Interim Results
Rights and Issues Inv Trust PLC
20 July 2000
Chairman's Statement
The UK equity market has had an indifferent start this year with the FTSE
All-Share Index falling by 6.5%. The Trust has performed satisfactorily
with a rise in the net asset value of the Capital shares of 2.6% to
The interim dividend has been increased to 7.0p net per Income share
and the Board expects, barring unforeseen circumstances, to pay a final
dividend of not less than 17.5p net per Income share.
Simon Knott
Consolidated statement of total return
Six months ended 30th June 2000
Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £
Gains/(losses) on investments 3,853 890,350 894,203
Income 804,203 0 804,203
Other expenses 138,446 0 138,446
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 669,610 890,350 1,559,960
Interest payable and similar
charges 0 0 0
Return on ordinary activities
before tax 669,610 890,350 1,559,960
Tax on ordinary activities 11,922 0 11,922
Return on ordinary activities
after tax for the financial year 657,688 890,350 1,548,038
Dividends and other
appropriations in respect of non- 5,500 0 5,500
Return attributable to equity
shareholders 652,188 890,350 1,542,538
Dividends in respect of equity
shares 418,600 0 418,600
Transfer to reserves after
aggregate dividends paid and
payable of £418,600. (1999:
£380,350) 233,588 890,350 1,123,938
Return per Income share (p) 16.0 9.0 25.0
Return per capital share (p) 15.8 40.7 56.5
Consolidated statement of total return
Six months ended 30th June 2000
Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £
Gains/(losses) on investments 6,381 5,346,256 5,352,637
Income 820,092 0 820,092
Other expenses 128,277 0 128,277
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 698,196 5,346,256 6,044,452
Interest payable and similar
charges 0 0 0
Return on ordinary activities
before tax 698,196 5,346,256 6,044,452
Tax on ordinary activities 10,706 0 10,706
Return on ordinary activities
after tax for the financial year 687,490 5,346,256 6,033,746
Dividends and other
appropriations in respect of non- 5,500 0 5,500
Return attributable to equity
shareholders 681,990 5,346,256 6,028,246
Dividends In respect of equity
shares 380,350 0 380,350
Transfer to reserves after
aggregate dividends paid and
payable of £418,600. (1999:
£380,350) 301,640 5,346,256 5,647,896
Return per Income share (p) 17.9 54.3 72.2
Return per capital share (p) 14.7 244.5 259.2
Consolidated statement of total return
Twelve months ended 31st December 1999
Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £
Gains/(losses) on investments -(10,678) 8,542,955 8,532,277
Income 1,450,901 0 1,450,901
Other expenses 264,420 0 264,420
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 1,175,803 8,542,955 9,718,758
Interest payable and similar
charges 0 0 0
Return on ordinary activities
before tax 1,175,803 8,542,955 9,718,758
Tax on ordinary activities 9,038 0 9,038
Return on ordinary activities
after tax for the financial year 1,166,765 8,542,955 9,709,720
Dividends and other
appropriations in respect of non- 11,000 0 11,000
Return attributable to equity
shareholders 1,155,765 8,542,955 9,698,720
Dividends In respect of equity
shares 1,025,149 0 1,025,149
Transfer to reserves after
aggregate dividends paid and
payable of £418,600. (1999:
£380,350) 130,616 8,542,955 8,673,571
Return per Income share (p) 27.6 86.8 114.4
Return per capital share (p) 29.0 390.7 419.7
Notes to the consolidated statement of total return.
The interim dividend of 7.00p net (1999:6.25p net) per income
share and amounting to £,172,200 (1999: £153,750) is payable on
30th September 2000 to shareholders on the register as at 18th
August 2000. The sum accruing by way of dividend to the Capital
shareholders will, in view of the small sum involved be
included in the final dividend.
The unaudited interim results have been prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of
the Company for the year ended 31st December 1999. The above
statement of total return is presented as recommended by the
Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Statements of
Investment Trust Companies.
These are not full statutory accounts in terms of Section 240
of the Companies Act 1985. The full audited accounts for the
year to 31st December 1999, which were unqualified, have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies.
The interim accounts are to be posted to shareholders and are
available at the registered office of the Company, 40 Clifton
Street, London EC2A 4AY.
For the period ended 30th June 2000
Unaudited Balance Sheets (Comparative: 31st December 1999)
Company Group
2000 1999 2000 1999
£ £ £ £
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets - - 97,793 102,451
Investments 32,310,443 34,651,003 31,878,971 34,219,531
Current assets
Debtors 449,765 170,232 401,376 87,606
Investments - - 89,209 64,125
Cash at bank and in hand 5,151,181 1,770,406 5,443,651 2,126,390
5,600,946 1,940,638 5,934,236 2,278,121
Creditors:amounts falling due
within one year 660,618 469,466 748,723 561,764
Net current liabilities/assets 4,940,328 1,471,172 5,185,513 1,716,357
Total assets less current
liabilities 37,250,771 36,122,175 37,162,277 36,038,339
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,225,000 1,225,000 1,225,000 1,225,000
Share premium account 225,326 225,326 225,326 225,326
Capital reserve 20,921,088 18,237,191 20,921,088 18,237,191
Other reserves
Revaluation reserve 13,964,609 15,758,156 13,964,609 15,758,156
Dividend equalisation reserve 914,748 676,502 826,254 592,666
Total shareholders funds 37,250,771 36,122,175 37,162,277 36,038,339
Net asset value per share
Income shares 414.3p 396.3p
Capital shares 1632.4p 1590.9p
Cash flow statement
Six months Six months
ended 30th ended 30th
June 2000 June 1999
£ £
Operating activities
Investment income (net) 597,936 547,129
Interest received 50,929 91,150
Subsidiary Fee income 89,845 78,877
Underwriting Commission 0 0
Cash Payments (157,129) (128,663)
Investment dealing 3,853 6,381
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from operating activities 585,434 594,874
Servicing of finance
Interest paid 0 0
Dividends paid 418,200 360,185
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance 418,200 360,185
Tax received 5,634 8,599
Investing activities
Purchase of investments (2,408,417) (3,315,724)
Disposals of Investments 5,583,488 1,524,626
Purchase of current investments (25,084) (104)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
investing activities 3,149,987 (1,791,202)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing
CASH EQUIVALENTS 3,322,855 (1,547,914)