1st Quarter Results

Rio Tinto PLC 28 April 2003 Rio Tinto Quarterly Production Report for the Quarter Ending 31 March 2003 • Shipments from Hamersley Iron in the first quarter of 2003 were 35 per cent above the first quarter of last year and 16 per cent above the previous first quarter record set in 2001. Production was five per cent lower than the first quarter of 2002 due to adverse weather conditions. Demand for ore from Robe River's new West Angelas mine was strong. • Aluminium production was six per cent above the first quarter of 2002 as a result of the acquisition of additional equity in the Boyne Island smelter in July 2002. Production of alumina was in line with the first quarter of 2002. • Excluding Moura, Narama and Ravensworth East mines which were sold in the first half of 2002, production from the Australian and Indonesian coal mines was five per cent higher than the first quarter of last year. Compared with the last quarter of 2002, production was down seven per cent as it continued to be constrained in line with market demand. • Production of US coal was marginally down compared with the same quarter of last year, in line with market demand. • Mined copper production was 16 per cent above the first quarter of 2002 reflecting production from the new Laguna Seca concentrator at Escondida. Production from Grasberg was higher than the first quarter of last year but lower than the third and fourth quarters reflecting variations in grade. Refined copper production was eight per cent below the first quarter of last year due to a smelter shut down at Kennecott Utah Copper. • Mined gold production was 11 per cent above the first quarter of 2002 as higher grades at Grasberg more than offset lower grades at Kennecott Utah Copper. Compared with the last quarter of 2002 mined gold production was six per cent lower as grades were lower at both these mines. • Titanium dioxide feedstock production was twelve per cent below the first quarter of last year as production was curtailed in line with market demand. • The new Diavik mine produced its first diamonds in January. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Lisa Cullimore Ian Head + 44 (0) 20 7753 2305 +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Investor Relations Investor Relations Peter Cunningham Dave Skinner + 44 (0) 20 7753 2401 +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Richard Brimelow Daphne Morros + 44 (0) 20 7753 2326 +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Website: www.riotinto.com RIO TINTO PRODUCTION SUMMARY RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION QUARTER FULL YEAR % CHANGE 2002 2002 2003 2002 Q1 03 Q1 03 Q1 Q4 Q1 vs vs Principal Commodities Q4 02 Q1 02 Alumina ('000 t) 492 479 493 1,947 3% 0% Aluminium ('000 t) 191.1 208.4 202.7 795.4 -3% 6% Borates ('000 t) 130 136 139 528 3% 7% Coal - Australian and Indonesian ('000 t) 11,021 11,245 10,474 43,830 -7% -5% Coal - US ('000 t) 25,853 28,063 25,424 105,320 -9% -2% Copper - mined ('000 t) 200.6 243.8 231.9 887.1 -5% 16% Copper - refined ('000 t) 104.2 105.1 96.0 416.9 -9% -8% Diamonds ('000 cts) 6,177 9,964 7,156 33,620 -28% 16% Gold - mined ('000 ozs) 687 814 765 3,135 -6% 11% Gold - refined ('000 ozs) 127 105 96 488 -9% -24% Iron ore ('000 t) 22,507 22,757 23,167 90,951 2% 3% Titanium dioxide feedstock ('000 t) 328 319 290 1,274 -9% -12% Other Metals & Minerals Bauxite ('000 t) 2,881 3,000 2,958 11,724 -1% 3% Lead - mined ('000 t) 8.4 9.8 10.0 40.4 2% 19% Molybdenum ('000 t) 1.7 1.4 1.2 6.1 -14% -27% Nickel in matte (tonnes) 2,063 2,410 2,619 6,273 9% 27% Nickel - refined (tonnes) 943 829 604 3,594 -27% -36% Salt ('000 t) 1,103 1,255 970 4,667 -23% -12% Silver - mined ('000 ozs) 4,192 4,269 3,960 17,207 -7% -6% Silver - refined ('000 ozs) 790 965 975 4,037 1% 23% Talc ('000 t) 322 318 358 1,327 13% 11% Tin (tonnes) 123 11 - 169 -100% -100% Uranium (tonnes) 1,160 1,311 873 4,955 -33% -25% Zinc - mined ('000 t) 22.5 24.8 26.8 94.7 8% 19% Throughout this report, figures in italics indicate adjustments made since the figure was previously quoted on the equivalent page. Production figures are sometimes more precise than the rounded numbers shown, hence small differences may result between the total of the quarter figures and the full year figures. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR Interest 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 ALUMINA Production ('000 tonnes) Eurallumina 56% 141 139 145 142 139 567 Queensland Alumina 39% 352 350 342 337 354 1,380 Rio Tinto total alumina production 492 489 487 479 493 1,947 ALUMINIUM Refined production ('000 tonnes) Anglesey 51% 18.2 17.2 17.6 18.1 18.3 71.1 Bell Bay 100% 40.3 39.9 41.6 42.1 40.7 163.9 Boyne Island (a) 59% 67.0 71.0 77.3 79.4 77.7 294.6 Tiwai Point 79% 65.6 65.9 65.6 68.8 66.1 265.9 Rio Tinto total aluminium 191.1 193.9 202.0 208.4 202.7 795.4 production BAUXITE Production ('000 tonnes) Boke 4% 122 121 121 118 58 482 Weipa 100% 2,759 2,738 2,863 2,882 2,901 11,241 Rio Tinto total bauxite production 2,881 2,859 2,984 3,000 2,958 11,724 BORATES Borates ('000 tonnes B2O3 content) Rio Tinto total borate production 100% 130 130 132 136 139 528 COAL Coal Australian coal operations ('000 type tonnes) Coal & Allied Industries (b): Bengalla 30% S 275 493 359 459 393 1,587 Hunter Valley Operations 76% S 1,419 1,831 1,791 1,716 1,789 6,756 76% M 767 659 465 640 606 2,531 Mount Thorley Operations 61% S 362 340 363 386 309 1,451 61% M 327 295 229 221 216 1,073 Moura (c) 0% S 268 139 - - - 407 0% M 323 230 - - - 552 Narama (c) 0% S 135 - - - - 135 Ravensworth East (c) 0% S 281 - - - - 281 Warkworth 42% S 647 570 582 787 688 2,586 42% M 72 75 66 18 47 231 Pacific Coal: Blair Athol Coal 71% S 2,130 1,846 2,407 2,030 2,237 8,412 Kestrel Coal 80% S 259 322 274 494 285 1,348 80% M 505 501 383 536 366 1,925 Tarong Coal 100% S 1,314 1,422 1,254 1,695 1,451 5,685 Total Australian coal 9,083 8,724 8,172 8,981 8,386 34,960 Indonesian coal operations ('000 tonnes) Kaltim Prima Coal (d) 50% S 1,938 2,128 2,540 2,264 2,088 8,870 US coal operations ('000 tonnes) Kennecott Energy Antelope 100% S 5,335 6,075 6,452 6,457 6,233 24,319 Colowyo (e) 100% S 1,177 1,309 1,229 1,174 1,110 4,889 Cordero Rojo 100% S 9,100 8,990 7,474 9,160 8,187 34,724 Decker 50% S 1,072 1,046 1,196 1,198 679 4,511 Jacobs Ranch 100% S 6,869 6,593 7,315 8,007 7,402 28,784 Spring Creek 100% S 2,300 2,007 1,719 2,067 1,814 8,093 Total US coal 25,853 26,020 25,385 28,063 25,424 105,320 Rio Tinto total coal production 36,874 36,872 36,097 39,307 35,899 149,149 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. Key to coal type: S = Steaming/ thermal coal, M = Metallurgical/ coking coal. See footnotes on page 6. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION (continued) FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR Interest 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER Mine production ('000 tonnes) Alumbrera (f) 0% 12.8 12.8 11.5 13.9 8.7 50.9 Bingham Canyon 100% 62.5 64.3 64.4 69.0 64.8 260.2 Escondida 30% 48.7 61.0 47.9 68.7 75.3 226.3 Grasberg - FCX (g) 15% 21.0 26.4 30.0 30.1 27.3 107.5 Grasberg - Joint Venture (g) 40% 28.4 39.1 39.6 40.9 33.7 148.0 Neves Corvo 49% 9.0 10.8 8.5 9.5 11.0 37.8 Northparkes 80% 9.5 8.4 6.7 6.1 5.7 30.7 Palabora 49% 8.6 5.5 6.0 5.6 5.5 25.7 Rio Tinto total mine production 200.6 228.3 214.4 243.8 231.9 887.1 Refined production ('000 tonnes) Atlantic Copper (g) 17% 10.3 10.5 10.2 10.5 10.1 41.5 Escondida 30% 11.0 11.3 9.3 10.0 10.7 41.6 Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 74.9 76.1 68.1 74.6 67.4 293.7 Palabora 49% 8.0 10.8 11.3 10.0 7.8 40.2 Rio Tinto total refined 104.2 108.7 99.0 105.1 96.0 416.9 production DIAMONDS Production ('000 carats) Argyle (h) 100% 6,143 8,411 9,013 9,936 6,909 33,503 Diavik 60% - - - - 247 - Merlin 100% 34 22 33 28 - 117 Rio Tinto total diamond 6,177 8,433 9,046 9,964 7,156 33,620 production GOLD Mine production ('000 ounces) Alumbrera (f) 0% 51 49 40 48 31 188 Barneys Canyon 100% 27 22 16 10 9 75 Bingham Canyon 100% 125 95 103 89 67 412 Cortez/Pipeline 40% 111 118 101 102 127 433 Escondida 30% 8 12 7 11 11 38 Grasberg - FCX (g) 15% 52 69 131 103 89 355 Grasberg - Joint Venture (g) 40% 86 141 208 227 163 662 Greens Creek 70% 17 20 18 18 16 72 Kelian 90% 103 115 158 109 166 485 Lihir 16% 24 25 22 27 21 99 Morro do Ouro 51% 28 30 30 27 25 115 Northparkes 80% 9 8 9 7 8 33 Peak (f) 0% 27 20 30 20 20 97 Rawhide 51% 12 11 9 10 7 42 Rio Tinto Zimbabwe 56% 6 6 5 4 3 21 Others - 2 2 2 2 1 8 Rio Tinto total mine production 687 745 890 814 765 3,135 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 127 133 123 105 96 488 IRON ORE Production ('000 tonnes) Channar 60% 1,517 1,446 1,454 1,940 1,699 6,356 Corumba 100% 104 201 282 271 221 858 Hamersley 100% 14,653 14,078 15,711 13,121 13,616 57,563 Iron Ore Company of Canada (i) 59% 1,815 2,189 1,296 1,868 1,816 7,168 (j) Robe River 53% 4,418 3,686 5,345 5,558 5,815 19,006 Rio Tinto total mine production 22,507 21,600 24,087 22,757 23,167 90,951 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site, except for the data for iron ore which represent production of saleable quantities of ore plus pellets. See footnotes on page 6. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION (continued) FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR Interest 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 LEAD Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 3.7 4.6 3.5 3.8 3.8 15.7 Zinkgruvan 100% 4.7 4.9 9.2 6.0 6.2 24.7 Rio Tinto total mine production 8.4 9.5 12.7 9.8 10.0 40.4 MOLYBDENUM Mine production ('000 tonnes) Bingham Canyon 100% 1.7 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.2 6.1 NICKEL Nickel in matte (tonnes) Fortaleza 100% 2,063 1,290 510 2,410 2,619 6,273 Toll refined metal production (tonnes) Rio Tinto Zimbabwe - Empress 56% 943 835 987 829 604 3,594 SALT Production ('000 tonnes) Dampier Salt 65% 1,103 1,085 1,223 1,255 970 4,667 SILVER Mine production ('000 ounces) Bingham Canyon 100% 1,032 924 866 841 762 3,663 Escondida 30% 209 244 182 259 315 894 Grasberg - FCX (g) 15% 151 201 233 219 236 804 Grasberg - Joint Venture (g) 40% 115 193 264 470 111 1,043 Greens Creek 70% 1,960 2,029 1,955 1,724 1,750 7,668 Zinkgruvan 100% 324 302 545 383 363 1,554 Others - 401 425 383 372 422 1,582 Rio Tinto total mine production 4,192 4,318 4,427 4,269 3,960 17,207 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 790 1,104 1,178 965 975 4,037 TALC Production ('000 tonnes) Luzenac Group 99.9% 322 346 341 318 358 1,327 TIN Mine production (tonnes) Neves Corvo 49% 123 36 - 11 - 169 TITANIUM DIOXIDE FEEDSTOCK Production ('000 tonnes) Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium 100% 328 318 309 319 290 1,274 URANIUM Production (tonnes U3O8) Energy Resources of Australia 68% 650 668 773 977 859 3,068 Rossing 69% 510 463 580 335 14 1,887 Rio Tinto total uranium production 1,160 1,131 1,353 1,311 873 4,955 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. The nickel in matte production reflects the contained tonnage of nickel. See footnotes on page 6. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION (continued) FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR Interest 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 ZINC Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 11.4 12.4 11.1 11.9 12.1 46.7 Zinkgruvan 100% 11.1 10.4 13.6 12.9 14.7 48.0 Rio Tinto total mine production 22.5 22.8 24.7 24.8 26.8 94.7 (a) Comalco acquired an approximately 5% additional interest in production from the Boyne Island smelter with effect from August 2002. (b) Rio Tinto increased its stake in Coal & Allied from 72.7% to 75.7% on 17 September 2002. (c) On 14 March 2002, Coal & Allied completed the sale of its interests in Narama and Ravensworth. Coal & Allied sold its interest in the Moura coal mine with effect from 24 May 2002. Production data are shown up to the dates of sale. (d) Rio Tinto has a 50% share in Kaltim Prima and, under the terms of its Coal Agreement, the Indonesian Government is entitled to a 13.5% share of Kaltim Prima's production. Rio Tinto's share of production shown is before deduction of the Government share. (e) Kennecott Energy has a partnership interest in the Colowyo mine but, as it is responsible under a management agreement for the operation of the mine, all of Colowyo's output is included in Rio Tinto's share of production. (f) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 25% interest in Minera Alumbrera together with its wholly owned Peak Gold Mine on 17 March 2003. Production data are shown up to the dates of sale. (g) Through its interest in Freeport-McMoRan-Copper & Gold (FCX), Rio Tinto had, as of 31 March 2003, a 14.9% share in the Grasberg mine and a 16.5% share in Atlantic Copper. Through a joint venture agreement with FCX, Rio Tinto is entitled, as shown separately in the above tables, to 40% of additional material mined as a consequence of the expansion of the Grasberg facilities in 1998. (h) Rio Tinto's interest in the Argyle Diamond mine increased from 99.8% to 100% on 29 April 2002, following the purchase of the outstanding units in the Western Australian Diamond Trust. (i) Rio Tinto owns 20.3% of the Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund. The Fund has a shareholding in Iron Ore Company of Canada but this has not been included in the calculation of tonnage attributable to Rio Tinto. (j) Rio Tinto increased its shareholding in Iron Ore Company of Canada from 56.1% to 58.7% on 20 December 2002. Where Rio Tinto's beneficial interest in an operation has changed, as indicated above, the share of production has been calculated using the weighted average interest over the relevant periods. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 ALUMINIUM Anglesey Aluminium Total production at the Anglesey Aluminium smelter (Rio Tinto 51%) in the UK. (100% basis) Aluminium hot metal production ('000 tonnes) 35.7 33.7 34.4 35.6 35.8 139.3 Comalco Total production at Comalco operations: Weipa (Rio Tinto 100%) in Australia; Boke (Rio Tinto 4%) in Guinea; Eurallumina (Rio Tinto 56.2%) in Italy; Queensland Alumina (Rio Tinto 38.6%) in Australia; Bell Bay (Rio Tinto 100%) in Australia; Boyne Island (Rio Tinto 59.4% (a)) in Australia and Tiwai Point (Rio Tinto 79.4%) in New Zealand. (100% basis) Weipa mine, Queensland Beneficiated bauxite production ('000 tonnes) 2,759 2,738 2,863 2,882 2,901 11,241 Metal grade bauxite shipments ('000 tonnes) 2,730 2,783 2,737 2,882 2,778 11,132 Calcined bauxite production ('000 tonnes) 49 41 22 30 41 142 Boke mine Bauxite production ('000 tonnes) 2,857 2,884 3,176 3,113 2,365 12,030 Eurallumina refinery, Sardinia Alumina production ('000 tonnes) 251 248 259 253 248 1,010 Queensland Alumina refinery, Queensland Alumina production ('000 tonnes) 911 906 884 873 916 3,574 Bell Bay smelter, Tasmania Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 40.3 39.9 41.6 42.1 40.7 163.9 Boyne Island smelter, Queensland (a) Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 125.1 130.2 133.1 131.8 129.7 520.2 Tiwai Point smelter Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 82.4 82.5 84.3 84.7 83.3 333.9 Sales of aluminium attributable to Comalco ('000 177.4 178.9 174.4 187.7 180.0 718.4 tonnes) (a) Comalco acquired an approximately 5% additional interest in production from the Boyne Island smelter with effect from August 2002. First quarter production at Queensland Alumina was higher than in previous quarters reflecting the unexpected power outages and unscheduled maintenance which impaired 2002 production. Aluminium sales in the first quarter of 2003 were lower than in the fourth quarter of 2002 due to a build-up of in-transit metal and deferral of some sales to the second quarter. Production at all smelters was higher compared to the equivalent quarter in 2002. In response to higher spot power prices in New Zealand, Tiwai Point announced in March 2003 that it was reducing production by about 10%. BORATES Rio Tinto Borax Total production at the Boron mine (Rio Tinto 100%) in California, US and at the Tincalayu, Sijes, Porvenir and Maggie mines (Rio Tinto 100%) in Argentina. (100% basis) Borates ('000 tonnes) (a) 130 130 132 136 139 528 (a) Production is expressed as B2O3 content. Production in the first quarter of 2003 was marginally higher than in the equivalent period of 2002. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COAL Coal & Allied Industries Limited (a) Total production and sales from the mines operated by Coal & Allied Industries in Australia: Bengalla (Rio Tinto 30%); Hunter Valley Operations (Rio Tinto 76%); Mount Thorley Operations (Rio Tinto 61%); and Warkworth (Rio Tinto 42%), all in New South Wales. (100% basis) Bengalla mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 944 1,696 1,228 1,517 1,298 5,385 Hunter Valley Operations Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,951 2,518 2,448 2,266 2,363 9,183 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,055 907 636 845 800 3,442 Mount Thorley Operations Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 623 584 621 637 510 2,465 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 562 508 392 365 356 1,827 Moura mine (b) Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 670 348 - - - 1,018 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 577 377 - - - 954 Coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 230 197 - - - 427 Narama mine (b) - Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 370 - - - - 370 Ravensworth East mine (b) - Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 387 - - - - 387 Warkworth mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,602 1,411 1,430 1,871 1,634 6,314 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 178 186 162 42 112 568 Total Coal & Allied Industries Total coal production ('000 tonnes) 9,149 8,732 6,915 7,544 7,074 32,340 Total sales ('000 tonnes) (c) 8,786 8,425 6,851 7,486 7,174 31,549 (a) Rio Tinto increased its stake in Coal & Allied from 72.7% to 75.7% on 17 September 2002. (b) The sale of Coal & Allied's share of Narama and Ravensworth was completed on 14 March 2002. Coal & Allied sold its interest in the Moura coal mine with effect from 24 May 2002. (c) Sales relate only to coal mined by the operations and exclude traded coal. Coal production continues to be managed in line with market demand. Shipments were affected by constraints through the Port of Newcastle. Kaltim Prima Coal Total production and shipments from the Kaltim Prima Coal mine (Rio Tinto 50%) in Indonesia, including the share of production attributed to the Indonesian Government (see footnote (d) on page 6). (100% basis) Thermal coal: Production ('000 tonnes) 3,877 4,256 5,080 4,527 4,177 17,740 Shipments ('000 tonnes) 3,859 3,546 4,871 4,911 4,522 17,187 OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COAL (continued) Kennecott Energy and Coal Company Total production from the mines operated by Kennecott Energy and Coal Company in the US: Antelope (Rio Tinto 100%) in Wyoming; Colowyo in Colorado, where Kennecott Energy has a partnership interest and full management responsibility - (see footnote (e) on page 6); Cordero Rojo (Rio Tinto 100%) in Wyoming; Decker (Rio Tinto 50%) in Montana; Jacobs Ranch (Rio Tinto 100%) in Wyoming and Spring Creek (Rio Tinto 100%) in Montana. (100% basis) Antelope mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 5,335 6,075 6,452 6,457 6,233 24,319 Colowyo mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,177 1,309 1,229 1,174 1,110 4,889 Cordero Rojo mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 9,100 8,990 7,474 9,160 8,187 34,724 Decker mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 2,143 2,092 2,391 2,395 1,357 9,021 Jacobs Ranch mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 6,869 6,593 7,315 8,007 7,402 28,784 Spring Creek mine Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 2,300 2,007 1,719 2,067 1,814 8,093 Total Kennecott Energy Total coal production ('000 tonnes) 26,924 27,066 26,580 29,260 26,103 109,830 Production was marginally lower than in the first quarter of 2002, in line with market demand. Production at Cordero Rojo was adversely affected by the flow-on effects of pit wall instability in 2002. Pacific Coal Total production and sales from the mines operated by Pacific Coal in Queensland, Australia: Blair Athol Coal (Rio Tinto 71.2%), Kestrel Coal (Rio Tinto 80%) and Tarong Coal (Rio Tinto 100%). (100% basis) Blair Athol Coal mine Thermal coal: Production ('000 tonnes) 2,990 2,591 3,379 2,849 3,140 11,809 Sales ('000 tonnes) 3,549 2,429 3,413 2,913 3,237 12,304 Kestrel Coal mine Thermal coal: Production ('000 tonnes) 323 403 342 617 356 1,685 Sales ('000 tonnes) 100 169 101 135 404 505 Coking coal: Production ('000 tonnes) 631 626 479 670 458 2,406 Sales ('000 tonnes) 298 456 330 394 122 1,478 Semi-hard coking coalLa) Sales ('000 tonnes) 196 485 567 380 449 1,628 Tarong Coal mine Thermal coal: Production ('000 tonnes) 1,314 1,422 1,254 1,695 1,451 5,685 Sales ('000 tonnes) 1,242 1,273 1,404 1,503 1,635 5,422 Total Pacific Coal Total coal production ('000 tonnes) 5,258 5,042 5,453 5,831 5,405 21,585 (a) Semi-hard coking coal is a mixture of thermal coal and coking coal. The product mix is customer dependent. Higher Blair Athol sales for the first quarter of 2003 compared with the fourth quarter of 2002 were the result of shipments rolling over from 2002 to 2003. Kestrel production for the first quarter of 2003 compared with the fourth quarter of 2002 was lower due to a longwall changeover and associated commissioning. Tarong sales were higher in the first quarter of 2003 compared with the fourth quarter of 2002 due to increased deliveries to the new Tarong North power station. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD Alumbrera Total production and sales at the Bajo de la Alumbrera mine (Rio Tinto 0% (a)) in Argentina. (100% basis) Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 7,145 7,676 8,033 8,704 7,053 31,558 Average ore grades: Copper (%) 0.76 0.75 0.62 0.69 0.54 0.70 Gold (g/t) 1.11 1.02 0.78 0.85 0.69 0.93 Concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 183.4 187.4 168.0 204.7 130.9 743.5 Copper in concentrates: Production ('000 tonnes) 51.0 51.2 45.9 55.6 34.9 203.7 Sales ('000 tonnes) 50.9 49.0 41.1 53.0 37.0 194.0 Production of gold in concentrates ('000 ounces) 188 183 148 176 108 694 Production of gold in dore ('000 ounces) 15 15 13 17 16 60 Total gold sales ('000 ounces) 202 191 148 187 132 729 (a) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 25% holding in Minera Alumbrera on 17 March 2003. Escondida Total production at the Escondida mine (Rio Tinto 30%) in Chile. (100% basis) Sulphide ore treated ('000 tonnes) 10,452 11,312 10,141 14,631 16,744 46,536 Average copper grade (%) 1.53 1.74 1.45 1.59 1.49 1.58 Mill production (metals in concentrates): Contained copper ('000 tonnes) 134.9 170.3 125.6 191.8 213.5 622.6 Contained gold ('000 ounces) 27 41 23 35 37 126 Contained silver ('000 ounces) 698 813 606 864 1,050 2,981 Oxide ore treated ('000 tonnes) 3,054 3,240 3,316 3,164 3,408 12,774 Average copper grade (%) 0.91 1.02 1.03 1.18 1.10 1.04 Contained copper in leachate/mined material ('000 28 33 34 37 37 132 tonnes) Refined production: Oxide plant production ('000 tonnes) 36.8 37.5 31.1 33.3 35.5 138.7 Escondida mill production for the first quarter of 2003 reflected the start of the new Laguna Seca concentrator in the fourth quarter of 2002. Lower ore grades during the quarter were in line with the previously announced plan to constrain copper production at Escondida. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Total production and sales at Grasberg (Rio Tinto 14.9% (a)) in Papua, Indonesia, and Atlantic Copper (Rio Tinto 16.5%) in Spain. (100% basis) Grasberg mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 21,979 21,806 20,220 21,996 21,438 86,001 Average mill head grades: Copper (%) 0.90 1.14 1.31 1.23 1.15 1.14 Gold (g/t) 0.73 0.98 1.85 1.44 1.26 1.24 Silver (g/t) 2.76 3.63 4.01 4.05 3.88 3.60 Production of metals in concentrates: Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 167.9 215.1 239.8 241.6 216.5 864.4 Gold in concentrates ('000 ounces) 432 599 1,086 913 760 3,030 Silver in concentrates ('000 ounces) 1,120 1,532 1,822 1,928 1,692 6,402 Sales of payable metals in concentrates: (b) Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 161.7 194.2 242.6 234.6 210.7 833.2 Gold in concentrates ('000 ounces) 420 516 1,096 902 742 2,934 Silver in concentrates ('000 ounces) 863 1,090 1,476 1,487 1,315 4,916 (a) See note (g) on page 6 for details of Rio Tinto's 14.9% interest in Grasberg and 40% interest in the expansion. (b) Net of smelter deductions. In the first quarter of 2003, copper and gold production and sales declined compared with the fourth quarter of 2002 because of lower average mill head grades. However, when compared with the first quarter of 2002, copper and gold production and sales for the first quarter of 2003 were much improved because of higher average mill head grades. Atlantic Copper smelter Concentrates and scrap smelted ('000 tonnes) 258.3 242.5 258.2 257.7 242.10 1,016.7 Copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) (c) 77.2 69.0 74.6 77.2 72.40 298.0 Copper cathodes produced ('000 tonnes) 61.8 63.6 61.5 63.5 61.20 250.5 Copper cathode sales ('000 tonnes) (d) 61.6 63.7 62.2 65.0 62.90 252.4 (c) New metal excluding recycled material. (d) Refers to copper cathode and wire rod sales. Kelian Equatorial Mining Total production and sales at the Kelian gold mine (Rio Tinto 90%) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. (100% basis) Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 1,716 1,857 1,787 1,953 1,844 7,313 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 2.62 2.71 3.83 2.66 3.71 2.95 Silver (g/t) 4.92 5.09 5.92 4.55 5.83 5.11 Production: Gold ('000 ounces) 114 128 176 121 184 539 Silver ('000 ounces) 88 89 96 75 112 348 Sales: Gold ('000 ounces) 109 125 154 154 150 542 Silver ('000 ounces) - 256 129 115 154 500 Ore treated during the first quarter of 2003 was marginally below the previous quarter due to processing of higher grade but harder ex-pit ore which slowed throughput. The higher grade ore resulted in increased gold production. Silver sales were above previous quarters due to the sale of accumulated stock. Mining will cease in 2003 but processing will continue into 2004. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Kennecott Minerals Company Total production at the mines of Kennecott Minerals Company in the US; Cortez/ Pipeline (Rio Tinto 40%) in Nevada; Greens Creek (Rio Tinto 70%) in Alaska and Rawhide (Rio Tinto 51%) in Nevada. (100% basis) Cortez/Pipeline mine Ore treated Milled ('000 tonnes) 825 837 873 868 919 3,403 Leached ('000 tonnes) 3,804 2,339 1,770 2,924 2,538 10,837 Sold for roasting ('000 tonnes) 102 96 13 82 140 293 Average ore grade: gold Milled (g/t) 8.29 8.19 7.17 6.14 8.92 7.43 Leached (g/t) 1.10 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.09 1.03 Sold for roasting (g/t) 8.50 8.77 7.96 8.66 7.83 8.61 Gold produced ('000 ounces) 278 296 252 256 317 1,082 Production in the first quarter increased as mill throughput and grade increased during the first quarter of 2003. Greens Creek mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 160 167 168 170 171 665 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 6.51 7.57 6.93 6.81 6.31 6.96 Silver (g/t) 722 688 701 595 604 676 Zinc (%) 12.5 13.3 11.8 12.4 12.9 12.5 Lead (%) 4.7 5.3 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.7 Metals produced in concentrates: Gold ('000 ounces) 24 29 25 25 23 103 Silver ('000 ounces) 2,789 2,887 2,782 2,454 2,491 10,912 Zinc ('000 tonnes) 16.2 17.6 15.8 16.9 17.3 66.5 Lead ('000 tonnes) 5.3 6.6 5.0 5.4 5.3 22.3 Silver grades which were 16% below the first quarter of 2002 reflect mine sequencing. Rawhide mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 1,407 1,313 1,330 1,335 1,230 5,385 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 1.03 1.11 1.01 0.69 0.51 0.96 Silver (g/t) 14.2 14.8 14.4 13.3 9.4 14.2 Metals produced in dore: Gold ('000 ounces) 23 22 18 19 14 82 Silver ('000 ounces) 193 212 149 134 127 688 Mining operations ceased in October 2002. Processing of stockpiled ores will be completed in May 2003, but gold will continue to be recovered from the leach pads. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Kennecott Utah Copper Total production at Barneys Canyon, Bingham Canyon, and the Kennecott smelter and refinery (all Rio Tinto 100%) in Utah, US. Barneys Canyon mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 102 - - - - 102 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 1.17 - - - - 1.17 Gold produced in dore and concentrates ('000 ounces) 27 22 16 10 9 75 Gold production in the first quarter of 2003 was lower than in the first quarter of 2002 because mining operations ceased in the first quarter of 2002. Gold continues to be recovered from leach pads. Bingham Canyon mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 9,999 9,840 10,256 10,625 10,929 40,720 Average ore grade: Copper (%) 0.69 0.70 0.67 0.71 0.68 0.69 Gold (g/t) 0.57 0.41 0.43 0.36 0.28 0.44 Silver (g/t) 3.93 3.50 3.22 3.02 2.99 3.42 Molybdenum (%) 0.039 0.034 0.037 0.026 0.022 0.034 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 219 251 243 279 282 992 Average concentrate grade (% Cu) 28.5 25.5 26.5 24.6 22.9 26.2 Production of metals in copper concentrates: Copper ('000 tonnes) (a) 62.5 64.3 64.4 69.0 64.8 260.2 Gold ('000 ounces) 125 95 103 89 67 412 Silver ('000 ounces) 1,032 924 866 841 762 3,663 Molybdenum concentrates produced ('000 tonnes): 3.0 2.5 3.1 2.6 2.2 11.2 Molybdenum in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 1.7 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.2 6.1 Kennecott smelter & refinery Copper concentrates smelted ('000 tonnes) 258 279 259 300 231 1,096 Copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) (b) 76.7 74.6 63.4 79.0 53.7 293.7 Production of refined metal: Copper ('000 tonnes) 74.9 76.1 68.1 74.6 67.4 293.7 Gold ('000 ounces) (c) 127 133 123 105 96 488 Silver ('000 ounces) (c) 790 1,104 1,178 965 975 4,037 (a) Includes a small amount of copper in precipitates. (b) New metal excluding recycled material. (c) Includes gold and silver in intermediate products. As previously announced, by-product grades at Bingham Canyon will be significantly lower in 2003. The decrease in by-product grades that started in the fourth quarter of 2002 continued in this quarter. Copper concentrates smelted in the first quarter of 2003 were lower than in the fourth quarter of 2002 because of lower copper to sulphur ratios in the concentrates and a failure in the final absorption tower of the acid plant on 19 March, which resulted in a smelter shutdown. The smelter recommenced operating in the second week of April. Lihir Gold Total production at the Lihir mine (Rio Tinto 16.3%) in Papua New Guinea. (100% basis) Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 905 968 891 1,063 933 3,828 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 5.50 5.64 5.25 5.44 4.92 5.46 Gold produced ('000 ounces) (a) 148 154 138 168 131 607 (a) Gold production represents quantity of gold poured. Ore treated and gold production reflect the total plant shutdown for 10 days in February for maintenance of the crusher, oxygen plant and thickener. Lower grade than in previous quarters further affected gold production. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Northparkes Joint Venture Total production and sales at the Northparkes mine (Rio Tinto 80%) in New South Wales, Australia. (100% basis) Sulphide ore treated ('000 tonnes) 1,397 1,399 1,237 1,331 1,306 5,364 Average ore grades: Copper (%) 1.00 0.91 0.81 0.69 0.67 0.86 Gold (g/t) 0.34 0.34 0.41 0.31 0.31 0.35 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 30.2 29.9 23.0 20.1 20.1 103.2 Contained copper in concentrates: Saleable production ('000 tonnes) 11.9 10.5 8.4 7.6 7.1 38.4 Sales ('000 tonnes) (a) 10.4 8.9 5.9 4.7 8.0 29.9 Contained gold in concentrates: Saleable production ('000 ounces) 11.3 10.1 11.0 8.4 9.5 40.8 Sales ('000 ounces) (a) 10.4 7.7 6.6 6.0 13.4 30.7 (a) Rio Tinto's 80% share of material from the Joint Venture. Copper production continues to decline, reflecting lower realised head grades from the near exhausted E26 Lift 1 orebody. This trend will continue until E26 Lift 2 commences production in 2004 and reaches its full potential in 2005. Gold production in the first quarter of 2003 was up compared with the fourth quarter of 2002 due to improved recoveries. Palabora Total production at Palabora (Rio Tinto 49.2%) in South Africa. (100% basis) Palabora mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 2,558 2,005 2,722 2,648 2,453 9,933 Average ore grade: copper (%) 0.77 0.66 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.63 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 55.8 35.9 40.5 35.7 35.3 167.9 Average concentrate grade: copper (%) 31.4 31.2 29.9 31.9 31.5 31.1 Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 17.5 11.2 12.1 11.4 11.1 52.2 Palabora smelter/refinery New concentrate smelted on site ('000 tonnes) 65.7 64.5 68.7 59.7 57.5 258.6 New copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) (a) 17.8 23.1 22.5 18.9 15.8 82.3 Refined new copper produced ('000 tonnes) 16.2 22.0 23.0 20.4 15.9 81.6 By-products: Magnetite concentrate ('000 tonnes) 51 49 31 40 44 172 Refined nickel sulphate (tonnes) 73 88 67 85 61 314 Vermiculite plant Vermiculite produced ('000 tonnes) 44.0 57.1 62.5 59.8 51.2 223.5 (a) Contained copper in anodes; anode production includes a small amount produced from purchased material. Concentrate production was restricted by the lack of ore from the underground mine which remains constrained by the inability to clear efficiently drawpoints that have been blocked with poorly fragmented, large rocks. The shortfall in concentrate was partially supplemented by the processing of smelter secondaries, low grade concentrate stocks and imported concentrate. Refined copper production was in line with the lower smelter throughput. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Peak Gold Mine Total production and sales from the Peak Gold Mine (Rio Tinto 0% (a)) in New South Wales, Australia. Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 157 151 159 144 144 610 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 5.81 4.74 6.33 5.13 5.23 5.52 Silver (g/t) 3.16 3.16 2.79 3.09 3.16 3.05 Copper (%) 0.44 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.13 0.29 Lead (%) 0.29 0.21 0.22 0.15 0.11 0.22 Zinc (%) 0.42 0.19 0.35 0.13 0.00 0.28 Bullion produced ('000 ounces) 27 23 32 23 23 105 Containing: Gold ('000 ounces) 25 18 29 20 20 92 Silver ('000 ounces) 2 3 5 3 3 12 Gold recovered in concentrates ('000 ounces) 2 2 1 0 - 5 Total gold production ('000 ounces) 27 20 30 20 20 97 Bullion sales (fine gold) ('000 ounces) 27 18 26 22 20 93 Copper in concentrate ('000 tonnes): Production 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 - 0.4 Sales - - 0.8 0.2 - 1.0 (a) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its wholly owned Peak Gold Mine on 17 March 2003. Rio Tinto Brasil Limitada Total production at Morro do Ouro (Rio Tinto 51%) in Minas Gerais, Brazil. (100% basis) Morro do Ouro mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 4,692 4,722 4,406 4,544 4,530 18,364 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 0.48 0.49 0.55 0.48 0.44 0.50 Refined gold produced ('000 ounces) 55 59 59 52 49 225 Gold production was below the 2002 average due to mining in a lower grade area of the pit. Rio Tinto Zimbabwe Total production at Rio Tinto Zimbabwe's gold operations (Rio Tinto 56%) in Zimbabwe. (100% basis) Patchway mine (a) Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 23 21 24 15 19 84 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 4.41 3.47 2.53 2.01 2.17 3.19 Total gold produced ('000 ounces) 3 2 2 1 1 7 Renco mine Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 61 65 63 65 49 253 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 5.03 4.68 3.95 3.46 3.80 4.27 Total gold produced ('000 ounces) 8 9 7 7 5 31 Total Rio Tinto Zimbabwe Total gold produced ('000 ounces) 11 11 9 8 6 38 (a) Includes low grade material. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Somincor Total production at Neves Corvo (Rio Tinto 49%) in Portugal. (100% basis) Neves Corvo mine Total ore treated ('000 tonnes) (a) 453 475 406 423 425 1,756 of which, treated to extract tin ('000 tonnes) 8 7 - 2 - 16 Average ore grades: Copper (%) 4.85 5.26 4.87 5.23 6.00 5.06 Tin (%) 4.52 2.09 - 2.87 - 3.31 Copper production: Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 74.6 90.8 72.3 81.7 93.8 319.4 Copper concentrate grade: copper (%) 24.8 24.3 23.9 23.7 23.9 24.2 Copper in concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 18.5 22.1 17.3 19.4 22.4 77.2 Tin production: Tin concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 0.4 0.1 - 0.0 - 0.6 Tin concentrate grade: tin (%) 62.2 60.5 - 72.9 - 62.4 Tin in concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 0.3 0.1 - 0.0 - 0.3 (a) Total ore treated for both copper and tin production. No tin ores were treated during the first quarter of 2003. Tin production is forecast to resume in the second quarter. DIAMONDS Argyle Diamonds Total production from mining operations at Argyle Diamonds (Rio Tinto 100% (a)) in Western Australia. (100% basis) Ore processed ('000 tonnes): AK1 ore 2,501 2,519 2,558 2,525 2,509 10,103 Alluvial ore 882 780 851 348 - 2,862 Total ore processed 3,383 3,299 3,409 2,873 2,509 12,965 Diamonds produced ('000 carats): AK1 5,878 8,241 8,599 9,482 6,909 32,200 Alluvial 277 174 414 455 - 1,319 Total produced 6,155 8,415 9,013 9,936 6,909 33,519 (a) Rio Tinto's interest in the Argyle Diamond mine increased from 99.8% to 100% on 29 April 2002, following the purchase of the outstanding units in the Western Australian Diamond Trust. Ore processed from the AK1 pit was in line with previous quarters, while carats produced reflected lower ore grade from the northern areas of the pit, in accordance with mining schedules. Production from the alluvial mining areas ceased in the fourth quarter of 2002. Diavik Diamonds Total production from mining operations at Diavik Diamonds (Rio Tinto 60%) in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Ore processed ('000 tonnes) - - - - 202 - Diamonds recovered ('000 carats) - - - - 411 - Diavik commenced mining and processing ore on a commissioning basis in December 2002. Ore processed during the first quarter of 2003 represented approximately 40% of design capacity. The diamonds recovered for the first quarter reflect the lower grades encountered in the contact zone at the top of the kimberlite ore body where it interfaces with the lake bottom overburden. It is expected that the ore grades will continue to be influenced by this contact zone for several more months before mining moves deeper into the more competent kimberlite ore. Merlin Total production from the Merlin mine (Rio Tinto 100%) in the Northern Territory, Australia. Ore processed ('000 tonnes) 191 195 184 217 204 787 Diamonds recovered ('000 carats) 34 22 33 28 - 117 Ore processed was in line with previous quarters. There was no diamond recovery from concentrates due to the curtailment of sorting activities at the Belmont, Perth facility. Stockpiled Merlin concentrates and concentrates produced until mine closure in June 2003 will be processed at Argyle. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 IRON ORE Hamersley Iron Total production and shipments for all the mines operated by Hamersley Iron (Rio Tinto 100%). These mines are Paraburdoo, Mount Tom Price, Marandoo, Yandicoogina, Brockman (all Rio Tinto 100%) and Channar (Rio Tinto 60%); all in Western Australia. (100% basis) Saleable iron ore produced ('000 tonnes): Paraburdoo, Mount Tom Price, Marandoo, Yandicoogina and Brockman 14,653 14,078 15,711 13,121 13,616 57,563 Channar 2,528 2,409 2,423 3,233 2,832 10,594 Total production 17,181 16,487 18,134 16,354 16,448 68,157 Total shipments ('000 tonnes) 13,179 16,984 19,284 19,029 17,762 68,475 Production in the first quarter of 2003 was 16.4 million tonnes, 4% lower than the record first quarter experienced in 2002, due mainly to adverse weather conditions. First quarter shipments were up 35% to a record 17.8 million tonnes (16% above the previous first quarter record of 15.3 million tonnes set in 2001). Robust demand was experienced for all products, with a very strong increase in lump shipments reflecting strong conditions in the iron and steel industry. Iron Ore Company of Canada Total production and shipments from the Carol Lake operations (Rio Tinto 58.7% (a)) in Newfoundland & Labrador and Quebec in Canada. (100% basis) Carol Lake operations Saleable production: Concentrates ('000 tonnes) 589 1,568 532 494 272 3,183 Pellets ('000 tonnes) 2,647 2,334 1,778 2,816 2,820 9,575 Shipments: Concentrate ('000 tonnes) 704 869 973 605 290 3,151 Pellets ('000 tonnes) 1,370 3,094 3,612 3,461 1,963 11,537 (a) Rio Tinto increased its shareholding in IOC from 56.1% to 58.7% on 20 December 2002. First quarter concentrate production was adversely affected by commissioning of the new control system on the automatic train operation and lower weight recovery. Pellet production was near record level in the quarter. First quarter 2003 pellet shipments were 43% above the equivalent quarter of 2002 due to stronger demand from all regions. Rio Tinto Brasil Total production at Corumba (Rio Tinto 100%) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Corumba mine Total iron ore production ('000 tonnes) (a) 104 201 282 271 221 858 (a) Production includes by-product fines. Production was double that of the corresponding quarter in 2002 and just above the quarterly average for the full 2002 year. This was despite the seasonal low river level early in the year which restricts shipping. Robe River Iron Associates Total production and shipments from Robe River Iron Associates operations (Rio Tinto 53%) in Western Australia. (100% basis) Pannawonica mine Saleable production ('000 tonnes) 8,206 6,275 8,186 8,639 8,055 31,306 Sales ('000 tonnes) 8,334 7,179 8,848 7,612 7,054 31,973 West Angelas mine Saleable production ('000 tonnes) 129 680 1,898 1,847 2,917 4,554 Sales ('000 tonnes) - 131 1,777 1,532 2,908 3,440 Shipments of Robe River iron ore from the Pannawonica mine were down 7% on the previous quarter and 15% down compared with the first quarter of 2002. Sales to Japanese customers were lower in the first quarter of 2003 as a result of timing issues relate to the Japanese fiscal year (April - March). Demand for West Angelas ore is very strong, with widespread market acceptance and positive feedback from customers regarding sinter plant and blast furnace performance. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 NICKEL Rio Tinto Brasil Total nickel in matte production at the Fortaleza (Rio Tinto 100%) in Brazil. Fortaleza mine Production (tonnes) 2,063 1,290 510 2,410 2,619 6,273 Nickel production in the first quarter of 2003 was 67% above the 2002 quarterly average as the plant had an uninterrupted three months production run with high grade ores. Rio Tinto Zimbabwe Toll refined metal production at the Empress Nickel (Rio Tinto 56%) in Zimbabwe. (100% basis) Empress Nickel refinery Production (tonnes) 1,683 1,489 1,761 1,479 1,078 6,412 SALT Dampier Salt Total production of salt from Dampier, Lake MacLeod and Port Hedland (Rio Tinto 64.9%) in Western Australia. (100% basis) Salt production ('000 tonnes) 1,699 1,671 1,883 1,933 1,493 7,186 Salt production in the first quarter of 2003 was lower than in 2002 mainly because of scheduled maintenance at Dampier that was timed to fit in with first quarter shipping requirements. TALC The Luzenac Group Total talc production from Luzenac Group operations in Australia (Rio Tinto 100%), Europe (Rio Tinto 99.9%), and North America (Rio Tinto 100%). (100% basis) Talc production ('000 tonnes) 323 347 341 318 358 1,328 TITANIUM DIOXIDE FEEDSTOCK Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Rio Tinto share of titanium dioxide feedstock production in Canada and South Africa. (Rio Tinto share) Titanium dioxide feedstock production ('000 tonnes) 328 318 309 319 290 1,274 Titanium dioxide feedstock production in the first quarter of 2003 was below the first quarter of 2002 as production was curtailed in line with market demand. OPERATIONAL DATA FULL 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 URANIUM Energy Resources of Australia Ltd Total uranium production at Ranger (Rio Tinto 68.4%) in the Northern Territory, Australia. (100% basis) Ranger mine Production (tonnes U3O8) 951 977 1,130 1,428 1,256 4,486 Rossing Uranium Ltd Total uranium production at the Rossing Uranium mine (Rio Tinto 68.58%) in Namibia. (100% basis) Production (tonnes U3O8) 743 675 846 488 20 2,751 The Rossing plant did not operate during the first quarter of 2003 while a new coarse tailings conveyor was installed. The plant has now restarted. During the first quarter, shipments and sales were made from stock as planned. ZINC Zinkgruvan Mining AB Total production at the Zinkgruvan mine (Rio Tinto 100%) in Sweden. Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 197 188 188 163 167 735 Average ore grades: Zinc (%) 6.2 6.1 8.0 8.6 9.5 7.2 Lead (%) 2.8 3.0 5.3 4.2 4.3 3.8 Silver (g/t) 71 69 119 104 99 90 Production of zinc concentrate ('000 tonnes) 20.0 18.9 24.6 23.3 26.3 86.8 Production of lead concentrate ('000 tonnes) 7.2 7.2 13.1 8.5 9.1 36.0 Production of metal in concentrates: Zinc ('000 tonnes) 11.1 10.4 13.6 12.9 14.7 48.0 Lead ('000 tonnes) 4.7 4.9 9.2 6.0 6.2 24.7 Silver ('000 ounces) 324 302 545 383 363 1,554 Zinc production in the first quarter of 2003 was higher than in all quarters of 2002, reflecting the higher zinc grade, but was constrained by problems handling oversized boulders and low availability of production drill rigs. EXPLORATION Expenditure Total pre-tax exploration expenditure charged to the profit and loss account for the quarter ending 31 March 2003 was US$28 million compared with US$24 million in the comparable quarter of 2002. Ongoing Programmes Country Commodity Programme Summary Peru Copper Exploration drilling continued at the Marcona copper project in Peru. USA Copper The current drilling programme was completed at the Resolution deep porphyry copper project in Arizona. Iran Gold Exploration and metallurgical test work continued at the Dashkasan gold project. Turkey Gold Drilling continued at the Copler gold project in Turkey. Africa Diamonds Drilling was completed on kimberlite targets in the south of Botswana. Drilling was completed at the Aredor project in Guinea to test a number of kimberlite targets. Canada Diamonds Exploration continued on kimberlite targets in Ontario, Nunavut and on Brodeur Peninsula. India Diamonds Exploration continued on granted reconnaissance permits in Andhra and Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh. Guinea Iron Ore Evaluation work continued at the Simandou haematite project. A Convention was signed with the Government of Guinea to cover conditions for future possible development of the deposit. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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