00 |
15.50 |
393,600 |
381,300 |
Capital |
Final dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2007 |
2.3000 |
2.1750 |
37,720 |
35,670 |
Supp cap dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2008 |
68.6829 |
68.6829 |
1,126,400 |
1,126,400 |
2,308,020 |
2,269,070 |
Dividends on non-equity shares: |
Cumulative preference |
5.5% |
5.5% |
11,000 |
11,000 |
The Articles provide for a supplementary Dividend to Capital Shareholders to be paid not only in respect of future potential Preference Share issues which are not made, but also the 20,480,000 Preference Shares which could have been issued following the increases in the Capital Reserve revealed by the accounts since 1981.
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
p |
p |
£ |
£ |
Income |
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2008 |
17.00 |
30.50 |
418,200 |
750,300 |
Capital |
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2008 |
1.6500 |
2.3000 |
27,060 |
37,300 |
The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in these financial statements.